(2012/04) Apr 2012

did that too...cant take it, its giving me a headache, gonna go to 24hrs clinic later after feeding baby. =( it seems to be giving me a fever too. sigh...

my baby woke up like 3 times last night. noticed he wakes up pretty frequent at night, sometimes i wonder if he is hungry at all, but i figure feeding is the best way to calm and get them back to sleep!

2. lovexuan + ashlyn(4.5 years) + ambrose(7 weeks)

That's great! Hopefully we get that large table in front of/next to the kids play area! Heehee..
Btw mummies as I have just stop bf I would like to sell my pump. Details as follows

Local Medela Pump in Style Advance (10 months warranty left) + free gifts

I have a lightly used Medela PISA warranty registered on 17-Apr-2012.

Condition is still very good like new. Come with all standard accessories and a Medela Backpack.

Free additional Medela Items: one pair of Valves and Membranes (brand new)
one box of Pump & Save Breastmilk Bags, 20pcs (brand new)
one box of hydrogel pads 4 pcs (brand new)

Letting go everything at 450. A deal not to be missed with warranty to keep you in peace.

Please pm me!
Wow griffy your post got advertising tagline somemore. Very nice! "A deal not to be missed, with warranty to keep you in peace!"
Lol actually is my hb who draft out the msg, I just copy and paste. Though I know all the mummies already have their own pump, just testing my luck.
Hi mummies, I would like to seek some advice/opinions.

If you total breast feed and direct latch on, is there a need to pump and keep an emergency supply?

Anxious, my baby is currently tbf by latching on only cos he refuses bottle. Ok for me since i am a sahm. So far no need to pump out for emergency. If there's a need, i probably just express using hand and leave for hubby to spoon feed/syringe feed. I find pumping slower!

But if you're going back to work after maternity leave, you probably have to pump out to freeze for future use as well as train baby to use bottle.
Dragon: huh vomit after every meal, u not worry he is not getting enough nutrient?

I have not bring my son out yet except for vacination .
No confidence to bring him out too .. Dun think I can handle ..
No one add me to the Facebook yet

My BM getting lesser day by day . Already stretch to 5 hr pump. Now. Trying to pump again every 3 hrly to build up supply again.. Tired .. N can hardly go out becoz of the pumping even go out cannot hang out for too long
Wah, so many advice for me, thank u very much Haru, lovexuan and babydragon. I have cut my boy's finger nail yesterday and bought him to NEX with two assistant's help(hubby and dad), hahaha, still a big achievement to me, my confidence built up a bit.
Anxious- the baby goes through growth spurts, where they will need more milk. It will be good to express and keep for these times as top up feeds..:)

Mummies.. Please add me for the fb group: [email protected]

I would so love to join the outing, but my elder girl has really not been feeling well for the longest time.. Will see how she is these few days.. Hopefully can join you all..(;
Lovexuan, I'm also a sahm. I didn't seriously think about pumping until someone asked me whether there is a need for emergency supply. And that sets me wondering.
actually u can still go out just as long as you plan ur trip so that there is nursing room that you can use to pump your milk while outside.

haha, good for you! i would love to bring both my kids out on my own but i think its quite a handful. if #1 has to go the to loo, etc...pretty tough! when i had #1, i went out and did christmas shopping all myself the moment confinement was over. with an extra child, it makes a huge difference!
April mummies lunch:
Venue: 313 somerset, marche (ground floor)
Date; 4 june
Time: 1145am till whenever we need to leave

1. Pinkbunny + poppy (age 4) + calla (7 weeks)
2. lovexuan + ashlyn(4.5 years) + ambrose(7 weeks)
3. haru + heidi (3.5 years) + reyes (5 weeks)
Anxious, i find that as a sahm with an elder girl, it's even tougher to find time to pump? Unless hubby comes home early. I don't even have time to sit down eat or take a decent relaxing shower.. I also just latch on every hour during growth spurt. Haha.. Then after growth spurt, the boobies feel like rock everyday but settle down again after a few days. ;)

Haru, thanks! Haha.. Didn't think of consolidatng it together. :p
Agree with haru. I bring both kids out about thrice a week and omg, when #1 needs to poo, it's challenging! Even more challenging when i need to go toilet with baby in a carrier!! Hahaha.. Imagine me carrying baby in carrier and #1 standing in front of me plus our shopping bags plus diaper bag hanging at the door. At that point in time i would ask myself what have i gotten myself into... :p
Cheekyduckie is busy managing 2 kiddos all by herself, I'm helping with the admin for the FB group, the is a private/closed group for EDD Apr mum, NO MAN. We would prefer to avoid silence readers as we all come together to share/learn each other's experience, etc via the media.

I'll need to add you to my friend list then I can invite you to the FB group.

I've just added the following active members to my friend list, please accept then I can invite you to the group. Thanks:
Kathy - [email protected]
Anxious - [email protected]
Sotong - [email protected]
meimay - [email protected]
resso99 - [email protected]
haru - [email protected]
Giffy - [email protected]
C&C mummy - [email protected]
Esther Tan - [email protected]
Hi Meinme, please add me to FB. My email add is [email protected]. My baby boy is coming to 6 weeks old and i have an elder boy who is 4 years old. Thank u.

Re: 4 June gathering

I will give it a miss as still coping with my baby's burping problem. Will join the next June gathering.
Mummies, just to share.. My 7 weeks old got bitten by a mosquito last friday and now he has hives! Been 3 days already but it seems to be clearing up. Think he's allergic to the sting. Sigh

Could it be due to weather? Many mosquitoes around my area! Think we should start pasting insect repellent patches around the house. I am using badger's bug balm too.
Bbliss - actually I am still wondering whether to bring both or not. The elder one is so active and won't sit still.

Is there nursing room at 313? We will need it. I know ION has but are there nearer ones?
April mummies lunch:
Venue: 313 somerset, marche (ground floor)
Date; 4 june Monday
Time: 1145am till whenever we need to leave

1. Pinkbunny + poppy (age 4) + calla (7 weeks)
2. lovexuan + ashlyn(4.5 years) + ambrose(7 weeks)
3. haru + heidi (3.5 years) + reyes (5 weeks)
4. Baby dragon + vera (7 weeks)
Lovexuan, hope your baby is ok now. You are very steady leh. Go out three times a week. Where do you go? It's so warm outside. My boy cannot take heat too well. He gets heat rash. What happens when your kids need to nap when you were out? The first few weeks my boy did not seem to sleep a lot during the days. But the past week, it seemed like he is napping more. He does not fancy the stroller. My pupsik pouch was a bit too small so I sent it for exchange. But he seems to feel warm in it. And so far he does not stay in my ergo carrier long. Have to carry him all the way when we go out.

I'm interested to join in the 4 June gathering but I have to leave around 1pm and I am not too confident heading out with baby on my own. Baby has appointment with PD and hubby on half day.
Yes, there are nursing rooms. B3, level 1 and 5.

Thanks. The red patches have lessen so seems much better. Maybe i am used to going out since #1. helps keen me sane. Haha.. I go to nearby malls, supermarkets, libraries etc on weekdays before 5pm. So not much crowd. Just got to lunch before 12pm or after 2pm to avoid lunch crowd. Lol. My girl stopped naping since 2.5 years old. I don't bring stroller so it's pretty easy. Baby like to be carried. He's ok with both pupsik pouch and beco carrier. Just zzz and wake to poo or drink only. Totally opposite when at home! Going out helps him sleep better at night too. Haha.. Actually the pupsik pouch is meant to be tight. If it's too loose, you can't go hands free and it expands after a while.

You can join us if you don't mind going off earlier. I mean venturing to and fro marche, pd clinic and all. ;)
When u use pupsikpouch, isyour baby's head flexed with chin to chest? Mine seems to do that and does t look too comfy.
can i check if there is ample space in marche 313 as my stroller is pretty bulky.=P perhaps we should make a reservation and let them know we need a table with extra space. =) i will be happy to call to make a reservation if we can have the total no of mommies and kids joining in.
I been bringing my boy to market, bring #3 to childcare.... Whenever I need to get out of house I must bring him coz no adult at home to look after..
SSP, the chin should not be touching the chest. You should be able to see a bit of neck. Sounds like he's too low. Prop him up a little higher so that his neck is rested near your elbow. Check yourself in the mirror if you are not sure if the position looks ok.

haru, marche does not take reservation. But they do reserve for big group with minimum spending..i forgot how much. We reserved before for my bro's birthday. We had to pay a deposit. Can call to check just to be sure. Are wee looking at a table next to the play area or right in front? There is a large long table next to the play area with ample space for big strollers. But not much of space right in front of the play area where we can watch the kids closely. Anyway this marche is pretty spacious so no worries iguess. I may not be bringing stroller since baby doesn't want to lie in it. Just thought it's good for quick diaper changing or convenient when tryinf to put him in carrier only.
Initially i will lay down my gal after patting for awhile. Also will work.
Recently i started asking her - 嘉恩,你的嗝在那里啊?immediately after making her sit, n W/o patting her back. Dometimes she will burp almost instantly. If not, pat a few time n it will b out.
Mummies, I'll skip this time round coz wait till bb bigger.. Experience mummies can share ur experience on bf? I latch on feed bb can takes 45min or one hr duration which he can slp 3-4 hr.. Wonder if he grow older e latch time will fasten?
monica, i think every baby is different. Mine used to drink slowly for 20 to 30 minutes then fall asleep after that. Ever since 6 weeks old, he likes to drink hard and fast! He would suck non-stop for about 5 to 10 minutes, then slow down and start his comfort sucking, smile at the breast or look at me. It usually means he's done and i would unlatch and burp him. Just make sure it's really 45 minutes of drinking and not just comfort sucking. Let him take his time. When he's full, he will show you that satisfied face and you will know he's done. Try not to let him suck for comfort or you will experience soreness. Oh, ensure he is latching on correctly too! Try to get a deep latch so he can suck more.
Oic thanks lovexuan
its so cute to see bb r almost the same when u see them smile means they r satisfied
my bb is drinking not comfort sucking n I think mainly bcoz he's smaller in size so take longer time to drink..hope he grow faster so can suck beta n faster..
hi mommies!
brot #1 and baby out today on my own. not too bad, coz i went out to have lunch with my sister. didn't do any shopping at all coz #1 was tired and getting cranky after lunch. while she napped, i showered baby who was wide awake (he slept all e way while outside) and he fell asleep while mommy showered. good boy!! finally i have some free time to log in.

i am still experiencing frequent night feeds and i wonder how i can slowly train baby to sleep longer at night..is he sleeping too much/ feeding too little in the day? sometimes i try to "force" him to latch him but he doesnt want..=( hopefully it will slowly improve over time!
oh no!! I can't make it on the 4th of June....

Can we arrange another one after mid June???

Anyone started sleep training baby, like as in hardcore sleep training...I'm going mad at night as he wakes up every 2 hours to feed!

My #1 sleeps through for 5-6hrs at 6 weeks naturally, but this one (shakes head) its gonna be an uphill battle...
Hi Mummies,
My baby got fever and diarrhea after his vaccination. The PD recommended 3 vaccine together, 6in1, pneumococcal and rotavirus so we went ahead last wed. Maybe it is too siong for him. We bought him to NUH children's emergency on sun night as he was crying and cranky all the time. The doc say the rota jab gave him diarrhea and it is causing the stomach pain. He cried a lot all through sun night, is better now but still a bit fussy from time to time. He will cry and 'gek' his face like he is trying very hard to poop. Any idea how to relieve the tummy ache for him?
Also, he fever has been very persistent. Coming on and off from thurs till now? Any tips on how to prevent or end it quickly the next time I bring him for jab?
aprilbaby, i hope so! Haha.. I don't mind another meet up.

I have started a routine for baby from about 6 weeks. Not really sleep training but a good routine helps baby to sleep better at night. I read gina ford's books and find it very inspiring! The trick is to let baby feed well and nap adequately during the day.

After baby wakes up in the morning, he will take a short morning nap. Followed by a long afternoon nap(about 2 to 3 hours), short evening nap(less than 30 minutes) and it will be bedtime. Ensure about 4 to 5 feeds between 7am to 11pm.

Same here! My girl slept through for 13 hours at 2 months old naturally but with a similar routine as well. My boy..sigh! Working on it. There are good days and bad days. Good days zzz 7 hours, normal days 1 night feed and bad days wake up every hour!!
Lovexuan, I didn't know the Pupsik pouch has to be tight. Mine was like very tight and I thought baby look very uncomfortable in it. Haha. The weather is too hot to go out or I'm plain lazy. Too comfy at home hehe.
I'm trying to get my baby to drift to dreamland on his own. I put him down after feed but he would not go to sleep. Currently, he goes to zzz after feed when I latch him on lying down so that he continues sleeping. Any tips to achieve that?
those mummy got the singkids can share the membership? see ah, member sign up 10 visit total $140 use within 6mths.
I got 3 kids + 1 infant. If i will to sign up, can my whole family 2 adult + 3 kids + 1 infant use 1 member card??
tomorrow consider peak day or off peak?
Which outlet better??
your situation sounds familiar, like mine! my #1 also slept thru by the time she was 3 months. but my baby now hardly even goes beyond 2 hrs w/o waking up at night. but in the day he can tahan 3-4 hours.

i am fine for another meet up too. =) mommies always have lots to chat about anyway. hahah...

hope ur baby is feeling better! you have to take care too ya?

my baby was awake for quite a while in the mornings initially but now he also naps a lot in the morning. think coz he is quite wakeful after his 5/6am feed...trying to think how to adjust his pattern so that he can sleep thru longer and also not "wake" so early.

i did wonder if my baby is napping too much in e day and hence not feeding enough. but i don't wanna force him to keep awake as he will end up overtired and cranky..

takes patience and persistence. i try to put baby down in cot most of the time before he is in deep sleep at night and let him drift to sleep on his own. i only pick him up if he cries. but the moment he calms down i will put him down again. sometimes it takes up to more than 5 times (pick up and put down) before he finally falls asleep on his own.
Haru, would you be in the room till he falls asleep? I put him down, say sweet dreams and then leave the room. He would struggle a lot for a long time and then cry. If I'm in the room, will he get used to it and needs me to be around to fall asleep?
ya normally i would. sometimes if i see that he seems like he can't settle down i try to place my palm on his chest..sometimes it works. the whole idea is that he can fall asleep on his own. u don't have to stay in the room if you think he is fine. if he cries can always just pick him to soothe him again.
