(2012/05) May 2012

Hi berrynaq, I'm doing the following to increase my bm supply.
1. Mortilium tab: u need prescription for it, can try your gynae or PD.
2. Fenugreek Seed tab: buy from pharmacy or GNC.
3. Eat oatmeal

Hi Mommies! I'm letting go of the following:

Mama Love Baby Sling Carrier. Kiddy Palace retail price: $59.90. I'm selling this for $40. Brand new, opened from packaging but never used. Hubby bought the Ergo Baby Carrier.



Cheeky Bonbon nursing pillow. Retail price: $49. Selling at $20. Condition: 9.5/10.

Phyllis Setok:
previously my supply was really really low. My gynae and pd advised me to take both together, can get better result. I have been on mortilium for 6 weeks. My suPply is finally sufficient for my baby but at night I give baby formula la. My mortillium finishing soon... I hope my supply wun be affected. Are you on mortillium on a regular basis? Where do u go to repeat yr prescription?

freestyle takes 4 hours to charge. Cannot pump while charging. It run purely on Battery. If you wanna plug to power supply directly use pisa. But I think that model is bulky
i bought my freestyle from my beauty loft, only $460 nett.

1st charge 24 hrs, sub charge 4 hrs. in the event u need to use the pump while charging, just add in the time u use for pump inside the 24 hrs eg.

u can contact my beauty loft @ 94454828

think a lot of mummies buy from her with good review on her support and advise.
Hi liang2 I've not finished my 1st month mortilium supply but I got another month supply from my gynae at TMC during my last visit. It's by prescription you'll need to go back to your gynae if you need. I asked the nurse if it's a available outside she said no, need to come back to gynae to get it.

Perhaps I'm not so diligent sometimes I forget to eat. Suppose to take 3 times a day. Some days I eat only twice.

How much is your supply now? Are you still pumping every 3 hrs?
Regarding freestyle,

I'm actually using mine running on plugged power. I just did not insert the battery into the set. will only put the batt in to charge when I plan to bring it out ...
>> freedom
yup i think using yaolan is good.. at least i dont have to keep carrying him to rock him.. i let bb slp in yaolan till he wakes.. if he wakes in the middle of the night.. will feed him and put him in cot after that.. he is less particular about having ppl to rock him at night.. oh but if he is cranky i can rock for more than one hour and he refuse to slp..

>> night feeds
hmm i also dunno how to wean off.. used to dream feed him even if he doesnt wake.. but now only when he cries then will feed.. even so he doesnt finish full feed.. usually fall asleep halfway..

>> increasing bm
my lactation consultant also asked me to take both domperidone (i think mortilium and domperidone are the same) and fenugreek.. supply didnt increase much though.. i already stop domperidone cos i ran out of supply.. domperidone can get from guardian/unity.. dont say buy for increasing bm.. rather say buy for stomach discomfort.. i never tried though.. now i am gonna try other methods such as malunggay tea and sacred tea.. now my supply also very low.. still trying to pump 3hrly.. but usually will miss the night pumps..
Berrynag, to increase supply, I drink hot Milo and also let my gal latch.

YHO: I uses both medela Pisa (borrowed) and freestyle for #1. I put Pisa in office cos there's nursing room w power.
Main diff:
Pisa: bulky, need power source, easy to assemble, suction seems better, messier cos got 2 separate tubing, can use the nursing tube to go handsfree

Freestyle: hands free
Sorry, using iPhone, hard to navigate
Freestyle: handsfree need to wear nursing bra to clip on. Look complicated but easy after u assemble once.
Previously I had prob of leakage between the connector n bottle, but this time no leakage for past one month
Just gotten one more freestyle to be put in office from WTS thread

Both uses same bottles n can use same shield
Increasing BM:
I was diagnosed with over supply by LC. Pump over 100ml very 3-4hourly plus latch. Breast get full one hour after pump. It's a painful experience as my breasts are constantly having sharp shooting pain and all over like kena slapped. LC says its sensitivity to fullness. I only took fenugreek during first month after deliver to establish milk. As to why I get so much supply, LC says overdose of fish! During confinement I ate one fillet of cod almost every day. According to LC, it's not papaya fish soup that help supply, it's consumption of fish. She advise me not to take fish so frequently now or I end up engorged again. Mummies might want to try to eat more fish everyday! Good luck.
Phyllis Setok: my supply is juz sufficient for Baby but every 3 hours I must pump to get the amount I want.

Rabbitz: After delivery I also eat a lot of fish but supply was also not gd then. Now I'm sick of fish. Guess low supply and over-supply also jialat
Yingz n Liang2 > same here I also have fish every meal during confinement and now still have fish for dinner but my supply is not great even after taking supplement. 4 hrs pump can only get 90ml bb is drinking 110ml
My supply is very low too that's why I pump everyday once in the afternoon and can only get the miserable 160ml... My girl will have it every morning.

I was thinking, since it's so little, should I just stop?
Hi ladies, thanks for all your advice on freestyle.
Question: I plug in to power without battery. There is a power cord symbol, but how come I press the power button, it does not on? Is something wrong?

Btwi find oatmeal w milk really helps, UP my ss by 50-70/pump. Maybe you all can try?
I pump every 3 hr, i used to be able to fetch around 100ml but recently my supply has suddenly dropped to around 70-80ml. Nothing changed except that i tried to latch my boy in the morning but he drink like 10mins then stop. Im still taking my supplements. I dun know what happened. Mummies, any advise?
liang2 : I find that after my baby latches, milk supply increases a little. The milk actually sprays out better n more. I pump abt every 3 hours also (count from when I stop pump to start of next pump) for about 30mins. My ger is now abt 8wks old. I try to nurse her half of the day now.

I'm taking Traditional Medicinal's Organic Mother's Milk, not sure if it helps. I used to take Fenugreek prescribed by gynae.

And you are right, dun gv up, a little is better than nothing.
>> liang2
yup i tot when bb latches ss should increase..

>> zp1503
yup i also think that if you can then continue on.. my ss is also very low.. but i will continue.. am still trying to find means and ways to increase supply..

>> phyllis
u better than me.. i get about 50ml per 3 hr pump.. bb is drinking 120ml.. >_<
Ying zzz:
Fenugreek need prescription? Am thinking of trying that. Currently I only latch and pump only when breasts very full. Daughter feeds irregular. Sometimes one hour, sometimes two or three. So hard to gauge when to pump.
I'm not sure leh. I thought latch should increase ss. I always pump cos my boy dun want to latch when he was younger. Last couple of days, he dun mind latching.

So I latch him for his first morning first. He only drink like 10mins then stop, maybe from only 1 breast. I feel that he din drink as much as from the bottle. He dun clear my breast and I only start pumping 3hrs later. Mummies, do u still pump after u latch?
Increasing bm:
mummies, u all can try Milo with cereal, with oatmeal biscuit (Julia brand) I always have this as my snack. I also have brown rice for every dinner. I think my supply has been increasing although I started with quite an amoun of supply. I do feel breast full but no longer have the engorged kinda of pain feeling. I managed to yield close to 400ml when I don't pump for 6 hours (when I'm out of house), and over 200ml for
my 4 hourly pump. Breast milk are the best for our babies, jia you!! Don't feel dishearted!
>> berrynaq
fenugreek no need presciption.. can get from gnc.. one bottle 100 capsules around $30.. eat 3 tablet each time 3 times daily..

>> liang2
same same.. my boy used to refuse latching.. now also dont mind.. but he usually not full after latching.. if not he will fall aslp during latching.. and i will slp with him lol.. i will pump after latching if i am awake haha..

>> ak
haha i also feel breast very full after not pumping for 6 hr.. but yeild is only like 100ml :\
Think fenugreek, can take up to 12 pills a day. I read that somewhere in this forum.

Rabbitz: I am taking bird nest now. Shld be oki ba.
>> Rabbitz
I also take bird nest sometimes.. dont tink will have prob..

>> ak
yup i did.. even do hand express after 30 min of pump to squeeze out whatever i can.. haha..
Liang2: my ss also drops after latching. Think it's because baby don't drain my breast as much as the pump. N I'm too lazy to pump after latch.

Yingz: maybe try drinking more fluids?
Does yr baby's feed always coincide with yr scheduled pump session? On occasions when baby zzz and u finish pumping then he wakes up want milk, do u give bottle EBM or latch? If suppose after pump breat shld be quite empty, means latch baby will get little milk right? But my LC says our breast produce milk constantly so is ok, but I felt inadequate like can't feed him enough. So last night I gave EBM but he refuse the bottle, wasted my 100ml. In e end I latch him and he suck really hard but satisfied. Following feed woke up earlier.
BM supply: jus FYI, I took Blackmore's preg and BF gold instead of calcium, fish oil n obimin. By sure it that's also for my over supply.
>> YHO
yup trying to.. i usually dont drink much so i need to constantly remind myself to do so!

>> rabbitz
only sometimes coincide but i usually pump instead of latch.. cos my supply not enough :x if i finish pumping i will give the ebm.. my bb quite impatient so after pumping definitely cant latch.. my bb opposite of urs.. usually reject my breasts and prefer the bottle.. now when i latch is usually in the morning..
BM SS decrease:
I think my supply drop becos my baby didnt drain my breast and I'm lazy to pump after latching. I love the feeling of latching but I find it very troublesome to latch/pump. I resume back to pumping, hopefully I can get back my usual Ss.

Yingzz: we same same situation.

YHO: thanks for confirming my suspicion.

Bird nest:
I'm also take bird nest but not other type of Chinese herds.
i will try fenigreek. doc suggested that too.

liang2 and yingzzz:
you both pump more than latch? pump every 2 or 3 hourly? every pump session can get how much? baby dun latch?

what is "Blackmore's preg and BF gold instead of calcium, fish oil n obimin"? where to buy? haha. i will try (almost) everything to up ss. so far, for me, eating oats in morning and drinking papaya soup cooked with salmon bones helps.
When BF supposed to take supplements : calcium, fish oil and Multi vit (obimin) but I took the all-in-one ( Blackmore's --it's called pregnancy and breast feeding gold) supplement instead. 2 pills daily.

I heard black chicken soup is also good.

I latch my baby about 2-3hourly and pump about 3-4 hourly each time both sides about 120ml-150ml. I duno if this is considered high supply as I didn't ask around how much other mummies pumping with latch on.

Another way might help is, to keep telling yrself baby wants more milk, visualise baby suckling when u pump and need more milk. Yr brain will get 'signal' to increase supply. When pumping, look at baby photo or playback a video of baby wailing for milk.
The Blackmore's supplement is in a bottle with pink label. I bought from unity but guardian also hv, think JL will also carry as well. Buy when there is 20% off more worth.

i am so envious, i think you have a fantastic supply! base on what you saying, you are latching about 8x a day and pumping 6x a day. and if each side about 120-150 ml, you are getting 240ml -300ml per session! this means in one day you are getting almost 2 litre of milk on pumping alone. plus what the baby is getting, that is a whopping 3 litre!!

i did experiment and discover that i can only produce ard 40 ml/hr in total. hence if i latch, i will have nothing to pump for that session

even so, i am facing what i suspect to be foremilk and hind milk imbalance. my milk used to be quite thick when i could only pump 20ml or so /hr. now it got more watery and could be the likely cause of my baby poo-ing greenish poo on some days.

Does any of the mums here face such problem?
Ginger, i pump both sides not one side 120-150. That's e average but of course sometimes can drop to 80-100 if I am too tired to continue pumping and empty completely. Usually I pump ave 100ml on e side which baby abt latch and the balance 20-50 on e side he latch.

Despite high supply my baby drinks quite little I think, he latch max 10min one side only. Sometimes 5min and done if he chocks on milk and will not continue. Based on my feel I think <100 each time cos sometimes he ask for milk in 2hrs n I latch on demand. However since foremilk also has its benefits I do not pump away foremilk for all feedings.

I read foremilk is High in lactose n may cause much gas if baby intake too much/ imbalance. Hence sometimes I will pump out the foremilk and latch after hind milk is ready.
Ginger > my baby is on bm and fm and his poo was greenish and slightly watery for the first few weeks it got better after the 5th, became more seedy, greenish and yellowish in colour. Now he's 8wks his poo is mustard and he he poos on alternate days.

I guess the quality of bm is due to the food that you eat. I still try to eat fish for dinner and drink warm water during pumping. Bm is rather creamy.
Miss freedom: my gal is suckin on her fingers now, but she's still wearing mitten, so she suck on mitten. I don't wanna use pacifier, so not intending to give her one.
Are you giving her pacificer?
Babynaq: yes my baby dun latch so he is feeding on EBM. I'm pumping 3 hourly and can yield around per session

Miss freedom: my baby is also sucking his thumb, there are pros and cons to both option. If u latch yr baby i suggest you dun introduce pacifier. It tends to cause confusion to the baby. As my baby is on the bottle, I prefer to give him the pacifier, I find it cleaner than thumb. But now he is so fond of his thumb that he refuse to take the pacifier. Anyone knows how to introduce pacifier?
Ak &amp; liang2 >> I am using bottle feed edm. My baby can't latch since day 1. I am not using pacifier to replace his fingers yet. Still considering. Many people are telling me it is easier to wean off pacifier than finger since you can't take the finger away from baby in future. I had let my baby suck on pacifier on few occasion especially when outside. Sometimes just need to shut him up in public. Would be very scary for him to cry out in public. But sometimes he will just use his tongue to push away the pacifier. So depends in his mood.
