(2012/04) Apr 2012

I agree with blue_turtle - For me I had to supplement my daughter in the first few days as she had bad jaundice. She had to have both over and under UV lights on and was stripped naked. Poor baby was cold and very uncomfortable in the plastic box. Fortunately I was able to get her to latch on still and I was very diligent with pumping even at the hospital. Eventually milk did come in ard the 5th day. I went on to bf for two years without supplementing! So depending on the condition of your baby (e.g. bad jaundice, severe dehydration), I think that supplementing with some FM while frantically still pumping and latching is ok.

Hi sunny, I see.. Can I know roughly hw much u r paying for half day cc for your kids? My fren is considering sending her girl to cc.
pinkbunny: that was soooo discouraging ... #1 the nurse keep on telling me to latch even no milk supply & shared with me bb can survive few days w.o milk .. i just latch to simulate the flow, and also if bb is hungry he will cry cos they are clever lot , they will not stave themselves ...

Dear mummies , did u all experience muscle pulling pain at right tigh area? whenever i sat down & want to get up, wow the pain will cause me to walk limping ... and my left side lower back will be pain too , is as though i got beaten by people & is so damn painful ...

My stomach start to lower down ald , #1 is so high & no low at all ... this makes me worry ...i wonder is it constant carryin #1 will push my stomach downwards?

2 weeks back i got a real shock of my life ... frankly speaking i felt real lost & not know what to do ... i went to toilet, dirty water keep coming out from viginal there, so naturally .. i wasn't urinating (i am very sure), and is on off for like 10minutes ... i quickly finished bathing & came out to tell my hus, so we called out gynea, he told us to check in to kkh 24hr as he suspect might be water bag leak ...
Upon checking in to kkh, the nurse that is soooo friendly & the gynea who came to me SUCKS big time ...she is sooo damn rough & she did not know i have low placenta even though the report is right infront of her.. here she goes
Gynea: what wrong with you, why are you here, how are you now?
Me: repeating 3rd times...and i feel mine low part pulling pain, is it due to low palcenta?
Gynea: who told u u got low palcenta? come let me see if still got water
Me: mine gynea checked & the detailed scan report also wrote that down
Gynea: nvm, i got got water not ...
after 5 mins ... she did not said what she doing and keep poking here & there & is damn painful lor ...
Gynea: will sent the to lab test, next week report then out, now you can go home
Me: so what is the test about & what is wrong?
Gynea; go back wait for report, and you are visiting gynea at TMC right? you go ask your gynea if anything you want to know
Me: HUH , oooo ok lor...
After spending 3 hrs in delivery suite, this is the reply i got ... BTW my gynea not there to check lor, how to ask & what to ask since he is not the one checking...the KKH gynea know nuts and keep pushing to my gynea at TMC ...

4 days has passed, i called up kkh to enquire on my medical report, & they said not out yet
Ok fine, the next day i call again, the nurse told me, yes you are fine, nothing wrong, i went on to enquire what test i done & what reult it shows, the nurse went, you got slight contraction when you come to A & E, but is alright because u are only week 28, bb heart beat everything normal & bb is active...you are fine mdm ...
Can you all imagine the nurse who is not there can tell me all these, & not the gynea who is there to check me out told me this...is totally ridiculous lor the gynea...it made me worry for sooo many days ... sucks big time kkh gynea....

i checked myself in on sat & on sun my gynea called me, my gynea asked me to see see look look myself, cos sometimes water bag leak might be suddenly & stop quickly, difficult to capture too , monitor myself & if find anything wrong, call him again since kkh refer me back to him...

Sorry for the wrong post ...
Any sisters stay in 2 bedded rm in TMC before ? Otherwise, could sisters share wat e prOs n cons bet a single bedded n. 2 bedded.

In a dilemma as dun noe which rm to choose as there really quite a price diff bet these 2 types.

Izit worth paying that xtra much to stay in a single rm or actually e $$ can be put into better for e bb?

dolphin, my stomach has lowered down too.. so soon this round. my mother is also worried if i'll give birth prematurely. so any more leak? do monitor well and rest well ya..

mummies who latched on the last round, how do you cope with leaking milk from the other breasts? Did you get those collection shells, and are they really useful? The last round for me, I hated the leaking milk from the other breasts and I tried to juggle a small container using my arm to collect the leak, which makes me feel so tiring, having to carry bb, and juggle the container. Wondering if I should get the collection shells this time.

Bbliss, I stayed both 2 bedded and single before. I personally prefer 2 bedded cos the overall room size is bigger. But you might need to endure sounds from the other patient, for eg if they have visitors but you might be resting. But so far, I didnt have issue with that la, they usually wont be so loud.

For 1 bedded, you can opt for companion to stay over and bb will be roomed-in with you, if you prefer that. And definitely its more peaceful, cos just you and family. But 1 bedded, I find overall is a little smaller, even the toilet is smaller.
Lilcatus, I've used the collection shell for no.1. easily can collect 10-15ml, every drops count for me!!! I'm using the Avent.
starrie, when you are latching on one side of the breast, the other side normally will leak. this is how i know that my gal was drinking that time. cos sometimes wondering if there is any milk that she is actually drinking anot.

or if you are using those single pump, the other breast will also leak. the last round, I found my milk supply so little, so I wanted to save up the drips, so I used manual method of using arm to support a container to save the drips. so xin ku! this round, heard from my friends about the collection shells so thinking to try!
Didn't see it previously. Maybe didn't pay attention. Now I know what these comfort shields are. Been trying to figure out what are the various items sold for breast feeding. Off to look at some. Tks!

Eliz, you ok?
Lilcatus, i also use container bend and "giap" to collect the milk from another side while pumping. haha..backache wor. But i tink if we wear nursing bra, latch on one side, another side shouldn't leak so much? =)
MEinME, did you use Avent pump the last round? That's why avent collection shells fit you?

The last round I used Avent manual single pump, the size is wrong (I only realise it now that I bot my Ameda), and so I couldn't pump well and I gave up after the 1st month.

Now I'm considering Medela collection shells.

SG, yes yes! serious backache! which made me give up breastfeeding and pumping loh. This round I am more determined! haha
Can use the collection shells inside nursing bra so don't have to physically hold on to them!

I just realised that it is too uncomfortable to use squat toilets now cos belly is quite low and presses against thighs when squat now.

Eliz - you haven't recovered from flu? My #1 is down with stomach flu for the last few days. Even came down with conjunctivitis too! Crossing my fingers that no one else in the family will catch something from him!

My #2, hubby and I are all down with sore throats and slight coughs. Yesterday I gargled a few times with salt water and it seems better today.
I'm ok, just aching, esp the backside and thighs.

Recovered ah.. haha.. think coz tummy getting so big, causing all the aches..
HI babes, its the 3rd trimester already! many of us are looking forward and beginning to countdown to baby's arrival! Jia you on the big D day in approximately 8 weeks to come!

lilcatus, ya one side will leak when we are latching/pumping on the other side. so collection shells comes in handy!

El/Eliz: get well soon! weather has been really terrible! sun super scorching!
lilcactus - Yes, the collection shells don't stick! Have to put them on inside of bra cup so they don't fall off.
For the other breast leaking when i feed baby, i just shove a clean hand towel onto my other breast which is either held up by the bra or by my spagetti top. I buy the pack of hand towels from IKEA - i use these towels for everything, wiping my baby mouth, breastfeeding etc.
I've used Medela PIS for no.1, my friend told me Avent is good due to the comfort padding, therefore, I've used Avent.

No matter what, when you latch on 1 side, the other will sure leak, especially when you have "let-down". It's either you soak your nursing pad or collect the precious drips. I just put inside my nursing bra/camisole when feeding on 1 side.
I will b using pass dwn avent manual pump frm my sis but my fren is thinking can lend me her medela electric pump.. To try if is good before I decide to buy.

Any of the mummies here experience tail bone pain..?? I tink is getting serious now n then.. Sleeping also a prob now ..haiz..
for half day, i pay $400 each after subsidy. the childcare fee is getting more and more costly.

for milk leaking, i will try to use a bottle to collect, if too tired of holding the bottle, i will just use cloth/bread pad to aborb the milk.
Lilcatus, same lah I gave up after three mths. Bad mummy... Haha coz my mil and confinement lady kept telling me my boy is hungry n I gt nt enuf milk for him.. BM is only water nt full one then they started feeding him FM. 1st time mum dunno anything so I just let them feed lor. This time round, I will try my best man!! Let's jiayou!!

Sunny, wow $400 for half day. Siong wor... 2pax will be $800.
SG, ya, v siong to our pocket.
Older generations usually gives this type of comments when they c that the bb keeps crying for milk after 1 or 2 hrs feed. It's because they don't understand n also they dote on the bb a lot. I juz ignore their comments n manage to bf my 2 for 1.5yrs. Hope this time i can bf longer. Jiayou!
yes you can do it! jiayou!!

eliz, miss tan
hi five, i join you in aches and pains club. tailbone, buttock, feet... when hubby said this evening "i'm so tired", i gave him a killer glare. more tired than pregnant woman in 3rd trimester? i think only those jailbirds in old black and white movies that are pounding rocks can be more tired than us

JTS: when my girl was in little skool house for full day programme *can put her any time from 7am to 7pm, but she's usually there only 930am to 330pm*, it was $669 after subsidy. half day price was only slightly less but can't remember the exact amount.

i think depends on how much. for me, if express then i will definitely use the shell (used medela, slip into the bra), then can combine everything when storing. very shiok to see all that extra that managed to collect without any work kekeke. but after a while, when latch on, there is hardly any leakage so simply put a towel or breastpad. cos so little, how to store.

now i suddenly remember: BM is sooooo sticky!!
Hi MTBs here, under TmC website on e fees n charges for rm, there a col stating e maxi medisave claims for hosp n doctors.

When say Maximum, meaning not all can claim e full amt as stated in e website? Any terms n conditions they look at before they decide hw much u can claim ?

Can anyone here advice that hw much was e cash payout u pay for yr #1 when staying in a single bedder or two bedder n undergo natural delivery with epi ? Thx.
Just gone for my 32 weeks check up... Bb weighs 1.7kg. Seems like really genetic that I will have small babies. No chance to take durian so far. Prob I shld try eating them now and see if my bb can b plumped up haha...

I din collect the leaking milk when breast feeding. Just use breast pad or towels. Can the collection shells be sterilized? Coz all bottles in contact with milk had to be sterilized. So like not hygienic to let bb drink the collected milk rite? Can someone advise?
Hi mummies,
last night had a terrible night as was coughing all the time. This morning I coughed up thick green phelgm. Went to my old GP and got some mild antibiotics and non-drowsy cough syrup. Then after that, I brought my #1 to the PD as he had the same green thick mucus in this nose! Poor thing. He has been sick almost all week - first with stomach flu and then conjunctivitis and now stuffy nose and cough.
Hmmm... Based on the table, my bb is following the growth chart. So shld be average size.

Do take care. Lots virus in the air. My son is also down with cough n running nose.
i also had big time leakage when my milk supply came in. got to the point that even when I use a huge towel to tuck in my bra, it got soaked through. the leak will lessen over time..i think this time i will try e collection shells too, breast milk is precious and yes, sticky!!haha...

i have been having on and off pain on my upper right thigh (near e groin area) too!! end up limping....i wonder if it is me who is getting too heavy or baby getting too heavy.hahaha!!

saw some Mao Shan Wang durians at isetan supermarket this evening. so tempting but $19.90 for a tiny box!!!
Yup I sterilized

Oh no, hope you both get well soon! Me too, a little sickie. Feel a cold coming on. My little one also had temps that were going toward fevers but never quite got there. Took her out of school today but it was so tough for me. I was practically dragging myself on the floor while she was full of energy and jumping all around like she had coffee at breakfast :S tough to be preggie and sickie and having to care for another kid!
Can I ask if anyone knows hats the difference between the new avent sterilizer (long shape) and the old round one? I rem a few mummies prefer the old one but y?
Hmmm, round is made in UK while rectangle is made in Turkey. Rectangle seem smaller.
Mossie, I think the price is similar for those bundle deal.

Ladies, what do you do with your sanitary pads since we need to use maternity range after delivery? I got no one to give, can keep?
hi all mummies,

i new here and EDD in Apr too!
Like to ask about the estimated Mount A hospital charges and wonder whether anyone stayed or have friends stayed there recently to advise?

1) I bedded normal delivery w epidural
2) C-section for 1 bedded (gyne said bb is in breech position so may need c-section if bb dun turn by week 34)

Really appreciate your advise!
Thanks in advance!
MeinMe: me jus went Chinatown "Ocean" store ytd w hubby n sis.. Sis taught me that not nessesary to use maternity pads, some brand night pads is good enough jus remb to change every 2, 3 hours. There is this 41 cm long pads , bought that because I tink maternity pad don hav such long one :p .. I worry about leak la :/

Also, pigeon wet wipe Ocean is selling $18 for 6 value packs. Do check it out.. Some of the stuff quite worth buying
meime> act my fren also told me not necessary to use the maternity range. she recommended me poise. watsons having sale on poise now.
did u use maternity range during ur #1?
hi ms tan
ocean is one of those swanston kind of shops is it? above the food centre? maternity pads: depends on whether or not your flow is heavy. i used about 2-3packs and then switched to night ones then day ones. for me, i think the bleeding lasted just over 1 week. after one of my massages, there was a big blood clot the plopped out and then the flow became very light after that, so can use normal pads after

welcome. you can check the charges on the Mt A website. i delivered my #1 there 3.5 years ago. the nurses were nice but i wasn't too impressed with their lactation consultants. plus they are currently having renos and not sure if they will be done by april. however it is a very nice and warm hospital. not typical 'clinical'.

speedy gonzales
wow, i am walking so slow today that even old ladies are overtaking me!!!
Meinme, u can buy the sofy or Laurier super long pads with wings. Gt 40+ cm ones good for after birth

Pinkbunny, I also walk like old lady. Backache real bad nw only 30 weeks dunno hw to survive till deliver man.
No.1 is via cesarean so gynae has sort of "cleaned up" for me, light flow but lasted long 4-6weeks and I've used my normal pads.

I was chatting in our Apr FB group, was advised to use maternity range because of the ingreditnet used. I've bought 1 pkt from Mothercare cause they have the ultrathin with wings.

Ginger, I've thought of Poise but seem like theirs is without wings, also I find theirs thick leh, now using the panty liner.

Ms Tan, I went there too on Sat. I bought the Clarins Oil for after delivery use $55+, pure olive oil at $52 for 2 x 100ml bottles and most importantly, Napisan (for washing nappies aka cloth diaper).
sama sama! what keeps me going is this: i know that caring for baby is much tougher than the pains i'm facing now! haha

JTS re contractions.
i just found out from my gynae (ie no wonder i didn't know when i was in labour the first time round!): when you're having contractions, your tummy will harden, really like WOOD. but if it's just tummy ache, it will be like MATTRESS. springy. hope this helps! every time i have a tummy ache i am frantically pressing everywhere to check! i think i'm ready for the baby but my house is NOT!!!!!

back to nesting!
Pinkbunny..yes,is like swanson kind of store. Is usually v packed if u go on weekends.
MEinMe: is clarins oil good? I didnt get any oil for myself.. Haha was focusing getting bb stuff like baby laundry detergent..baby oil n shampoo n all that..

Anyone feeling lower tummy muscle ache while walking? I wonder if I can tahan until 1 week b4 my EDD to start on my maternity leave ley ...haiyo.
For those deliver in Mt A..do go try their mee robus, mee siam..laksa.. Very delicious :p I always eat there b4 my childbirth education course starts :p heehee. Find the cafeteria staffs all v friendly too
