(2012/05) May 2012

Piggy, my milk flow is pretty good when with #1, tats why considering lor.. Anyway u are right la, still hv time to see see look look... And wait for SALE! Year end coming! Woohoo!!

We are using Avent milk bottles too... So far so good, just sometimes with the leakage abit peck chek, I realized if u close the cap too tight it's more prone to leakage, so I usually will close just nicely, and pinch the teats to let out the air.. So far it works..

eunice, i dun thk problems lies wif mummy leh.. haa.. cuz gender only daddy can decide.. so is daddy eat wat den more chance of e gender ba.. haa... but i heard before tat daddy love to eat pork den will have girl.. haa.. =D

piggy, take care ar... =D
Mic, then why don't u buy a breastpump from the overseas spree? $420 for medela freestyle leh.. i also wanna get but i have a perfectly function PISA.
buttock itchy.. hahah.. my pump was my best ever investment.. save me 14 mths of milk powder!!

I tried all ways and means with the new Avent bottles leh.. tried unscrewing and screwing again.. sometimes i do it 3-4x still leak. i dun do it very tight but still LEAK!! ur heart very pain when it is BM lor.. that's why i just changed to Pigeon. it seems the dual valve design is causing the problem. last time the air valves are designed differently or something..

Vanilla, i m ok aft i puke.. i m actually suffering from heartburn too.. can feel the acid behind my throat! urgh! to think i STOPPED ALL PROGESTERONE SUPPORT on monday leh!! then that very night i start to puke liao. who said progesterone makes MS worse? for me, no progesterone is worse!
Morning ladies,

I've been having pain at the abdominal area n gastric area since yest morning.
dunno wats wrong. Went TMC 24hr clinic last night n given jab. But still painful the whole night.
Think I'm gonna call up gynae clinic later to make an appt to see him today. Really dunno wats wrong. Feels like gastric pain though. Hv been puking n no appetite for the Past few days.

Can I noe ware to get the freestyle at $420? Can give me the website? I was using the Avent single electric the last time but think after sterilizing the rubber shield change colour already. N I'm thinking of getting a dual pump this time round. Faster n handsfree.

Re: oscars
Congrats to mummies who hv gone for Oscar n gotten good results. I'm going for mine on 4nov. Hopefully all is well.
Vanilla-Haha I do agree with you, but for me doesn't matter boy or girl as long as baby is healthy. But my hubby would prefer boy.
By the way, do we need to fast before Oscar test?
Eunice, no need to fast, but a full bladder needed
drink lots of water and don't go toilet..

All the best!

Ha, if mummy eats alot of meat then will be boy, then mine will be boy! I never like to eat meat in the first place but now I actually started eating them every meal.. haa, but somehow I have a feeling it is a boy...

my niece who is like about 2 years old says I have a BB in my tummy and it is a Didi! aiyoh, so cute..
What do you all think har? Should I get a pump now? or wait first? Cos what if no milk or little milk flow, then the pump will be wasted.

xin2, do rest and dun move about too much. no spotting right..

Icez, the Tommee Tippee sounds good.. I shall go research it =)

A-Min, oic.. hmm if free mabbe I will also pop by check it out haha..
Thanks all for the info..

Ya I call my maid agency to ask, she said is validity is 5 years..

I going for my gynae check up later and collect my oscar report.. hope everything will be fine.
xin2: could it be constipation? I had that before for #1 previously and went to doc coz the cramps are making me crazy. Found out its just constipation & after they made me poo, am feeling so much better..

littledotty: ur niece so cute lahz.. she so young understand 'BB in tummy' already? u told her or she suddenly came and tell u?... My #1 kept saying 'mei mei' out of no where when we first found out we are preg.. dunno is it a sign that the one inside is a girl.. haha.. though we been 'training' her to say Didi and pointing to my tummy.. but she just act blur.. LOL

piggy: take care!
piggy, thanks I'll go check out abit first, honestly I'm not very familar with Breast pumps... cos i only manage to BF for 2 weeks and due to medical reason my Dr ask me to stop Bfing.. hai...

Ayana, me too worry about this part, although my milk flow quite good during #1 but donno when come to #2 will still be the same.. somemore they don come cheap...

Xin2, agree with Icez maybe cos u din poo? I think so long no spotting shld be okie bah.. but if the pain is very bad, its better tat you go to your gynae for a check. Play safe.
Hope you feel better soon!

Good Luck Moment!!!
Waiting for your good news!heheh!
Ya, spoil exactly after a year, after warranty over.

My breast pump is also from Avent and all bottles for #1 from Avent. Perhaps im one of the lucky few but didnt encounter any leaking bottles so still sticking with this brand.

As per plan, should close factory after this, so might just get a cheap sterilizer, enough to last me for a year is good enough.

Very much looking fwd to seeing baby growing, but not too looking fwd to confinement and the milk pumping every few hrs..hahahaha

I bf my #1 till abt 17mths. Fully utilize my pump..heehee..
wow.. envy leh.. managed to bf till 17mths! my supply was quite bad during #1, partly also becoz i din pump regularly. Hopefully this time round i can prolong my bf journey! hehe...

For mummies who bf, do you all recommend a manual or electric pump? I have a medela swing from #1, but doesnt seem to 'help' much.. prob becoz my ss also not much? was thinking if i switch to a manual, will it be better?? any suggestions?
thanks Micteo..

Breast pump avent is better or Medela.. I tot medela is better??

I din get sterilizer for both of my bb.. I use those traditional style by boiling hot water and put the bottles in.. My kitchen is too small for me to put so many things leh..
Hi Dolcevita..

Do you have engorgement? Both my boys I also got engorgment till I need to take antibiotic..

My first boy I only bf for 3 weeks then I ask medicine from my gynae and stop. 2nd one I also got engorgment till I got fever, luckily I went to this GP got antibiotic for me but I still can bf.. So i bf till 1 year.. at least I can last.. haha.. but not much supply after 6mths.. so start mixing powder after 6mths..
piggy, sounds so bad.. aiyo... muz really tc ar.. does it happen to ur previous pregnancy? oh.. heartburn oso very xin ku leh... i really dun like anything on my chest area...

haa.. maybe u r e few tat progesterone makes u feel better.. haa.. =D

Eunice, i dun thk we need to fast la.. lol.. we not going to operate leh,... lol.. oscar is jus scan only!! haa.. but was told to have a full bladder.. Imagine e person press den u muz tahan e urine.. keke.. =D

Xin, hope u r better now.. i thk if no spotting den alright leh.. i'm going for my oscar on 3 nov.. a day earlier den u.. haa.. so excited.. i have 6 days more.. u have 7 days more to ur oscar san!! keke.. =D

ANYWAY~~!! Eunice, do u happen to be selling any clothes at any flea markets? Like PS? keke.. =P

Ayana, micteo, i oso wanna bf but dunno if got milk anot.. so if i buy now den no milk will be very waste le la.. so maybe will wait till give birth den buy or wat... BUt if give birth liao den buy oso not right leh.. haa.. Maybe buy a cheapo one? haiz.. really headache leh..

2nd or 3rd time mummies!! Any advise? Whether we should buy the pumps before giving birth or aft?
Vanilla: I would suggest that you wait till you give birth already then buy the pumps.. Anyway when u are at the hospital, you can use the hospital pump also.. and get the LC to advise which type of pump to go for.

Reason is being some mummies (like my cuzzie wife) doesn't use pump at all! She can direct latch everytime and anytime she wants and needs. In fact, she doesnt even know how to use the pump, when she use it, she say no milk come out!
So to save $$, i suggest you dont buy first.
Hi Vanilla

Ya, I suggest u don't buy the pump first but u can see which pump you are going for if you have milk. Usually the supply is not much for the first few days of birth. In hospital they will ask u to latch on bb..

If you try the pump in hospital, usually u will buy from hospital.. like my fren, thomson hospital let her try on the medela which is the twin pump. Cost her about 700+ if I am not wrong.. usually hospital will let u try and during the happy moment of your bb arrival u will most probably buy de haha...

For me, that time I can't go out so I just ask my maid to buy at my place nearby bb shop.. so that time they recommend medela So i just took that one.. maybe you can survey then if u have decide to bf then you ask your hubby to help to buy..
icez, i see.. but ur cousin wife is SAHM? Cuz only way she can latch on anytime and anywhere she wans is when she no need to work.. haa.. But if i need to go out work liao den oso need to buy pump leh.. haa... =D

But ya.. i hope i cna produce alot of milk and invest on a very good pump.. haa.. =D

Moment, try liao confirm muz buy meh? haa.. Cuz i alreayd noe got spree liao.. piggy said $420 only leh.. buy from hospital... so expensive.. haa.. my hubby wun allow.. cuz i already told him i saw online selling at $420 only.. muahahaha... =D

u mean the dual function medala cost abt $420?

my fren just bought it from hospital and she is first time mummy so maybe too happy then just bought from there since she already try liao haha..
I am searching for prenantal massage.. Nv try b4 tot of this time round I shd try.. very tiring.. dunno have prenantal foot reflexogy anot... usually my foot are very tiring.. esp the heal part of my foot.. if stand or walk longer will be very tiring...

Any recommendation mummies?
Vanilla, most likely i will wait till i give brith liao den see how.. anyway I've got my manual one on standby..

Moment, BreastPump at hospital can try one? tat time I gotta rent it from them lor.. $50per day (24hrs) super ex sia.. I gotta rent for 2days! But I must say the one they hv super powerful its the Lactina® Select Breastpump.

My supply was not much either, for the first few months, have to pump every few hours to bring up the supply. So its just enough to meet demand.
Nearing the end, when im abt to wean, its alternate feed of FM and BM, to let her get used to the taste of FM and also I dun have enough supply..haha

But its indeed not ez, having to pump first thing in the morning when u get up and I pump two times at work, lucky we have a spare room in office which we can use for expressing and my boss also quite understanding.
But now the spare room is gone as we have downsize, duno if possible to bf till 17mths for #2, to be fair..haha


I did get serious engorgement during the 1st two week during confinement. Was using 2nd hand pump passed down from my sil. Pump till its all blood flowing out. Scared me ! and its so painful...

Then went back to Thomson LC dept for massage, which is very painful and they used Avent dual electric pump there for me, which I find was very gentle and effective in expressing milk. So thats y my husband went to get the single electric for me after he has seen me so xinku with the engorgement.

There is this Malay lady that does massage to relieve engorgement. I also find that laying a hot towel over it and then massage it will help to relieve the engorgement. Latching bb on will also help relieve the engorgement.
Or to have your husband to do it also can if your baby is still not used to latching on.
It took me a couple of months to get the latching on right.
Vanilla: ya she is helping her hubby manage a shop but most of the time she is free. Anyway even if you are returning to work, it is also 3-4mths later after you give birth. Like what moment said, prob you can scout around now and sorta decide what you want first but wait till you give birth le then decide if you wanna get that. Anyway, we are only giving birth in May, and usually around that period e.g. June there is always a babyfair... so if you decide on one then, you can still get it in time.

Moment: I did foot reflex for my #1 previously towards the 3rd tri.. really help in reducing the swelling coz back then both my feet swell until machiam like elephant.. very hard to walk..haha
The place is at aljunied crescent there.. near geylang east polyclinic. one of my friend frequent there when she was preg also, so that place know how to do foot reflex for preggy. you can try there if you really want. :p
micteo: I didnt know the pumps at hospital must rent lehz! Mine was free on loan. Haha, only knew my ss didnt come in at all for the few days im at hospital so the LC went to lend me their pump and its those industrial grade type - supposedly super power but my ss still didnt cm in
Icez, got free loan?! this time must ask liao. hahah!

Mine ss only come after the 3rd day? if i remember correctly.. I still remember the nurses commenting "wah your ss not bad arh.." feel very proud! hahah!
Hi mummies (or mummies to be),

Just my 2 cents re: breastpump

In general, if you have the budget, you should go for electric dual pump... you can really feel the difference between dual and single pump and it is more efficient. It would help particularly when you go back to work as you would not have a lot of time for pumping - IMHO.

For electric pump, I feel that medela pump is good - esp dual pump like PIS or Freestyle which has 2 phase extraction. Avent dual pump is good as well - I have friends who uses that, but the downside is that they do not have a battery pack so you have to find a plug to use the electric pump. There is also another brand called ameda, which one of my friend used but another friend tried that and said that the suction is too strong and that it is painful. Personally, never tried Ameda. For Medela Freestyle, I believe there are some people who organizes sprees from US which makes the pump much cheaper than getting it locally.

For normal pump, I personally prefer Avent pump as per friend's recommendation. When I had my #1 - I was advised to buy a manual pump first just in case I need it. True enough, my baby was hospitalised due to jaundice and I had to pump my milk for the nurse to fed him. Felt it was good at that time, help to stimulate my milk production as I was doing a lot of pumping during first few days...
moment, yaya.. i bet she's too happy le.. haa... ya... piggy said there's a spree in SMH selling half price.. so if i wanna get i'll get from there... i oso wanna try e massage aft birth.. haa.. hope i can reduce my weight fast.. haa..

micteo, ya.. i thk medela is better brand.. read reviews lo.. and recommended by 2nd or 3rd time mummies.. haa.. =D

Maybe i can ask from my cousins who did bf see if they can spare me first.. haa.. no need to rent la.. aiyo.. $50 a day leh.. ex la... ask from em.. lent me first.. haa.. =D

EUNICE!!! YESH!!! haa.. i knew it.. when tat day u watsapp me whether wanna go see e TMC anot... haa.. and u said got can take an tai yao... muahahahhaa.. Den i suspect liao.. muahahaha... but nv say.. call it instinct.. haa...

Some more so nice surname oso koh.. haa... Den plus edd so near... i rmb u mention tat ur LMP is 10 Aug, mine is 12 Aug ma... So our EDD is pretty near la... haa... den i see ur edd is 16 may.. mine is 18 may.. haa... =D
Haa.. U came here aft I told u or wat? Haa. I oso nv rmb if I told u anot.. Lol.. Which means now u r ard 11 weeks 2 days? When u going for ur Oscar? Haa.. Which Gynae u going to? Keke
Milk Supply: I started pumping the moment my #1 was born as he was in NICU for a day. Just pump to stimulate even if colostrum is wasted. He was fed formula in NICU for the first day. After, i started pumping, i just keep doing for every 2 hrly to establish supply, regardless he latch or not.

I managed to bf till 15months. So i think it helps. =) Dual pump is much better than single if you wanna commit to bfing. I feel that if you buy pump before baby is born, you prob already have the mindset of winning the breastfeeding battle!

xin2, dun play with cramps. Faster go get a scan.
Milk bottles - used pigeon peristaltic bottles for my #1, but she end up quite colicky so I switched to bfree bottles. used pigeon peristaltic bottles for my #2 too, free gift from the pigeon steriliser, she take to it quite well, so continue.

Sterilizer - using pigeon steriliser since my #1 5 years ago, very good and durable, can use for many years.

Breast pump - borrowed medela dual pumps from my friend's for both 1st and 2nd pregnancy, find that suction not powerful enough and funnel too small for my big breast so every pumping session is a torture for me. Did not managed to achieve letdown using that. This 3rd pregnancy, got 2 other forum friends intro me Ameda, so I am actually looking for deals to buy the pump. Hopefully I can breastfeed better this round.
ya... tmc too.. aiya... mine is 1 day earlier den urs.. if not can meet up leh.. haa.. wat time is urs? mine is 12pm.. haaa... =D

haa... which gynae u going?
Hi Dolcevita

Wow... you are so noble.. pump till got bleed ah so serious?

So actually avent electric is better? Wondering Avent dual function will cost how much.. since is my 3rd one already I don feel lik getting so ex de.. unless got ppl give me as a gift haha...
Hello mummies, long time never come in, so tired recently.. im finally week 9 Day 1 alr!

vanilla, you mean the online spree for pump is $420 only? What brand ah?
ak, piggy said its medela de freestyle lo.. haa... Maybe now price got increase abit le.. but still cheaper den outside.. maybe $470? cant rmb...

Calling for PIGGY~~!!! Where is e link tat got spree for e medela pump.. freestyle de.. =D

I just passed my Oscar test.. looking forward to 20wks test.
Have you all start looking for confinement lady?
I have called a few but all fully booked.. sian
moment, I was also quite hesistent to get expensive one since this will be my last, but my gf say buy already after using can sell off so sound like not too bad afterall.

micteo and icez, so nice you all going to see gynae tmr, my next appt is 16th Nov....haiz...long wait...
vanilla, thks! eh.. what is the difference btw freestyle and the rest? i dont know wor, my first time

im also looking forward to double digit! so tired zzzzz...
