(2012/05) May 2012

Elise, that's gd news.. i m on dusphaston 3x a day, 4 utrogestan inserts a day and twice a week jabs.. crazy right? My doc is really going all out for me.

Candymix, Glen E is very ex leh.. i delivered my no 1 at Mt A. Have no complaints with them! but i changed gynae so no choice have to move to Glen E.. My gynae is LC Foong, very very patient man. he told me yesterday that if i need to see him everyday, just come down cos it is well worth it to pay a bit to see the scan to know that everything is well rather than stress urself out. he is very caring and takes time to talk to u. no such thing as chop chop with him.. each consultation is abt 15-20mins at least. but the downside is that he is rather ex. he has no packages. Scan is $60, consultation is $60 (first consultation more ex). plus the waiting time is minimal, abt 15 mins or so.. bulk of his clients are ang mohs cos he has really rave reviews.

My tummy still hurts... and the progesterone inserts are grossing me out big time.. i have no more diarrhea, prob cos i have nothing in my tummy but wind!

Hi candy and all new comers.. WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!!

Re: Waking Up Early,

I woke up last night at 4am and cant get back to sleep and 5 mins later i knew why i cant sleep.. Cuz i'm too HUNGRY!! lol... I really totally cant sleep la... My tummy keep making e hungry sound, grrhh grrhh grrhh... wah lao... Then buay tahan wake up and see if there's any cup noodles but dun have.. So i drank milo instead.. haa.. But stilll cant fill my stomach..

But i really dunno when i slept last night and i woke up 9am and hungry again... I alone go for breakfast liao.., haa... super hungry la... lol... =D
piggywiggy, i also hate the inserts... it's like it will never stay in properly... after awhile all come out... have to wear panty liner whole day...
Ftmama, how come u are on inserts? I m on it for 4 days for my tummy pains.. doc was pretty sure it was not my uterus contracting but my intestines.. he told me also to get over the counter meds (gravelstone) for the wind.. i thought usually doc will prescribe oral progesterone? I insert all the way until i can feel my cervix.. but hor bits and pieces still dribble out.. GROSS!!

Vanilla, time for u to go shopping! my hb stocked up food for me to eat when he went grocery shopping but i simply have no appetite.. eh how come u so gd? 9am still in bed? don't need to work ah?
piggywiggy, have been on utrogestan & jab since my first visit... but i dun take dusphaston... utrogestan can insert or take orally but insert will make you feel less giddy... if i take orally, i always feel giddy...
anyone has restless leg syndrome like i do?! I have been getting it at night when i go to bed. but today, even at work i feel like there are little worms crawling up and down my legs. it's not painful but just feel an incessant need to vigourously shake my legs constantly. it's driving me nuts and my cubicle neighbour is looking suspiciously at me..hahaah
piggy, haa.. tml i going port dickson ma.. So tdy off lo.. haa... bag haven packed lo.. haa..

Ya.. i thk i really need to stock up some food leh.. Cuz i'm living with in laws ma.. My mil always buy cup noodles la.. Tats becuz their own consumption is very high.. When i dun wanna eat there are always plenty of supply, now when i wanna eat, 1 oso dun have.. sianz..

Haa.. So have to buy liao and out inside my room.. haa.. Not being selfish but i buy liao if i put outside when i wanna eat sure boh liao.. U noe la, when wan to eat den dun have can be real angry and frastrating de..

later i going NTUC to buy some cup noodles for my trip too.. Scare later hungry den nth to eat.. BUt i oso try not to eat supper cuz its really fatterning, i dun wan later all e weight i out on is all on me and my bb so small lo.. Later give birth liao even fatter den pre-pregnant lo.. Already very fat now liao lo.. haiz... But i really cant sleep last night cuz really hungry.. Before pregnant wun like tat de.. I dun even feel hungry for supper..

Olivia, lol.. shake leg ar?? i dun have leh.. but Previously i have experience when i wake up early den i cant get back to sleep and if i dun more for like 2 mins... I felt very uncomfortable.. I muz MOVE!! lol.. so i keep tossing n tossing on bed... lol.. =D
piggywiggy: cos i was on pills for 4 years then i recently stopped in march cos i am getting married next sat 01 oct! so we wanted to let my body regulate to normal so we can try for baby. my period came last is july 15th, then when august it didnt come i wasnt bothered i thought delayed cos irregular period.

then somehow i decided to test on sep cos my boobs were aching like mad and i thought maybe i am. and its +ve!!!!! thats why i am so confused about my baby's size. according to those online calculators, i am 7w5d today. means when i saw my gynae on 10th sept, she said i am 4weeks, that conception i guess, so adding the 2 weeks it makes me 6?
vanilla: i also crave supper leh! aahhaha but i psycho myself to sleep instead. then morning wake up, bf's mum say fridge got durian whoa i rush off to eat. 2 weeks more need to call her ma liao, scared not used. and my house will be ready next yr but i cant move in. everyone pantang say not good etc, u cannot go near cannot take part.
Ftmama, oh i don't have the prob with utrogestan. was taking it orally for my first pregnancy.. no prob... hope u are feeling ok now..

Vanilla, i know what u mean. better to keep some inside ur room else wanna eat don't have.. enjoy ur trip at Port Dickson and take care!!

Olivia, i know that feeling.. haven't strike me yet.. haha... just keep shaking lor.. :p u have itchy leg syndrome, Vanilla has itchy body syndrome!

beebeemer, if that's the case u might have ovulated later. Then i would think that u are in wk 4 on 7th Sept that wk. makes u 6 wks+ now.
when's ur next appointment?
very confused w this ovulation thing haha! next appointment will be next Monday and I CANNOT WAIT! its like why is time crawling. i have been craving for cold gassy drinks...and i had a satisfying pasta lunch at suntec yum yum. since i usually puke out my dinner i better eat more now.

vanilla: have fun in port dickson! :D eat more yummy stuff.
beebeemer, wah.. u tried once den TIO liao ar.. super lucky la... lol... But i thk like tat oso quite difficult to track ur edd leh.. cuz u dunno exactly or roughly when u Ovulated and stuffs like tat.. haa.. But all oso arga arga de la.. Even if i tell my gynae when i Ovulated e EDD oso estimated de, wun be zhun zhun de la.. Very rare occassion den will zhun zhun give birth on e EDD de.. haa... =D

I dun have house yet.. But if i have one next year, i'll move.. Cuz i wanna do confinement at my own place... Even if i dun have a place i oso wun do at my ils place... I'll be going back to my mom's place to do...

Haa... ya supper.. very sinful leh... BUt after preggy, e hungry is cannot be tolerated de leh... aiyo... As n when feel hungry de leh.. Always felt e stomach empty de.. Tho jus add 2 hrs ago..

Re: Gynae Appt,
Haa... Mine is next wed... YESH!!! e time i CRAWLING la!!! wah lao.... SUPER SLOW!! cant wait to go PAY MONEY to e gynae!! lol... =P

Yup.. Will enjoy my trip.. Actually this trip is a low budget honeymoon.. haa.. Den wanna relax and ttc during e trip but nv expect to strike before tat.. keke... So ya.. have to relax.. lol.. and eat FOOD!! lol..

Piggy, ya... i thk i have it.. lol... itchy body syndrome... LOL!!!
piggywiggy: any idea how to stop the restless leg? i wonder if i tell my gynae will she laugh me off.

i see that your gynae is Dr LC Foong? yeah, i heard he is very good! i actually made a few appointments to see him previously cos I heard he is good in fertility treatments also. but had to cancel a few times becos of last minute business trips. in the end, i got preggie naturally, so stuck with my original gynae at TMC.

but i also would like to deliver at Glen E becos it's nearer to where i live than TMC. so still deliberating if i should switch to Dr Foong sicne my current gynae also not say very cheap...
hi beebeemer *waves*

so "qiao" to c u here, wow, wedding on 1st Oct, my dating anni with my husband too...

reading abt ms is scary.. i'm gg to skip all that and gals, mind over matter ok! don think about ms... i'm still abit in disbelief (and denial) at least before my first visit on thursday.

heheh, take care
actually got morning sickness at least pregnancy feels very real right? =p

i have no ms! so i really find it difficult to think of myself as pregnant.

anyway regarding the dating of the pregnancy, i read that the fetus will be visible from 6 weeks onwards and grows 1 mm everyday. so if you do a scan and see a 4mm fetus, then it's around 6 weeks 4 days.
piggy: ur gynae is dr foong? i think he is the one that delivered my bff's twin girls.. but when my fren delivered, he was nt in sg.. she didnt wan to recommend him to me.. but his charges like ok hor.. $60 is MUCH cheaper compared to my dr chan $155 for scan alone! sigh.. but hw come u have restless leg? nvr heard of this lei!

i also kept eating in the ofc, munching on my raisins and apples and sour plum.. hopefully no one suspects me.. cant wait for this month to be over so that i can officially go on leave!! yay!!
Olivia, hmm.. to a certain extend ya la... haa.. But got ms is good ba.. Cuz bb more secure right.. But doesnt have oso doesnt mean not ma.. But really very xin ku to keep vommitting leh... *faint*
you are so cute vanilla, can't wait to go pay money to the gynae, really true! Your appetite seems to be good, than you should eat all you can during your short honeymoon! have fun and take extra care..

congrats candymix!

I am leaving for my scan soon, pray everything is ok!
littledotty, ya... i dun have nay problem wif my appetite.. In fact i find tat i eat more compare to normal before pregnancy.. But at this stage all things i eat is not going much to e bb rite.. Only last trimester den mostly going to bb... So even if i eat now, all weight will be going on me.. sianz...

Jus tat i cant eat too full at night... Cuz if i do so, i felt like tat someting stuck in my throat and felt very uncomfortable.. By day time is ok.. haa..

Correct ma.. haa.. I'm sure every MTBs cant wait to go pay money to gynaes.. LOL...

ya.. will enjoy de... keke.. but not seafood for us ya... sianz.. i wanna eat crab la.. but cant.. haiz... cuz of e myth of e traditional saying...

Update us on ur scan... Feel so excited for u.. keke =D
*scratches Vanilla's body*

Olivia, i really tried my best to ignore it.. mine strike at night.. like no matter how i place my leg, it felt very uncomfy.. hahaha.. it will soon pass.. needless to say i felt very tired.. it doesn't happen everyday to me. haha... hopefully it won't happen to me in this pregnancy.

Olivia, Zara, yes! Dr LC Foong is super nice.. he takes time to call u when i did my blood tests. other gynaes won't do it.. he asked my hb to have his testosterone level checked and called us personally at 7pm a few days later. other gynaes will get their nurses to call lor.. or even better still, don't tell u until u call them urself. he sits down and reassures me instead of telling me that i m a worrywart (i am!) and told me he totally understand my fears of losing a third pregnancy. when he operated on me in Jul and i had some complications, he stayed with me all the way. was supposed to be just one simple op but ended up he had to open me up twice. a 30 mins procedure became 3 hrs but he waited for me to wake up to update me.. very very nice chap.. doesn't brush u away.. though he is ex, i have no qualms staying with him. haha..

Littledotty, all the best.. everything will be fine and u will soon see ur little beanie flickering at u!
piggy, thanks.. haa...

ftmama, muahahahhaa.. me too...

see..this is e only one tat everyone wish to pay asap... LOL...
Hi piggy, like Olivia I'm thinking of glenE cos it's more convenient to me than mt a n tmc.

Thanks dotty.. Hmm I see all of u so happy n excited but I'm not leh..am I still in shock that I'm preggy? Not that I'm unhappy or wat lar but just like "business as usual"..maybe because no symptoms?
Actually from my previous pregnancy, the "scientific finding" (published back then in the straits times) was that the more ms, the smarter the kid... hhehe... article should be around April 2009, can look up if you all are interested and also to take heart if you have bad ms..

Candymix, my husb's friend delivered at mt e premature. heard she stayed there 5 weeks or is it 5 months? and the medical bill came up to 50K!!! but her precious is safe and sound and that is all that should matter.
vanilla: no leh i tried since march, only august then dio. cos the pills make my period go haywire. thats why i dont know how to count now! haha irritated.

jane10: i have no mood for wedding now, haha become last on priority list. i just want to get it done and over with.
eh mount e so expensive??SIAO AH! 50k??? oh man. thats alot of money. can use medisave not? my gynae delivers either mount alvernia or gleneagles.

i hardly have MS means my bb bu chong ming! bu yao bu yao, bb pls be smart...for u mama will be willing to vomit okie. my doc measured on 10th the sac was 3mm. meaning 6 week 3days?
meaning the baby must have stayed in the incubator for 50days. at least it has a clean bill of health i think thats what matters most to all parents. just thinking if medisave can be used to pay it off.
beebeemer, the growth of the normal gestational sac is 1 mm per day after the 4th week of gestation.

For example, a gestational sac measuring 11 mm would be approximately 5 weeks and 4 days gestational age. (4 weeks plus 11 days = 5 weeks and 4 days).

So for 3mm should 4 weeks and 3 days
babypom: depending on whether you count gestation age or from LMP. if i'm not wrong, the gynaes will count from LMP? So must add 2 weeks, so is 6 weeks 3 days?
olivia! you answered my queries. so combine w babypom, u girls help me solve the mystery why i get a 4 wk from my gynae and a 6w from online calculator. but it all ties up now. plus minus a few days then this week is 7th week counting from LMP or 5w as gestation age. awww owe you girls a hugs! thanks!
candymix, i am thinking of gleneagles, but htb says mount a has very good service and its a pure baby hospital. gleneagles has other patients so it might not be so good.
any thoughts on babyplus? i did some research and some say good some say its bad. i know its still early but can give some thought.
yes, mt e everything exp but what has been acclaimed is that among all the hospitals, KKH has the best equipment...

re: spotting: initial spotting may be due to implantation of embryo to uterus lining and "dead tissue" being expelled. nevertheless, do see your gynae under all circumstances. the HCG test is mainly to check that the levels are going up and that your preg is normal. gynaes are usually concerned for ectopic pregnancies.

wah, i sound like so "scientific" and "experienced", feel very old lei hahahahah

chanela: focus on ur wedding la then can take mei mei pics next time show your bb

have a good evening everyone
Beebeemer, I think my case is similar to yours. My lmp is actually 28 jun. But according to my gynae, I am only 5wks+. So i agree that its rather confusing. What happens was, we started counting from the ovulation week then plus 2 wks to that it will be what the gynae said, 5wks+. And not from the lmp. Plus what the gynae said is as of accurate, don't have to add another 2 wks alr. It's for my case la, not sure if it's true for yours too.
piggywiggy - Dr Foong sounds reaaaaly nice!!

vanilla - you're right! I guess we are all waiting to see how our beanie's been growing!

i've been feeling v hungry too! But sometimes hungry turns to pukish v easily... and sometimes i can't differentiate!

And it's like happening to me every 2 hrs too, the need to eat... tummy just goes grrr grr grrr...yikes!
Babypom, haha. No no. it's 28 jun. I ovulated real real real late. Haha. When I told the nurses and my gynae, they were shocked. During that time, i thought i need help alr, coz suddenly af missing for so long. That is why I went to see my gynae on 29 Aug, and through the scan, we realized that I ovulated a few days before the check up, and might be pregnant as my uterus lining was extremely thick, which turns out to be true. (;
Haha. Yup. Real late. My grandma insist that I shld be coming 3 months and not 5wks. She said that my gynae miscalculated. It's hilarious to see her arguing about it with me.
rainie: ya! my mum was also arguing w me that doc count wrongly. i say cannot be, doc measured the sac only 3mm. she said 4 weeks. plus i missed one mth only and my cycle was like 40 days. i am trying figure out how the online calculators work.
rosegal: usually dinners make me queasy. like almost every night i eat i throw up...so i dare not overeat at night now.
i just drink alot of water take alot of milk. and of course eat some fish soup or what something warm for the stomach

Gals, I am back from the gynae! Bb is just nice 7 weeks and we could hear the heartbeat, going at 138bpm! So happy and excited..
just 8.5mm big..

For the spotting, she gave the hormones pills and I will see her in another 2 weeks..signed up for my OSCARS and 20-wks scan package at the same time too..

wanted to celebrate and eat more at dinner, but haaa, still the same no appetite at night...
