(2012/04) Apr 2012

happy weekend, mummies!

ms tan
me!!! i was watching a funny video on youtube and started CRYING wor. it was a video of someone's wedding where the couple's bridal march was all the bridesmaids and groomsmen started dancing in followed by groom and bride. but i just kept thinking "aww so sweet, aww so sweet" and then my eyes started sweating loh!

headache and panadol
argh i think i got heat stroke today cos brought my daughter to the pool late morning. napped but hubby woke me up cos he thought i had to work. that made the headache worse. in the end buey tahan when my head started throbbing so i popped a panadol :S

so nice all your mummies making birds nests for you

:D .. So I tink we are normal to hav react this way lor.. heehee..
Pinkbunny, my mother in law sometimes make bird nest for me. I do wish my own mother is still around..she have passed away years ago. I guess she sure will b happy to know I m having a baby .. I do miss her alot..
Mummies! How are u doing? Today so hot I feel so heaty!

I went to Spring Maternity and Takashimaya today. Went to look at the different prams, now so confuse! I love 3 wheelers but it seems that Quinny is just not practical at all and heavy! There's not even a basket underneath, if have also so small. I have been eyeing on the Mclaren Grand Tour LX but not available in Singapore sadly.

Will be gng to the Baby expo next week and see more stuff. Now is the time to check out the price since already in my 15th week. Time just travel too fast today!
They stapled the orange form with the receipt. They also helped confirmed the detailed scan appt and wrote it on the form. So better dun throw the receipt away.
i have a quinny buzz and it worked well for us as we tend to go outdoors quite a lot with #1. altho tis time i am tempted to get a maclaren or bugaboo (if i can find cheap second hand one). The buzz is very stable and solid. i am petite (1.54m) and i can manage the pram and load in e the car by myself. but some mommies do feel it is a lil too bulky. i might still use my quinny for at least the first 6 months if we decide to get a maclaren too.

ooh..birds nest...sounds good...my MIL doesn't know i'm preggie again yet.maybe i should tell her soon so that she can make some for me!heheheh...
Coraine & enidmummy, I paid $400+ for both the oscars and detailed scan. According to my gynae he say cheaper to buy this package.
Wahh u all start buying bb pram n stuff already ah .. So fun. I tink I will b getting lots of pass dwn fro.m my sis.she ask me not to buy bb stuff yet..check wat she hav first . I do hav the urge to buy bb stuff though but maybe another few mths then start shopping kekeke ;p
Whoah enidmummy~ they didnt clip any form on my recipe.haha! and no appt set..so weird huh? =)

ni..thanks for sharing too..! did yours have any form clipped onto the recipe? and any detailed scan appt? =)
OH yeah..anyone started having leg cramps??
I'm only 12 weeks + and started to have it 2 days ago at night while sleeping...
the feeling..woooooooooooooooooo............!!!
haha!! and i'm having muscle ache there the next day...
maybe because i've started drinking cold drinks ya!?!
Hi mummies.. When do u all determine when to see doc to take medication for flu? I have been havin slight cough n blocked nose.. And keep sneezing! Wonderin if i shld c doc now to prevent it ftm gettin worse? But at the same time i dun wan to haf too much medication in the body tat might harm the baby.. Wad do u gals suggest i shld do?
mummies, how's weekend so far?

i felt my tummy is getting flatter, instead of growing bigger leh. do you think its cause for worry? and yesterday night onwards, i seem to be less tired, as compared to previously, i was so tired by 9pm!
Hi Mel ! I think u should see a doctor..~~ or maybe ur gynae..they will know what are safe for pregnancy! Please get well soon~~

Lilcactus.. hey i felt that sometime ago, and was really worried! if u dont feel good, or this is bothering u, just make an appt with ur gynae tmr! after the scan u will be happy again!
Any mummies here ate kway chup during pregnancy? i just ate one big bowl..and it totally taste of dang gui...Oopssss...is it wrong to take it??
Lilcatus, u notice our tummy is flatter in d morn? N much protrude in the later afternoon? :p this is wat I observe.. Not sure u all find it the same lah.

by the way hor.. I found a v comfy..good draw string pants at Uniqlo. The cutting is not too tight nor loose..i wear it to work. You all can check it out :D
kway chap is one of my fav and i ate it a few weeks ago. just resist!!! guess just not excessive should be ok?
Lilcatus I feel flatter tummy I the morning and bloated tummy at night too. And we may not feel as sleepy and tired anymore cos we have progressed into the 2nd trimester!

Mel I was nursing a flu past week too. Couldn't take it anymore so I went to see a gp informing him that I was Preg. He prescribed some medicine which are safe for pregnancy. Feeling much better after the medicatiOn.

Coraine, yes I was given the orange slip stapled together with the receipt. I also was told to select a date for my detailed scan, which is 23 nov;)
mummies, i used to feel flat in mornings then it gets bloated and big towards end of day but yesterday wasn't. just remained flat throughout. and seems flatter than usual days. hmm.. ya considering if should go gynae tmr..
Hm.. Im usually flat in the mornin too.. But once i start drinkin water or start eatin.. The tummy gets bigger n biggerrrr.. So by evenin my tummy is super big.. Haha!
Lilcactus. It's ok to be flatter on some days. I also liddat lor. Somedays can be quite flat until dun look like preg. Somedays so bloated like 5 months lor.
Cos the baby will move and change position. It will get more obvious as we move along. Sometimes the stomach will be bigger on 1 side, sometimes the other. Sometimes higher sometimes lower.

Ms Tan: If you want u can try out the wireless bra @ uniqlo too! Super comfy! I bought 1 to try 2 weeks ago. Think will go get more. Wired bras make me super uncomfy esp as stomach goes bigger. Good to wear to sleep too! The uniqlo one is super light yet sufficiently padded.

Birds nest. Wow! So many mummies into birds nest! I dun eat birds nest at all. haha... Enjoy your bird nest!

Corainne: I eat kway chap. But hor, I dun eat the insides. Haha... I only eat the meat and kway! wahahaha... so silly. Anyway, just like how some gynae advise against liver, must make sure all the inards are cleaned n cooked properly. Else got bacteria ya. Dun eat too much cos high cholestrol! =P High blood pressure mummies also dun eat too much.

Mel: Flu can go see GP lar. Tell them u r preggers. They will give u safe medicine. But usully no antibotics. Unless super serious.
I had a bad headache since yesterday. Couldn't sleep the whole night and I now had fever.
Couldn't take in much fluid for more than a week. I also keep throwing up. Feel so dehydrated now.
I'm thinking of going to the hospital to get a drip. Is it too exaggerating??
Mummies, those who hv taken progesterone to prevent contractions, do u find that it worsens ms? Pharmacist said it will only cause drowsiness n not nausea. I was given 5 days' worth after the cvs procedure n find that I'm more nauseous n throw up more the past few days. Hope it's the pills n not that ms is coming back!
Oops I've been drinking cold water throughout! Weather so hot la! Gynae say can so I just drink heh

I think one of the mums suggested vit C before. I just pop 2 vit c tablets a day if I feel a flu coming. A friend also swears by sambuccus tablets but not sure if preggie can take

Hehe so which commercials have had you crying buckets?

Hey hope you feel better soon

Me too! Feel err not flatter but not as "hard".

High five! I don't eat all the insides for kway chap! Just the kway and the meat and giam chye and fish cake lol. So silly right?

Hmm now I am sleepy in the morning! Like wake up at 7 then sleepy at 9! I took a 9-10am nap yesterday! Wah like a newborn leh! Then afternoon still can nap again. Really like newborn hor? Hehe.

I am so craving crab bee hoon!!! But hubby didn't want so ended up having lousy tze char. Then I ended up throwing up. Bleah. MS is such a waste of food and money hor?

Oh mummies those who need big bulky items like sterilizer and strollers, try to buy during your 2nd tri. That's when we're not too big and bulky ourselves, and have the most energy to shop around

There's a shop at kakibukit that apparently has better prices for such things. And at upper thomson too (the industrial area). Perhaps those mummies who know what I'm talking about can share the addresses?
Haru - just now my hub got smitten over Quinny Zapp. It feels better than Buzz maybe cos of the wheels but then must always take the seat out to fold it right? Then we find that so troublesome especially since my parents or my mum will bring baby out alone if my dad is working and she needs to do shopping alone. So now kinda decided on Peg Perego. But let's see other options also.

Pinkbunny - Normally those commercials on cable, especially Discovery Home & Health's. hehehehe.... Or those commercial on youtube!
pinkbunny - I went to Baby's Hypermart at Kaki Bukit earlier to look at strollers. The address is at Shun Li Industrial Park, Kaki Bukit (Bedok Reservoir road).
yup, zapp is definitely easier to maneuver and much more compact. only thing is that the seat only has one position. preg perego is a nice stroller too, very stable. as long as you are fine with it only facing one direction.

gosh, just had teochew porridge for dinner, but feeling so sick and bloated after eating!! somehow my tummy is exceptionally big/bloated today...uncomfortable....
haru - yup Peg Perego only facing one direction but when we place the car seat onto the stroller, the baby will face us. Still looking ard but I think we are set on the PP one
Another good option comparable to peg perego is inglesinia zippy. Price cheaper and come with infant seat. Go you tube and search you will be able to see the demo.
enidmummy and ni...that's weird..i didnt get any form..haha!! maybe they were bz that time, never mind, i will go and ask upon my next appointment..

lilcactus..i think it's better if you go and have a scan..u can sleep better there after =)

Cheekyduckie..i ate the innards!! WAHAHA..but i wont dare to eat kway chup anymore next time..now i have pain in my right womb..hope nothing is wrong...

oh whoah pink bunny!! u r so daring..ur mother didnt control u? hehe..everyone around me kept asking me not to drink cold stuffs..so i really didnt drink during my first trimester..somemore i had heavy bleeding that time..
"Control" me? My mother prob did the same when she was preg with all 4 of us! Gynae said no issue so I just alternate between cold and warm water

My mum is "modern mum" kind. Def not the make-nutritious-soup-for-kids kind so I really envy those whose mums make for them! She just said "pregnant must drink black chicken soup". Orh, then I just make for myself lor to drink

Hehe I remember watching those birthing shows on discovery channel a lot when preg with #1 and crying a lot too!

For those looking for lightweight strollers, you might want to consider combi. Not too pricey either. Only 7kg I think.

The only trouble is that it requires 2 hands to open and close but is quite compact.

Friends who have been using maclearans have been singing its praises though

Mums with older kids,
Do you know of the buggyboard (spelling?). Does it fit onto any stroller? Or must be particular ones?
hehe pink bunny..your mums is so funny!! my mum too..she told me she wanna make chicken essence for me..till now havent make leh? wahaha!!!!
Pinkbunny, I hv the buggy board. It fits onto my maclaren. You can go to the buggy board website n there's a list of stroller models that r compatible. There r two sizes of boards tho. Mine is the bigger one.
Pinkbunny: ^5 on modern mummy! My mother also lar. She can't really cook lor. Just like me! Haha. But she tries very hard lar. But only steam fish/egg/etc.
My MIL is definitely a fantastic cook. But she doesn't stay with us. So no soup lor. But nevermind lar! I also ate just for #1. Everything is ok also. Won't put on excessive weight also. =P

Stroller: Hmm... I bought a Maclaren for #1. She doesn't really use. Now i just leave it @ my babysitter's place lor. Only she use. I think sling or bb carrier is good when bb is still small. Stroller also bulky for shopping etc.
Mummies who dun drive, must really think hard ah. Make sure you can pack the stroller up easily and carry it together with baby. I will never forget that 1 time when i took MRT with bb in stroller alone, and.... THE ESCALATOR SPOIL! LIFT SPOIL! i almost cried lor!
Those who drives, must also make sure stroller can fit easily into car. Else also nitemare.
Anyone already feeling kicks?? i just had mine at 12 weeks+...i thought it's too early? didn't expect it!
I sneezed and i think baby had a shock...so kicked me 4 times continuously~~it was like a mini earthquake in my tummy...
Gd morning mummies

Just wonder any doc recommendation for KKH? right now i seeing a TMC doc but the package is super x becoz mine is a twins.

Need help!!!
Hey Smoke =) may be u can consider my gynae..Benjamin Tham at TMC..he charges 650 for his package..11 visits...free urine and blood pressure test. u can search for his reviews..a very caring doc =)

Smoke..whoah..it should be amazing for u right.. i think most hubbies will think that it's just our own thinking!!! HAHA!!! but are we really that free? hahaha~~~ how many weeks now?
charges for twins is 50% additional...Oh sorry the package fee is 600..not 650..
then normal delivery 1200, C sect 2000, assisted delivery 1500.
My gynae package is 1200 + 1400 (coz twins) and delivery charges is 1400 + 1400 (coz twins)

so it is like 5200 before the bed charges and everything.

my mum prefer i go KKH because of the facilities and twins tend to have more complications.

dilemma now..
Coraine, yea my husband think i m too free ahha..

but now i m coughing quite badly..i m so worried about hurting the babies.
coz my lower abodomen hurts everytime i cough..
hey same here!! when i sneeze my womb can get aches..that;s after normal! =) not to worry!!

but KKh charges are not any cheaper if go in as a private patient. unless get subsidised and cannot choose doctor..so every visit will be different doc..it really depends on u =)
I was with KKH b4...then i switched!
Coraine: Does your package include Ultrasound scan and CTG scan (3rd tri) onwards?

Babykicks - Yeaps! I felt the baby rolling just once, on Saturday afternoon when i was lying down to watch tv! haha. So fun. But just once.
I think this time round I am more sensitive to the bb's movement. For #1 no experience, so no idea about anything. This time round, I think it's easier to tell if it's bb moving or just imagination. =P

Smoke: You may want to look for gynaes who are good at delivering twins/multiples? Not too sure if all gynaes are good at that. Also, I guess KKH would be a good choice for you. Since twins are likely to be delivered early, with more need for special care. KKH should have all the necessary equipment for that.
haha..cheeky duckie..some pple told me because babies are getting more and more active nowadays..thats why our babies now react that fast..
but i guess their weight is just less than 50g..why such big impact ah? weird..haha!!
Stroller: Mummies who are intending to get strollers so that the eldery folks who will be helping to care for bb can use, do get the eldery to go try the stroller out before you buy. What we think as easy to operate, might not be true for the old folks. Weight is also important.
A light weight stroller might not be as stable as a heavy one. But of course, light is easier to handle.
A 1-hand operated stroller will also be very useful if you think you will need to bring bb out alone often. For these, a lighter weight one will be good. Cos most likely you will need to manage bb in 1 hand, stroller in the other.

If you don't foresee yourself bringing bb out very often in the first few months, I would say to skip the stroller first. Buy only later. Then you can straight away get those for older babies.

I am definitely a baby carrier/sling person. My hubby is also trained to use the carrier. We find it a lot more portable and convenient.
So for me, it's always, bb in carrier in front, me with a sling bb diaper bag. And I am all ready to chiong shopping by myself! At least when bb was below 1 year old! After that she learn to walk, and she will refuse to sit in the carrier. She's also too heavy for me to put in carrier for extended period by then. hahahaha...
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each
- Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym @ $15
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen, thanks!
Ya man tell me about it. I stay in a 4 storey walk up and don't drive so light weight stroller is super must for me! But stopped using after 1 year, after she started walking or so cos ergo was so much more convenient. Stroller only for big outings

Hehe my mum too. Think I can count with one hand the number of times she cooked for us. Minus luncheon meat. Haha.

Thanks for buggyuboard info!

I feel some things at times but not sure if it's kicks hehe. With #1, I was so anxious for kicks to be more pronouced so hubby could feel them too. But now I just enjoy these movements on my own, no hurry for hubby to feel. It's a very special thing just between mummy and baby, like our little secret hehe

i currently have a combi and i would say its great for me cos its lightweight and can close/open with one hand. i used it to bring my girl out for strolls when i was taking care of her myself until she was 6months old. after that still good for me to push her to mkt etc. only draw is that the wheels dont last long, now that i used for more than a year, the wheels get kinda stuck, not as smooth as new.

compared to a quinny that i had prior to the combi, the quinny wheels is really smooth, even though my set was a preloved one.
