(2012/05) May 2012

i also did the swap few weeks ago.. can't rem which week it was and can't rem how much it costs liao.. nowadays, whenever i visit my gynae, i gotta do bb heartbeat test which costs me $50 per test

hi Yingzz

can add me to the facebook grp? [email protected]
thank u


I will be starting my ML tomolo and have my c-sec on 28/4/12. hope to gain some weight for bb. cos to date i gain around 6kg only thou i had been eating alot.


Mummies if u all like buffet at the The Line. u can make reservation at http://dine.slsrewards.com.sg/ and its cheaper. For eg now they having promo for lunch at $29++ instead of $49++. Will be going this Fri. hee hee.
hi newbie2012

then how was the result.. looks like only me kenna the positive test.. but also good for those who dint get it.. if not will keep thinking of how it was like. For me cos is 3rd one already so i afraid she will come out very fast and the antiobiotic not enough time to stay in our body as I read up at least 4hrs in our body..

First baby, then your gynae want to induce you? I also going to my gynae nx monday.. which hospital you are going.. yours is a boy or gal..
Moment, i will know the result this thur when i go for my check up... just did the swap last week.
I dont mind popping between 29-2 thou... dont feel prepared yet.. haha.. nervous..

Newbie- you going to deliver on the 23rd? having csect?

I'm also looking to have a hearty pig out buffet before pop! Thanks for sharing the promo @TheLine, however, i clicked the link and only shows credit card 10%/15% discount, never mention about $29++

Wonder whether we can eat seafood, crabs and mussels?
I get heartburn throughout the pregnancy. There r foods to avoid. Take small but frequent meals. Seeping position try to prop urself up w pillows, just avoid lying flat. Take gaviscon.
For me, my fav way is to put tiger balm on the chest area, between and under the breasts. I go as low as the rib cage n stomach but avoid whr bb is.
hi mommies! i got some questions before the arrival of our newborn baby...

we have the graco contour electra playpen. it comes with a free two-inch mattress. for newborns, is it okay to put a mattress on top of the bassinet? included also is a changing table. should we remove this when not in use?

will you sterilize your breast pump after every use? if not, some mommies just put it in an airtight container inside the fridge. after 2-3 uses, then they sterilize it. is it okay to just wash it after every use but sterilize it only after 2-3 uses?
moment: i pass the swap test.. i will deliver my bb girl at mt A.. going to see my gynae tomorrow and see what he says.. so far for the past 2 visits, he mentioned that he may induce me next week..

magL: nope, should be natural birth.. 23 April likely to induce (depends on whether there are any changes to this after my gynae visit tomorrow)...
When's ur EDD actually? How come need to induce? I'm Mt A too
Thanks chocolateteddy & rabbitz, will try that to relieve my heartburn problem...

Oh there is a meetup this Thursday afternoon? Where and what time will it be?
some mummies mention their gynea will induce. Is it bcos of health concerns or just that gynea doesnt want to wait till EDD and decide to induce when they think baby is full term ie past 37weeks.
Hi newbie and chocholateteddy

I will also at Mt A.. but my gynae din ask to induce me on 23 april only ask me to see him to check. so I was thinking whether to start my maternity leave or drag till he sees me first then decide since I wan to save on my leave.. but mon will be taking MC to see him.

Newbie what time you will be going in to induce?
u taking how many bedded?
chocolateteddy/moment: ok my story goes like this.. sorry was rushing work just now so my reply was pretty short.. i am working till end of this week so gotta clear some work before i go on maternity leave..

some mummies may have read my story in my previous posts.. anyway, my gynae said my bb is on the smaller side so advised me to take more blood tests to check what could possibly be restricting my bb growth.. based on 1 of the additional blood tests which i took, it shows that i was low in protein-S. My gynae then referred me to a blood specialist because of the low Protein-S. The blood specialist wants me to take daily injection (purpose of the injection is to prevent blood clot in placenta so that my bb can fully absorb all the necessary nutrients from me so that my bb can grow bigger). so i have been taking daily injections until recent saturday when i visited the blood specialist, then change to alternate days injection. According to my gynae, for my case (complicated pregnancy), he will normally want to deliver my bb 2 weeks before my EDD (i.e. ard 38 weeks), which is next week. i am actually 38 weeks this friday according to my gynae.. so on 23 April i will be 38weeks++.

aiya i also hope no need to induce if possible and let bb come out at her own timing.. but what to do? my gynae put my bb's safety first and wants to ensure that he delivers my bb while my bb is still healthy inside.. last week my bb weighed 2.45kg. Tomorrow i will be visiting my gynae to check bb's weight.. hopefully my bb will grow even bigger and hopefully my gynae will say no need to induce and wait for bb's timing.. see lor.. see what my gynae says tomorrow when i see him.. anyway, so far my bb has been growing so to me, i am not worried.. but have to listen to what my gynae says since he is the expert..
moment: timing is not confirmed yet.. my gynae just told me 23 April.. i dunno what's the actual plan yet.. i think he will tell me either tomorrow or when i see him again maybe this weekend.. i should be asking for single bed.. but natural birth cannot book in advance cos' subject to availability.. u?
Hi newbie

Should be ok bah.. think by then shd have 2.5kg.. mine is abt 2.8kg think will be ard there when I give birth..

Hmm.. although u can't book the bed but u can advise them that you want to take single bed.

For me, I will take 4 bedded.. same as my previous 2.. I thought of this time round take single bed to pamper myself since is my last birth and is a gal this time
but again I felt not worth it cos only 2 nights if naturally birth.. if touch wood stay longer then got to pay even more.. so just stick on to 4 bedded.

I called to check at first the business office told me if i can't get the bed, they upgrade me to 2 bedded I will need to pay accordingly.

But after that I emailed and asked and they said that they shd have available bed, if not then they will only charged me 4 bedded till there is another available bed.

Accordingly to my fren, that time she was in 2 bedded she mentioned that she felt alone and the service was not as good as 4 bedded so I also not sure...

The buffet is lunch. have lei. $29 lunch buffet deal. i made reservation last Thurs for this Fri.

Seafood shld be ok. as long as it is cook. hee hee i feel like eating oyster wor.
Newbie and MagL: my EDD is around your time too, 3rd May.

I hope i dont deliver next week yet, still got a lot of things not prepared. Will be seeing doc this Thur to have a better idea.

Starting Maternity Leave from Thursday, tmr is my last day at work
>> ynby80
btw i have added you in FB.. you need to accept my friend's request before i can add u to the grp.. details of the meetup can be found in FB.. it will be at 1.30pm at vivo marche ~
chocoteddy: how is the talk today? I am supposed to go but my hubby wanted to go for this dinner buffet at Marriott so we skipped the lecture..

I went to the gynae today at 37 weeks and gynae said bb already engaged but I was put on the ctg to monitor n capture the bb heartbeat becoz I lost weight both this week and the last.. heartbeat is ok so she only told me to monitor bb movement everyday..

the swab result is negative! quite happy to know that!

I could only find the thai small coconut just now at bugis, took one!

so good to know mummies are gng on ML, I wish I could too!
sardonyx: for breastpump, I sterilized before every use. Cos after in touch with milk it's pretty oily

Wow, a lot of people going to pop next week.. I guess me too, gynae is going to let me know which day... so sudden!

moment: I also MtA leh... last time in single, this time should be the same too, just hope got space
Oh no I had woke up at 3plus and could not sleep. Tummy like going to poo but can't. Wondering is it cramp or wanna poo. Finally now poo abit but tummy still pain. Just wondering if the real cramp comes I don really know how was it like.. Lol cos my gynae keep telling me only go to the hospital when there is cramp for every 5 mins interval..

Hi dolly,

Shd hv space for single bah. Think single is q ex. Don wan to spend so much for hospital.. ;) although tot of pamper myself..
Ooo... When r u due?
I oso not sure how it will feel like. I hvnt had bad cramps but had a wanna poo feeling last nite but can't oso. Just tried again but can't n dun wanna force too much. I have a fear I might force something else to happen. Hahaha!!!
Honestly I still hv no idea wat a contraction feels like. It just feels like bb moving only.
Moment, single not always have space. When I deliver in 2009, single was full. Asked to take deluxe single or double. End up got to take single deluxe n pay more. Now contemplating if single deluxe also no room whether to take super deluxe. Another 1k more for csect package.
Last night was doctor's talk. A tmc paediatrician and a Chinese sinseh (but young lady who speaks good English) oso from thomson.
Informative but not really necessary to attend I guess.
Hi Chocolateteddy

My edd is 2 May, but doc says maybe next week and ask me can start to take ML next week but I don't want cos wan to save my leave as my maid going back during Hari Raya and my ML by then will be over le.. but monday will be visiting my gynae again hopefully he can give me a date to admit or so..

Wow then will be more ex.. how much did you pay for your cash portion?
Seems like all of us are going to lugi alot of public holiday if we are taking 16 weeks continuously.

May there are 2 PHs already and in Aug there are also 2 unless we are back early. If not Aug total will be 3 days cos of the 19 Aug then following monday is a holiday...

Now I was thinking whether to split up my maternity leave haha..
hi chocolateteddy...

yours is Dr Ho? Nope mine is C.H Koh..
but last time Dr Ho was my fren Dr. I went to him b4.. he is very ex.. and I only saw him once.. end up I nv went back to him.

Long story.. end up i went back to my gynae...
When are you due? u see Dr Ho today?
Yup I'm w dr Ho. M at clinic now but just now overheard a nurse telling another patiant tt cos her bb on the small side so today hv to take a few blood test n telling hv wat he is paying for. So after awhile it occurred to me abt wat u mentioned so I thot maybe it's u since u mentioned u r from mt A. Hehe...
M due 10 may but hoping to see her earlier.
yingzz: pls add me to facebook, thanks
my email: [email protected]

Moment: u delivering at KKH also?
my doctor hv not tell me anything abt pre-admissions yet? when do we hv to do the pre-admissions?

i'm see doctor this fri (my 35th week). will checked.
Hi chocolateteddy

Oic... then I guess yours will not be so fast bah..

Dr Ho is ex right.. how much is his prenantal package and maternity package?
Hey mummies, can enlighten mi on my below problem?

Wan to seek advice on BF
As I insisted on TBF while my MIL keep suggesting to me to feed some FM , my MIL ask my HB wat happen when I went back to work, then baby is crying for milk and the EBM needs to warm up, does it mean she will leave the baby to cry until the milk is warm up? Eg. If it takes 10mins to warm up the milk, so is it juz let bb cry for 10 mins?
Hi Michi

For BF, you can be able to know roughly what time your bb wants to drink then you can bring out and thaw first..

As for my 2nd boy, he also v inpatient and very fierce.. the most u can give him some fm first.

by then when you back to work, i think BM might not be enough and you can mix with FM.. As for my 1st boy I strictly give BM for the first 2 weeks. But later on I try to mix for him end up once he tried on the FM, he totally rejected my FM.. so my advice is to mix for them.

Like my 2nd boy I try to mix and he is ok.. In hospital you can also request the nurse to give FM during the night if you got not enough BM.. For the first few days will only have the colostrum and not much of BM.

Hopes it help...
Moment: I got GBS +ve too... I asked my gynae about it. He says everyone has it in their body.. just that for us, it moves down to the vagina.. in the past, ppl also do the test but don't treat even if its +ve, but now, due to don't know what reason, it does affect the baby hence, doctors begin to treat the problem... for my gynae, he is more of the "play safe" side, hence he gave me antibiotics for 5 days before the delivery which i will also be on antibiotics drip too... all in all, no prevention, coz everyone has it... he mention even the nun has it... -_-

Candymix: how was ur checkup with Dr Tham today?
thanks dolly

mommies, what diaper brand do you plan to use for newborns? i'm thinking that if i were to use e.g. mamy poko, huggies, then quite expensive considering that baby changes nappies more than 10x a day.
mermaider: I am from TPS at KKH and has made my booking when i was about 32 weeks. Its either you can book the pre-admission package at TPS or at the Admission Centre too.
Moment: If hubby were to stay in then can only take single. hehe, company can claim quite a lot, so consider ok.
Michelle, I also delivered in 2009 last time, no single room and got to go for single deluxe instead, now I see the deluxe and single difference is only $90 anyway. But I dun really like the carpet floor.

Michi (libragem) : My boy was TBF for 6 months, but I let nanny take care after 3rd month. like what Moment said,after a while, the person who take care should roughly know when baby will need to be fed

But anyway, when I'm around, I always do direct latch, so very on demand one.. haha, in fact, I like to feed in the car if baby hungry, cos can save time and dun need to find nursing room.
dolly: the prob is after my ML, i cant be staying at hm to do direct latching liao. So my MIL is challenging mi wat happen if bb cry for milk and she needs time to warm up my EBM... is it she juz let bb cry until milk is ready.
Newborn diapers -

I just bought Kao merries. It's very soft but not cheap. After discount at $0.32 each.
Will used up those free diapers given at the hospital first.

I hope my frens will give me diapers as gift instead of clothes. Haha
>> Mermaider
same as zp1503, i also made my booking at 32 weeks.. TPS refered me to Admission Center for booking.. btw u need to accept my friend request before i can add u to the FB group~

>> Moment
wont be splitting maternity leave as i feel that once i go back to work.. its quite hard to take one full stretch of leave already.. i prefer to have uninterrupted leave.. my edd is mid may so likely wont waste the May leave.. but Aug one i think no choice la..

>> sardonyx
i bought huggies.. going to mix with nappies.. if you use nappies then will be cheaper but more troublesome cos need to wash.. can also start to toilet train BB from young according to my mum so dont have to use that many diapers~
Michi: I mean ur MIL can roughly gauge by how many feed a day and how long between each feed after some time, so she can warm it up first. unless she is unwilling to do it in the first place. Then maybe can try asking your hubby to talk to her?
I found that even my mum is not that pro breastfeeding, and they will give discouraging words like baby hungry, not enough milk ...etc
So got to be strong in your stand
