(2012/05) May 2012

congrats piggywiggy and farhana! so happy to know you gals are doing well! My scan is tomorrow and I can't wait! your beanie is 11.7mm, can you see it clearly on the scan?

but piggywiggy, blood from intestines? why does that happen?

Re: MS
I think all MTBs are not the same, sometimes have mild MS, sometimes serious, just do take care though..
beebeemer, do u roughly know when u got ur +ve HPT? u can take take as DPO14 as agaration.. how long was it since u tested +ve?

Little dotty, nopes it all depends on the machine.. usually those machines in ur gynaes are not as detailed as those use for detailed scans. so all u see is literally a bean.. a lump that is vaguely bean shape with the heartbeat flickering.. u are unable to see head or tail of the embryo. u can see the yolk sac and of cos the whole pregnancy sac. things start to become clearer when u reach 12 wks..

No no, i dun have blood in my intestines.. hahahaha.. i have old blood in my uterus.. hence the spotting. u can see pools of blood in ur scan as darker patches. i had some greyish meaning quite mild and old.. with my first one i had black patches.. meaning fresh and severe. The pain is coming from my intestines.. cos i have too much wind in it! can see the intestines contracting and relaxing non stop!! that's what causing me the pain.
Hi all,

I'm here to join you. Tested positive more than a week ago, just went to my gynae this morning to confirm the pregnancy.
As I am only 5wks+, only managed to see the water bag. My EDD will be 18 may. Hopefully when I returned in another 2 wks time, I'll be able to see the heartbeat!

Gynae mentioned that the peak of the MS will only kicked in in another couple of weeks for me, hopefully it won't be too bad.

So far, other than feeling bloated,heartburn at night, occasional cramps, I'm pretty much the same.
Raine, Haa.. I use e iPhone app and got e same edd as urs.. I'll be going to Gynae next wed then maybe can get a edd from him. Haa
Haha! ^5. Actually you know when you announced at the TTC thread right? I also tested positive on that Saturday morning. Haha, just didn't want to announced till confirmation from my gynae. Such a coincidence right!
Lol... Really.. Lol.. Haas... Mine was actually DPO11, Friday.. Haa.... So coincident la.. Haa... so most probably we r in e same week lo.. Mine currently is 5 weeks 4 days.. According to e baby centre app.. Haa
Hi piggy...glad tat all turn out well for u..
Welcome all new mtb too!

Most of us r abt the same time..! I also can't wait to see my gynae next tues.. Hee...

Today I went for a walk with hubby, bat an hour walk... N I'm super super tired! But it was a great walk...

Oops, I keep forgetting to update the file that agn set up.. Hahaha..
Vanilla > ya, maybe we are both on the same week.

Beebeemer > dpo means day pass ovulation. Wow! You're 2 weeks before me. (;

Ayana > Thanks! my gynae didn't tell me. But when I look at my scan, she put this dotted pointers and saw her wrote 12x15mm = 5 weeks+ .Hahaha. Interesting equation by her. Any idea what size it should be?

Zara > Thanks for your welcome. Yea, most of us are about the same time. It's good to go for walks, my gynae advise me to take walks too, but a bit lazy after dinner.
Hi all daddy and mummy,

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Hello, *waves* how's everyone feeling today? I've decided to join hehe..

#1 is a boy who will be turning 2 next month. Seeing the gynae for the first time on this thurs.

have filled up my particulars in the spreadsheet. do we have a facebook group yet?
good morning all!

even thou i juz saw my gynae on sat, feel that it's so long to wait another 2 weeks to see her...
mm6j, ya lor... esp when my MS and cramps have subsided when i'm only in wk 7... makes me even more worried...
Thanks little dotty, will update the table later. (;

Hello MM6J! (;

Morning ftmama,I know how you feels. I just saw mine ytd and can't wait for the 2 wks later appt. Time seems to pass slower. Hehe.
welcome kulogy n other new mtb..

yah, time like v slow hor.. my appt is next tues.. but i kept thinking it was today last wkend.. kekeke... i tink i will cry when i see the heartbeat of the little one..

i am forever feeling sleepy... *zzzz*
Gd morning! Last night I woke up at 4.30am with severe pains in my tummy. End up having diarrhea. Sigh. Even now my tummy still hurts.

Beebeemer, u only tested positive on sep 7? What made u test that day? Ur period is due around that time? If u are, let's say, DPO14 on 7 sep, then u shd be abt 6 wks already. May be u ovulated later this mth? When's ur next check up?

Littledotty, update us aft ur scan!

Welcome new mommies! MMj6, I know u personally. Haha. Small small world.
ftmama, actually looking forward to the visit cos the hosp cafeteria food not bad, lol, still thinking if i wanna bring #1 along. maybe #2 so i more relax hahaa
Hi ladies!

I am new here too, think im 6 weeks preggy now, therefore, according to the calendar in my iphone, my EDD is May. Haven seen my gynae yet, going to meet her next tues for first visit!

Good luck to all MTBs
wow, i go teach for just 2 hrs and come back to find more new mummies!! congrats! gals, do update your particulars using the link!
Morning Mummies... welcome to all new mummies too~

*yawn* feeling sooo tired and sleepy... Have a nice day to all~
Hi Mummies

I have a brand new tube of Elancyl Stretchmark cream (150ml, expiry dated Jan-2015), willing to let go at S$30. Collection around Dover-Commonwealth. If keen, pls PM me. Thanks much!
I woke up at 2 am last night wide awake ;(

No longer feel nausea and headache that I felt weird cos worry beanie not growing. Haiz... Got MS worry no MS also worry. Hahahaha

Feeling bloated now @ 4 weeks + anyone feeling it too?
Hi Mummies

I have a brand new tube of Elancyl Stretchmark cream (150ml, expiry dated Jan-2015), letting go at S$30. Collection around Dover-Commonwealth. If keen, pls PM me. Thanks much!
Hi Yip,

I also woke up early today even though i m not working today, had slight fever last night and took paracetamol. I dont have MS at the moment (hopefully will not have), but my gastric dont feel well, before and after meals. Also crampy at the abdomen there..
Yip: yah.. i feel bloated all the time.. so i guess u dun have to worry.. i dun really feel MS, jus a little of queasiness from time to time.. jus need to munch something and the feeling goes away. nowadays, I always keep raisins, apples and biscuits or bread around me.. try to buy organic apples if u are lazy to cut the skin away cos apples has apples has highest pesticide.. (i read from babycentre or somewhere).

other than that, i have really sore boobies...
30012011> my gynae mentioned that most ppl will have their MS peak from wk 7/8 onwards till wk 10/12. Around that time. So if you're still in early stages, you probably won't feel much, except being bloated, gassy, heartburn. But depends on individuals too.

Yip > I'm feeling bloated every single day from 5pm onwards. Haha and I'm @5wks+. (;

Ftmama > oh no, pls take care. Hope that it's not uncomfortable for you.
Hi mummies!

Hope to join you all here! I've tested positive last week. Edd should be 21may2012. This is my 2nd, my 1st is a gal who will b turning 2 in nov.
I have seen e gynae last week, gone for blood test 2x, will be going for another tomorrow. Gynae wanna ensure that everything is ok as my hcg was very low during my 1st
Good luck to all mummies!
raine, I have the same prob as you too, evening is bad for me, nauseous and no appetite at all..

yip, we are all like that, haa...got also worry, no also worry..think only after all our first trimester, then we will be ok!
Hello raine and vanilla, I'm here too!

Hello the rest of mummies, am new here..tested positive..no symptoms at all until missed period then test..have not seen gynae yet..totally not kan cheong dunno y..even when I'm first time..DH is jumping up n down every min..

Except for slight breakouts n sore boobs that's it..all"s well..no spotting, can walk quite fast also lol..

Actually am looking for a GlenE pro natural gynae..any recommendations? Also I heard if being referred, it's cheaper, true?

I'm guessing may is edd since clearblue digital says 2-3 wks, actually it's 4-5 right? On the box..

Many thanks!
Hi all,

Went to my gynea, had a check she say spotting is normal but need me to up my dose on duphaston from 2 to 3 time a day. Saw heartbeat during the scan.. But will need to followup again..

Thank for all e concern.. I am darn worry n stress, first time bah...
