(2012/05) May 2012

Same same here. ML ending in mid sept. Am going to miss my bb when I return to work.

I didn't know cannot pump for so long. Usually I pump for 1 hr. Since bm ss dropped, I am finding it hard to bring it back up. Been pumping 4-5 hrs intervals = wrist pain and nipples witch feels like leather (hahaha) getting 150-180ml. Hais! Bb also drinking very little 100ml at 3 mths. Shd I be concerned?

Dolly - u so cute to reuse the breast pad. Shall we share our money-saving tips? I buy those cotton rolls and cut them into small pads of varying sizes to clean bb bottom instead of wipes.

Diapers are sold cheaply at this medical hall in Pasir Ris old central area. Their formula also very cheap. Promo prices all yr round. Use 2 brands of diapers according to home and outdoor use.

Wash a few items together and sterilize. Pureen liquid wash removes oily breast milk from bottles better than pigeon wash. I tried both. Soak items in water before washing.

Buy avent storage bottles to store frozen ebm and they can be used again to freeze bb food after 6 mths. Cost per piece is cheaper than using storage bags.

Mummies, the above is just how I do things to save a dollar here and there. Not trying to promote anything. Any other tips will be greatly appreciated

Hello mummies - seems like the wrist pain is pretty common. Correct the way u carry baby from the rocker, bed, bath. It's not from carrying baby too long. I suffered that last time but not this time round.

Marilyn - taking fenugreek seeds did not up ss? Was it becos u din pump enough that's why supply drop?
Marilyn u just gave me a very good suggestion on storage of EBM. I wanted to buy some Pigeon breast milk bottles but seems like Avent more user friendly.

I usually leave 2 bottles EBM in the fridge and my gal will take 1 fresh bottle or 1-2 bottles formula everyday so sometimes have to freeze.
Mummies I really envy your ss.. I've only enough for the day feeds, 4x bm and 2x fm so no balance to freeze. I bought the Avent bottles but no chance to use
worried that the ss will be even lesser when I return to work.

Yes I'm also suffering from wrist pain and trying to be conscious of the position when I lift bb. Guess I've to visit a sinseh too.
Marilyn - recently my gal also been drinking very little abt 100-110ml per feed. And she used to drink 5 bottles per day. Now it's down to 4 bottles. She's having some virus when I brought her to the pd on tue for her pneumococcal vac so cannot jab. But her weight is 6.24kg
FAAA, my boy is drinking lesser too. About 100ml only and drinking 4 times a day. Used to be about 150ml and 6,7 times. How do you know your girl had virus?
Miss freedom - cos I heard snorting noises from her in the mornings sometimes plus my #1 down with flu do cannot escape. Do u latch baby? My baby drinking 4 bottles of milk and I latch her on at night till late morning
Mummies, we were discussing abt not pumping too long for more than 15-20 mins. But what if milk still dripping do we stop?
Mummies who had caesarean, have you started eating seafood? What about duck and yam? So far I've not eaten and I'm dying to eat some crabs and prawns.
Marilyn, Thanks for the tips, let's share!
For #1, I bought diapers from BP, now she no longer in this forum but still sell, usually cheaper then outside and it's in Pasir Ris too. It's http://diaperbp.weebly.com. But so far for #2 I have not bought from there yet, cos NTUC/Taka was giving attractive gifts

For EBM, I gotten the glass bottles from hospital and bought the caps from the pharmacy in Mt A. The caps are 70 cents per piece. I got the milk tray for #1 too, but didn't use after a while because it's very troublesome and my freezer might not be cold enough.

For wrist pain, I've a bit on my right too, so I wore the wrist guard once in a while, it's good because at least it remind you about it! And like FAAA said, position is important. Now I tried to use my arm to hold my baby instead of using my hand, so less load on wrist.

My gal going to be 4 mths tomorrow, she's drinking 100ml or less as well.

FAAA: normally after I stopped pumping (around 15 min or less) there's still some milk wanna come out, I just use tissue to stop it. And yeah, towards the last 2 minute before stopping, stop massage your breast or rib or whatever

Phyllis: I heard duck and yam can eat after 100days! So I've already started

Weight loss: Anyone tried the TRA program before? Was looking at the weight loss thread seems to be effective. My friends suggesting me to join too.. I've gained 7-8 kg since #1 3 years ago, now I pile another 3 kg on top of it! Was telling myself will do something after #2
Phyllis - seafood, duck and yam can eat after 100 days. I had some prawns on 2 occasions though it's another 2 weeks before 100 days for me.

Wat brand diapers are you using? I've been using Mamypoko for both my kids and I usually buy many packets if NTUC is having promotion.

Any of you mummies supplementing with formula. How long u take to finish 1can?

I need advice on the Avent storage cups which size more practical? 180 or 240ml?
Btw dolly I tot direct latch can bring weight down faster? I'm nk to original weight cos I put on less than 7kg for this pregnancy but hoping to shed another 5kg off
Faaa: yeah, bf supposed to bring down, but I'm those easy to get fat kind. For #1, gain more than 22kg, bf helps a bit but not back to prepregnancy weight, then when stop bf, I gain somemore!
So envy those skinny women who can lose weight easily. I also put on weight easily. Now I diligently binding my waist before I sleep
Dolly - the website got many brands. I compared the formula prices. The mamil gold 3 is only $48 at the medical hall (pr old central), cotton roll, bb toothpaste, mosquito repellent all lowest st the medical hall. Con is that it only stocks the common brands. I found desitin and breast pads are really cheap via bp.

Faaa - I have both sizes for the avent cups. I find the 180ml vol more practical as it stores the right amount of solids and milk for my girl. 240ml vol is good only if u have lots of bm to freeze.
Marilyn can the VIA cups be used many times? I'm thinking to buy some. The bags are expensive in the long run. Can we wash and sterlize after each use like the bottles?
Btw Marilyn how do u bring yr EBM out? For eg if u need to go out for the whole day. For myself I feed my gal formula when out or occasionally I latch her on
The sinseh for wrist pain does acupuncture? How many sessions to feel effectiveness?

Milk bags: I got lasinoh from agape babies it's e cheapest I found and surprised its a Uk brand cheaper than those Korean brands. 60 pcs abt $18. I'm using ave 3 a day.

Anyone hv menses coming? It's odd but mine came at 2mth post deliver even though I total BF. does this mean my hormones are back to normal? I suspect even I got menses after 1st month cos the initial heavy bleeding period stopped at abt 2 weeks + later then when discharge was clearing up Ito brownish, suddenly I get bleeding again. Haiz I still Thot I can enjoy period free for at least 6mths like most Bf mothers.

Next worrying thing coming up is hair dropping? My fren says its from 3-6month period. Anyone knows frens who didn't exp hair drop? Seems like my frens be it gave birth to gal or boy also get it. It's related to hormones right?

My bb latch on always <10min>100ml at one feed. No matter how to try to encourage him to drink he refuse, after burp also don't want. He's a small size baby.
rabbitz - for my #1 my period came 5 months later and I think it's because I pump less frequently and I do not latch on. Hair loss normally occurs at 4th month.
My hair starts dropping for at least a week? My gal turn 4 mth today. Her hair also dropping.
My period was back after 1 yr for # 1, n he's bf exclusively, no fm

My gal has been doing frequent feeding again! Asleep almost 1am n now feeds again! Tried to pat her to sleep but cry even louder!
hair loss

i am already losing hair @2mth

milk bag

i started with lasinoh but switch to perfection (jaco) some one selling it ard $24 for 120 pcs. slightly cheaper. i actually prefer the texture of lasinoh but since milk bag are for 1x use, decided to go for the cheapest i can find.


i not sure it is considered menses a not. but i will have slight bleeding... and i am on Total EBM.
Dolly - my gal used to latch to sleep but recently she found her thumb. I know I shouldn't encourage thumb sucking but this way soothe her well cos I don't give her pacifier. My son was thumb sucking for awhile and stopped at 6 months so I'm hoping my gal will be like that

For #1 my hair dropped quite awhile. So maybe try using some hair loss shampoo or treatment
I also have hair drop at last 2 days. I though is because I m high fever, sore throat n flu. Looks like it's one of the post maternal process.
My hair started dropping 2mth+. I had long hair n it was so scary after shower. Whole bunch of hair in my hand! Then I noticed that a portion of my scalp getting bald, my parting area, due to the stress from tying my hair back in a ponytail (weather was so hot!) I got really scared n cut my hair short, until my earlobes. Think I'll keep it this way until I stop dropping hair. Also started using shampoo n conditioner for hair loss. Although post partum hair loss is normal, sometimes the hair don't fall evenly, some parts lose more than others. And that's worrying. I also read that continuing to take prenatal pills might help reduce post partum hair loss. Not sure if really help.
Hair loss

I hv long hair n took me really long time to grow then now hair dropping everywhere! Can clearly see my hair on the floors n pillow etc.. Very sad but I pray wont start to get a hole!

Shaving of baby hair
I'm going to bring my baby to get his head shaved, anyone has recommendations? Must bring to those kids salon? I was thinking go barber then Liao or even the hair dresser near my house.. They say some has no experience shaving baby hair..
Littledotty - must really find those experienced ones to shave baby's hair. Cos they must be fast and accurate. Some shave until the hair uneven.

Both my #1 and my gal had their hair shave at full month
FAAA, I went to the sinseh u recommend tdy. I thought it was effective right after he adjusted my wrist but as I exerted stress on my wrist after bathing and carrying my son, the pain came back and is even worse prob cos the painkiller i took in the morning worn off. Just wanna check with u, did ur wrist recover instantly after the sinseh treated you or it took a few days of rest? He did not prescribed any pills or ointment for me as I'm bfing.
Esteelin - the pain din go off immediately. U may have to go bk another 1 or 2 times more depending on how serious the strain is. Like I mentioned before, posture very important. He must have showed you the correct way of lifting baby. Btw I went 3 times
faaa: which salon did you go to? I think I will go in and ask them if they shave baby's hair..

just going back to work for 3 days, I am facing a huge problem of baby care already..maid aonly coming after next week..baby supposed to leave with my mum but now my niece cannot adapt to full-day childcare and has to revert back to half-day..mum cannot handle both, so I have to look for someone else..my baby also poor thing, last Thurs niece suddenly sick and had to go back, I went to pick my baby fr my mum's and brought him to work! sigh..then yesterday taken care by my neighbour but she cannot help next week..passing my baby here and there..

mil said she can help us take care but she has not taken care of babies for 30yrs! I also worry about her age, sigh..what to do???
Littledotty - even if the maid comes, u can't leave baby with her immediately. I think u may have to take another week leave to take care of your baby i
Littledotty, ya..u have to plan ur leave,cos nowadays babies are different from our parents era. If ur mil haven't take care of baby for 30yrs, u have to be careful as well,they might not be able to adjust.
Mummies, any good maid agency to recommend? Read some reviews and mostly they are horror stories. Would like to hear if you've good experience with agency which provides good service (even after post sales) and is reliable. Your comments is much appreciated.
phyllis: I went to one for my current maid..her agency fees are the lowest, recommended by my friend..but my maid will only arrive next week..my experience with the boss is very pleasant and she is a Fillipino herself.. hmm, as for whether their services will continue to be good, that I cannot comment yet..
Thanks little dotty. I've visited about 7 agencies at Bukit Timah and Katong so far and it's really a tiring and tedious process. May I know which agency you went and how much is the agency fee, total cost and what's the waiting time for maid's arrival?
Faaa - I will pack the avent cups filled with milk into a cooler bag (pigeon brand) tog with avent manual pump. I also use the fisher price bottle warmer/thermal flask. Transfer ebm and warm to give bb and then pump also straight away give. This is for whole day trip.

The storage cups are disposable according to the packaging. I use it for 3 mths, sterilize like normal bottles. After that I use it like a food container for snacks.

Dotty - if u really need infant care for few days can try approaching infant care centers to check if there take in emergency cases? But I think it's daily rated.
Marilyn - where to get the fisher price warmer/thermal flask? If I can pump out at least 120ml in the mornings I will prefer to bring EBM instead of formula. My girl now taking only 4 bottles a day so my milk is just enough for her.

Btw she turned to thumb sucking to go sleep which is not exactly a good thing

how much does your girl take in total a day?

my boy also reduced his intake and only crave for milk 4-5hoursly sometimes even longer. Hubby so worried and keep trying to 'force feed" him every 3 hours. made my boy so cranky...
Hi Ginger, she takes in 4 bottles x 120ml of milk daily with 2 or 3 times latch on. One of the bottles will be formula milk.

Dun worry on the loss of appetite. They could be on milk strike. Babies will not starve themselves when they are hungry they will cry for milk. My #1 went thru this too and I make milk every 3hrs hoping that he will drink but normally have to throw away.

My gal used to take in 5 bottles a day but she skipped her 11pm milk now and sleeps from 9pm to 2 or 3am

I suffer fr wrist pain too and would consider going to the sinseh u mention. May I know what did he do to the wrist. Is it rub oilment?
phyllis: I PM you ok..

Thanks mummies for your advice..in the end, left with MIL, havent gone back home so not sure if baby is ok, hopefully he doesn't wail! Aiyoh..4 more days..

I fed my baby this apple juice and pureed pumpkin &amp; sweetcorn from Heinz..he loves it..but I only fed him 2 teaspoons to see if he can swallow n whether his system can take it..
Phyllis: you do not accept PM. Anyway this agency is located at Bukit timah shopping centre too..it is called maid &amp; me employment agency, on the 4th floor..
Ruhee - If i remembered correctly, he did not rub ointment but used a little stick to separated the nerves.

Esteelin - what did he do?

Faaa - the fisher price bottle warmer/thermal flask is sold at mother care for $32+. It has an outer flask to hold the warm water, u pour out from the metal flask. Save money by buying those tiger brand thermal flask and use a Tupperware tumbler would be better as u can still use those items individually. I didn't use the fisher price one after I stop giving ebm and only took out since I have no. 2.

Ginger - my boy also seem to be on hunger strike the last few days. Take so little milk and prefer sucking on fingers. Is this teat confusion? Or they suck so happy then won't take milk? Any advice?
