(2012/04) Apr 2012

El, CheekyDuckie, LittleDd - i will buy them all online. But where to buy online for car seats? Any recommendations?

LittleDd - I better buy early, cos with my situation, Im not even sure when I'll pop. Left 13 weeks to full term, and I'm very sure if gynae would want to set a date for my c-sect it would be around the 36-37th week.
Andreanie, you may want to check the bulk purchase thread, I remember seeing an organizer for brands like Quinny, Prego and etc. From my own experience, it's better that you narrow down the brand then the model, read up from their website on the spec.

Talk to your little one often, I find this helps and you are creating the bonding too.

Ladies, have a fruitful year ahead. Me off on my field trip to Malacca. See you in 2012.
Andreanie - You can try babymeadows.com.sg for strollers and car seats. With 15% member discount it is cheaper than some of the other online websites. got free delivery too. My friend bought her Combi Miracle Turn from there as 15% is more than the usual 10% max discount you get if you buy from elsewhere e.g. Isetan.

Ideally your infant car seat should be able to fit your stroller too right? What stroller have you got?
Hihi mummies,
Im typing from office, but feeling happy cos today is my last work day of 2011! yay!
Tomorrow I will be on leave, then Sat going to fly to KL and go up to Genting with family to spend the new year countdown there =)
I already got a letter from gynae - it just states that i am fit to travel, in case AirAsia needs it.
Back on 3rd Jan and on leave, cos it will be my daughter's first day at childcare.
Anxiety building up bit by bit. A bit worried but at the same time, i know its time to let her go and learn something/interact with other children.
So im here to wish all mummies/daddies - Have a Happy New Year 2012 with your loved ones!
Take care and continue to enjoy our 2nd trimester, that includes all the "karate kicks" & "flips" from our little ones in our tummy... ! keke.
Cheers! =)
Love: Jesline
Hi mommies,

Still remember me? Was gone for quite a while. Back from my Europe trip 2 weeks ago and still packing.
Same as some of you, pee often at night. And baby already moving often. Don't think my No. 1 move that much....
so fun, can go holiday..

I'm so tired.. but loving the festive seasons!

Baby has been kicking and punching me!! Esp at night. That day during check up, gynae even took a photo of him punching!!
So nice of hearing so many mummies feeling their bb kicking and punching.. I am in my 22weeks, but still only feel fluttering not really on full kick.. Only once or two time I feel it.. Other then that is fluttering feel and normally is at evening or night time when I rest on my bed.. During my working hour I don't feel le.. How I hope my princess can kick or punch me more.. Hee.. Till now hubby still have not feel his princess movement
Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Those who're travelling, don't forget to get pregnancy friendly pills for tummy upsets. You can get them from pharmacies. You won't know when they come in handy.
Silvery gal, thanks.. I hope I can feel the full kick soon
Dwie - u'll feel the full kicks soon. I felt my first hard kick ard 18 weeks. And now, dont say, he punch me, doing somersaults most of the time. Even when I'm sleeping! He's my alarm clock also, by 5am he'll start to kick me already hehehe.. And by 7am if I really never walk up, he'll kick me again and again until I eat something! Must be very hungry this lil boy of mine hahahhaa....

Anyway ladies, update from my appt just now. Gynae said the bedrest for me can already be lifted, infact I can return back to work if I want to. But I told him I worked at Jurong Island, immediately he said ok no need to go to work. Extended my HL till the next appt. I'm going to keep extending my HL till delivery.
Spend the whole day outside after the appt, but we limit my walking/standing. Walk a bit and sit a lot. Hub went to get some IT stuff with my dad, so I sat at Mcdonalds with my mum till they are done hehe..

I will not be going out if my hub and my parents are not ard with me. Will be staying at home most times and just lie down and walk ard my home. I need my mum to be with me whenever i go to public toilets cos doctor refrained me from locking the toilet door. Even at home, I need to be supervised by anyone in my family if I want to shower or go to the toilet. No locking of doors at all. So I dont think its a good idea to be going to work, will just rest at home for the rest of the pregnancy.
Dear ladies... I am around 24 wks plus and never thought I would be able to reach this stage as we had been trying for bb for some time. Its honestly the most amazing feeling to feel my baby kicking and moving inside me. I never tire of it. And reading the happy posts in this thread really uplifts me as well.

Praying hard that we will deliver our babies smoothly this coming April.. =)
Andrenie: please take care yah .
Yes..i also feel my baby doing some karate kick sometimes of the day. Some time she don like me to sleep side way n start to kick n kick.. Then I hav to change sleeping position. I tink my bb is an " night owl" .. More active at nite lor.. Day time kick oni during lunch..meal time
Gd morning mummies..yea it is the last working day of 2011 and i have half day leave.

By the way, anyone got confinement lady to recommend? i think i gg to get a confinement lady coz i dont want to tire myself during tt 1 month.
I'm not getting a confinement lady because I have a maid. Thinking of getting confinement catering food though 1 meal a day.
Ms Tan : mine too! More active when I'm abt to sleep or early in morning to wake me up...n sometimes after I had something sweet..

Smoke: better book fast if you really want a CL, heard that good ones are already booked since Oct..demand is hot for 2012...
El: I also thinking of getting 1 meal a day for d confinement catering as my mum will cook breakfast & lunch for me. Have u shortlisted any?
I think I'll just go for the tried and tested natal essentials. Although I was tempted to try Aunty Li's BP but it seemed like a new setup so wasn't sure.
dear mummies

Happy New Year
last day of 2011 & i need to slot like hell
year end esp last day is always the worse of all working day ....


I wonder has you mummies experience bad pain at the lower tummy area? i felt so painful that i got to hold up the tummy to walk at times.. so terrible feelings ...


Yes i am still looking for one ... hope i can get a part-time / maid to help out, esp CNY coming, alot of cleaning to do
I book my confinement lady alrdy. Paid deposite too. Intro by my colleague. Now the rate is $2.2k ..
Spoke to her..she seems ok, v experience auntie.
Ms Tan, yes now the rate very ex leh ... $2.2K what does it include?

I asked one also $2.2K, she said only normal cooking etc ... look aft kids additional payment too
with regard to bad pain in lower tummy, could be due to round ligament stretching. You could consider buying one of those belly lifting pregnancy bands to help you carry baby weight so not so much pressure on the ligament. I have those at home and have used them in last trimester.
This is my first baby so I no need the CL to look after other kids in our family. she mentioned she can cook for my hubby too loh. Can wash our laundry too. She tell me wat to.avoid eating from noe n wat to start eating when closer to delivery. I can text her when I hav questions till the day I deliver. She also can buy stuff for me from msia, she did recommend me some stuff for me n baby.
gingerbreadger: actually wanted to post qn on buffet catering. Looking at chilli padi. Now see ur review saying they r quite gd. Might consider using them for baby shower!
yeah their food quite nice. even my mum and relatives tink so. i used them before but that was quite some time ago... that time i was deciding between neo garden and them. end up using them. i'll be getting neo garden for this yr's new yr's eve catering thou. cause chilli padi's new yr eve menu quite limited choices.
May i know, i read on the Chili padi, why is it not delivery to certain areas, & it include mine too hahaha ... under terms & conditions
Andrenie : rest well & take care!

To all mummies: happy 2012! Its gonna be an exciting year ahead with our precious little ones!

Those gymnastics stunts & kicking are amazing! Love those feelings! Looking forward to receiving her in april.
hey mummies, i'm back!

anyone started to experience new symptoms?

i was feeling lucky for not having heartburn and then now at almost 25 weeks, i think i'm getting it. does heartburn usually comes with nausea? i can't believe it seems that the morning sickness is coming back - nausea and strange taste in mouth. hai...

also, i've been getting sharp pains in the back. not the sore achey type but like pins and needles over the top part of the back (below shoulder to above waist). it comes and goes, each time lasting about 5 to 10 min. is this even normal?
Happy new year 2012 to all! Best wishes for an exciting 2012 n stay healthy always!

I don hav heartburn now but I can see my legs starting to show abit of water retention already. I guess very soon it will go to my foot.. I also feel backache v often at this stage and is also at the back near tail bone area.

Sweat easily too.. I heard from experienced CL that after gav birth we hav to wear long sleeves all the times for the whole full mth n cotton slippers while at home. . Oh gosh..it is gonna b very very warm for us !
happy new yr to all of u too...i still dont think i can eat chilli so i stay away from it... i still havent get a CL too hahaha...coz no time to find a suitable one. I email afew already but still no reply yet thou...
Happy new year, everyone! Wishing all hv a smooth preggy journey n stay happy :)

Ms tan, how many wks r u in? My feet osso starting to get swollen n i m oni coming to 24 wks . Any idea how to prevent tat? Hope its nothing serious though
Happy 2012 to all..

I am suffering for water retention too.. Legs and feet already swell up & planning to go massage. Hopefully can help in reducing d swelling..

Due to d pain n ache on my back n legs, can't walk fast or long. Tends to get tired n breathless easily.
Hi Bbtwo, I am 24 weeks and 5days :p
I heard that we should control salt intake.
I tends to drink water (2 sips) each time i wake up in the middle of the night after i go pee. Is about 4 times in the nite ..If i dont drink i feel very thirsty ley.

How about you all? Pee frequently too in the day n night?
Hey Ladies,

Been MIA for a while cos on leave at work so seldom log on. Brought son to zoo, bird park, underwaterworld, night safari and science centre last week - FAINTED!!! Luckily i rented the scooter at zoo and bird park or else i would have sure peng san!

Went for check up on 27 Dec - doc said my baby is BIG. He is already 1KG and i was only 25.5 weeks. Doc said that normally baby past 1 KG only after 28 weeks... EEKS.. He ask me to cut down on carbo.. The moment he told me that all i can think of eating is CARBO.... ekekekek

For me i still have a bit of MS (n all day terrible taste in mouth), lots of lower back pain which i think is pelvic girdle pain ( i do this special exercise at night which my gynae taught me for my first child and it alleviates the pain), peeing lots during night and day. And worse of all, my stomach is ginormous!!! It looks like i'm 8 months preggers and almost everyone asks me if i'm having twins.. My first pregnancy also my stomach very big - i think cos i'm short and have a short torso hence everything is like hanging out...

I've booked my CL already - even before i was 3 months pregnant cos i wanted my first CL. Will be booking my malay massage lady soon. I'll be booking from the Traditional & Holistic Post-natal Centre. Anyone have any reccomendations for who to use from there?

Oh yeah, good news - my placenta has moved up and i should be able to have a natural birth now - sekally baby too big then back to C section.


Happy New Year Mummies!!!

I'm also ordering all my breast pump equipment and baby toiletries now...
Mummies who are swelling now, do keep a chk on your blood pressure. For #1, i swell up very early too, cos my BP too high. It's 1 of the signs of pre-eclampsia. Another sign who i encountered is permanent shoulder ache at the area between neck and shoulder on the left! Just left... Right is ok.

Too much sodium/salt will also cause water retention. So try not too take too much salty food.

This time round so far so good.
MsTan, I am also around 24 wks 5 days. I drink quite a lot of water - ard 8-10 glasses of water per day. I try to drink more water in the early evening so that I can pee out most of it by bedtime ~ 1130pm, but in the middle of the night i'd drink at least 1-2 cups of water. As a result, I pee about 2-3 times per night after I go to bed...
happy new year everyone! i am finally back home. gee did i miss the sun! it was really depressing facing sunset at 430pm everyday! my little one had lots of fun rolling around in the snow though. but i grew alot while we were there so coming back, my clothes were tight, which made the flights very uncomfortable to the extent of claustrophobic!

if anyone is buying from old navy soon, do check out their maternity jeans. i think it was only US$30+ and it's extremely comfortable and flattering! no one could believe i was wearing maternity jeans.

25 weeks liao. so fast hor?? got super butt cramps now. have to walk with a limp at times! the little one is quite shy and will stop kicking if i ask jiejie to put her hand on my tummy.

travelling mummies
do get a letter of certification (called "fit to fly" i think) from your gynae. most airlines want to see it when you check in, and flight crew will also ask when you board, how far along you are

take care! do rest well!

LOL @ "everything is like hanging out"!!

good luck to all those looking for CLs and caterers. hope you find good ones!

Where did u go? My no. 1 had fun rolling in the snow too. We were in Europe n got back 2 weeks ago. My tummy started to grow when I came back....:p

Old navy jeans,
U bought online? Got pics?
Hi Mummies,
Happy New Year! Just brought by #2 to see the PD cos she was coughing all night and kept waking up. As a result, I am so tired in the morning too. Having taken the morning off work.

I find that at 25 weeks start to get backache if sleep in one position for too long. Have to keep turning from one side to another.

And still have horrible difficulty getting back to sleep if I get woken up in the night. I think my flat has some vicious mosquitoes. Only bite at night and the bites are the painful and itchy type. Might have to start lighting mosquito repellant!

In terms of swelling, so far so good, but feet are definitely bigger. Normally I got up 1/2 a size so end up wearing birkis!
Bbtwo, some of my frens told me tey only visit toilets like twice in the night but I seems to visit often than that.

My baby getting more active now ..ytd after I went toilet in d middle of the nite..n get back to sleep ...she started her kicking non stop..argg..i hav to tell her " let's get back to sleep baby..tmr mama needs to work" ...
El: ya i also find difficulty sleeping at night now. like every single turn, i will wake up. If dun turn, my hand will be numb the next morning..

Saw my gynae on sat. He say he will be giving me bed rest after CNY till end of Feb because 28th-34th week is crucial period for twins.
My hubby is so jealous hahahah
Twinkystar: me also went europe! Usually terrified of the cold but having the little one in me keeps me warm! -5 degrees also no feat! Haha. Tummy grew a lot while there but grew even more when back in SG. Must be due to all the sleeping cos of jet lag.

Mummies: bad start to 2012 - having diarrhea. Dunno from where! I ate all the same things as my hubby and sil but only I get diarrhea. Charcoal pills too mild for me, no use so far. 7 times so far from 2am till now. Skipped work on day 1. Very bad.
Ms Tan: We have the same sleeping patterns! I pee 3-4 times at night and have to take 2 sips of water each time. Haha.. maybe that's cos I have a glass of milk before going to bed. Milk helps me sleep better and is beneficial for Little D!
tangerinez, you may try apple juice.

Smoke, cool break for you.

El, we burnt the mosquito coil (like those we used during outdoor comping) once in a while to keep the mozzie away. They have lavender fragrance.

Anyone has review of Boots milk bags to share?

I kept telling people that I still have 4½months to go, just realised today that is 3½mths!!! time flies.
