(2012/04) Apr 2012

i heard that the Marche at 313 has kids play area..i agree, kids friendly restaurant would be great!

Pinkbunny, i was just thinking of suggesting Food for Thought! i have brought my girl there a couple of times, and she loves it. The small play area is enough to keep her entertained for hours and she normally just plays w e other kids there while i have my breakfast. only thing is that the outdoor seating next to the play area is limited. There is indoor area where you can see outside too. but i think if we are early and its a weekday should have no problem.

Hi Mums,

Anyone using the medela swing?

Is the adapter end of the tubing supposely to be able to fully insert into the opening of the connector?

My little one is still rejecting the bottle. Next step in project bottle is to change the bottle. I was using Tommie tippee that worked well with my elder one. I went out and got a nuk bottle today. Wish us luck!

Pink bunny- niagara falls is a good description! It just pours out all of a sudden and it only happens on one side! And it makes baby colicky after.I wonder why..haru- does that happen to yours as well?

I'm on for the meetup too. My elder one is 2.5.
Wow... Hw I wish I can join in this outing wif you mummies here. But i m a 1st time mummy unlike u mummies here have 2nd, 3rd child etc hence may not be appropriate :p
haru, i am not sure where are the other branches but i frequent the one at amk. Here's their website: http://www.the-icebreaker.com/index1.html

Meet up,
Wow! That's great. So many mummies are keen. Heehee..
Ok, agree on dry play and child friendly restaurant!

My girl loves marche at 313 too. Just a tiny play area but she could play there for hours(there was once 6 hours!!) while i have my rosti and hot cocoa and read a book. Ahh...those were the days. Must relive it again!

Food for thought at botanic garden sounds good! Mornings are great! But hopefully the weather is kind else kinda hard to walk there with our "barang barang"! Or is it sheltered all the way from train station now? Is there a baby room or toilet located nearby just in case? Geez! Long time since i went there. At least not after i got preggy.

Ok, so food for thought or marche at 313@somerset or any other good suggestion on a child friendly restaurant? So exciting! ;)
Meimay, all April mummies are welcome to join!

Bbliss, the outing is not limited to mummies with elder kids only. If you feel confident enough to bring baby out yourself, do join us! ;)
Same here Bbliss...
So anyone gg to head start fb group?
Btw for the pigeon wipes I think it's cheaper to get from taka sale these few days.
Oh dear I miss kio grass jelly milk tea so much. Nv have it for almost a year!
Hi mummies, I'm new to this forum and would like to join the FB group. I tried searching for cheeky duckie/blue turtle but couldn't find them. Pls advise.

hi mummies, me too, i m keen to join the fb pg buit cant find cheesy duckie too.

Regarding meetups, I m keen to bring my no 1 along with bb too. However, I still need to pump every 3h, are u gals gonna meet up for a short while only then head home to express milk or will u all latch on when bb is hungry? I m still v pro at latching on bb. For no 2, I mainly am a human pacifier i.e. after i express out the milk, then will let bb latch on. Else if milk is full, bb will choke on it so he drinks mostly fr bottles.
meet up
haiz... i dun think i can lo... if want need to bring all 4 and i think will be a big messy... too far for me also, i live in the north-woodlands

Finally past 1 week lo.. now everyday so busy, i eat alot.. energy use up very fast! Is holiday but no where to go..
let down
i been trying drink those instant ginger tea, it works! I will drink it before i pump, and it let down faster than before and i got twice let down in a pump session.
hi mommies!
so tired today..left my baby at mom's place for a couple of hours while i brought #1 for her class. pumped outside and threw 200ml of milk! coz i was too lazy to bring a cool bag..=P lazy mommy...did errands and a little shopping and my back is still aching now! good thing is that baby managed to finish the 2 bottles of EBM i left with my mom, unlike my #1 who completely didn't wanna take EBM.

i think i may have missed out some posts..=P what were you referring to with the niagara falls?

food for thought is at the tanglin side so it will be a long walk from mrt station which is at the cluny gate..there is no nursing room (there is toilet in the restaurant) so last time i went there i just nursed with a cover. =)

i am same with you, baby never empties breasts!! but when i go out, i just latch and tahan until go home. haha..actually i noticed my baby latches on pretty well outside compared to at home, strange!

wow!! so effective!! i didn't take any ginger recently but i managed to get let down when pumping today. phew...will try out the ginger tea, but is it ok to take it (it contains tea = caffeine)?
Count me in for meet up!
But nowadays weather is really hot! Air-conditioned place would be nice.

Wish you refrained from tea and coffee? I need my coffee eveyrday, have never atopped since i got to know i was pregnant....Good thing baby not affected!
Thanks haru! Wow.. Now that sounds far. Probably take a cab down if we really decide on that location!

Mummies, i have never nursed in public with #1. Either nursing room or supplement with fm. This time baby #2 is on tbf and refuses bottle TOTALLY! Not just bottles, pacifiers or spoon or syringe...whatever not made of flesh is rejected. So sometimes when i cannot find a vacant nursing room, i guess i will have to do it with nursing cover. Any tips?

Cos i tried once and baby disliked being under the cover and was unlatching the whole time causing bm to spray everywhere including his own face then he screamed, coughed, choked etc. And my nursing top and pants were drenched in bm. So sticky and unsightly! I brought along a hanky but covered baby's neck with it so he will not get wet. I need some help on this!!
Today baby fell asleep at 8pm instead of usual 10pm. Still asleep. Now should i just go to bed to wait up a while and see how..hmm......
No tea contain... Just ginger... So relax!
Becoz is kind of very heavy ginger favor if u use 1 pkt with 150ml, I use half half. Half pkt for 150ml and the ginger favor still strong...
Can suggest a date, if anyone can't make it then set another date which can accomodate everyone
the place must not b too small coz I can imagine how many prams will be ther.
Hee.. FB April mummies just organized another trip to imperial treasure at Taka for dim sum.. So many mummies! Too bad I start work already. Maybe u can leave ur emails here and I can get blue turtle to check and add u all into the FB group?

Btw think Taka sale has started right, 10% + 10% with Taka card discount? Also next weekend is the motherhood fair at expo + flea market @ expo too.. Can't wait!!
so far, i have tried decaf at starbucks and it seems to be ok! think the thought of a restless wakeful baby just scares me too much! hahah..

the more you do it the easier it gets.=) the e spraying, pulling away happens all e time. i just standby a handkerchief when he first latches on coz i noticed he always pulls away during let down! ya spray everywhere..hahha..its ok la, i think we think too much. most people don't really bother when we are nursing.

oh, i am not on the FB April mummies but dim sum sounds good!! can I still join if i can make it? should I PM you Cayden's mummy?
Ha... Love xuan, I would much glad to bring my gal out if she can finish drinking her milk fast. Mi gotta spend close to an hr to feed her. Haha... I can imagine all mummies left e nursing rm finished feeding while I still left behind... Haha...hope to join nex time

Griffy- u oso 1st time mummy ? Nice to share some pointers fr experienced mummies here ya
I am ok with any one of these days 4 to 7 June.
If possible, hopefully we can do another gathering 3rd week of june before school holidays end! Hahaha

haru, so it's common! Ya, maybe i think too much. Better practise a few more times. :p

Bbliss, i will wait for you! Haha..
I am not active in facebook, if have outing, can update here?
So I can join?

Vivo's good, as I also live somewhere near the west
Please add me too in fb [email protected].
Btw any mummies experience difficulties in burping ur baby after bf? Mine very difficult to burp..n now his stomach got phong2 sound..so sad..any tips to easily burp the baby..i always do over the lap and over the shouldier only
hi mommies,
feeling awful..woke up w a terrible sore throat and running a temperature now. hubby is not home tonight and am all alone. sigh...any idea if i can take panadol when bf-ing??
My six week old baby vomit milk twice today?
Is it normal ? I am feeding him 100 ml BM every 3 hourly roughly dun think I have over feed..
haru: haha they already went le! Maybe u leave ur email here and I'll get the admin to add u in?
and yes normal Panadol can, not those Panadol extra etc thou.

Sotong: my baby oso suddenly vomit a small pool of milk twice yesterday.. Think as long as not frequent or every time should be ok bah. Sometimes he never burp out that's why..

Hania: i cup my hand and use a little force and pat his back.. Not upwards as it brings up milk faster and baby tend to easily puke. My bb doesn't really burp when latched on though. If drinking bottle muz make sure got burp.. Sometimes don't have oso normal cos they had a smooth feed. Btw if pat very long no burp, change baby to lying position for a while then back to over lap/ shoulder position and try again. Sometimes the air is stuck somewhere..
Dear mummies, my boy is 5 weeks old, his finger nail is very long now, any idea if I can cut the finger nail? Everyone around me told me do not cut the nails when baby too young.
i already cut baby's nails when he was about 3 weeks old coz it was really long and scratching me when i fed him. i normally let him go mittens-free during the day. do use the scissors instead of nail cutter.

sigh. my fever has subsided a lil but throat is still killing me. wonder why is so freaking pain...
devilmom - i cut my baby's nail when she was 1 week. better than let her scratch her face.

i am also inactive in fb, can update the outing here?

sotong - my baby will vomit after every feed, i also feed about 100ml every 2-3h
I first cut and kept baby's nails at 4 weeks old. Then i stop wearing mittens and cut every week after that.

Meet up
Is 4 june ok for the rest of the mummies?
By the way mummies, do you still wear socks/booties for baby at home? I am thinking of removing cos they are quite tight for him already but the feet feels cold. I forgot when did i stop wearing for #1. tsk tsk...
i am ok for mon 4 June. =)

having my 3rd cup of manuka honey..still damn pain, feels like I'm swallowing needles...sob...

i do wear booties/socks at home but mittens-free during e day.
Ok, so for Monday, 4 June we have...


More mummies please! Heehee..

Have we decided on location? Food for thought at Botanic garden or marche at 313@somerset/vivo?

haru, oh dear! Give it some time. I hate sore throats too. Hugs!

I guess i shall continue socks until 12 weeks old then. Cos i feel so uncertain after removing it. My baby loves to lick his fist like a lollipop! He hasn't discovered his feet though. ;)
Gargle with salt water?

I'm good for 4 june too! And 313 marche is a great recommendation! Let's try to meet at 1145 to beat lunch crowd. Put your name down here ok, so we'll know how many people+kids. Yay so exciting!

April mummies lunch:
Date; 4 june
Time: 1145am till whenever we need to leave

1. Pinkbunny + poppy (age 4) + calla (7 weeks)

Not to worry la. We have #1s so we are the ones who will be more stressed! Have to keep an eye on them plus the little ones. Who knows, you will be the only calm one with neat hair while the rest of us are dashing around

Sorry for quick zip in and out post. I am soooooo tired. I am seriously severely sleep deprived. Baby wakes twice a night and I can't latch on while lying down cos then she keeps falling asleep so I have to sit up and nurse. Yawnnnnnn

Gargle with salt water?

I'm good for 4 june too! And 313 marche is a great recommendation! Let's try to meet at 1145 to beat lunch crowd. Put your name down here ok, so we'll know how many people+kids. Yay so exciting!

April mummies lunch:
Venue: 313 somerset, marche (ground floor)
Date; 4 june
Time: 1145am till whenever we need to leave

1. Pinkbunny + poppy (age 4) + calla (7 weeks)

Not to worry la. We have #1s so we are the ones who will be more stressed! Have to keep an eye on them plus the little ones. Who knows, you will be the only calm one with neat hair while the rest of us are dashing around

Sorry for quick zip in and out post. I am soooooo tired. I am seriously severely sleep deprived. Baby wakes twice a night and I can't latch on while lying down cos then she keeps falling asleep so I have to sit up and nurse. Yawnnnnnn
