(2012/04) Apr 2012

I also dunno why must 12 days... Maybe our body is recover well? But in older days was like 30 days! For really a full confinement done properly should be 40days...
U can try search online... Forget where I read from.
Anyway this will be my last bb and my ligation wound needs abt 2 weeks to heal then can touch water

Moment: I also nv heard 12 days before.. What I heard is 30 days n no wash hair 40 days.. Madness right! So hot n sticky! But they can wipe body everyday la.

For post natal massage, mine is quite gd.. $60 per session no fixed package. Top to toe with breast massage. Some only massage tummy n bind only.. For massage most impt is got ppl try before n got gd effects..
Hi Reborn and Cayden Mummy

Thanks for the info.. Ya, I can't tahan not to bath for so many days.. I still bath as usual just that this time round instead of using the herbal bag I order those western type from little dreamer.. this time round although is my last one but tot of trying my best to endure but I think I can't..

Some even says can't drink water, but I still drink abit cos if i drink red dates I will get v heaty..

Cayden mummy is the wrap good? Yours is malay and how long is the session?

So you have how many times to slim down? really will push our uterus up?
Re: not bathing. I cannot tahan. Weather had been so hot at times. Bathe daily and use Chinese herbal bags. Tried not to wash hair and use dry shampoo instead but cannot last more than 4 days not washing either. Feels yucky trying to handle and latch my baby when I am hot and sticky.

Moment - Post natal massage: finished mine this week and she is quite good. Strong and good sense of "rhythm" so massage was great. Does whole body plus tummy and breast massage with binding. Hated the binding Cos hot and restrictive but guess it helped to shrink the tummy somewhat. But mine may not be appropriate for u cos she brings her massage bed to your place so she may not be willing to take up ad-hoc non-package cases unless u go to her place.
Breast milk bag
What brand u all using? Any cheap and good lobang?
Me currently using pigeon...
2004 and 2006 I use avent and it leak like crazy so now scare to buy...
Dear Mummies!

i've popped on 14 April, 2 days after i've brownish discharge, my waterbag leaked early in the morning!
Called up my Gynae and was asked to head straight to Mount A.

11.30am admitted

11.45am 1cm and baby has poo poo inside, started drip that will help to fasten the dilation, contractions was like hell and it was only the beginning..

1.15pm still 1cm! Gynae suggested C-sec as bb has already poo poo inside plus my dilation was really really slow.

1.45pm C-Sec begins

2.10pm Baby is out! 3.2kg@38weeks

Everything happened so fast, but am glad all is well and good!
I think the tradition about people not bathing is meant for those in china context and they used water from the well which is very cold, that's why can don't bathe.. But in singapore, is really unbearable not to bathe.
I used lanisoh lor.. Bought from the bulk purchase spree.. Don't know if it's really cheap but should be, if compared with retail..
Moment: wah I still drink lots of water leh. Dunno why ppl say cannot drink water also. The red dates and Longan drink is yucks! Lol.. For the massage, when I reach home after discharge frm hosp, my tummy was really HUGE like have another bb inside.. My family saw me and were all like "wa.." I took 6 days (as her off day is Sunday) straight and was able to see it slim down alot on 2nd and 3rd day. Also after session, wah alot of blood clots came out! Each session 1 hr +, by a Malay lady..

Reborn: I using baby one milk bags, 80pcs for $18 during promo, normal price $20.. Frm a seller in Facebook. Don't really think those lanisoh, medela bags are worth it, too ex! This brand de only costs about $0.25 each..

Shuhui: congrats! Was c-sect painful? I was also very afraid I had to go through that due to some complications.. It seems more scary than natural birth >.<

Lotusmum: Yalor all these "rules" came from china.. All die die stick to the same.. Singapore is way too hot!! Some even wear long sleeve top and long pants, no fan or air con.. Wah piang.. Cannot imagine..
Ya I agree! Somemore this month is damn hot unless its dec then still can tahan longer. Counting down to end of confinement, as it is a suffering. Really sick of the food, I got very strong urge for sweet drinks and food. Today drank soya bean milk, yummy so tasty. Can we drink? Haha, feel like drinking everyday
and I want to drink KOI hehex...
Cayden's mummy and all mummies,
Re: bath during confinement
Yes, agree! I really can't stand the whether in spore. I start bath &amp; wash hair (using herbs &amp; ginger) on the 5th day. Now still bath everyday and wash hair alternate day..
I also on air con and fan at night, of course my husband will off air con for me after i fall sleep. After the bath, I get sweat again.. Really "pei Fu" those who follow strictly the believe, no bath in 30 days and no hair wash in 40 days .. Oh my goodness ...
Yes, today is only my 15th day and I started miss a lot of foods, prawn noodle, cold drinks.. Wah soya bean with ice... Really shiok.. Count down to my last day of confinement!!
Bathing: yes agree with the comments that those were practices from china where the weather is much much colder and they probably did not have access to clean water, unlike here.

Getting salt withdrawal. Craving for salty snacks. Drool.....
Hi all , am recovering from c section. Already have my stitches removed. Wondering if I can get massage done n when ? Also any suggestions to get rid of wind in the stomach ?

just to check how much are you are producing for your milk after a week after birth,how much is your baby drinking? is always hard to wake bb for feed,do you all get enough sleep,bb sometime cry at night once carry will be ok.anyone encounter this?
Hi mummies

I've delivered yesterday. Wednesday went for check up and doctor said water level a bit low, can chose to induce or wait few more days but need to do test on heart beat n oxygen level.   Still 9 more days to edd, but i tired of waiting, So i decided to go ahead.

My birth story

11.30 pm went to obsevation ward to insert pill, stayed there for 1 hour to observe then go to the ward to sleep. My BP was high, so gynea gave me a sleeping pill to sleep n relax. I nv had high BP before.
6am start to hv mild contraction
8am contraction bcome stronger not even hv time to eat bfast, was pushed to observation ward. Only dilated 2cm
 9am BP shoot up further, gynea order sedative injection to reduce BP and help w the pain
10am dilated 4cm but BP still high so gynea said should use epi, can help reduce BP. I was reluctant to epi so he gave me oral pill and said 1 more hour if still high must use epi. Start using laughing gas but didnt help much. Pain getting stronger.
11 am plus, dilated 8cm and was pushed to delivery suite. Start screaming as pain like hell...11. 50am baby came out

I think i was quite lucky, baby must be pity mummy and came out quite fast. Was afraid i have to use epidural or worst, go thru c section bcos of the sudden high BP. Gynea was saying high BP during delivery is very dangerous, can have a fit and lead to paralyse or blind....quite relieved that i decided to go ahead with induced labor. Finally its over!!!

To the rest of apr mummies that still waiting, all the best and hv a smooth delivery !! 
Hi kristen, my bb taking 2 oz (60ml) every 2-3 hours.
I express milk every 3 hours of 180 ml.. So it is enough to supply to both my #1 and #2....
My job is to produce milk and my hubby will do the feeding fir my bb. So I still have some rest at night.
As for bb cry and want carry, my bb also the same LE
Me too.. Craving for all the sweet stuff, don't know if it is due to all the confinement food or like what my hb said that my body has burnt a lot of energy by giving breast milk so need to replenish... I'm craving for chocolate and mac hot fudge sundae..green tea, coconut juice..and how can I miss out bubble tea...

My bb is 16th day, intake 80-90ml per 2-3hr... Express every 3-4hrly, yield 200-240ml..

I find that my boy is more whiny than my no.1-girl... He seems to want to be carried and suckle very often... Very tiring, seriously different from no.1
All mummies:
Must watch this video - the 5 words babies use.. Super useful! Now I can tell what my baby wants..

Desperatemum: congrats! Same as me.. No epidural.. Gd job! Hehe..

Moment: no package.. Later I PM u..

Mom2012: for c-sect what I heard is a month onwards then can start.. If u start too early, the masseur also will avoid ur wound / tummy area, then no use also.. I guess u can wear the binder that ur gynae should have provided u, heard c-sect mummies they will give de..

Kirsten: am pumping about 100ml + and baby drinks 3 ounces (forgot how many ml is that le).. He is going to be 1 month old soon. Drinking every 3 hours.. Sleepy!

Aiyo I also can't wait to take my cold drinks, sashimi etc..
Just to check those mummy already popped...
Yesterday I bring my bb to novena medical center for bcg jab. His was done on his butt and not on his arm.
I check with the nurse over there, she told me now change rule coz arm looks very ugly so was given on the butt. All hospital do the same thing.
Is that truth?
A rainy Saturday, hope all mummies is doing well
this morning have felt pain in vagina area on and off ESP during walking.. Mil say soon Liao hee
but I am gg for movie date with hubby tonight so told my girl to let me watch finish the movie first :p
Mom2012: massage can start 1 month after c section. But u can wear binder immediately after and I thought binder made the abdominal area more comfy and supported. Can't give advice about getting rid of wind but I know from previous c sec that tummy was bloated for long while post delivery.

Kirsten: at one week post delivery, I was latching baby every time he wanted to feed so do not know volume of milk expressed. He was almost total BF except for maybe one feed of 60mls a day at which I give him formula to supplement.
The first night we had him back was a nightmare. He kept dozing off halfway through night feeds and would wake up shortly after demanding more milk. Got better after that when he learnt to finish drinking what he wanted before unlatching.
Even now at 2 plus weeks, I am still not getting enough sleep cos frequent night feeds.
SSP: I feel you! Night feeds are sooo tiring..

Mrs Kang: enjoy ur movie date!

Reborn: bcg jab is also given on the butt at Kkh..

Moment: it will be sent to ur email addy which u used to register ur account
congrats! our baby share the same birthday!

i delivered on 19 April 2012. Had contractions at 3am, went to hospital and checked in around 4+. Had epidural and was 6cm by 645am. but nurses decided to wait till gynae came in to break my water bag. broke my water bag at 830am, after a couple of pushes baby was out at 928am. =) just got home today!
Cayden's mummy, thanks! I am back from the movie date,steamboat lunch buffet at coca restaurant.. So tiring now.. Keep feeling sharp pain on and off at vagina area..
Oh so many mummies hav deliver and I'm still on e waiting game.. Congrats to all who hav deliver n cayden mummy who will b holding bb shower tmr
Waiting is tiring however do hope tat everyone has a smooth delivery!

Cayden's mummy - thanks for sharing the video, but it is soooo difficult to differentiate.
Haru: congrats!! That's quite a fast labour.. Hee

Thelittleonesinmylife: ahh! U're the one I bought my baby one milk bags from.. LOL. About Bcg, Kkh give jab on butt leh.. Haha.

Thanks monica! When is your edd?

B@by: I find the video super informative! My baby really goes "neh" when it's time for milk.. There will be mix of other sounds but muz try pick up the words by listening v carefully..
Mrs Kang: glad to hear u enjoyed ur movie date! How was coca? Wah I never try before leh.. Isit nice? Ex? Seems like very soon u will see baby le.. Bear with the pain for awhile more! Jiayou!!
Cayden's mummy, coca is not bad, I took their lunch buffet, it cost $53 for me and hubby, service is good too

Ya agree waiting is abit tired.. Everyday I am thinking will it happen today? Midnight? But Everytime nth happen hehe.. Hope to see my baby soon but scare of labour hahaha.. Mummies who are still waiting let Jiayou!
Oh my edd is 1st may n I keep expecting bb to b out in apr but no sign yet n ppl keep asking me when which I'm also not able to ans.. Guess next thu still haven come out doc will arrange me to b induce..
Hi all, i have delivered on 19th April. My bb weigh 3495g. Went for induction but failed as bb cannot come down. Believe is due to my narrow pelvic. End up E c-sect. Though i always having phobia towards c-sect, keep crying even when i m wheeled to op threatre. Luckily is not that scary afterall, only scared of my wound.
Congrats to new mummies! I m Still having fresh memories of the moment I see my bb girl after CSect.. really worth the wait n pain to see this little bundle !!
I am coping w breastfeeding , not easy :/ .. also the C sect wounds.. Hope recover faster .. lucky confinement lady helping. April weather very humid n hot! Dripping sweat every day aiyo..
Good luck n safe delivery to those who have not "pop"
congrats silverygal! another 19 April baby!

baby's 1st night at home was not too bad, he slept pretty well. =) too bad i had a cold or i would have slept even more!

Ms Tan,
hang in there w bf-ing! my nipples are starting to get a lil sore but still manageable. this time the milk definitely feels like e supply comes in faster. guess its second time so not so stressed up and more mentally prepared.
Silvery_gal I am 10 days past my c section and the pain is much better . After a month I will see how my stomach has changed. As the uterus does not shrink immediately I still feel its weight but hoping to get better with every passing day . Take Care !
Thanks dear!

Cayden Mummy
for me, C-sec was in fact much better than the contractions pain. haha.. guess im better with this kind of pain.
Hmm.... When said uterus does nt shrink immediately, any idea hw long it takes ?

Btw, congrats to all mummies who have popped
mummies who latch, do your babies fall asleep at your breast? then how do we ensure they dont take us as human pacifier then?

i am very worried my boy will take me as human pacifier leh. i let him latch, he will fall asleep. so if i pull out, he will sometimes awaken and want some more milk. so how do we know its comfort sucking or really still hungry? or now still newborn, its ok for them to fall asleep during latch?
You sure csection pain is more bearable?? It lasts longer wor.. And will hurt during bfeeding cos baby may press against your wound..
all my bb do the same thing. they feel secure so they can sleep better.
Day time i will use bottle and when night time sleep will latch on. this is much more easier and mummy can rest too. all my confinement not tired coz i use this method.
And bb will have more bonding with mummy!

Hey, just wondering what your breastfeeding syle is? Do you latch directly or express and bottle feed or a mix of the 2.

For no.1, I did direct latching for 6 months. This time round, there seem to be too many demands. I feel it may be easier to express and bottle feed but feel a little guilty that I'm depriving my baby of the bonding. Any thoughts?
