(2012/04) Apr 2012

wow! so early alr went for anenatal class? heee.. i scared i forget all that i learn so i decided to start the one in jan 2012. i actuali wanted to take the one at NUH, but booking the class is alr a hassle, plus the phone booking customer service sucks big time. i decided to go with tmc since im delivering there & booking is so convenient. only travelling to amk hub & jurong is a hassle ;)

its bn really nice being on MC since 12th dec. since yr end many ppl clear leave, i have to wait patiently till hubby is clearing his & we go holiday too. surprisingly, im not bored at home at all. only that sumtimes noisy when u hear the neighbourhood kids playing & screaming since they are hvG their sch holidays now.
btw ladies. need ur inputs on this esp repeat mummies. is it essential to own a diaper bag? how much help can the diaper bag be compared to a normal big bag when ure out & about?
Folic acid : most impt to take in early pregnancy like first tri.. After which gynae says just finish up whatever is left, no need to take after that

Diaper bag : i just used a big bag with bag organizer inside the bag. I think the crux is to have many compartments to put the milk bottles, wipes, diapers etc so that it is easy to take n would not run all over the place..
I bought a jujube diaper bag because I liked the fact that they have compartments with insulation. So if you need to keep something cold or hot for a few hours, there was no need to bring a thermos out. I also liked the diaper change mat as it is easy to clean and had nice memory foam padding.
Ethan_Ethel: thanxs, cos my gynae never mention to me. But my SIL ask me take till end pregnancy though i read somewhere no need take after sometimes...
For folic acid, I took till end of 1st trim and after tt gynae prescribes multi-vit.

Bought diaper bag but end up using a big bag wif bag organizer too.
Imie: having to brg my own bag and an additional diaper bag is too troublesome. So I just bring my own bag with all baby barang inside. The baby bag organizer where there are many slots do help organize my big bag into place..
I've used Allenhand backpack, Skiphop sling, LesacSport medium weekender as my diaper bag. Recently, I've bought a LesacSport diaper bag to match my lulu small bag print! I also have a traveller pouch which opened up as changing mat with pockets for short trip out. If you are breastfeeding, no need many thing when going out, only diaper and 1-2 sets of clothing for changing.
Hi mummies, pardon for the interruption... I am from the March 2012 Mums.

Bought a babycot at the recent Baby studio sale, but would like to let go. Anyone interested please message me? thanks!

Hi mommies to be, sorry to jump in.
since I'm not bf anymore, I have a Medela Freestyle pump to let go. 2months old and hardly use. Interested please drop me a pm.
Meinme: I m a big fan of LeSportsac bags .. It is v durable, importantly..it is very light before you buy load ur stuff into it. So shopping is really useful w such bag. Just bought a backpack recently at isetan, can consider as outing bag when I bring baby out :D It is not bulky too so storage is easy. Ive hav 8, or 9 LeSport in total.. Bought some frm HK last time..much cheaper .
Ms Tan, ^5, indeed, it's super light weight. Do you have the weekender range? good to invest in 1, take the medium size will do. I was in HK in end Aug but didn't get any. You may consider the oversea spree, Singapore do not carry the diaper bag range.
Just to share my Genetic Fetal Abnormality scan experience with Pro C. Anandakumar at Camden. He is a damn experienced gynae, practically knows everything under the sky!!!! We have a good chat. After the scan, he even walked out to chat with us.

I've asked about why did he only do it at 22weeks while others are doing at 19-20weeks. He has commented that all this while since 1970s is 22weeks, others have moved it forward because UK legistration has moved the legal termination term to 24weeks, more time given to couple to do other procedures/ investigations and thinking time. Scan done at 19-20weeks may not be able to detect all possible abnormalities as organs are not fully functioning as yet.

I've commented that I'm skeptical about this scan as I've done it at 32W and 36W, yet my girl has a hole in her upper left chamber and only "discovered" on day 2 of birth. 32W or 36W is too late for any detection because organs are kind of "cover" by the rib cage, back bones etc.

He has shared:
1) 1 in 350 people on the street has a hole in the heart and it's normal, no need to be alarmed.
2) It's normal for mother with diabetic tends to have a baby about 500gm above the bench mark while hypertension tends to have smaller birth weight.
3) Current bench mark is around 3.2kg.
4) Usually, 2nd baby will be about 200gm heavier than no.1.

Above is what we have chatted, please do not represent it to others. Thanks.
Yes Yes!! I hav the weekender medium size bag too..was a birthday gift from my frens about 4yrs ago..still new..i use it for short trip to msia snorkling n all tat. V useful

Any mummies here got ppl comment ur tummy very big? Since last week ppl keep commenting my tummy looks v big doesnt seems like just going to 6 mths.. I wonder is it normal to hav big tummy at this stage :/
Ms Tan: How big is big? I think everyone's tummies are different sizes depending on the build of mummy and size of baby. What's impt for me is that I finally have a big "enough" tummy to get seats on the bus!
Hullo mummies, long time no update..
My goodness, i am feeling so tired and my back aching badly. cant sleep well every night.

Anyone experiencing that already?

Anyway, any overseas spree to recommend for the lesportsac bag?
Ms Tan, my tummy is very big too. Is this your first or subsequent preg? Mine is 2nd. Now my tummy is like 3rd trim. Most of the clothes that i wore during 3rd trim, need to take out wear liao. And there was once my mom came into my room while i was changing, and she also exclaimed that my tummy is super big!
Smoke, you may check the oversea spree thread, remembered is an on-going spree.

Ms Tan, yesterday bathed together with my girl and she goes "wow, your stomach so big!", the last time we did was early Nov.

It's normal, I've read somewhere about the growth will kick in around 24W or so. I'm only 22W.
Smoke - Have been having insomnia in the middle of the night again! Just wake up and then can't get back to sleep. So tired in the morning...
Hi Mummies,

My gyane also doesnt tell me the weight of the baby..just let me know the range.

To mummies delivering at Mount A are you all going to attend the prenatal class held there?

I just went to check out Wong Boh Boi's class (TMC) all fully booked until march!

me too having insomnia unless im really exhausted in the day.

Any mummies haviing weird queasy feeling after eating? i.e. cant tell whether you are really full or just bloated? I get that quite frequently =(
Hi Mummies,

My gyane also doesnt tell me the weight of the baby..just let me know the range.

To mummies delivering at Mount A are you all going to attend the prenatal class held there?

I just went to check out Wong Boh Boi's class (TMC) all fully booked until march!

me too having insomnia unless im really exhausted in the day.

Any mummies haviing weird queasy feeling after eating? i.e. cant tell whether you are really full or just bloated? I get that quite frequently =(
small pea: i'm delivering at Mt A but registered for Wong Boi Boi's class @ TMC. Class starts on Jan'12 and end in early Mar'12 coz unable to get earlier class, all fully booked.

Recently also can't sleep well at night coz i'm side sleeper, no matter turn right or left, can feel bb's kick.
bubuya, I've experienced that too. I'm a right sleeper. Many has recommended left side sleeping, which I've tried a times and got "kicked" back to the right!!! From the last scan, my baby is laying horizontally, head on left while legs on right. I took it that if I sleep on the left, my baby is like upside down, therefore, "kicked" me to sleep the other way. LOL
El, lilcatus: this is my first pregnancy. I m not sure how to describ but jus receive comments frm ppl that comment my tummy looks bigger compar to last week..
Sleeping also a prob..sleep side way can feel bb kicking at times.. from my observation..tink my bb is more active at nite..jialak liao.. As for the class.. I worry if take in March too late liao .. Mt A still got slots??

I m 24 weeks ler
MeinMe: your theory so funny. As for me, no matter which side BB also kick, sometimes will "ask" bb today at which side, lol. These few nights my hubby has been "communicating" with bb to ask her to be obedient, not to kick so much and let mummy sleep well, lol.
According to my mum, she said that there is a growth spurt sometime between 22-24 weeks. So suddenly the tummy grows a lot bigger. I've experienced it too. Am 25 week this week and kena more stretch marks all of a sudden (sob!)
Thanks EL! He got me curious when he nv tell me bb weight. I can't even compare the weight. Sigh... Maybe next time ask him when he scan
On baby size, I think they are just estimates because baby will be at different position during each scan. For me, last Fri scan was 506gm while Sat scan was 487gm at 22W. I supposed will not be drastically different.

bubuya, that was what my HB told me when I commented that baby is kicked me, which I think is pretty logical explanation. LOL
if i'm not wrong, the baby weight is estimated by a 'volume' calcuation. like last time in sec school.. the weight of water is equals to the volume. cause when i went for my gynae visit, when he was measuring the weight for the baby. he was drawing the circumference of the baby's head and the butt or body.. then he was saying.. like 'the head circumference is wat measurement. then the butt/body circumference is wat measurement.' then after that he like lock the measurement into the machine.

then the nex ting he gave me was the baby's weight. so i guess if baby in different position, the circumference will be quite inaccurate aso.. but shldnt be very vast difference..
I am also in my 24th wk. These 2 days can feel more bb's movement.
Read that most bb will move more at night time then day time esp between 11pm to 1pm. This is because of the sugar level at night is the highest.

So good to know bb wt. My gynae never say anything abt wt.
ginger, he did body for you? During the Nov's visit, he told me his screen is not big enough for the whole thing. He only measured the head for mine.

Silver, I read is daytime, we have movement like a yo-yo --> the movement triggle sleeping mode while night time minimum movement --> baby wakes up.
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350
- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym @ $15
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder & Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
Hello mummies! Merry Xmas and blessed 2012 ahead!

I went for my 24 weeks gynae visit today, baby is 600grams. My weight remains the same as last week, and I have not gained any weight from all the festive feasting! Hope baby is growing well!

As for the Prenatal class. I attended mount A prenatal class when I was preg with #1. Personally I find it not very useful. Cos on the actual day of delivery, everyone will be so panicky that I forgotten about the breathing techniques and stages of labour. Haha. But nevertheless, new moms should sign up and learn more. Just that in time of delivery, will not aPply. My 2cents worth of thoughts ;)
Hi mummies,

I have a brand new in box evenflo playpen to let go. Grey/lime green colour. Comes with bassinet, changing table and hanging mobile. Salesperson explaned that this model is more secure as the bassinet is zipped to the playpen with a metal bar supporting the bottem.

Looks similar to this:

Bought at $250, looking to sell at $150. Interested, please sms me at 9749 1442

vivs29> act the amount of weight to put on realy depends on individual. but i do read that ppl with higher BMI shld put on lesser. as long as baby is the right size. and ur gynae doesnt express concern, shld be alright.
Hi all, tink at 24weeks..600+ g Is normal weight for bb. Mine also weight 600+g last week. whatsmore.. I tink there are also some weight for d water bag n placenta..i also tink it wont b v accurate for our bb actual weight at this point of time.
Vivs29 - I had Csect for my #1 due to breech position and has checked with my gynae on VBAC. He is fine with VBAC as long as it is not low lying placenta, breech or other complications. As for now, he has advised on C-sect for #2 due to low lying placenta. He mentioned that if it moved up, I am ok for natural. He did mention to me the risk for natural birth so it is up to us to decide but i know the % is very low..
Good morning mummies..Yea i am having difficulty sleeping every night. every single turn i will wake up because the tummy is getting bigger.
My tummy is very very big, everyone ask me if i am gg to give birth already hahaha

i dont think i am going for any prenatal classes coz too late already and i am too lazy to register..
How is everyone doing? Here I am coming to you LIVE from my bed! Lol! I'm looking forward to turn 30 weeks at least and then looking forward to turn 36 weeks and then hopefully to be able to look forward to 38 weeks.

I still have loads to shop for baby, especially his car seat. Not sure when can this bedrest be lifted up so that I can go and buy his carseat and bath tub at the nearest mothercare. Other stuff are quite ready, his clothes etc. I guess when I give birth then I'll get the diapers and toiletries. Thank god for Cold Storage online and NTUC online!

Regarding prenatal class - I signed up at NUH starting this 7 Jan but my gynae said be prepared to cancel it cos he said he rather I be at home bedresting. Gonna have my gynae appt tomorrow and lets see what he'll say.
Vivs - Gynae's attitude to VBAC matters. Maybe your gynae doesn't have enough experience in VBAC and does not want to risk it?

I had VBAC for my #2. My gynae told me that labour would have to short in order to prevent possible complications e.g. rupture of scar tissue from earlier C-section. As a result, I opted for no epidural for #2 as I was quite sure that the epidural the first time resulted in failure to fully dilate and emergency C-section for #1.

Andreanie - Hope that everything will continue to go well for you! You can still buy car seats and bath tub from the internet! No need to really pop in at Mothercare.

Andreanie: Let you hubby go buy the car seat and bath tub. Otherwise just buy online. U be good and rest at home.
Diapers can buy later. There's NTUC near most places. Toiletries, i think most hospitals will give those sample/travel sized packs in your take home bag when u discharge.
