(2012/05) May 2012

Marilyn - if u start pumping 3-4 hrs. How long u pumping? Now I pump 3x per day. Pump 30 mins rest 5 mins then pump again another 10 mins. That's how I can get 150ml.

My girl vomits for no apparent reason n no warning. Sometimes burping halfway also can vomit. Normally happens halfway through a feed. And many times also not when she's been crying. We can't find any cause so dunno what we can do to prevent or reduce the vomitting. Basically just burp her more often and pray hard during feedings. Stressed!
Faaa - I pump 30 mins to get whatever that is in there if 3-4 hrs interval. Once kids are in bed, I will pump and massage till I empty the breasts. Spent 1.5hrs doing it last night. I do this to ensure that there are no clogged milk ducts and to get more let downs.

Hui Yuin - don't think about it too much as long as your girl is active and growing well. The PD also reassured you right? If u are still concerned, maybe get 2nd opinion from KKH PD for their expertise.
For 2 nights, my gal has been latching on to go sleep at night. I want to refrain her from using me as a pacifier. Any advice?

Marilyn, for 3hrs pump I may only get 80-100ml.
FAAA: Normally my gal latches from 5 min to 40 min, depends on her one. But I do try to let her latch for 15 min at least. My 3yo boy also being scolded a lot by us, and yeah, he cry for slightest thing as well!

My EBM is freezed with the glass bottles, so it's 90 to 120ml depending on the size. She can now take 1 bottle for each feed.

Marilyn: My ss drop the first few days of work too, but I didn't stress cos already stock up. Then ss start to come back slowly.

Anyone using bib for baby liao? My gal quite a lot of saliva.
Hui Yuin > my boy used to vomit out milk after feeding too but he's much better now. I use a pilow to prop him up so that the milk flows down easier during feeding. After he finishes his milk I'll let him rest in that same position and will use my palm to stroke his chest downwards and when he's more settled down (face is calm) then I'll bring him up to burp him over my shoulders for about 5-10mins.
To prevent milk from coming out from the nose, tilt your gal's head to the side slightly during feeding. When choking occurs milk might flow out from her nose.
To avoid the crazy cleaning I'd lay a nappy cloth on his chest and a handkerchief on top of the nappy just below his chin. When I burp over shoulder will use the same nappy cloth to lay on my shoulder. In this manner when he vomits a little milk all you've to wash is just the handkerchief and nappy cloth.
However if your gal vomits out milk in a merlion manner and a lot then it's likely a reflux. You might be over feeding her, the quantity is too much for her little stomach. Try twigging the quantity.
Hope the above helps and happy feeding don't be too stressed out
Just to share, I've dropped from 5 pumps to 4 pumps since Monday and am suffering from a blocked duct on one breast.
I did it so that I can get my body ready before I start work in October. Abit early, but I thought its better to suffer the effects now than later under stressful condition. My ss did drop, I guess due to the blocked duct but I'm not going to increase the pump as I defeats the purpose. I'm just trying to clear the blockage by massaging, hot compress, increase dosage of lecithin and hope that ss will stabilize by next few days. I'm also taking ibuprofen, which is a type of painkiller that helps to reduce the inflammation. Found out that it also helps to reduce the wrist pain.
Mummies, how to tell it suffering from blocked ducts?

dolly - I used to pump at 10 plus every night. But now I latch my gal and we both fell asleep together. How to tell if she drained the breast?
dolly - my son also starting to suck his fist and drooling all over. Afriad he may develop a liking for the thumb, I always remove it gently from him. Not using bib but those ikea handkerchief tucked under his chin. I find them affordable and multipurpose. E.g. As bib, washcloth, dry buttocks, wipe bm stains all over the house.

Faaa - can't comment on the latch on = pacifier effects as I only express. Paiseh. For the blocked ducts, u will feel a small lump when you press hard into a soft breast (assuming emptied of bm). If u feel a large lump, have to continually massage it and as u pump, u will notice it gets smaller/less hard. It takes a long time to drain out all bm. But gd thing is, once all channels can flow easily, u can get same qty in a shorter time.
Ruhee, yup, I'm suffering from wrist pain. Ibuprofen was prescribed by my GP, lecithin can get from GNC. Ibuprofen works for me in reducing the pain, but my gp also advised to use a wrist guard for recovery. I use it mostly when I sleep as I find it cumbersome in the day.
My gal also starting to put her fist in the mouth. And especially so when she's hungry. Haha.

Dolly, I never used the bib unless they are eating when older.

Btw mummies, does your babies play saliva? My gal likes to do that alot!!
Marilyn, I was down to 2 pumps yesterday. I have been relaxing the morning and night pump with latch on. Dunno whether it's a good or bad thing.

Recently my gal has been drinking much lesser also. I'm trying to monitor the no of times she feeds per 24hr.
My baby is indeed having reflux. I read up on the topic and my girl displays most of the signs. Vomitting, arching back, irritable when feeding, crying while feeding, coughing, congestion... Thanks mummies for telling me. Fortunately she's not like that every feed. Most times she's alright. And I'm comforted by the fact that reflux is present in half of babies so I'm definitely not alone. Although it's a medical condition, it doesn't require treatment and my baby will grow out of it on her own. Hopefully it will be soon.

Last night I experienced her worst reflux so far. She was hungry but couldn't drink her milk. I think it was quite painful fir her every time she tried to swallow. She cried and cried for almost an hour, at the top of her voice. Nothing could pacify her. It broke my heart to see her cry like that. Gave her bottle or latch on both didn't work. Worst thing was I was alone at home while hubby working the late shift. Really didn't know what to do except to carry her and comfort her. Finally she was so tired from crying she fell asleep. Many babies with reflux has sleeping problems. Fortunately my girl doesn't. She sleeps easily and v soundly. Despite drinking so little, she still slept through the night till 7 in the morning.
Hi Hui Yuin,

My bb boy also suffered fr reflux. He cannot swallow his milk when awake. Painful to see him suffer. Saw pd but nothing much we can do. Thought of seeking second opinion.
My girl is feeling better today but drinking less than before. As long as she doesn't fuss and cry during feeding, I'm thankful.

Ruhee, doctors are generally advised against giving medication to young infants. So I think we can only wait for bb to grow out of reflux. I so much wished I could be the one in pain rather than my poor girl. Previously I thought she was just being fussy when she cries during feeding, now I know she's really very uncomfortable.

Only parents whose babies have had reflux will understand the pain and agony. In the mean time, try to feed ur boy when he's not so awake. It's one of the tips that I've read on the web. And feed him less per feed but more often. Hang in there! Let's jia you together!
hi all! sorry to intrude, my EDD is march 2013 and i think i need to start sourcing for a good CL as my MIL and mother have already said they would not be helping me out with my first BB. just wondering if anyone has a very good CL to recommend? please pm me if so. many thanks!!!
What is e cause of yr wrist pain? Mine is cox everyday I hv to counter my bb twisting body and sudden arch of his back while carrying him. During evenings I can feel my hands no strength and pain around both wrists. Even Doing light chores also no strength.

Does yr babies also does all e twisting n arch back stunts? It seems like baby bad temper and I'm worried.
It could be a sign of slight reflux. I read that half of babies has reflux, at different degrees. Arching is one symptom. My girl also does that a lot, especially when we try to burp her halfway through feeding. My niece also the same. Both of them will vomit once a day due to the reflux.

The twisting could also be due to discomfort due to reflux. I used to think my girl is being fussy and naughty when she kept fidgeting and moving about during feeding before I read up on reflux. Now I know it's because she's uncomfortable so now I'm more patient with her.
Dear Mummies,

Im also looking for CL. Anyone got good CL to recommend.
My EDD is Mid Oct, but gynae just told me will shift to late Sep c-sec. So my original CL cant make it. Im in a fix now, no CL.

Would appreciate if any mummies can recommend theirs. Thanks.
on reflux: i spoon feed my baby a few spoonfuls of water to clear the acid in her mouth and throat each time she merlions. seems to soothe her a little.

for babies with reflux, should get better with time. my bb is nearing 4 months now and the frequency of her reflux is significantly lesser. sometimes when i dream feed her in my bed, i also never burp her (lazy mommy!) and she's fine.
where to find those adorable shoe socks? the ones at motherswork are quite expensive while those i found at online shops are for 1 year onwards...
Hi Hui Yin,

Thanks for the encouragement. It really pains me to see that he cannot swallow the milk although he is very hungry. I think my baby reflux seems quite serious. He will cry loudly after he swallows the first mouth and refuse to drink after that. He seldom vomit. Sometimes, thought that maybe medication can help him but also worry about side effect.

Babies suppose to enjoy drinking milk, but not for our case

Btw, has any baby gone for the second vaccination after the first one? My bb has his first 6 in 1 and rotavirus done at KKH when he was 2 months. I am thinking of changing to polyclinic but not sure when to bring for the second dose.
Faaa, I think u will get more supply if you pump after feeding at night. But then u will be so tired! I used to sleep late like past midnight everyday, now I sleep when my baby sleep. She usually feed to sleep.
I use handkerchief for her saliva too, but she loves to pull things around n very soon the handkerchief will be somewhere else! With bib she can't pull away

Think my gal might have very light reflux too, or maybe fussy. She usually wants her fill at night and very frequently, ended up she vomit. Last night I purposely dun feed her more after 2 x hourly feed. She cried for very long before sleep at 10 plus. Though she wake again after that, at least I break the hourly feed and big vomit all the way to midnight, which was very tiring.
Dolly - nowadays I only pump 3x (every 5-6hrs) yielding maybe 140 -160ml. My gal has been sleeping for longer stretch at night. Maybe from 9 or 10 to 4am. I dunno why she has been waiting up at 4, 4:30am since she came bk from the hospital.

My gal also needs to latch to sleep sometimes and there will be times she wakes up hourly. It's tiring but comforting for her so I let her be. They grow so fast!! She's coming 3 months next wk. I kinda enjoy this skin to skin feeling which I din managed to enjoy much with my boy
Just to update, I managed to clear my blocked duct and establish my ss at 4 pumps a day. So far getting 200 - 260ml per pump per 30-40 mins duration at 6 hrs interval. My next step is to adjust the timing so that I can sleep longer at night without pumping and maintain the ss.

The ibuprofen was useful in reducing the inflammation in both my blocked duct and my wrist pain. The wrist pain however returns when I stopped taking. Not sure if it's safe to for bf-ing if take long term. Anybody taking ibuprofen too?
Esteelin - u shd get a good sinseh for your wrist pain. I suffered that last time with my elder son.

How many times are you pumping per 24hr? Are you taking any supplements for to increase ss? 200 - 260ml is a lot!! Envy!!
FAAA, I'm exclusively pumping 4 times in 24hrs, so total ss is ard 900ml - 1litre. My boy takes about 130ml for 6 times in 24 hrs so it's enough for him and can still stock some. Used to take fenugreek pills from gnc during confinement but has stopped since then. Now just managing by adjusting pumping duration. Just a note though, that someone from the lactation hotline volunteer once told me not to pump too long as it may damage your breast tissue.

Did you get a sinseh to treat your wrist for your elder son? Effective? Need to apply ointment, difficult to carry bb if need to apply ointment rite? Any good sinseh to recommend? Planned to use medications and wrist splint first for a week and if still pain, considering getting an injection. Not so sure of sinseh as worry will worsen if nt good.
Try not to take injection if possible. It's only a temporary solution. I did not put ointment. Went to a few tui-na not effective then saw this sinseh in Jurong East. After 2 visits no more pain.
So how long shd we pump? I read on some websites that we shouldn't pump for more than 15 mins. So how long is good enough? Considering the fact that we may be pumping for another 3 - 6 months
Oh dear, I always need to pump for close to an hour (45mins) in the morning as I don't pump in the midnight. My bra, breastpad and.clothes were soaked with bm. Total yield is 480ml.
So cannot pump more than 30 mins? Im pumping exclusively.
Advice from my breastfeed pro friend is that if we intend to breastfeed for long period, then better let baby use to latch and dun pump exclusively. Guess it's the trouble of pumping

Oh, btw, I learn something new, i always find it a waste everytime we throw away the disposable breastpad. Cos it's really not environmentally friendly. Recently I find a way to put them to some use. This only applies to the disposable pads which are already tinted with the leaking milk. I use them to clean the glass panel of the bathroom shower place. It works as effective as newspaper ( cos of the oil content) and it will not dirty our hands, plus it's not corrosive like those harsh chemical. I use one piece to clean just a small area, especially when the screen door is wet after a shower.
I also pump for 45mins to 1 hr when I was trying to cut down pumps. I think it is fine if don't do it too frequently or for long period of time. Some how after I reduce the pumping time, my nipple is less swollen and sensitive and the amount can increase after some time for a shorter duration.

The volunteer also Told me something which I can never understand... She said its more important to always keep to the same timing that you pump and the interval is not important. In fact she swear by it, keeping the duration short and pump at the same time.
Esteelin: Yeah, keeping to the timing will help cos body kinda knows when to produce milk. I learnt it from my other friend. Cos when baby grows older, they no longer need so much milk, for #1 I stop pumping at work after sometime and only do direct latch at night. Breast will only egorged for a couple of days, after that milk will come only in the evening
Esteelin - u dun accept private msg so here's the contact. 金龙 tel: 96674264. Blk 354 Jurong East Ave 1 #01-03 S(600354)
Yo dolly - trust u to experiment with the breast pads.

Btw ladies, have any of u taken sacred tea to boost supply? I tried a few weeks. Maybe 3-4 x per week but not much increase
My first day back to work after four mths! So fast! Picked my poor boy up at 6am n left him w my mummy at the moment till the maid comes in a week's time.. So busy at work but miss him a lot! Why do we hv to work???

Any mummies with babies who like to use their hands to rub their faces n eyes when they sleep at night? Mine can't stop doing that, his eyes or cheeks get red at times fr the continued 'washing'..
ak - u mean your first pump in the morning can get 480ml? That's alot!! Enough for my baby's bottle feeds per day.

Littledotty - sure to miss your baby when at work. Did u pump in the office?
Esteelin - hope the sinseh works for u. Tell him u dont wish to do bandages or else u can't touch water. He gave me some pills instead. But do let him know u are BFing.
Btw Esteelin, try not to let the pain escalate to the point that u can't even write. That was what happened to me. And I endured the pain for close to 5 months before someone recommended me this sinseh
I'll surely miss my girl when start work too... Less than 3 weeks left of my ML. Not looking forward at all
When one have bb, then can understand why some of us would wanna quit our jobs and be SAHM. If my hubby can make more money in future, I really might seriously consider. Now it's not possible. And there's no part-time or flexible hours option for my job. So sad.
Thanks FAAA for the advice. Think I may have to see him soon as the pain seems to be getting worse and dun want to take too much meds.

For mummies whose bb fusses during feeding, I tried carrying my boy with carrier facing outwards and bottlefeed him while walking around and it works. Perhaps you can try too if you haven't, at least not so straining on your arms and wrist and your hands are free to hold his hands down.

DATA: yup, can yield 480ml provided I don't pump the entire midnight
Im pumping now, so maybe mornin ard 320ml.

When my gal fuss during her feed or halfway during feeding, I calm her down by talkin to her. Tell her I sayang her, Ask her to relax etc.. it works.

My maternity leave also ending soon, 3 more weeks to go
hated that but I think we need to get out of the house, and not cooping at home with baby, else unhealthy, but of cos will super miss baby
