(2012/05) May 2012


r u working? how do we store our breastmilk in office? dis is the 1st time i'm working n having a newborn...


i'm feeling so tired today, yesterday woke up couple of times to pee, whenever my bb is moving or turning i have e urge to pee and when i go to e toilet, only very little urine... woke up soooo many times last night :'(

hi jul,

i just prepared a mattress for the massage, as for oil, she brought along the massage oil
Instead of using milk bags, can we use a sealed container and microwave e milk then transfer to bottle for feeding? (since some comment the bags tend to leak. After use, sterilise the container and reuse. Does this work?
Prenatal Massage

Aiyah!!!! tried to get Jenny for prenatal massage but she's out of town till next wekend coz her FIL passed away

Anyone else got recommendations?

Thanks for the feedback on ML

You can get a fridge-to-go. They can last ard 12h. or store in office fridge & only transefr to insulated bag with those ice pack when gog home. Some people prefer to pump straight into the bottle, then they can feed straight from the bottle after attaching the teat. Some will just store into big bottles, then go home & divide up.

I'm also starting to wake up once to pee int he night again. Argh! Starting so soon, what will happen in 3rd tri???


Not recommended to microwave BM. You'll destroy many of the properties with high heat. Even when warming up BM, try to use warmer & keep the temp at 40degC. I do not suggest to use hot water. yes, it's much faster. But similarly, you're gonna destroy the best things abt BM, plus there's danger of scalding your baby if the milk is too hot.

You can just store in bottles if you don't wish to use milkbags.
Mummy_baby, good that you have enjoyed ur massage!

Jul, serious? Oh dear....FIL passed away before CNY....will have to wait till she is back or I will probably try the Compassvale one...
Hello Mummies,

I just like to share with you that Cordlife is now offering those who sign up (up till 12 Feb 2012) a $100 shopping voucher when you put my name as a friend who has referred you to Cordlife. (I will also receive a voucher from Cordlife, so its a win-win partnership;-)

You may PM me for my I/C and full name to be included when you fill up your registration.

Thank you

yeah lor. This am I justs sm-ed her for appt for Sunday, then she msg-ed back & said cannot.

But compassvale massage prob won't do in CNY leh. And I want a massage NOW
I need a massage now too but i doubt anyone can make it during CNY period. Consolation is tomorrow am going for facial....hehe...
Yes I am a FTWM. I bought a mini cooler fridge to chill the milk while in office. To and fro in the Medela Bag with the ice packs.

DO NOT microwave milk. It is not even heating and there will be pockets of high heat that can burn baby. The high heat and microwaves also kills all the enzymes in the milk. Breast Milk should only be warmed to room temperature. You can use milk bottles (hence reusable) to store and wash and sterilise the bottles.
Hey mummies I think got cheaper milk bags n trays other than mum's fairy, will post the links later!


Btw those giving birth in tmc, will there be LC coming by the ward? Don't want to end up like a gf of mine who had to pay extra $90 for a consultation on bf after she discharge leh..
My pantry have a fridge. Usually I put my whole fridge to go in the fridge n the milk bottles inside. Cos i Find that the fridge to go dun really last 12 hrs. The longer u have used it, the faster it becomes not cold :x
Jul: there's some massage places in forum shopping ctr that I saw before.. U can try to call them but they dun do house visits.. Else ask the hubby lor... :p I'm also waiting after cny for a massage...
*wave back at piggy*.. ya. busy. trying to clear my one year of work in like the remaining 2.5 mths..

last time i felt i had nothing to do.. and was bored.. now i feel.. i have no time to be bored.. and can't finish before go ML :S

i would try that then.. but perhaps when the bb is like older.. coz still young.. would prefer sterlise the funnels before bb turns 4mths

personal fit seemed very hard.. no?

yes, the LC will go round the wards to help you. But office hrs lah. They won't be there at midnight heehee


I prefer to thaw the milk in the fridge overnight, then warm the liquid BM in the warmer. Maybe bcoz I use milkbags, so I'm not comfortable with putting them in the warmer.

I also dun like glass bottles. Like what Fifi says, & also u may not notice the small hairline cracks in them. TMC stopped giving glass bottles coz they ever had case where the baby came vomitting blood coz glass chips/shards went into the milk.


I also faithfully sterilsie before every use till my baby turned 6 mths. Then most of the time, I sterilised till he was 10 mths, then I stopped.


Oh yeah I've seen before one which was featured at the Stemcord seminar. I een have a $39 trial massage voucher. Forgot abt it. But Forum is v far, dun think I can get an appt at such notice also *hiaz*
Jul: does those commercial milk warmer eg Philips Avnet able to set e temp ie to ideal 40deg? Can tell me how is the defrost procedure? If store in milk bag, let it thaw then transfer to bottle to warm or can put e bag into the warmer then pour into bottle for feeding? First time mum and is totally clueless :z
I think cannot put milk bag into warmer. Must thaw the bag in fridge into cool liquid bm then pour into bottle n then warm.

Y must use warmer? Cannot use hot water??
Hi jul04, can I know how much is the rate for TCM confinement lady? How much deposit do you have to pay to book an appointment? Thanks
RaBbitz, candymix

Din use avent. I use pigeon instead. Can turn the knob to 40degc, 70 n 100. So for bm i just leave at 40. I have 2 - at home n at mil's.

Better not put the milkbag into the warmer. I usu put the frozen milkbag into a bowl of water n leave the whole thing in the fridge. It'll be thawed in a few hrs. Then trabsfer to bottle n warm in the warmer.

Oh one tip abt warmer. Dun get the combi warmer n steriliser. It's useless! Imagine u sterilise bkttles then gotta wait for it to cool. Transfer bots out. Then use warmer. Basically cannot sterilise n warm together. N a lot of transferring. It's just a gimmick!

Candymix - hot water will destroy all the live enzymes n other stuff in bm.

It's darned ex! Something like $3.2k n got one off day. If got pub hol gotta pay extra. N they dun do chores. But they're either sporean or pr. N they're trained in the 'modern' way - not some unhygienic scary lady in their 60s. N they're more or less indoctrinated that BF is gd. Know how to cook papaya fish soup etc. N just gotta remind them how to clean n sterilise pump sets. They're trained but cud have forgotten or not used our brand before.

Think gotta pay in full if u're happy after u interview her. If u wanna cut short, pay daily rate to tmc.
For mums who have used the milk trays, what kind of freezer safe zip lock bags do you use? Could you provide me with a specific brand/place to get the zip lock bags, and are they going to be reusable?

Anyone going to deliver in KKH can advise if they will give us free bottles (will they be plastic?) for our BM storage?
Just wondering, any first time mums going to place their kid in infant care? If so, how much ML u all intend to first consume? I hope to consume 3-3.5 months then save the rest for rainy day..
June: another reason dun use glass bottled store bm is physics.. Micro cracks might appear on freezing and thawing.. V dangerous .
Momo baby> for my #1 I consumed Abt 2.5mth maternity leave, cleared 6days ccl n clear 14days annual leave. Will advise u to keep more maternity leave. Cos when baby goes to infant care. U'll be surprise at how often they fall sick. N how fast it drains ur leave. For #2, I'll be clearing Abt 2.5mth leave also
if cannot use hot water, then isnt it a hassle to bring warmer out if wanna go out but not anybody's home? oh my god.

maybe instead can bring hot water out then mix with some cold water to get warm water then warm up ebm?

anyway here are the links:

cheaper than mum's fairy milk trays: http://www.breastfeeding.org.sg/nursing-products-pricing.html

alternative to leng leng's us imported medela:

another medela us import set and lansinoh milk bags:
Candymix: thanks for sharing the Madela spree. Will u be getting yrs fm e spree or u want to wait for taka fair?

Mummies who used Medela before, are their pumps durable ie not require servicing during the first year?
Hello mummies to be! Happy Lunar New Year!

Saw in the papers so many malls like John Little having discounts for post CNY. Wondering if shld buy my baby stuff from these sales or wait for baby fair or taka sale. Anyone has any idea?
Hi mummies, happy new year! How's everyone? My ger has been very excited about the new year and all the goodies ;)

anyway, I want to let go off my brand Philip avent breast pump as my Hubby incorrectly bought the wrong model that I don't want. So I would like to sell it off. It's brand new, and going at $450 (same price as I've gotten from the seller), direct import from US thus no warranty. Interested, please pm me, thanks!
Hello rabbit, think I will get from us import spree but waiting for final pricing from leng leng to decide who is cheaper..plus leng leng got quite gd reputation..

Cos so far The cheapest medela I saw was $699..with us import spree, it's about $450-480, so that still a gd $200 off..that's for freestyle but for Pisa I think the diff should be smaller..

Feeling rather tired from all the visiting now..hearing so much stuff abt parenting, bb care, pregnancy n labour advice from well meaning relatives (I'm first time mum) so it's kind of getting on my nerves..
Rabbitz, im prob getting the us import spree cos been the cheapest local set I saw was $699 so that's a good $200 off at least for us set..if u r choosing pisa, the difference is prob smaller n might be more worth getting local set..

Anyway how have all your CNY visiting been? I find it quite tiring n all the bb care, pregnancy, labour n confinement advice from well meaning relatives is getting on my nerves..am glad it's over today..n I can get some rest..
candymix, do you know how regular does Leng Leng organize Medela spree? I am thinking of checking out at Taka fair for any deals then if not, order from her. By then its about 2months before EDD, are we still in time?
Hello happy new year everyone, my back is breaking n joints are aching..

I told leng leng to inform me but till now no news..yes should buy locally if by taka time there is no spree (or u join the other sprees) cos it takes a gd 1-2 months for us goods to arrive..if you are early may due it might be too late to wait till apr for it to arrive..think we are usually 1-2 wks earlier than edd..unless you hear advice to get it after birth lar then ok..

Taka might not be as cheap as 699, I dunno but maybe can get from baby kingdom in kaki bukit n even kiddy palace now
Happy Chinese New Year MTBs..
I am new to this forum room. Hope not too late to join.

My Due date is Jun2 but becasue of my previous medical history of gestational diabetes, baby should need to be out by May..

Hope My gynae do not give me warnignf ro eating too much ba gua this friday after 2nd detail scan..

I will have 2 sons and my MIL wants girl.. Is like that one.. they always want everything.. As if we can choose.lol
Hectic lor haha

Tiring having to visit. Plus gotta get ready my son's food, get him ready, get myself ready.. luckily no one comes to my hse so I didn't do any spring cleaning haha
The spree from megababy store is $480, perhaps same price as Leng Leng's (since she mention Jan12 will hv price increase from $450). It comes with one FOC gift of our choice.
Rabbitz, lengLeng just told me she is negotiating lower price for freestyle, now at usd 319..not sure if it's gg to be sgd 450 after all that shipping and haggling..

Will update here again once I hear any news
sigh my MIL just told me last night that she cant be my confinement lady.. haiz.. so last min, where to find help during my confinement...

Hi mummies,

I've got two swaddle wraps for sale. Baby refused to be swaddled after Day 6.

Brand new (washed once to prep for baby's arrival)
Size: Small/Medium (3.2kg - 6.4kg)
Price: S$22 (Orignal price: S$29.50)




Almost new - used once only
Size: Small/Medium (3.2kg - 6.4kg)
Price: S$18 (Orignal price: S$29.50)




Collection: Raffles Place or AMK on weekdayys. I can drop it off at your place on weekends if I'm in your area.

Email me @ [email protected] if interested.
