(2012/04) Apr 2012

my gynae prefers for us to tear naturally and then he will sew you up. He does not believe in the cutting and then stitching up. But because i did not tear so no need to sew.


Don't liddat say... It's just that your house is already so neat that's why don't need to clean up hehe

Ms tan
Think I will wash bb clothes in week 33 ba. Now wash also no point cos no where to keep!

Silvery gal
Wow you are so efficient, already set aside the clothes!

Hospital bag
Oh, anyone got list of what to put in... I totally don't remember!

Wow you good leh. 3.1kg and never tear at all!

You remember sam teaches a technique to "open the opening"? Hehe the poor hubbies got to do that.

Re tearing vs snipping
I think for me, it was a long labour and everyone was tired liao so gynae just snipped. At that very moment, my husband looked... And the sight of blood just made him feel woozy and that's how he fainted on me. This time he'll make sure the coast is clear before he goes over to peep and snip the cord hehe

So first time mummies, if your husbands are scared of blood, tell them don't be hero. stay by the head of the bed and support you instead of going to the foot to see the action!

You know mummies, baby centre says we're likely to put on 5kg in our last tri... At the rate I'm eating chin mee chin cupcakes, I think 5kg is no prob!!! Haha
Mel, I would follow Cheeky's suggestion, that is, get helper to wash when I admitted, easy on everyone. She got thing to do while I in hospital "ping ming"!!!

I heard about Asia's size is smaller and most likely need to cut or tear, I freaked out, will kuai kuai cesarean at 38W, best if I can push 1 more week to 39W if baby is not too big to manage.
Pinkbunny, I need more than 5kg, so far at close to 28W, I've put on 7kg, I feel not gaining enough, I want my baby to be bigger. kekeke
Sunny, oh no honey yah? Hmmm.. Ok ok will just squeeze the lemon into water then thks!! Yah kk is really alot cheaper. My gynae charges $1.5k for natural delivery. Ex mah?
Morning mummies!
Ouch ouch ouch. Woke up with terribly muscle pull in butt and had to stop and rest several times between bedroom to bathroom :S super ouch! Lucky going to gynae today so can ask him what to do to make the pain go away!
Pinkbunny, oh no.. I hate muscle pull! Am going to ask my gynae tomorrow too if i can put on ketotop (koyo), it works wonder to fix muscle pull but not sure if safe for pregnancy. You can massage the area gently in the meantime, hope it gets better soon!
I think we are terrible creatures on earth!!! Put on wt ==> complain; didn't put on ==> complain!!! Women are hard to please!!!

These few days been coping with morning wake-up cramps!!! I need to pop up my legs to prevent water retentionm; next minute, I want my legs down to prevent cramp, what should I do? HB says better to pop up as water retention hard to go away.
gd morning ah!! same here...butt muscle pain wonder izzit i walked too much..or sit too long at office. every night gt to put heat pad to ease the ache n pain...

Re: hospital bag...yah got to bring wat har? pyjamas, bb clothing, mittens and booties for going home..sanitary pad, disposable undies, hospital admission letter, camera and mummy's clothings for day of discharge, toiletries.. shld b all hor?
SG: Hospitals will provide top, wrap, mittens, booties for baby to go home. Unless you pantang don't want bb to go home in hospital clothes, then u bring bb's clothes. Most hospitals will also give u a bag with some goodies inside to bring home, in addition to whatever left over supplies you have paid but not finish using, like bb diapers.
So hospital bag need to have your PJs, marriage cert (if you are intending to register baby's birth at hospital), and 1 set of going home clothes. Sanitary pads hospital will provided at a cost.
So actually, the only most important thing to bring, is your identification card.
I will just pack my hospital letter, PJs, going home clothes, sanitary pads (i can't stand the loop pads that TMC uses), disposable underwear, nursing bra, marriage cert.
Hi CheekyDuckie, thks!! i almost forgot marriage cert. haha...good tat u have reminded me... =)
but hor, i think parkway health east doesn't provide bb clothing, mittens and booties leh. I was advised to bring three years ago when i delivered my #1. dunnoe this year they will provide ornot..but i know they will give goodie bag and a tub for bathing bb. hee...yah will be bring santitary pads, coz i dunno hw to use the loop one. waiting for watsons sale, $1.95 to buy the super long pads for maternity.
#2 mummies, do u realise this time round we are more like relax than having #1? i like din buy alot for my #2...feel so guilty...will use what is left from #1...steriliser, stroller, car seat, clothings etc all old ones. Haven bring them out from storeroom to try the steriliser, sikali spoil liao. I did buy a new manual pump lah..at least something new coz previously using Medela Mini Pump, not very erm..powerful? like noisy and pumping strength like weak even though i have adjusted to the max.
#2 time mummies, I m in my 29 weeks. Wish to consult you all.. Regarding current stage pregnancy..are we not to take tonic at tis stage? I've hear many saying, some say to stop taking tonic as they are heaty n should take more "cooling" stuff.. Some say take tonic now so we will hav strength to push. Please advice ..Thank you!
hospital bag
different hospital gives different stuff. last time my gal at mt alvenia, they give bath tub, no clothes for bb. thomson gives clothes to bb, but no bath tub. so, better check with the hospital.
don't forget the slippers. floor could be cold to walk around.
i will get ready my breast pump too, in case need to stay at hospital longer than expected *touch wood* and the milk flow comes in and feel engorge.

i am not sure about the pte gynae delivery charges liao. 'cos i am seeing kkh doc under subsidised package. since it's subsidised, i didn't really check out the charges, too. :p

Ms Tan
there are tonic which are not heaty. for 3rd trimester, it's better don't take heaty stuff. but also depending on your body condition. i believe that if we maintain good health with some excercise, we will have strength to push. is this your 1st one?
sunny, hee..so good got subsidised. I was telling my hubby can see pte gynae then go kk to deliver? haha can save some money wor. now #2 got to save abit cannot anyhow spend liao.

Ms Tan, eh...i'm on the heaty side, so i rarely take tonic except for 1st trimester when i feel giddy...my mum did brew chicken soup for me. but i tink chicken essence still ok ba. i know ard 34-35 weeks can start taking coconut drink liao. am looking fwd to it...cooling nice!! i drank few times before i popped my #1, and my #1 comes out very clean hee...
Third tri is supposed to be coconut juice tri as well, ya?

Ditto that. Really very chill this time. Cos no need to scramble for steriliser, stroller, cot etc. All just have to dig out from store room! Haha.

I also used medela mini. Found the cup a bit uncomfortable.

Hospital freebies
I remember mt A gave bathtub and nothing else. Oh wait, a bag with some things

What to bring
Thanks for sharing, mummies. Also, bring a jacket cos could get cold.

Those who don't drive, perhaps can ask relatives not to give big bulky items cos we had soooo many bags to bring home when we got discharged! This time we're not even going to tell anyone when we deliver! Just parents. We don't want visitors. Just want to bond with baby instead of have to worry about what to say to relatives. I had an uncle hanging around when I wanted to BF my #1 which was super awkward. Don't want and don't need moments like that!
MeinMe, you are the same as me! Dunno whether to put my legs up or down! Coz I am also starting to get morning cramps when I wake up. Difficult choice!
Sunny: yes first bb

SG: yah.. Heard alot of them say drink coconut drink when nearer to delivery. My body is also heaty type..lips is also dry most of the time even though I drink alot of water each day ..haiz.. I tink mus put on lip gross liao kekeke!

Anyone taking GD test?
pinkbunny..yah, my #1 very ks...very early went to buy stroller, cot and clothings liao..wahaha everything prepare swee swee..this time round like bor chup..hee
u also use mini ah? my hb complained noise, asked me to pump outside...kns so this time i bought a manual one to try if its better. =)

BF after deliver: yah...i also feel awkward to have pple visting me..like want to BF also like difficult. How to be natural toking to pple when u bf har? sometimes bb suckle like noisy rite? wahahha i got frens who can BF outside while they eat and tok leh. must try to overcome this problem this time.
Today im gg for my gynae visit. I hope my "two- eggs-a-day plus more milk" diet worked out and i hope my baby will gain some good weight. (i dun weigh myself everyday).
Im also very relaxed for this pregnancy. Haven wash baby clothes, pack bag, will share steriliser with #2.. I shd check if my freestyle in my store still good for use. Will use the diapers from hospital first, not enough then hubby can go buy more. I tink i will start to panic nearing end March.
Im bringing my #2 to watch Barney on 17th. Hope baby wun be early but on schedule =)
Good weekend ladies!
hi mummies, haven't posted for awhile but have been following the thread. guess wat? I was diagnosed with chicken pox this morning. anyone heard if it'll harm the bb anot? i'm now week 29. i read online, seems fine la. i haven't seen my gynae but he is aware already. i voluntarily admit tmc, partly to make sure bb will be fine, but most importantly to quarantine myself from my 2.5 yo girl.
Hi ladies, after urine test the nurse saw the test stick and say I haf sugar2+
Now waiting to see gynae.
Oh no. Is this the glucose thingy that you all were discussing?
SG: Yes... I am 1 of those who doesn't care who is outside talking or eating or not, i will just continue to latch and BF the baby, with curtains drawn. I will allow my girl friends in to chat too! haha... I don't really care lor.

Jesline, yes. The urine dip stick is the 1st part of determining for GD. Gynae might ask u go for glucose test.

Lilcactus: please take care. speak to you gynae first.

Gifts @ hospital: Even though we drive, i get my MIL or mother to bring them home first so that i dun have to fight war and bring so much stuff home on discharge day.
lilcactus, my girl kena chicken pox 1 week before CNY though she was immunised, mild outbreak 11 spots. I was immunised and havent kena before. I've called my gynae to check, he said is ok to get it, just make sure you do not run a high fever and will not affect your fetal. take care.
SG, I didnt get to latch my girl in hospital because she was in NICU for observation and I do not know how do it correctly. This time, I die die will latch and I'm ok to latch and talk and eat, used to it during no.1 time, I ate at coffee shop too. kekeke
cheekyduckie & MEinme, so good..i nid to learn from u two liao. I'm so shy that i also close my room door when i latch #1..coz sometimes my FIL will pop by to see his grandson..then i gt to like tell him wait ah...i'm feeding him. so stressful...ended up i din really bring my #1 out for the first three mths. He basically stayed at home with me throughout...wahaha
and my confinement lady then will come into my room and look at me how to BF lor..my goodness..later then i realised she has nvr BF before. Btw, i got sore and bleeding nipples for my #1 coz he's those super impatient bb and big drinker, i tink this time round shldn't have this problem liao rite? I supposed "they" have "strengten" liao? or shld i still standby nipple cream incase they are sore again.
Lilcatus, u take good care...drink more water..i dun tink chicken pox will affect bb..
used to take waterchestnut + sugarcane when i gt chickenpox to reduce the heatiness but nt sure if preggie ok to drink..maybe can ask ard?
SG: it is " Gestational Diabetes test" usually test after 24th weeks. It is to test if u hav diabetes during pregnancy which was told can b common. Most of my frens took the test too..jus to b sure we are ok.
Cheekieduckie, every visit I was test on urine dip stick too but is it a must to go fot GD test? My previous urine dip all ok ley... if go for the GD..another worry coming up..waiting for result..ai yo...
hi all, my gynae says that getting chicken pox at this stage is quite safe for bb. the dangerous period is when near to delivery.
hi all
I due ard 1 may 2012, this is my number 4....
Since this is my last bb, wanna to do a good confinement.
Any good brands of dry shampoo or body clean??
my nipples got really sore very early in the pregnancy this time. i even got crusty nipples, yikes! so i had to start applying nipple cream since about 2 months ago. For my first pregnancy i only started applying about 2 weeks before EDD and yes e nipple cream is such a lifesaver in the initial weeks when baby latches on very often. my nipples were so sore!! but once the nipples are used to it, its a breeze. =)

re: feeding in public
i have no problems too, and just usually use a nursing shawl. but it can get tricky when bb is older and is curious about surrounding and starts to wanna peek outside. hahha... also, sometimes my family n friends will end up waiting for me to finish e feeding session. if there is a nice nursing room i will make use of it plus change diapers for baby. =)

wow! #4! congrats!!
Starrie and meinme
Put one leg up, one leg down? Kekeke. Actually I have been elevating my feet every night. Thankfully, no water retention in feet and have found that the leg cramps are not very often. When I feel one coming, just point toes toward knees and it goes away rather quickly

It took me a while but I got used to BFing outside, though not as zhai as some BFing mummies – my friend can shop and BF at same time! As in while walking leh. Pei fu pei fu. Use nursing cover lor. But my girl quite cheeky, after some time, she would try to flip over the cover and play peekaboo. Aiyoh, girlie, mama’s boobies do not want to play peekaboo with strangers!!!

Me too, bringing my #1 to watch 3 little pigs during march hols. Also hope #2 will not come that early! Hehe.

I don’t mind if my gal pals are around, or closer relatives la. But like distant uncle kind er…. Please go away!!!

Me too! MUST latch on at hospital! Last time I thought ‘aiyah no milk, don’t waste her time’ but now I more ‘kiang’ liao! Haha. Someone was saying after delivery, immediately pop on boob?

Oh no, chicken pox! Take care ya? And take the opp to rest well in hosp!

This morning was a bit of drama at home for me. Woke up and my already constant butt cramp was worse than ever. The moment I woke up, pain. Then sat up, pain. Walked a few steps to bathroom, pain. Had to scream out to hub and he brought me chair to sit down halfway. So drama. So the first 15 min or so, I was in agony!!! But after that it slowly went away. Checked with gynae and though he gave me sympathetic look, he said he couldn’t do anything. Boohoo. I asked for pain relief and he said ‘I’m not a fan of that’. BUT I AM AND I WANT!!!!!!!!!!! So he said pop a panadol if really painful, it’s ok. But the thing is, it only hurts this badly when I just wake up. And panadol needs time to react right? I can’t possibly take panadol first thing in morning… if take after breakfast, no point, cos if I can get up to make breakfast, then I’ll be ok liao. Hai….

But baby is ok. 29.5 weeks, 1.4kg. Brought my #1 too, and baby was covering her face with her arm, and the 2 girls were playing hide and seek hehe
Starrie, last night, I've tried to pop with 1 pillow instead of 2, no cramping feel this morning. I reckon we we can't pop too high, prevent blood circulation.

Pinkbunny, no.1, I've struggled big time to BF successfully. This time, I'll choose epi cesarean so that I can have 1st hand contact. Last time, blur blur, never massage boobs to prepare, wore underwired bras, etc.

Any scrapbooker in our thread?
Ms Tan, dip stick is norm for most gynaes. The GD test is optional. But some gynaes will recommend. Mine does. Both times i went. Now waiting for monday to go back see her for results.
Haru, so I guess when our nipples are used to bb suckle shld be strong enuff n no more sore aldy. But I BF 3yrs ago.. Dunno will still too dry or sensitive ornt, better get a tube of nipple cream
Pinkbunny, yr girl cute lah. Still can flip up n play peekaboo haha... Ok ok I will try this time to BF in public with nursing cover.

U feeling better le mah? Cramp badly like labour pain ah?
ya, nipples will naturally get used to the suckle after a while. if the pain persists, it could be due to incorrect latching. its normally in initial week or so that is painful. after that, its ok!
better, but on and off. friday was the worst :S it's not like labour pain. it's butt cramp, and every movement (like getting up from lying to sitting, and walking step by step, lowering myself to toilet, getting up from toilet, reaching to get a cup...) made it worse, and just sharp pains, those kind that make you just wince and stop moving kind.

just to share:
TMC has a very good breastfeeding centre. it's called parentcraft. those who are delivering there, i think you either pay less or none at all. i delivered at Mt A and unfortunately, found their BF team quite lacking, so i went to TMC for help. they were super helpful. and very nice and friendly and warm.

the centre is run by mrs wong boh boi, who incidently conducts excellent antenatal classes. she's also written a book about breastfeeding, which you can get at $13. i recently got it cos now i am determined to get BFing right and going to try exclusive BFing!

no la i don't get any commission from this. just to share cos i REALLY found their help useful and am very thankful for their assistance.
I had my 2nd leg cramp this morning.. i shiek so loud till my helper could hear me and asked me abt it this morning. Bleah!

As for my groin pains, gynae say to pop a panadol when i sleep as that's when i feel the pain most.

My boy is 1.7kg at 30 weeks
Looks like he will pass the 3kg mark. Yeah!
My weight gain is 11kgs.
Pinkbunny, yes, Mrs wong is good, she has helped me to latch my girl successfully. Does she still do hand-on now? The last time I went the rate was $40+ per hour.

I bought all the 3 books: pregnancy, childbirth & breastfeeding and got her to authographed for me. kekeke.

Eliz, that is a good weight. I hope mine is good weight too in 2 weeks time. I still didn't put on enough weight, still stay at 7kg now at 28W.

Tangerinez, use 2-3 fingers to make circulate motion around, not on nipple.
yup yup! one book at $13, 3 at $35! hehe.

not sure if mrs wong still does hands on. but she doesn't strike me as the kind who would ever go hands off! i think when i went it was $50 per session. i can't really remember. something like that

congrats, that sounds like a good weight gain! oh no to your leg cramp. take care ya?
Pinkbunny, meinme, if we need help for latching from mrs.wong, how does it work, can we & baby just go to TMC parentcraft directly to find her there? I went there once to pay for her child birth education class. She is very experinced indeed..
Is she also able to help clear engorgement? I heard the process is very painful

ashley, if you will be engaging someone to do a postnatal massage for you, the masseur will be able to clear engorgement for you. no need to go to Mrs Wong. my masseur was able to help me clear the other time..
