(2012/04) Apr 2012

My Bb has red patches too. On face n neck.. Went to pd n he said its baby acne. Prescribed some medication n a moisturizer n I true it this Morng. Maybe u can try the mustela cream or aloe Vera gel? Quite mild n suitable for babies.
Maybe u can wear ur usual clothes ba. For jeans with buttOns, can try the belly belt? Those we wear during early stage maternity. So no needa waste $$ buy new set of clothes..
I can't fit into any of my normal clothes so now I keep wearing loose dresses n preggy clothes first.
Mummies, how can I get my 5weeks old baby to slp in his cot instead of carrying him to slp or in Yao lan?
i also got a babysafe sling but still haven figure out how to use! monday going to bring baby down to mum and babes to get the staff to teach me.
hi mummies,

i need some advise on bb carriers.

I spent quite a lot on a adjustable pouch sling but my bb gal dun seem to like it. She likes to be carried in an upright position instead of lying down, so i thought she may like a carrier.

Heard that Beco, Ergo and Manduca are good cuz they support bb at the butt instead of the crotch. I've yet have the t to visit stores to take a look at them, so need some advise if they r gd n where i can get them at a gd deal. I've quite a short body and i'm afraid the carrier will be too huge for me (they look huge from the pictures i saw online).


i faced the same problem too. My gal cries a lot n always want to be carried. She needs to be carried to sleep, n if she's not in her deep slp, she'll wake up n cry e moment we put her in her cot.

Think we've spoiled her, can't bear to c her cry. What is worst is that i'm staying with mil, if i dun carry her n let her cry, my mil will carry her to coax her/ come knocking at my door if i happen to b breastfeeding b4 that.

Haiz.. need some advise pls.

ya my #1 is slpin in the same rm wit us so I've no choice but to carry esp wen she's slpin in order Not to disturb her.. Daytime I dint carry him immed wen he cry but stil result same.. N moreover he dun cry but scream til he kinda lost his voice.. Finally I gave up n fix a Yao lan for him in the day.. But hoppin he wil slp in the cot at nite.. Anione hav advise..?
My son has the same problem in his first 5 weeks, need to carry to sleep, but only in day time, one day I just put him sleep on his chest, and after that, he can sleep quite well in day time already. At night, he sleeps side way. Maybe u can try to put ur baby sleep on his chest.
Hey didn't get ur PM leh. And you don't accept PMs either!

Gosh I am so tired! On the day that hub gets the night off to go out with friends, little girl does poo of the year, and after I clean her up, big girl wakes up so I invite her to sleep with us. Then when I think both of them are asleep, I go take a shower. Halfway thru my usual 3-minute shower, big girl comes to tell me "meimei is crying". So I have to rush out and BF her lying down while balancing a wet turban on my head -_-

Motherhood would be so funny illustrated in a comic strip, no?
Hi mummies, anyone know about the cc named moriah school house in fernvale sengkang area? Got experience to share? Need to place my boy in infant care in aug as I am going back to work, moriah school house is the only cc has vacancy, but the charge is high $750 after subsidy, and they closes at 7pm everyday which it is challenging for me to reach by 7pm after work.
Hi Haru,
Do you bath your baby twice a day?
My boy now sleeps at 2 am every night.. I am thinking whether bathing in the evening will help him to sleep earlier at night. Now I only bath him once in the morning..around 7pm then I wipe him and change his clothes..he always perspire a lot during day time and bf..i want to try bath him today at 6 pm..hope he can sleep earlier..keep my finger cross
i didn't your PM too. and i have yet to figure out who is who on the FB. hahhaha...

sounds familiar! its always when hubby is home that baby and #1 are easy. when hubby is working or out, both decides to combine forces to challenge mommy!! its ok, we shall rant more about it on monday!

i normally bath bb once a day in e evening before bedtime. find that it helps him settle down easier..but yesterday he did a big poop so i showered him in the morning and then again in the night. haha..
Hi Hania, my gal used to sleep at 2.30am too! I started to give her a walk in the evening and a bath last week ; it seems to make her sleep better
Hi mummies, is it too late to join you all here? I'm a first-time mummy too.. Gave birth to my boy on 21 apr via emergency csect & have been following this thread silently cos I keep losing my password!

Anyway, I'm BF my boy too but did supplement him with FM a no of times when I was too engorged to let him latch direct cos super painful. I'm also very shy abt BF in public even though I got nursing cover. Feels like everyone know what I'm doing under the covers so once when I went out with bb for dinner I gave him FM. How to build up confidence to BF in public? Coz bring hot water, powder milk & bottles very leceh!

Serene, I got a bjorn original as a gift. Tried it on my boy and he pretty likes it! Didn't struggle. But I din't like it cos of the crotch issues. I'm keen in the Maduca but hb say got bjorn already no need to waste $$. Sigh. I wish we received a bjorn comfort, at least that one supports bb from the butt!
just keep practicing! i just bf my baby last night at an open seafood restaurant last night too. honestly no one cares and bothers as much. the more you do it, the more confidence you will get! good luck!
Min min, tat wat I m wearing nw when go out, preggy clothes

Ppl dunnoe still tot I m those early stage preggy woman....*sobz*.
Hannah, I m a 1st t mum also... was like u, v shy abt BF-ing in public at first... but after a while, kind of got used to it.. what haru said was correct, no one really cares.. i also dun get any weird stare or disgusted look so far... be confident about it and feel proud of it.. we're doing smth v nobel for our babies.. =)
Bbliss, tt day I went shopping in my Peggy dress ( tho i loss weight already shld look like doll dress) ..The sales gal actually said to me: take the pink one; more suitable for pregnant ladies.. I was crying internally when I heard tt & I didn't buy tt top. There- feel better already ? :p
Haha... Kathy, u r so cute. Thx for yr consolation

Btw, wat did u do to try flatten e tummy too ? U r a sahm or ftwm?
Hi Bbliss, the only thing tt I did is the massages n banku by the Malay lady.. I have just stared to take walks in an attempt to lose some weight.. No time to go exercise now
I'm a ftwm..
Don't worry. Sometimes people are just curious cos they don't know what we're doing under that mysterious nursing wrap. Budden, when we put a screaming baby under, then baby becomes quiet, it should be obvious right? Hehe

Hey girls, I must tell you all: a guy actually peeped down my nursing cover while I was breastfeeding on the bus!!! I shouted "EXCUSE ME?!" to him very loud and he walked off. Didn't do anything else cos I was on the high single seat in front then have to balance baby on boob+ bag and all. Tsk. Terrible right?

Why do the kids always reserve best behaviour for dads ah? Have you left hub alone with both yet? I did but only for short time. Some more give him chance, BF before and rush rush rush out and back within one hour. I come back, he was sweating hahahahha

Haha kathy, ya don't buy from that salesgirl!!

Climb stairs to your house? I got no choice. Walk up apartment, 4 storeys every day! But still far from pre preg weight cos hub keep saying "you are BFing! Eat more!". Think he's secretly trying to sell me to sumo association for extra $

Looking forward to seeing you girls on monday!
actually i have been eating just as much if not more than when preggie. somehow keep whacking food!! but i guess bf-ing helps to lose the weight pretty quickly. talking about food, i had chill crabs and durian last night and am gonna have durians tonight again!!! woo hoo!!!
Hi mummies,
My bb sometimes refuses to drink fm, even when he decides to drink, he will drink very unwellingly or struggle here n there n in the end vomit out. I'm still giving him bm but I'm worried when I go bk to work n supply drop, no more bm for him. Been training him to drink fm twice a day since confinement. Anyone with similar issue?

Now I'm in a dilemma, I wan to give bm for as long as I can, but I'm afraid it's not enough in the long run, n he doesn't like fm.. I thought of giving up pumping milk now, but worried he can't take fm..
Thanks all. Its my wedding anniversary tomorrow & hb and I are taking baby out with us for a celebratory lunch so I'll try my hand at hand nursing in public again!

That Guy is super rude! Should whack him in the head!

I'm trying to lose more weight too. I aim to lose another 4kg! But not easy, I feel as hungry as a horse after BF my boy!
pinkbunny, haru
I will not be able to go for our meet up tomorrow!

My girl is down with sore throat and flu. Not very nice to bring a sick girl to such gatherings. Could spread germs. So unexpected and i am so disappointed, so is she! Sigh. Lease keep me informed of the next meet up. I wanna go! Sorry mummies. So last minute.
wow! have fun!!

got your message! oh dear, hope ur girl recovers soon! no worries we can organize another meet up. =)
But no choice. Now she even started coughing. Yup, i definitely want to go for the next meet up!
Enjoy yourselves tomorrow! Must be very exciting to see so many april babies.
i think we only have a small group tomorrow. but still looking forward! we can always start planning for the next outing..hee...
Hey mummies! Enjoy ur outing Tmr!
May join ur next time when more confident of gg out alone w baby.

Kathy mummy,
Eat less rice? N more little snack times? I'm trying that too n using the abdominal binder that doctor gave. It's like the jamu wrap but not as tight. I used it to help support my wound as I delivered via csect n now still using to help flatten tummy (sometimes lazy then Nv la) hehe.
My #3 sick.... So scare if is hand foot mouth.. Tomorrow going to bring her see doctor.
Wish all mummy happy gathering!
I used tap water to wash my baby.

Outing today has been cancelled, let suggest another date with more mums joining

As per the youtube video(5 baby language), baby cries only when they need something, I believe you have to satisfy them then they won't cry so much. Try to watch the video and understand their needs then they might cry lesser
Yea maybe next time I can try to go join u guys! Nice to have a group of mummy friends w same bb bday mth. Maybe next time even same bday party bash for bbies!

Wondering how do you mummies bring bb out alone? Sling or use pram? my bb dun like sling like all squashed n curled up inside. So most times I carry him or put him in the pram when my hubby n I go out.. Still thinking how to bring him out alone.. Bb can't sit upright so gotta continue to sling him while eating? Quite dangerous if food drop on bb rite?
ann ho,
I used boiled water to bathe baby before 1 month now. Now i use tap water.

My boy does not like stroller so i have been putting him in a pouch or carrier when i go out. We love to go out coshe loves to sleep in these carriers! Haha.. Actually eating is not a challenge. I had slinged and ate with my girl in a carrier for 3.5 years and i never dropped any food on her before. So far for my boy never too. It's all about where and what you choose to eat. I will not pick food like noodles or soup and hot beverages are a no no. Choose rice or anything you can eat with one hand. Sit sideways with baby away from table. Sometimes i just buy sandwiches and eat on the go. The biggest challenge will be when you need to do a big biz in toilet. Lol. Practice makes perfect. The more you do it, the better you get. ;)
Ur very pro after yrs of practice! Even can do big biz! Salute!

For me I prob just started n long way to go before reach your level. Furthermore My Bb dun like to be curled in the sling so no choice. I can't go out without pram or carrying him. N he's gain alot of weight. 4.8kg at 6wks.. Arms super tired!
Btw u use pupsik sling for ur girl? I have a ring one n subsequently bought pupsik n both not successful w my Bb. Sigh.
Min min
I also sling all my kids. I did bring my kids and bb all by myself taking bus but just nearby not far....
I love to sling them. I will nurse my bb while inside my sling so no need to carry. When outside eating dinner, i eat mine and he drink his. By the time I'm done, he will be done too!
i dun bring stroller out at all expect bring my child to school. So when my bb needs to change diaper and no place to settle him to change, i will just put bb on my thigh and change in a corner not let ppl see!
Well practice make perfect.... Now i dun use nursing wear when nursing liao. I use nursing poncho to cover and i can wear normal t-shirt. No need to waste $$
minmin, LOL! Shhhh....secret! :p I don't really have a choice.

I can never use my bare hands to carry my kids. Cannot take the weight and get muscle ache. My boy is already 6.5kg at 7 weeks old!! How i wish he would take stroller. I use MIM slings when my girl was 1 to 18 months old then changed to pupsik pouch till 3.5 years old. Pouch was more comfy than slings cos she hit 20kg at 18 months old. Less strain on shoulder. For my boy i started with pupsik pouch but he outgrew cradle carry as he got too tall but not so ready for hip carry yet. I felt the strain too. In the end i bought a beco carrier and i'm loving it. Soooo comfy!
OMG lovexuan your #1 was 20 kgs at 18 month old?!!! How heavy is she now?
I thought my nearly-3 yr old is super heavy at 15kgs as she's always on the 95th percentile!
And you mentioned you are like 45kgs, how on earth could you manage a 20kgs!!! Super!

Wow, you guys have pretty heavy babies, huh....mine's 8 weeks and he's 5.2kgs and I thought he's heavy already! Guess I need to feed him on demand still then (there goes my beauty sleep!)

So, when's the next meet up?
By the way, my poor boy has a HORRIBLE rash on his cheeks...rash so bad there's like weeping wounds too!

Hope he doesn't inherit my eczema genes...*sigh*
Hahaha, I can join the sling-cum-doing-small/big business group too.
I am definitely "bigger" than lovexuan but I can't manage my 15kg using a sling anymore, actually stopped the sling when she was about 12kgs...I gave up the manduca when she was 10kgs!

Bought the Manduca (since ppl raved about it) while I was in Europe, walked the whole morning with my 12 kgs, I gave up, pass to hubby, he carried for the other half a day, he also gave up (he's much bigger but not much stronger than me! hmph!), so we spent one whole day the next day hunting for a baby store in Berlin to buy a stroller!!

That's why I'm still researching for a carrier...but a friend just gave me her mothercare carrier, so I guess I might use that for #2....or just stick to using a stroller when they pass the 10kg mark!
Lovexuan, your baby is really big. already 6.5kg? How heavy was he when born? My baby is only 4.2 at 7wks though he did start small at 2.5. Now I'm thinking if I'm not feeding him enough. I'm expressing and feeding 80-90ml every 2-3hrs. Is it too little? Sometimes I latch him also but he is not very willing cos I gave the bottle at 5 wks and he became lazy to latch. He will finish his bottle in 5min but latching can take an hr
April baby, my boy 7 wks and 5kg. I tot heavy too, like a bag of rice! They grow really fast! My boy has rash on eyebrows. Hoping no eczema too. Pray hard**

Lovexuan, I need ur Courage to bring my bb Out alone n in a sling which he doesn't like. N I can't bf in the sling. Like so difficult! If I could I wud have gone out flying about Liao.

Reborn, are u first time mummy? Sounds like ur another pro too. I'm totally like 2 left hands n 2 left feet. I'm still thinking of bringing baby to Thailand short trip! Need brush up skills like u guys before I can go.. Hehe.
Min min, when can baby start traveling? I heard from my friend before that it's not good to take plane when they ard too young because of air pressure. Is it true? I also wish I can go on holiday. But first I need to learn to bring baby out alone first. Really admire the rest of you like Lovexuan can even go toilet and bf using sling. I'm struggling to use the sling properly leh.

Jellio mummy, same here got problem using sling right. First time mum syndrome? Haha.

I wanna bring Bb when he's about 4 mths? Not sure abt the air pressure though, I check with pd soon. Some of my frens just bring n no problem. Even went to Taiwan n they say Bb cry less cuz cold n they dun move much. Like sit n stone. Haha.
Wanna go for a break before I return to work in Sept. my gynae told me to cancel all my trips when I was preggy. N I cancelled 2. So I better go soon.
