(2012/05) May 2012

So good some of the mummies here already feeling fetal movements? for me, still cannot feel anything yet! maybe my baby is lazy like me...just contented to snooze whole day.
Prenatal class: I have signed up for Wong BB's class starting Jan 28.

BB movement: I can feel something popping/bubbles few times a day

BB stuffs: Shall wait for next Taka sales in Feb/Mar

Detailed scan: Schedule on 22 Dec. To know the gender b4 Xmas
probably can get some clothes during post xmas hehe
Tan, perhaps you should rest more since you still having spotting? Plan for holiday when you get the green light from yr gynae. Take care
Mummies who are sick, take care n get well soon!!

Tan, do take care n imptly keep yr spirits up. Stay positive. Every day tt bb is safe is one day of victory for u. Don't put any pressure on yrself too... no one wants this to happen, least of all the mother herself. Prayerfully this will pass soon n b4 u know it, u will be looking forward to holding yr treasured little one in yr arms!!
Hello mommies.. i only got home an hr ago. worked till 8pm today.. so tired now.

Esther, great! i will catch u there then.. likely to go there earlier too but the wait there quite long.
haha i think my #1 had a lot of help with his artwork lah.. its only because he has no sch now that's why i made him go for classes.. else with my inlaws the whole day damn unhealthy lor.. Now that i m moving house, i m trying to look for a nursery place for my son but they dun take early booking leh.. sigh..

Ayana, for big items like strollers and cots, if u see a model u like, shop around for cheaper deals.. once u see an unbeatable price, then buy! for small items like steriliser, bottles and teats, i rather wait for Taka fair.. shd be late feb/ early march.. their bundle deals really worth it.. $179 can get u steriliser, newborn bottle set and food warmer. clothes leh, buy as and when u want lor.. hehe.. for breast pump if u are ordering online then suggest u check with spree organiser.. they would be the best to talk to u.. some pumps needs special parts that would only suit your boobs.. so if u get early u can get the correct sized funnels in S'pore.

Tan, i spotted for both my pregnancies.. cheer up.. i find the more relax u are, the better things progress.

Vanilla, my baby kicks non stop.. and see my tummy moving along now..
soon u guys will feel it lah.. even my hb and my son can feel the kicks now.

All the best to Chloie, Sunflower and Dolcevita.. will keep u guys in prayers.. do let us know the good news ya?
Runningmuff, piggy n esther,
Thanks! Will update u all again once i get the result...

Now down with flu liao... Not that serious yet, blocked nose... But hubby keeps insisting i go see doc alamak... Hes not aroundnand im lazy to make my way to clinic myself... Haha..
I can't sleep!!! My heartburn is terrible!!! I can hear my stomach bubbling, I'm burping non-stop, what I last ate is threatening to come out if I force a burp whil lying on my side... Already took gaviscon... Wats wrong??? I hate this!!!
Piggy> can feel baby kick already, so nice... I also starting 19 weeks but the kick like not so obvious lei, I can feel movement, sometimes, it's just like she's poking me at all times... it's like tiny poke or tiny tap, is that consider a kick? some of my friends say can see the tummy moving when baby move... but sometimes the movement awhile only, no chance to go toilet and lift up my shirt to see kekeke... most of the time movement is felt when I am sitting down, dun noe is it she felt the pressure and was uncomfortable... just felt some movemen again while typing this... kekek maybe she knows I am toking about her lol...

now, sitting down getting slightly awkward already, like an old woman, need to keep changing posture...

Olivia> I also in my 19 weeks, detail scan on coming Friday... cant wait... that time Dr Ang say likely girl but not confirmed, cant wait to confirm and can start buying bb clothes... I wanna get her her first Xmas present, maybe a nice sweet romper that she can wear when we bring her home... lol cant wait lei...

anyway think with the sales coming around, should start searching for a stroller...

I LOVE BEING A MUMMY TO BE!!! love carrying her around... loving it...
Babyfran,Stobeli, i m 19 wks..
i think its the way i m built lah.. i started feeling bubbles as early as 12 wks.. abt 14+ wks can feel tapping.. at 16 wks tummy start to move when baby moves.. now it is more obvious..
can see the rippling and rolling movements..i get kicks or jabs... can't tell the diff but ur tummy's skin will stretch along with it. u guys will all feel it soon.

I dreamt of my baby last night! that it was a gal and my hb passed her to his aunt to take care for a whole wk.. end up i was so upset. i think i dreamt of it becos his aunt was gonna bring my son out this morning.. i hardly see my son liao, wkend still have to share him with other ppl.. sigh..

Chocteddy, don't take too much fluids before u slp. don't take spicy food either. not sure if Gaviscon will help cos its ur muscles relaxing, causing the backflow of food back into ur oesphagus.. try slping at a 45 deg angle.
Hi everyone!
Just came back from a wonderful 5 day cruise -ate and ate and had such a great time on the ship.. too bad it had to end! Now coming back to reality - and I have to face the big renovation!!

Haiz.. now have to face the reality of all the planning for the new place, and we have to pack and move in one week's time!!

Deep in my heart, i'm a bit sad now... dh n i had such a great time during the hols but the moment we came back, today, we argued twice already!! Over the renovations...
I guess it's never easy - plus we are working on a super time crunch... haiz.. just have to keep telling myself to take things easy...

My FIL finally got to know about my pregnancy - but through an aunty relative when we were on our hols! My hubby had planned to tell him after we came back from our trip.. My parents who knew much earlier kept insisting my FIL would have known looking at me, but I insisted that he was v blur. Even the aunty relative who saw me before the trip and just found out insisted that he would know... but ends up.. i was right! He had no clue.. Anyway my dh became super paranoid and felt guilty that he did not tell his dad about it until it came out from someone else's mouth... Truth is - I feel there's nothing to be guilty about, because the rest of our relatives knew because they could see and observe by themselves, they didn't need us to tell them!! Only my FIL is so inobservant. SO anyways, cut the long story short, I think my dh was very stressed by his own dad, and by all the packing this morn maybe, so he shouted at me and became very hot-headed. I'm glad he's spending the afternoon with his pals, but at the same time i wish he could be more considerate. Haiz. Sorry I'm just venting... just v upset that he doesn't seem to be handling this well at all..
<font color="aa00aa">rose gal,
Glad that you've enjoyed your cruise, I think cruise is one of the more ideal travelling mode when we are pregnant, too bad my Bali trip was already booked before I knew I was preggie, else I would love to go for a Royal Caribbean cruise.

Don't be too stressed, your mood will affect the baby. Anyway it's like that, during wedding prep and renovation the tension level between a couple would be one of the highest, same goes when the kids are misbehaving and screaming around. I think I quarreled a lot with hb during reno too, so I think it's pretty common, don't take it to heart k. Normally fathers or fils aren't as petty as mothers or mils so don't worry too much, think mainly it's cos your hb feels bad that's all.

Mummies, any of you experienced being KICKED by your baby? I just experienced man... I was lying sideway in the sofa and experienced an electric shock like feeling suddenly... It took a while for me to realize I was being kicked! But didn't experience this in my previous pregnancy. Think I'm expecting a karate kid wannabe lol.

Hi mommies!

I have a boy! hehe seemed the nub test on the scan is accurate. =)

Finally bot clarins stretch mark cream today. haha. tummy is really getting obvious i feel sad whenever i am choosing clothes.

I still feel nauseous, vomit, headache, heartburn etc. but the gap of feeling such is lesser now. So i have longer "breaks" to do what i need to do.

chocolateteddy: when i feel extreme heartburn, i sit up straight, drink warm water (or warm bottled bird nest) sip by sip. let it burp, and sometimes i let it vomit. Feels better after that. I haven ate gaviscon cos i try to tahan as much. Sometimes force it to vomit out then remedy by drinking sweet birdnest/water. At least clear the "pipe" =( Hugz! i know how u feel!

Baby kicks:
I feel bubbly feel, sometimes i get the nudge too. So i dunno which is really baby kick! hehe.
Piggy/ Yip - thanks... It's such a pain to hv this heartburn. Of cos 1st tri was much worse... I've been taking gaviscon as suggested by my doc. I try not to take unless it's really necessary n it works quite well. But last nite it din work, maybe the heartburn was much worse than usual. Today wasn't so bad cos I tried not to take too much liquids, but I'm feeling so thirsty. Only sipping bit by bit. I guess as bb is growing, she's pushing my stomach n causing the heartburn. If now its like tt, I can't imagine 3rd trimester! Cross my fingers for tonight!
Crystalline, thanks for the comforting words! Yep, I feel much better, actually FIL is okay one- it's just my dh who was feeling bad for no gd reason haha.. the moment he found out FIL was okay he was also fine.. now everything's ok liao.. hopefully we quarrel less and everything goes smoothly over this one week of packing, then we will be moving over to a friend's place for the renos to take place...

RE: baby kicks.. i also feel some kinda bubbly feeling sometimes, but it's rather irregular.. seems to happen mostly at night, but don't think it's every night..
Rosegal: good to hear that! Quarrels are good when they have a purpose behind, and of cos, when it makes a couple see each other point of view. =)

Hope everyone will have a lovely sunday!
I love the weather. feel so wintery!
M worried!!!
I was out n went to the toilet to pee n after I'm done, I saw a drop of blood stain in the bowl on the tissue I threw in before I pee-ed. I wiped myself n there was no blood! I kept wiping to check but no trace of blood.
I feel no pain or anything tt I think shld alarm me. Just some cramping like I mentioned before.
Wat does this all mean???
gynae told me that if i bleed just dont move much and monitor. i think if is just 1 drop, that shld be alright. dont make biggie movements ya?
piggy:aiyo, i know how u feel abt the boy stuck @ home all day with in-laws, not mamking use of time prodcutively right?HUGS!your son born which year?they take in pre-N now?
I'll see u @ the NUH scan, will be there too, take extended lunch hr,hahaha
I feel baby movememnts a lot too!now in 19th week. totally love the feeling

chocolatelady: is thr eblood bright red?brown?cramps as in bowel movement or?just monitor now, and see if there's any more blood, visit gyne?
Hi Everyone,
I'm new on this thread, 18th weeks.

Being a first time mother, I have tonnes of questions and hope someone can help me out... here it goes....

(1) I have terrible gastric reflux that makes my mouth sour all day long. I tried to reduce taking Antacid but it feels terrible w/o medication. My mouth always have an awful taste aka never rinse mouth after vomit.

(2) I always gag and it induces vomit whilst brushing my teeth. Maybe too much phlegm?

(3) Considering to get a play pen as its mobile and i have no space for Cot + pen. Is it safe &amp; stable enuff for BB to sleep in the play pen? I'm looking at Graco that comes with diaper changing bassinet. Any recommendations/ advice?

(4) When do we need to decide on birth method? I am so scard n worried, with low pain tolerance, i am thinking of C-sec with Epi. My husband prefers me to go natural with Epi. Can someone tell me whether the Epi jab itself is painful? I was told Anaesthetic cream will be applied but some pple say its v painful still. True?

(5) Anyone went JB to shop for baby stuff? What's worth buying and where u got them?
continued from prev post:
(6) I experience pain at chest, tip of rib cage area, is it bcos our breast are developing / growing? I cant wear my underwired bra and have to use stick-on NuBra. Sometimes when i sleep on my side, the pain gets worse.

(7) I've put on abt 2kg or slightly more than 2kg at 18weeks. I heard ideally mothers gain weight 1kg each month. Am i considered too slow? How much weight gain did u put on at 18-19 weeks? I can see a baby bump now, esp after i get really boated after meal (as usual)

(8) Is it true that preggy cannot eat mutton? I am craving for mutton soup, esp during cool rainy days. Can I eat crab? What kinds of food die-die cannot take? I understand some are old folk sayings that preggy mums cannot eat this and that, my gynea actually says as long as i hv appetite, can eat anything! Avoid excessive caffine can liao.

I will check with my clinic if they do have express service
Very anxious n stressful waiting for the result de...
Im going for the test this wed, just hope n pray everything will turn out fine =)
rosegal: welcome back fr ur trip.. great that u enjoyed it.. ekkeke..

bbpom: where did u sign up for Wong BB's class? must i go to tmc to sign up or i can do it at amk hub? i'm not a tmc mommy.. can u advice?

re kicks: i'v felt flutters and nudges from time to time.. also not sure if its baby.. but i believe so.. cos it's all over the abdomen...

backaches.. i've been "attacked" by backaches... couldnt sleep last nite.. urgh...
These few days my back and my shoulder have been feeling so aching lo... Can't sleep well... Haiz.. Common?

So tired lo...
So quiet ladies?

Yip, congrats on ur boy!

Rosegal, i argued the most w my hb when we were renovating my house. so bad until i was warded in the hospital for 13 days cos i only slpt 3-4 hrs a night. every night we would be arguing till 2am. can u believe that i will be going through it once again??? Sigh. i dunno what to say except once it is over it will be back to usual.

Esther, yup see u at NUH! hehehe.. yeah i m looking for ways and means to keep my son occupied other than relying on tv.. now that i m moving house, i need to look for a sch to take my son! headache man.. how to know which sch is gd????

Rabbit, u have a lot of questions. I can't help u abt the reflux cos i think its part of MS. hope u get better soon. as for cot or playpen, i prefer cot as it is sturdier and provides better back support for the baby. playpens tend to sag after awhile. Abt pain relief during labour, i think u shd go for natural with epi. C-sec might be over fast but the recovery time is so much longer and u tend to be in pain for quite a bit from the wound. Abt ur chest pain, sounds like ur reflux prob is giving u heartburn. Go and see a doc and see what meds they can give u to help ur symptoms. As for food, everything also can eat lah, in moderation!! things u shd really avoid are excess caffiene, alcohol and medications (unless prescribed by doc). don't worry abt weight gain. so long as ur baby is growing healthy, i dun think there's anything to worry abt.

Zara, hrmm i find that doing light stretches throughout the day helps with backaches. i did learn some poses from yoga to strengthen back muscles too. u signed up for yoga yet?

I sold my house over the wkend.. so fast! i only put it up on market for 8 days and it is sold!! a bit unbelievable for me.. my COV is 73K so just sell lor.. means i have to vacate my plc in mid March.. gonna rent first until the property prices ease a bit..
Dolcevita> definitely have express results. Takes 3 days instead of a week. But more costly by 300 if I din remember wrongly. But definitely worth the money since those few days were really torturous. I remember I told the nurse not to call me but call hubby instead. Scare I faint
esther - the blood is bright red, wat can tt mean?

rabbitz - I'm a 1st time mom too and it sounds like you hv the same problem tt I hv... HEARTBURN! I feel thristy all day long but if I drink too much fluids, I get bloated &amp; the gastric juices start "boiling" in my stomach. I can't eat too much, I've to eat at the right time, eat the right foods, etc... Sweet foods like desserts (ie ice kachang, milkshake, yogurt), fruits, cookies or candy go down easier for me. Savoury foods (like most regular "meal" type foods) is harder for me so i eat tt in small portions at a time cos when the acid acts up &amp; I start burping, its yucky to taste garlic for example... I take gaviscon only at nite cos I wanna get some sleep. There was 1 nite, in 1 of my posts, the acid reflux was so bad tt the gaviscon din work, maybe cos I took it too late...

Your question 6, abt the tightness, I hv all tt too but I'm blaming it more on the acid reflux. I hvn't been wearing a bra cos of the tightness ard the rid cage which make me breathless and in pain sometimes. I layer my clothing for now. At night due to this pain I hv not been sleeping well either. My breasts grew but even w the maternity bra I bgt, I still feel terribly uncomfortable.

I'm still working my way thru this dreaded prob but found some ways tt help give abit of relief at least...
-Eat small quantities but often: so means I snack alot.
-Exercise: I try to go for long slow walks esp after a heavy meal or if I'm fealing bloated. The movement helps with bowel movement which brings me to...
-Shitting: sorry to sound crude but this helps alot. I can get constipated so it seems to aggravate the heartburn but after I release, I feel SOOOO much better! and my appetite is good to go again.
-TigerBalm: I apply this to the area ard the stomach, chest &amp; under the breast. The minty heat helps relief the pain for me. I dun apply to area where bb is so no harm.
-Gaviscon!!! I try not to overdo it either so I limit myself to night-time only if must.
-Selective Foods: I avoid fried, oily foods n food tt I think is more on the acidic side.
-Sleeping position: Can u imagine tt I hv sometimes resorted to falling asleep with many pillows to prop myself up?? Its almost in a sitting position. Apparently sleeping on ur left helps, doesn't work all the time for me...
-Fluids: As thirsty as I am, I can't "drink" water, I sip bit by bit...

Hope my suggestions help for you... I'm just dreading the 3rd trimester as bb grows bigger &amp; pushes the stomach &amp; the acid, higher this making the feeling worse. Boo-hoohoo
Haiz.. Jus now I went ntuc with my parents.. Den I noe my parents not so supportive of bf-ing la.. So sad.. They say formula better.. Cuz bf e mom muz be strong de e milk will be strong bb eat le den strong if mom not strong den bb eat le oso wun strong.. So muz mix FM.. Haiz.. I so sad la... =(

If can I really want to bf lo.. Cuz I noe e bonding will be very good for both mom n bb la.. Haiz.. My cousin oso bf e bb till age 2+ but bb oso keep falling sick den keep seeing doc... Den my mom say fb mom Muz be strong de bb will be strong if not bf bb oso no use.. =(
actually vanilla, i think theres no correlation between a strong mum giving off strong milk. milk should be just normal milk no? as in, could be that what the older folks mean is that u need a stronger constitution to take on bf which is definitely tolling on the body. But i believe is actually a personal choice one makes. My mil never bf her children, my husband grew up on soy milk (allergic to formuala) mixed with condensed milk. i had many question marks in my head as to how my hubby could still grow up.
There are definitely diff ways to feed a kid, formula only, formula+bf, pure bf. its a personal decision, maybe you can take on 1, then when the time actually comes you could be flexible with the choices. dont let your parents affect your decision. i will say that our generation is more educated and we have support groups (like here~ many mummies most probably have this dilemma too) we understand more of our body and how pregnancy works with milk production, there shouldnt be another person to second guess your decisions.
piggy: you're leaving the east! sobs. nvm after i move i will be near u again. haha! i am 1/3 through the book and finding it very informative. beat alot of myths i thought i knew about bf and really thank my mum for giving me such love for 18 mths, its a real sacrifice.

chocolateteddy: i got my first hb at 17w. my pregnancy has been a easy one, minimal MS(except when i take meat), and i didnt put on much weight. but suddenly last week i felt this ball of burn go up my throat at stayed back down at my chest area while showering. tried to drink water, thought i could douse the "fire" but no help! so i believe smaller meals do help, i read that our stomach gets lesser space now due to the growing uterus so we need to break a meal up into smaller ones to ease the job on the stomach as well. for constipation, it helped me when i take fruits every afternoon or whenever u like, as long as u get sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables. lesser fried food/gassy drinks that make u belch(provided u can, i cant and the gas stays in my stomach making me stuffed!).
beebeemer - ya this hb thing is really dreadful. Mine started early as one of my ms symptoms which was very bad. Lost so much weight instead of gaining. Now things r much much better except for this hb prob. I'm dreading going further as bb grows lor.... Waahaahaha!!!!
piggywiggy - u goin for yoga? Whr? I wanna attend on weekdays afternoons tho...
Chocteddy, u said u have constipation and that the blood u saw was bright red. that's likely to be u bleeding from internal piles.
usually blood from the uterus takes awhile to travel down hence it tends to be darker red and more viscous. like what i told another mommy here, wipe ur anus and ur vagina separately so know where u are bleeding from.

I get heartburn too.. for me its a cold feeling at the back of the throat. plus i drink a lot of water!! no choice, i feel very thirsty all the time. so like u, i drink in sips. i nv finish my meals so when i feel almost full, i stop.. i snack more oftn too.. for ppl with heartburn, slping at a 45 deg angle is better than slping on the left. BTW slping on the left is better only when u are slping flat. that's to prevent ur expanding uterus from squashing a major vein bring blood back to ur body. slping at an angle means uterus weight is not flat on ur vein.

I went for yoga for my #1... now they dun have wkend classes so hard for me to go. u can try inspiremum for yoga classes.

Beebeemer, when u move, we will be close tog again.. hehe.. then we can have playdates! u found the book interesting? i seriously can't rem what it is abt except it is on bf-ing.. but i think it helped address quite a bit of my problems esp when i was just starting.

Vanilla, sorry to say but u are the mom here, not ur mom. U, as an educated woman, should spend more time reading about the pros of bf-ing and making up ur mind.
btw u and ur mom, who has more access to information and resources? i have no idea what it means that u have to be strong then ur milk will be strong? u dun seem to be unhealthy or sickly what, why won't ur milk be gd for baby? BM changes daily as ur baby grows while formula only change once in 6 mths. so ur baby's digestion is digesting the best available food ever.. FM has all the artifically added nutrients.. i find it strange that ppl would think FM from a cow is better than BM from a human. in all other animals, do u see them using other animals' milk as a substitute? no right? initially our FM is more watery so that baby can absorb nutrients better compared to 1 viscosity for FM.. the nutrients that is specifically made for human consumption in the right ratio and in the right form that is JUST RIGHT for your baby!!! and if u hear ppl say FM is more filling than BM, that's because it is HARDER to digest!! meaning u are overworking ur baby's digestive system.

And if u are worried that u aren't gonna be healthy enough to bf ur baby, then there are always supplements to take, like calcium and fish oil throughout ur whole bf-ing period. sorry if i sound harsh here, but i really think that as a mom, u would want the best for ur kid and would naturally research to see what's gd. i find it sad that people are considering not to bf even before giving it a try. i m sure there are some mommies out there who chose not to bf for their own reasons but i hope they made the decisions after considering all the pros and the cons and not because somebody told them something which they didn't bother to verify. i know that there are mommies who tried their hardest and decided to give FM in the end. These moms, to me, at least tried their very best to provide the best for their kiddos.

If u wanna bf, i promise u i will be there to encourage u for as long as u need. that inclds smses and calls to ease ur bf-ing pains at anytime of the day. I am sure u as a smart and determined gal will succeed and prove ur mom wrong with determination and perseverance.
piggywiggy - but tt day I was jus peeing, not trying to do #1 tho... Will still bleed? No pain &amp; I think yest I did do my biz at home b4 I went out as well as on saturday. Anyway, thanks, but since I'm not seeing anymore blood, I dun wanna think too much into it. But I'll ask the doc on my next appt. Ill oso check on the yoga. Thanks again! Heartburn is such a pain isn't it?!?!

Btw, if travelling during Xmas, shld I get a letter from doc?
If u have piles, sometimes when u pee, blood will still ooze out from ur anus one.. And it can be painless. Thats wat happen to me lor.. I have piles, sometimes whn i pee and wipe, will see bloodstains in toilet bowl. Gave me a fright! But then i realised its blood from anus... If u're still concerned, maybe can let ur gynae check ya?
Piggy, thanks.. Haa.. At least I felt better to have someone to support my back..

I noe the good of bf of cuz but it's my parents who dunno.. I guess I'll have my hubby to read up on bf and if my mom say bf no good, den my hub will say something cuz I knew if I were to say sure quarrel cuz my temper oso no good.. Haa.. Guess I muz sai koh my sis n my bro to backup me.. Haa.. Cuz most likely I'll be doing my confinement at my mom place..

My hub will be more good n patience in explaining things.. but I'm jus afraid tat when I bf den I'll get remarks from em den I'll feel sad or angry n I noe e mood will affect e milk supply...

Actually they not 100% object bf but jus say need to sub with fm.. So I muz brainwash my parents brain with e help of my sis bro n hubby.. Haa.. Lol ESP my bro!!! My bro say de my mom listen e most.. Lol
Sunflower/piggy - if it's piles then good la, no need to worry. I always thot piles will be more painful but I dun hv any pain so it's a relief... Thanks!
I agree our heartburn symptoms are similar. I also crave for sweet food as it helps neutralize the awful acid taste buds. I take Antacid only when i cannot take it anymore. As for tigerbalm, i asked told my gynea that i apply it on my body when i exp body aches and he told me not to use it regularly, so u might want to use during 'emergency' only.

I lost 2 kg in first 2 mths of preg and the acid reflux still affecting my appetite. Plain water also taste bitter, so i drink H2O sometimes.

I think i also have piles (internal) because there were occassions i felt extreme pain inside my anus when jus about to do big biz. That's before the stools.It was so painful, i broke out in cold sweat and made the toilet seat slippery to sit on. However i didnt notice any blood in my stools. I visit toilet regularly to move bowels so i dun think its due to constipation. I had it b4 even before preggy. Then i wonder, is natural birth w/o Epi worse?

I din manage to find out my bb gender on my 15th week check up. My gynae also not patient to wait for bb to open up legs. So upset. I heard that bb gals normally will not open up legs but bb boy open legs most of the time. Is that true?

Then my fil tell me he prefers bb boy. My mil wants 2 kids, 1 boy 1 gal. They trying to stress me out. As if I can do gender selection. I told her that hb like bb gal n we want 1 kid only. She gave the "huh??? Why??" look. -.-"""
