(2012/04) Apr 2012

Usually I will watch something on iPad while pumping, even for latching as well, otherwise can really fall asleep..

Fr midnight pumping I will jus quickly pump n go back to sleep..

I jus had my first bath aft 12 days today,. Shiok lo
I m using ameda or freestyle pump. Then i will use 1 hand to hold both pump bottles, then watch tv n e other hand to use ipad surf net.

Birth ctrl

Wat meothod will u all b using for birth ctrl?
Desperate mum: Got similar problem as u. My no 1 who used to be fairly well behaved has turned difficult,rebellious and all this started after the bro returned from hospital. really test my patience at times.
Been latching my son for the past hour. Think I m turning into a human pacifier! After latching, he suckles lightly and falls asleep. When his body touches the mattress, he cries and looks hungry. Latch again and he dozes off again. Argh.... He seems to have new pattern every other day!
SSP: time to introduce pacifier.. Lol!

Mrs Kang: I'm using PISA too.: let me teach everyone a trick! U know u wear those nursing bra, there is 2 portion for the cup, normally there is a portion whereby u can flip open. It will be either at the bra strap or middle part in the front right. U just put the Breastshield / suction cup in between and when pumping starts, the suction and bra will both keep in place. That way both hands are free! Use iPhone surf net and fb Liao.. Hehe!
Morning mummies! Realized I din wake up to pump!

I want to ask anyone of you squeeze and press on ur breasts during pumping to get more out of them? Cos I do that all the time otherwise my yield is not much.. Resulting in muscle aching hands
No. 1
When I have no. 2, my no 1 is ok during first mth when the CL is ard (mayb bb always take by CL). After CL left, no. 1 start to throw tantrum everyday. Wake up middle of the night & cry loudly for 30 min every day . Hope now with no.3, no. 1&2 will be ok, if not I will turn crazy.

SSP: same here, I think not only DS treat me as pacificer. My CL also .. Middle of d nite if DS dun sleep after bottle feed, she will pass to me & ask me to latch on so bb can sleep!!!
Hi sjbaby, I do that too, will use both hands to squeeze, think my pumper is lousy, really cannot get much by using it, end up use hands, milk will fly out
Cayden'mummy, I think I should roughly get your ideal, place the suction cup in between the open area when I took out the clip ah?

This morning my right side finally manage to pump out around 40ml.. And for my right around 50ml .. Hope this continue
Morning Mummies

After several nights of sleepless nights, I am down with flu... *Sob*
I know that all the more I should be breastfeeding, but CL just now passed a comment that my BM is "not good" this way... T-T

What can I do? =(
i still can't fit into my old pants/shorts and still got a tummy bulge so a long way to go. =P

i am using manual pump for now. and yes i have to squeeze breasts constantly else i can't empty boobs.

hubby bot chee cheong fun and yam cake for my brekkie this morning. gobbled it up in no time!!!
I Remember no 1 time, I pump until my wrist swollen, very painful, need to apply yokoyoko n paste goyokbo.. My nipples crack, bleed and changed a new skin.. Very Cham last time, which was actually less than two yrs ago.

This time round I'm more careful, apply lanolin, apply yoko yoko when my wrists a bit swollen..
I also doing 40 days and i am also very tired everyday. Plus now the CL has left, i got to take care of her all by myself at night.

Cayden Mummy
i will go have a look at the ntuc app as well... hehe

Mrs Kang
I using PISA too, but i can pump and use my iphone plus have to massage the breast too to yield more milk. Congrats to u that ur milk is coming in, happy for u! For me I have give up, got to make myself contented by being able to provide 2 feeds daily.

I have read somewhere several times b4 that when we bf and have flu, we need to continue to bf the bb. Because by the time ur flu symptoms show up, u already pass the virus to ur bb, so u should continue to bf as ur milk now contains natural antibodies when you are recovering. This antibodies will cure ur bb and at the same time gd for the bb.

Those mummies with no1, Jiayou! U all are very wei da! I can't imagine how i will be able to cope with this if is my no2.

Those mummy who are eating normally, i feel so envy. Today is my 34 days le but both my mil and mum still restricting my diet!
I pop on 5th Apr, any mummy same as me?
Is there a FB group or sth for the apr mummies? So that soon we can organise spree.
me since #1 till this #4, night or day 24hours all i take care myself. my mother help me bath baby, cook for me afternoon and kids, morning help me send kids to school and twice a day mop and vacuum floor.
I super tired..... but this will be last baby coz i do ligation so think better do 40 days confinement

i'm checking on perfection milk bag.... think will be selling. At least make some extra $$$. full day attend to baby, family and my pump looks so tired. need some other things to do. if not later go crazy...
Hello! Am due on 3 July and heard that my ob is going to ask for advance professional fee that cost SGD 1800 before I gave birth. I was shocked since I was expecting this should be payed after giving birth upon check out so I can maximized my Medisave. My gynae is from Mt A, dr esther Ng, anyone with same case? pls share!
Reborn: is ligation painful? What is the procedure like after birth?

Giddy: ntuc app is called my fairprice. All the latest promo are there! Super useful..

Mrs Kang: actually don't need to remove the clip just squeeze in between and hold on ur breast awhile, after suction is strong it will stick to ur boobs then both hands are free to do whatever u want! Sometimes I one hand see iPhone the other hand massage boobs.. Hehe. Open front bra also can hold the suction cup in place de. Don't need to use both hands to keep the suction cup in place!
painful.... well is 100% more pain than the stitch done below. For the few week very hard to get up or sit up. it takes abt 2 week for the external wound to be heal and need to remove stitch. tomorrow going to be a mths but inside still not fully heal but cannot carry heavy stuff or may feel pain. at least after 2weeks den can sleep on the side.
Myths say doing ligation will cut done on milk supply. which i think maybe coz my milk come in day 7 or i stress? as baby stay at hospital?
gyane advice to resume sex life only after the next sense finish. coz by then the ligation will be heal...
Hi mums, can I check with you what is the colour of your breast milk? I delivered 7 days ago now can only pump 10ml for each breast. Bb never latch on cos gt nipple problem. The breast milk is like diluted milky colour. When will the normal milk comes in?


To Mummies who intend to Breastfeed their babies for short-term!
eg. intending to stop after resuming to work

this is also very ideal for mummies who were not sure which breastpumps suits them the most - rent & try it out then purchase a new set!

Why pay hundreds of dollars for a breast pump which u will only use for a few months? Consider renting MEDELA breast pumps from us at affordable rates!

We have PIS, PISA, Swing & Mini Electric for rent!

Alternatively, pls pm / whatsapp / sms to 9879 5299 for faster response!
Happy Breastfeeding, Mummies / Mummies-to-be! Strive on!
i hear ppl say if sick during the 40days confinement period not good. if during this period get cough den will get cough easily.
How much milk is ur baby drinking per 24hours ?
mine today turn 1mth old, his breastmilk intake btw 840ml to 1000ml per 24hours.
Ann - do u mean It look abit like barley? My foremilk looks like barley, after pumping more it turns whiter. The creamier and riCh milk is at the back.

Reborn - mine also 1 mth, drinking 4oz every 3h-4h. About 900ml per 24h
Hi b@by, yes it look like barley. U mean I need to pump longer duration? Now I pump abt 20mins on each side. Or u mean after I pump for a few more days it will becomes whiter?

B@by: baby on breastmilk do not poop everyday, is consider normal.. If on formula then more often.

Ann ho: hmm maybe ur milk is starting to come in.. As b@by says, foremilk looks diluted.. Hind milk looks more white.. 20mins should have been just nice so maybe wait a few days more

Reborn: ahh icic. Will u be given GA or epidural etc to minimize pain before ligation? Must tc wor..

My baby seems drinking much less than everyone else his age. He is about 6 weeks old and only drinking 3 ounces (about 90-100ml) every 3 hours.. Sometimes never even finish his milk. Is this normal? He wets his diapers quite often and looks happy / satisfied.. Unless is time for his next feed. LOL!
i was put in semi sleep mood. so can feel and know what's going on..... i even see what my gyane doing....
Mine was done straight away after normal deliver without epi.

Baby poo
Some baby does not poo everyday when reach the growth spurt....
Breastfeed during sick
if mummy get sick while Breastfeed must continue to Breastfeed. but when visit doctor must information u are Breastfeed so he can get those mediation that doesn't affect Breastfeed. if really cannot Breastfeed the doctor will tell u too...
For my past experience only 1 time doctor told me to stop Breastfeed but still need to pump out... that time doctor say i got breast infection and inside got blocked so all pus must pump out and crack nipples. i was having high fever.... i still remember when i pump the milk super painful and is not liquid like milk. is yellowish green like thick cereal.... doctor wants me to stop for 2 weeks to clear 1st den resume normal Breastfeed....
mrs kang,
may i ask the decision to stop bf-ing after 1st month?

today i am on my own as hubby is working today and tomorrow. so far so good. no crazy moments!! phew!

can't believe baby will be 3 weeks old tomorrow already. seems to go by so quick!!
Mrs Kang
Think about it first ba.. Are you a sahm? Breast feeding is difficult to start with but that is the best gift we can give to our child.. I have also thought of stopping even till now, minus the flow, my nipples are always sore from pumping, changing the breast shield from soft fit to large to soft fit again, very irritating, my breast leaked at night when I sleep and when I woke up, my shirt is wet.. Very depressed over these..
Mummies, I am not a sahm.. I am knew that breastfeeding is the best for my girl. Will try to breastfeed her as long as possible but just want to know how to stop incase I really need to
I also would like to know what you girls are using.
My gynae (when i saw him 2 weeks after delivery) said that there are only 2 options, condom and IUD!
SSP, Cayden's mummy,
I have already introduced pacifier to my crybaby 3 days before he turned 1 month!!
I have given up!
loosing weight,

WOW! how did you girls loose so much weight so fast??? I only lost 9kgs and I have another 8kgs to go before pre-preg weight!
Aprilbaby: does using pacifier affect baby's milk intact since he will be constantly sucking?

Mrs Kang: BF is probably the most difficult in the first two months. After which you will be quite expert at it. Why don't u try bf for the duration of your ML and then decide. Even if you end up partial BF is still worthwhile. Also consider latching instead of pumping. Less bottles and parts to wash. I am also a FTWM and managed to total bf for 7 months previously though has to make some sacrifices, I admit.
SSP; I'm giving baby nuk pacifier and it's orthodontic so won't affect the gums..

Mrs Kang: starting very difficult but after first month u will be ok le.. Try to breastfeed as long as possible.. Other than the health benefits and nutrients, think of how much $ u save on formula milk!! Lolz..

Contraceptives- its my first child so using condoms bah, although I have not resumed.. Still so pain down there..

Weight: Aiyo 8 kg will loose in awhile.. Won't be instant de but soon don't worry.. Breastfeeding, taking care of bb will make u lose weight faster..
Hi mummies,

Guess all are busy with our newborn, how much milk do u have now? For the whole of last week im so happy, every pump is ard 200ml fr both sides. I have more den enough to store, but yest I ran out of storage bag thus lazy to pump for 1day. Sad to say, my milk decreased by half today. Only 100ml each time I pump & I nvr feel engorged already. How can I increase my milk supply? Will eating more fish help now? I'm abit disappointed with the decrease as I'm still so proud telling my mum dat this is the 1st time I had so much milk & I only give my bb girl formula once a day during midnight feed.

I'm really so troubled today by the sudden decrease in my breastmilk supply.
I also use an orthodontic pacifier. Seems ok, he has been having it for almost a week now.

I also have introduced bottle for him on and off because I had to bring #1 to school and do grocery shopping, so far no nipple confusion, he still suck on my breast very well!!

Cayden Mummy,
But condom not very safe leh...

Mrs Kang,
I'm also FTWM, will latch him during my 4 mths maternity leave, then after going back to work, latch before work, then latch when i arrive home and at night, I managed to total BF for 10 month, mix with formula at 10 to 12 months then stopped because had too many incident of mastitis.

Jiayou, you can do it!
SSP - don't worry it will be ok. I had bad cough too and even passed it on to my baby. It will be alright, just continue to bf, it will help.
I didn't use any pacifier for all my 4 children including this baby. I will rather latch on than give them pacifier.
Using pacifier will cut down on our milk supply and create less bonding with baby.
Not matter what kind of pacifier use it still will make their mouth and teeth dun look nice. Is the same thing.... Last time I use to be a dental nurse so very particular abt oral matter.

try eat more seafood and get back on pumping. Try not to stress yourself

Using condom after stop breastfeed but my mense did not really come during breastfeed period. After my #3 I get those birth control pill- yasime.... But dunno why still can get this #4. So this round super scare got accident or what then I chose to do ligation which my hb object coz he scare unharmful for my body.

Yes... Did use breast pad
Cayden mum
You feel pain only when gynea do pap smear or even no touch down there ? Cos I delivered much later than u 19 apr but 2 weeks later already feel nothing no pain at all le

I put cabbage leaves on my breast many times to help w the engorgement pain but milk flow nv reduce, is this just a myth? I dun mind decrease supply as I tired everytime pump out 200ml but dun know what to do with it. really sick of pumping but i dared not skip more than 4 hours after the high fever episode. Btw I wear bra 24/7 and use breast pads if not shirt will be wet very sticky.

Mummy2008 I wonder how u don't hv engorgement when u dun pump? Me if by 5 hrs dun pump will be hard like stone

Re pass motion it should be the other way round right, breast feed baby will pass motion many times a day while those on formula will be less

Contraceptive, condom is effective for me, I think it works but u must use from the start, can not wait half way then put in

Long time nv hear from you. Wonder how you and your baby doing...any issue with the heart mulmur?
