(2012/04) Apr 2012

Blessed, u mean by putting in 200ml per bag is for 2 times feeding? My baby is drink ard 90-100ml each feed depending on her mood & per milk bag I put only 100ml of milk.. Find it a waste thou.. Thinking can I put 200ml den Trf it to bottle after thaw for 2 feeds.

Re vaccine, I bring my baby back to pd. only stop seeing the pd when they gets older.,

Reborn, do u have extra box for perfection bags to try out? Can sell me 1?? Keke., btw after ur baby born ur #2 or #3 got do any funny or naughty things to seek ur attention? My #2 became so naughty out of a sudden doing funny things to seek our attention..

Its my 3rd week of confinement.. Hooray, finally finishing in another week time. Any idea which bakery has eggless full month cake as I hav few colleagues who r vegetarian..

Re Pacifier, my #2 only stopped pacifier when she's 3.. Somemore we kept laughing at her & told her its v shameful then she managed to quit.. I really dun wanna introduce pacifier to my baby but she keeps crying. Wonder how my maid is going to manage when I return to work. Today when I woke up I saw my maid carry my baby & shaking.. Now my baby keep wanting pple to carry.. Haiz...


This is the normal
Sore Nipples,
Used to have very badly cracked nipples as I have bad eczema, plus latching on and hot weather didn't help...
so when preggy with this #2, I have been religiously putting on nipple cream and it helps a lot!
No more cracked and dry nipple for me!

I used the milkbags to store ard 250 ml. What I did was to freeze it, after that I thaw it in the lower compartment of the fridge. When it become liquid, I separate it into 2 bottles of 100 and 150ml. Hope this helps. But if u thaw outside, I think must finish all at a go.
sore nipple
1. latching wrong position that's why feel pain once baby latch on.
2. After pumping or latch on, use hand to express some milk on the nipple and let it air dry itself.

I been TBM my 1st 3 kids for a year, no issue of sore nipple.
my #2 at 1st yes, coz i cannot bring her to school den she cry easily at school. Hmm... she is 6 this yr, K2. After 2nd week bb come back, she is back to normal.
my #3 cried whenever start dinner time, at school no problem. But when she stay over at my parent house every fri night, will complain nobody love her. Mummy cannot bring me to sch and shower me. Tried talking to her, let her have more touch with newborn didi, also abt 2 weeks later she is back to normal.

Did u give ur child gift when u discharge or they visit ur newborn baby? I did prepare 3 gift on behalf of didi and pass it to them on the day when didi discharge go home. They were happy and love didi but just feel my love for them needs to be share with more silbing liao.
And u need to explain to ur child why u needs so much attention to ur bb. They can understand but just keep on telling them why...
Blessed, thanks.. I'm currently using piyo piyo bags fr kiddy palace which can only contain 160ml.. Later sneaking out to get 200ml bags.. Lol!!

Reborn, wat is the diff between nano??
For mums who hope to increase milk supply

Many working and pumping moms have found that eating oatmeal is very helpful for increasing pumping output. It can also be helpful to snack on protein-rich foods during the day and to have something to drink every time you sit down to pump or nurse.
Many moms have gotten good results using fenugreek or other herbs to increase supply, either on a short- or long-term basis. This is most effective when combined with increased nursing/pumping.
Nano Silver Milk Bag
This is freezer safe, pre-sterilized, keep even breast milk fresher longer, antibacterial, antifungal, and deodorizing effects.
BPA Free, Self-standing, Leak proof, individually sealed for hygiene.
sore nipples
The SGH lactating nurse checked and passed my bf position. The moment she see my nipples soon after i deliver even b4 i bf, she warned me that my nipples are very sensitive, very prone to become sore. She immediately prescribe the lanolin cream for me. though i apply faithfully, my lousy nipples still could not withstand my bb sucking.
usually I do not wake bb up for feed, I wil wait till they cry..

Any mummies here have baby taking similac??
My Fren have me similac exp sept 2012. I stopped giving Cos thought my Fren might have stored in a hot place & thus affect the quality of milk..i feel that the powder is abit smelly thou it looks ok.
Then I bought another tin of 400g similac fr guardian, same thing exp sept 2012. Same smell oso.. There's a smell that is something like soy milk. The tin is blue in color. Can mummies here advise if it's like this? Now I have 2 tins of opened similac.. Lol!! Shd I use the old tin 1st??

how much is the milkbag?

if we thaw our frozen milk in fridge how long can we keep?

if outside rm tempt how long can we keep.

mummies care to share how much your bb is drinking breastmilk now and how old is your bb. mine reaching 4 week soon 3 hrs drank ard 110ml is it ok.
mummies, how is everybody doing? all april mummies have popped i assumed! goodness! it's been ages since i last log in. how time flies... my life has been on a roller coaster ride for the month of april!

when i last logged in, i was talking about my baby being hospitalised for jaundice and my terrible engorgement plus sore nipples. it's been a tough breastfeeding journey this time round. just thought to share what happened while i was absent from here! LOL

my baby started having bad diaper rash at his crotch area when he was about 2 weeks old. belly button to the thigh area. all red and pimply! then pus started showing up in some of the rashes. i thought he was just heaty! but one morning the pus multiplied to hundreds and it was obvious that my baby was in distress and crying not sleeping at all. i decided to bring forward his polyclinic appointment and hubby brought him down for a check. he was referred to kkh a&e immediately. we were puzzled. we rushed to kkh and the doctor who insepcted him got a shock and she had no idea what it was though it was clearly a skin infection. she paged for a senior doctor who also came and told me he has NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE!! but it looked bad as his skin was a bright red which could mean the bacteria could have seeped into his blood stream which may be life threatening. the doctor persuaded me to have baby warded for a full septic work up. i broke down immediately. i could not accept the fact that baby has to be away from me again. i could not stop crying. i kept asking myself why must my baby be taken away from me again!? but i knew i should let the doctors do their jobs. on the very same day the doctor briefed me about what was going to be done on baby and i almost went crazy. they told me they will have to do blood tests, urine tests, pus culture as well as lumbar puncture(extraction of bone marrow BUT without local anaesthetic). they would also start him on 3 types of antibiotics via IV drip and warned me that it could hurt his kidneys and liver as well as bring about pain in his body when administered. i thought i was close to having PND!! anyway my confinement seemed to came to an end on that day as well cos i made the decision to breastfeed him despite feeling sore and camped at kkh everyday for the whole of the visiting hours. this saved my sanity. i was glad to be able to hold him, look at him, nurse him and be there for him. i never once left him to cry during the time i was there. it pained me to see him all strapped up to those drips etc but i was just happy to be there for him. i sat in the nursery the whole time and never left except for meals. i started having backache, pain in the womb and even got caught in the rain twice. confinement effort all wasted but what to do? i was alone as hubby had to go back to work during that period of time. 4 days passed quickly and he was diagnosed with MRSA(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methicillin-resistant_Staphylococcus_aureus). the doctor then told em that the antibiotics that he had been on for the past few days are ineffective towards this bacteria and he needed a new course of oral antibiotics. but he was allowed to go home with me as the pustules had all cleared. thank goodness i brought him for a check up earlier! thank goodness the bacteria did not seep into his blood stream! i am so thankful that all my prayers were answered.

ever since he was warded at kkh, he became super sticky to me. now i am a human pacifier! but nothing matters as long as he is all well and happy! he is already 5 weeks old now.
desperatemum, how are you doing? i am getting used to my new routine and sleepless nights. haha.. #1 is also very happy to help out at home and loves her baby brother so much. phew!

we have not gone for a check up as baby was warded during our appointment with the cardiac centre. not sure if he still has a heart murmur cos a lot of doctors told me the hole might have closed up already.

how is your breastfeeding journey this time? was it like with #1..oversupply of milk? mine is exactly the same. engorged all the time. to the extent that i thought i had mastitis! i have to avoid eating fish or anything that may increase supply. plus the weather was so hot that i had itchy rashes all over my breasts and now i am all scarred cos i scratched. i think baby also has foremilk and hindmilk imbalance as a result. his poo is almost always explosive, green and frothy. he drank so much of the foremilk but seldom reached the hindmilk as he would fall asleep by then!
mummies, my baby is already 5 weeks old but my nipples are still so sore! breast milk, lanolin cream...all didn't work. baby is latching on better but still has room for improvement. i read that this is called nipple sensitivity and should go off by 3rd month. gosh! any mummies in the same boat as me?
I also guessed sth cropped up that made u disappeared, but thought it's the heart murmur... Gosh you've been through so much, and alone'!!! I felt for you as I've been taking care of bb by myself day and nite too, and hardly have confinement but of course not as traumatized as you. Glad that bb is well and with you now. Have rest while you can and take care!!
reborn, the doctors have no idea as the possibilities are endless. there must be direct skin contact to get this. i suspect it should be from a nurse at mount alvernia during his phototherapy treatment. the nurse did not sanitise her hands and changed his diapers? cos it's at the crotch area. if not how else would the bacteria get to that part of the body? hmmm.... talking about this, i am going to email mount alvernia too.
desperatemum, thanks a lot. i am so glad it's sunshine after the rain now! it doesn't matter that i am taking care of my kids all alone day and night now. cos i want nothing more than to have him in my arms. you too take care! jiayou together...
I had mastitis this round, more serious than w no 1, fever 39.5 for 4 days and use 2 types of antibiotics, yes oversupply again. Indeed is tough to breastfeed. Sleepless nites, just pump and pump, I tried to pump out some before I feed her so she can get some hindmilk hopefully. She got excessive vomitting sometimes, so hv to feed her with medicine also.

So I almost same as u, no confinement , just eat normal, no sleep, except drink red dates water
hope all these will be over soon...
desperatemum, oh dear! mastitis gotta be my worst nightmare. must have been super painful for you. totally understand how tough it is. cos we share the same problem: oversupply. the breasts don't seem empty no matter how long i pumped. just a mere 10 minutes of pumping yields 200ml on each side and i was pumping every 2 hours plus latching on. sometimes i got lazy and just slept at night and was punished by super hard lumpy engorged breasts in the morning. same case for you i guess? but the milk supply starts to stabilise and now i no longer pump. just keep latching on every 1.5 to 2 hours. the engorgement pain is tolerable now. my baby is also a little merlion. i give him gripe water every evening.

ya, i started bathing every alternate day after baby was hospitalised cos i wanted to be clean to care for him. i stopped most confinement food too. no time to even go toilet! don't talk about eat. how old is your baby already? hope it gets better for you too! rest lots
Lovexuan u r a strong mummy. Thanks god that ur bb is well now. U can consider to have another bb so that u can redo ur confinement to gain back ur health hehe.... u might consider nipple shield. I tried b4, the pain from sore nipple during latching is almost gone.
Hi mums, would like to check whether we can mix ebm and formula milk in one bottle to feed bb. As I am able to latch bb due to some nipples problem so only able to express out. But my milk is very little not enough to feed him. My milk expressed out is mostly fore milk. I tried to feed him the breast milk only but he refused to drink. So I wonder whether I can mix the ebm with formula milk.

Dear mummies, my baby is 23 days old, he always have nose shit (bi sai), sometimes block the nose make him difficult to breath, anyone can share how I can clear the nose shit? I used the vaccume, but difficult and baby not comfortable, so I stopped to use it.
Lovexuan, so sad to hear about ur baby. Take gd care!! Mummies r great..

Ann: I suggest u accumulate ebm in the fridge until its enough for 1feed as I used to ask my pd last time when I had #2 if I could do that & he asked me: do u mix apple juice with orange juice before u drink? From then on I always accumulate enough for 1 feed before I give baby
Hi lovexuan
Thanks for your encouragement. Does this mean if i lengthen my pump interval at night now I won't get engorgement? I'm a light sleeper so when I woke up and found my breast hard I can't go back to sleep again fearing the pain. Ya everytime pump 150 ml each side. My bb 3 weeks old now

Nipple sore, does your bb latch on the aerola or just nipple? If just nipple will be v pain. My bb if latch on wrongly I will use the finger to make her re latch until correct. This lesson is from no 1 that time my nipple bleed bcos wrong position. Bb must open the mouth very big then you straight away push your breast inside such that bb latch on more than just nipple, a bit violent but it works
hope this helps
Pigeon section at Ntuc have but more ex. I usually buy at neighborhood store. Or you can also take out cotton from the big one to make it smaller
My baby also merlion everyday. Sometimes so frustrated just manage to wake her for latching for 10 mins only later vomit out everything. Change bedsheet so often Plus dry and sore nipple after latch on
does drinking grip water help? Where to buy?
Thank you mummies for the encouragement and advices. I am glad it's all over now. My bond with baby has also become stronger.
desperatemum, you're welcome.

3 weeks is still early i think. I started to lengthen the time from 4 weeks when the engorgement pain seemed to become tolerable all of a sudden. So instead of every 2 hourly, i made it 3 hourly, 4 hourly etc each day. But i still wake up with engorged breasts cos baby started to sleep for longer hours and didn't wake up at night to drink. 5 hours is enough to make me wake up with my clothes and bedsheets all wet. So it's up to you.. Probably you should still pump but not so often. ;)

I bought woodwards gripe water from ntuc. The dosage is 1 teaspoon but i give half teaspoon only. After that he will fart a lot instead of merlion and can sleep well at night. I don't dare to put ruyi oil yet cos i feel it's quite hot for newborn babies? Do you put for baby? Is it ok?
desperatemum, yup. I had a hard time teaching baby to latch on cos he kept sucking the nipple only when he was younger. Now much better but he has new patterns. During my let downs which is very often during a feed, he will clamp, bite, pull and scratch my nipple. Tried to unlatch but always too late cos i can have up to 5 let downs per 10 minutes of feeding session. Sigh! So now i always try to express out with my hands before feed so the flow is slower. But still dry and sore. No more cracks and bleeding though.
Hi all
Have been missing from this thread for a long time!
Given birth to my bb boy on 30th.. have been bz with bf and bb duties 24/7!

Latching din start off well and i ended up giving fm and ebm initially.. last wk managed to latch on and tbf but bb still makes abit of fuss initially..

aft every feed i will burp him first den offer him the other side aft which more burping and diaper changing.. the whole process can take me up to 2hrs! i thot direct latch on suppose to be more easier??

but i guess thats juz one of those small gripe.. now that my bb can latch more i'm more happy den anything

oh no.. so sorry abt your bb.. now that he's back in your arms you shld be more fang xin.. plz update us on the mt a nurse..

my bb sometimes merlion too.. thot i was overfeeding but i think its a combi of not enuff burping and i put him down too soon to sleep.. turns up that the milk has not travel down to his stomach yet thats why he merlion out.. have to trial and error on the timing to put him down..

my nipples still quite sore but its getting better.. what i did aft every feed is to apply some bm over the nipple and let dry den nipple cream.. it did help..

i have a silly question to ask all mummies.. erm.. wat is a good time to bath your bb? i was doing it around 6-7pm until one of my relatives says its better to do so in the morning.. ????
belleryn, congrats to you!

Thanks. I am really relieved now!! Think we are all busy with baby duties. My baby is latching on every 1.5 to 2 hours. A feeding session lasts 30 minutes or more and diaper changing etc..so i only get about 30 minutes of rest in between and time to feed again! Nothing i do seems to help with the soreness though. It's even painful to take a shower.

I prefer to bathe baby when the sun is shining bright. So usually between 10am to 1pm depending on when baby feels like it. I don't bathe him on rainy days. It's easy to say when we want to do it but it's hard to follow so strictly cos there are still so much we need to take into consideration eg. feeding time, baby's mood, our mood! So just do as you deem fit.

currently I am inviting a few family with newborn to enjoy our complimentary phototaking session in our Studio. (Located at Trivex, 5mins away from Tai Seng Mrt). 

Any interested parties ? Please email me at [email protected]
glad that baby is back home with you. do enjoy the bonding!

i bath my baby in the late PM, early evening too. as I take it as part of his "bedtime" routine. i did the same for my #1 since she was born. like lovexuan mentioned, no fix time. i just try to do it after his feed in the late PM so really depends what time he wakes up. no normally his bath is no later than 6pm, as i realize he can be a lil too cranky by then.
re: bf-ing
seems like i am the opposite. my baby seems to be done in less than 20 mins most times. sometimes one side only and he refuses e other side. hence i end up pumping at least 3 times a day to empty boobs in between. but he is poops at every diaper change and has at least 8 wet diapers so i guess he is having enough.

My bb bath time is between 11am-1pm. Then evening wipe her again.

Lovexuan: glad to hear that ur bb is alright. U have been thr a lot. U will b blessed! Wei da de ma ma
