(2012/04) Apr 2012

Pinkbunny : hahaha.. yeah.. my hb is always saying tt good thing I'm not working now.. coz Ive been sleeping lots...

wonder y.. now Im already in my 15th week.. and yet Im still feeling so tired... any1 else also feeling the same? Of coz it didnt help as my headache is still lingering.. hope it will go away soon!

tokkie, funny u should mention tiredness. Today I asked my gynae if it's normal to be feeling this way at wk 14, cos hubby was wondering why I am still in bed so often n don't want to go out on weekends. I said I feel tired easily n when I do I feel nauseous.

Gynae said on her part she can check two things: iron level n thyroid function. Since my last iron level check is ok, no need blood test. So she prescribed iron pills n blood test for thyroid function.

Other factors, she mentioned, could be that past two months has brought down my stamina level so lying down now just brings down energy level...try short slow walks? Or possibly age :p
I'm back from my Gynae visit. Cleared Oscar! Yeah! Happy! All good! So happy!

Crown to rump length is now 7.2cm! Weeee... Sure is growing fast!
Can't see the gender. Cos notti bb crossed the legs! And refuse to open up after some light shaking. Pouts. Gynae say she will try hard to check for me next visit. 14 Nov! Can't wait for that day to come!

in 14weeks now (aka 13w1d). And... I started my ultra expensive package today too! 7 more visits and my package would be value for money.

On a side note, gynae nagged at me for losing weight. Haha... Lost abt 1kg. So much for me putting on 300g at my last visit! hahahaha... Now back to below preg weight. Exactly the same case as #1. Opps...
Cheekieduckie..Congrats! u also got ur blood test result ? I hav to wait till nex week see gynea then know blood test result. My Oscar result is ok too
Gina : hahhah! I also duno.. and am not seeing my doc till next week... sigh... Im thinking maybe Im always tired coz I dun sleep well at nite.. keep waking up and pee and all...

Here in aussie, they do tons of blood test.. so far I cleared all .. so dun think mine is related to iron level and thyroid..

heehee.. yah.. trying to do some walks when Im feeling up to it.. thanks to the headaches! Hmm.. trying to register myself for the prenatal pilates... hope will get to it...

Cheekyduckie : Congrats on clearing the oscars!
Ms Tan: Yeah! I got back all the results in 1 day! I did everything last monday mah! The blood test is usu ok one lar. Test for immunity against Hep B, Chicken Pox, Measles. And the various type of blood count. HCG level. Thyroid functions.
I got a not so ideal thyroid function this time. But gynae nv say anything. So shd be ok. =P

Ni: I also want to eat more. But appetite lousy lar. Especially for dinner. Can be hungry but dun feel like eating at all lor.

Now to look forward to Hong Kong in 3 weeks time. And when i come back... GYNAE VISIT! hahaha...
Baby so good right. Don't let me know gender now. So that I can't go crazy shopping in HK.
gina: i'm also still feeling really tired, feel sorry for the hb, cos i dun spend enough time with him. now that you mentioned thyroid, maybe i should check cos my dad has it.

you mentioned cvs not painful? do you have high tolerance for pain? i'm doing my amnio in a couple of weeks and dreading the pain.

cheeky: happy for you! can fang xin go shopping le. can't buy gender specific stuff but can buy those unisex jumpers! hahaha...
Congrats to all mummies who cleared their tests!

Bb so dong shi, help mummy save money

Me me! Still tired like anything. On Sat I even took a morning nap... And then afternoon nap! And at night still sleep! Thank goodness *touch wood* insomnia is gone.

I think I'm more tired this time round cos there's #1. I feel very guilty if I don't pei her. So I force myself to stay awake and either go out with her or do things with her

But weekend I nap with her and after she wakes up, hubby takes care of her and I steal another half hour! Cos really so so tired!
Tokkie; pinkbunny; me 2. Feel so tired these days. weekdays juz feel like sleeping at 6pm. record is 7pm to 6am. waking up only to pee or eat. weekends would b nap after breakfast n lunch each; then sleep from 10pm to 8am. to think i have insomnia in the past. haha

still having headaches occassionally. cant wait for my 16weeks visit in 3 days time.
Leo_baby: thanks alot for asking!. I've an appointment with my gynae tomorrow to check on the babies. What a pity it is. Would love to meet you mommies for lunch soon!
CheekyDuckie - So jealous your next check up is 14 Nov!!! I am patiently waiting for 1st Dec for the 20th week scan! *pulls hair*
tangerinez, I've very low threshold for pain! Both my deliveries I asked for epidural
The nurse who briefed me told me cvs procedure will b painful. Yikes! So I guess I was mentally prepared but really, the most painful was the injection.

I've heard amnio not so painful cos no inner n outer needle, just one needle gg in once n drawing from fluid not tissue sample. Friends who hv gone for amnio say it's same feeling as drawing blood. If u can't bear to see needle the look at the ultrasound screen or close your eyes *hugs* stay brave for baby's sake

On a related note, am really impressed w Dr TC Chang, who did the cvs for me. He's the head of fetal assessment unit at Tmc (where all the Oscar, cvs n amnio n detailed scans r done) n the only doc at Tmc licensed to do the cvs. He explained the procedure to me at every step. Once when I flinched a bit he said "Sorry, that's the most painful part I promise. The rest isn't so bad." I emailed a query the next day n he called back later that same day to assure me w detailed response n even asked if I wanted to speak to the sonographer who was also present during the procedure. So my impression is he has very gd bedside manners.
Andreanie: I on package already. So better schedule scans as required. Must make full use ah!
else later deliver early again, not worth it. =P hahaha.
No need to be jealous! Take it as saving money ya!
Hey Gina thanks for the details, appreciate it! Yep I heard cvs is more painful than amnio so when I hear u saying it's bearable I'm hopeful hee... The only diff is my gynae at TMC is not applying or injecting anesthetic so this worries me a little. At first she said it's just like drawing blood which I'm ok with, never been afraid of injections or blood taking but then she proceeded to dig her nails into my thigh to demo the pain and I find it a teeny wee bit painful. Haha scardey me. But yep, anything for the little one.

The doc who did your cvs sounds really nice! Very gentle and considerate! He must have made you feel very at ease. Happy that it's over and everything is fine for you and baby!

Nice to meet mummies and daddies here.

I am expecting no 2 this time. EDD is 24/4 so I am in week 12 now. No 1 is a boy - 2 years old le!

Hope to know more mummies and daddies here! do add me to your contacts ok?

anyone seeing Dr Lawrence Ang?
Congrats to cheekyduckie & all mummies who passed their Oscar test!

I am still waiting for mine. Keeping fingers crossed.

Am still suffering from ms, bad appetite & bloating. Never been so bad for no1. Lost 2 kg & back to pre-preggie weight.
Better go see doctor before it gets worse.
I went to see my GP on sunday as my cough was so bad. In the end, he gave me such a mild medication (i know coz its the same as what my daughter is taking. Just that mine is 10ml and her's 7.5ml)

Mine is so big!! Even hubby also say this time round tummy so fast so big.. machaim 5 months preggy.

kway chap
Yum! My fav but nowadays don't dare eat the insides so no point to eat anymore. Lol.

1st time mummies can consider to wait 1st.. My #1 also didn't like the pram till she's much older.. I used carrier for her all the time.

I started to take already.. Used to like them but now, so so..
As for sensitive skin... maybe wor.. my gal has sensitive skin. A small mossie bite can grow huge and swollen!! But her skin is very very fair, unlike hubby and me.

Nowadays i get so breathless!! even a shower i'm breathless!!
Hi Elim yong, Nice to meet you... when is your EDD? I just did my Oscar last friday. Next visit 11 Nov.. So you hoping for a gal this time? Do you stay near sembawang?

Hi Dink - I am also suffering from ms.. never had this for no. 1 too.. but the thing is I never lost any weight.. on the contrary, I put on weight instead.
morning mummies!
welcome gohstan

yay today's breakfast has decided to stay in my tummy. *doing victory dance*

wow so early getting breathless? poor you!

mummies meeting for yummy lunch, enjoy!!
ni/leo baby/cheekyduckie/el - Enjoy your lunch today! Too bad can't join u gals cos I'm working in the west

Cheekyduckie - Can't wait to sign up for package also me! Hehee.. but still have to wait for 1 Dec lah.. even my gynae said that's a long wait. He also excited to know gender etc hahaha...
Ni - I'm ok for lunch, but will only be able to get to ION by 12.30pm earliest. Maybe you can work with the rest first to see? If not will be just you and me? Maybe we go eat La Mian at one of the restaurants on the 3rd/4th flr?
Eliz: I also suffered from breathlessness. What I did is to put a plastic stool in toilet to bath & to vomit. Bath & vomit in comfort.

Gohstan: I am not complaining that I am losing weight
gynae is not concerned. Anyway, I do not want to put on 20kg like no1. It's no joke.

Ni: no worry. Lose weight after pop.
el, leobaby sms saying she is still stuck at KKH. no replies from cheekyduckie. leo baby was saying to postpone to next week instead.

dink, i am also more breathless easily. i get faint from walking too much.
Hmmm, just started raining heavily in town. We've decided to postpone the meet up.
I get faint if I eat something that doesn't agree with the baby. Giddiness only goes away after I throw up!
EL; me too..Once i eat something that does not agree with babies, my body will start to feel weird and only after vomiting, everything will be ok.
Hmm... I feel like puking when i am very hungry. But so far, nothing to vomit. Nothing in stomach to vomit.
Yet, I dun have appetite. Eating for the sake of eating.
Really dunno which is worse.
just to share that i started drinking this yesterday and it seems i'm not as lethargic as i used to be. of course it could also be coinciding with the start of 2nd tri. but still, no harm sharing:


i got it online (much cheaper) but i think shops like vitakids at forum will sell.

i don't know why but i always get it either after breakfast or after dinner. lunch, strangely (touch wood) is spared.

same same. only after vomitting then feel much better. if try to tahan not vomitting, then will feel very kao-eh
I had been following this thread but hasn't formally come in to say hi as I'm not ready for it.

I've just cleared my Oscar, phew, a heavy load off me.

I did my Oscar at Gleneagles, it's $398.

My no.1 is 5 this year, she is all excited to welcome this baby.

EDD: 28 Apr 2012
Hi MEinME! Welcome! Ur edd is just 2 days earlier than me! Doin my oscar next mon.. Hopefully everythin goes well for me! So will u b deliverin at gleneagles?
Mel, yes, will be at GE. I'm over 35, therefore, I will deliver 1-2 weeks earlier.

My no.1 was deliivered at 37½weeks because last minute, I've developed Pre-eclampsia (hypertension) though I'm scheduled to be induced at 38weeks cause she is big (3.5kg at birth)
FB group: mummies interested, please PM me your fb email acct, fb name. I will do the admin stuff.

Meinme: i was also induced for #1 at 37wks due to pre eclampsia. Hopefully this time will be smoother.
Had a super calorie loaded lunch. Carbonara pasta and yummy double scoop of gelato for dessert after.

Feeling nice and satisfied!
Wow what a delicious lunch!!! I had super yummy tiong bahru famous (everything also famous right? Hehe) loo's hainanese pork chop! Woohoo!

wow #1 was 3.5kg!

Silly question
How do you know when you have pre-eclempsia?
pinkbunny, I didn't know. All the while my reading was 110/60 which is like 10-20point lower than the average of 120/80. On 37weeks, I went to see another gynae for 2nd opinion because my gynae insisted for my to go under the knife while I want to try naturally. At the 2nd gynae clinic, my pressure was higher and was thought that I was agitated over the knife and natural issue, next day went to see my gynae then confirmed that I've pre-elempsia, next day admission liao. BTW, I was made to buy a blood pressure machine to check at home hourly the night before admission.

Yes, she was big, I've put on 18kg!!! I scare that no.2 will be bigger as usually the 2nd one will be heavier!!!
i am also delivering at GlenE. Who's ur gynae? wow!! 3.5kg!!

just had tom yam instant noodles...somehow i need to eat around 3pm everyday even tho i had lunch. come 5pm is my super sleepy hour. and dinner hardly appeals to me currently...

hope you mommies who are still feeling nauseous n vomiting will soon be over this phase too!!!

my tummy is not showing even in the morning (used to be only from late pm onwards)..looking forward to check up on monday!! will be the start of my 2nd tri then.
My colleague who got pre-eclampsia with her #1 got a bad headache and her legs swelled up overnight. Went to ER and was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.
MeinME- #2 is not normally bigger. Depends on whether mummy was able to control. My #2 was lighter by 300 g at birth, probably because I didn't indulge in durians!
I'm so gona eat lesser and hope #2 will be heavier. hahaha.

I gained 23kgs for #1 but she was just a tiny 2.588kg!! The weight gain was all on me

Meinme, welcome and congrats on clearing your oscar test!

same for me. #1 I put on 16kg and my son was only 2.315kg. I put on 14kg for #2 and my gal was 2.865kg... Hope that I can control my weight and have a bigger bb since this is going to be a boy.

the pregnancy tea sounds interesting. prob will get to try. I take their mothers' milk tea as well when i was breastfeeding #1 & #2. Think it helps to increase milk production.

So you gals din get to meet up for lunch tdy! Any mummies working around Raffles Pl? We can meet up!
