(2012/03) Mar 2012

I think lotusmum meant airport as in DFS after check-in cos tax free. About 10% cheaper. I got it from there the last time too.

I could see my gal at 12th week the other time so you can start asking from 12th week on.

BB : i wont be so happy yet cause zelda tell me our dr have to keep asking .... sob sob ... i hope i can see bird bird ... i want bird .... but if no bird as long healthy bb i also happy la ...
Welcome new mummies

Yes agree with BB that by 12wks actually able to see le. For me no preference as long as bb is healthy so I didn't really ask him. But I know my parents & in-laws r super ken cheong.
Hi Orange,

How much is Wong MT charge for the package.....
the full name is Wont Mun Tat har.... he deliever at KKH meh.... i tot TMC, MA, GH

Hi Lynn, Twim happiness, Gaya, mummyapple & dymkoh
How much is Lawrence Ang charges for the package.... how his services....
just keep asking him till he reveals something. hehe.

the other time we also super gan cheong, kept pressing my gynae about the genders. Sad to say, this time round we didn't even remember to ask at my last checkup. To see he/she grows well is good enough.
Zelda : pray hard i can see on next monday .... hope everything will be ok for me ... i always worry as usual for my every appt ...
michelle22 - all i can say is pple who likes him really find him a nice gynae.. pple who dun like him hates him alot. LOL.. u can see thread regarding him.
shortlist 1/2 gynae and see them first. cos normally package starts ard 16weeks(if i didnt rmb wrongly). i rmb my package under Dr Ang was 500, excluding delivery, in 2007.

if not, another suggestion, ask ur frenz who is mummy themselves about their gynae.
Hi Dym,

cause my friends intro me is super ex de... package is from 1k de... that y i dont want to go there.... so i trying to see where i able to go..... So if ask me to go TMC there to see gynea there very far wo........

Super thanks ur info...... will consider.... i check my due date should be end of the march 2012
Have almost new babyplus prenatal education system $180 (used twice) and Angelcare baby sound and movement monitor (used,full set no box), AC401 deluxe selling mine for $170.
SMS 9336-4477 to reserve
Carice - thanks ! yup can close factory liao .. haha !! my gynae told me that if baby is boy , we can see the features quite well at 12 week if the baby open leg for doctor to scan .. by luck too , if baby close tight tight oso hard ..

orange - i'm at 14weeks but still vomiting still , maybe should ease off soon maybe before 16weeks .. =)

Jo- thanks !! true , i oso prefer boys first so meimei will be the precious ,my boys ask me whether can name meimei as 'gong zhu' not .. faint , i told them not a nice name lol

Dovey - thanks ! yup , close factory liao .. since the boys already have long waiting meimei le , my family side all boys , guess rly will dote this girl cos all my cousins are boys haha ..

Maplemummy - thanks ! yup , very different , very very bad ms , while when i was with my 2 boys , they didnt even give me any ms ..

snoopy - thanks ! ya lo ,finally !! =)

jun & nielle - welcome & congrats !

BB - thanks !!

zelda - thanks ! yup ,the boys are so happy , making so much noise inside clinic , so paiseh .. sometimes sleep halfway will feel very terrible so will rush to toilet middle of the night to puke everything out den i'm able to sleep well ..
nielle: u power la!! =) salute u.. i was looking forward to freedom everday when i was pumping..
snoopy: ya lo.. c her age also heart pain but no choice hahhaha
Daisy, congrats! My MS this round was super bad till 13 wks too. My boy time was a breeze. Hoping is a gal like u this round too!
My mil called and ask my hubbub if its a gal or a big, buggy told her dunno yet. Mil say better be a boy, hubby told her boy or gal also her grandson.. hopefully by next week I m able to know the gender, n its a boy.
Morn ladies!

My hubby also informed my MIL abt my pregnancy. At least, she won't wonder why I dun go over to her pl.

Walking too much will also leg cramps. So best not to over tire ourselves!

I very ks, had booked a CL. Had bad experience w my CL during my 1st confinement. So tis time, quick quick book a good one.
your MIL "zhong nan qing nu"?

My PILs used to be like that too. When my kids were at infancy stage, all attention on the boy and even feeding times will also feed my boy 1st even though my gal cries 1st. Until now that they are older and my gal has shown to be the more guai and easier to handle one then they say Meimei better, more cute & blah blah blah ...
I v sianz as my colleague (she's on ML + no pay leave till end of this year) innocently ask me in FB how's my morning sickness. So now the WHOLE world knows I'm preggy! Aahh...

My MIL actually told me when I had #1 that it's good I'm having a gal as her 2 sons (incl my hubby) are useless. Hahaha.... She said gals are closer to the family. Sometimes I find my in-laws quite ke lian... so old & yet their children don't want to stay with them in their big 2 storey house. Plus they so old still have to clean the big house & do gardening. I tried to ask my hubby to visit his parents regulary but he always say he's tired, busy, etc. So end up maybe we visit them once a month only. My in-laws still have to travel >1hr to my place to visit my gal. Quite sad hor. But I guess not all males are like that... have to do with family upbringing. For my family, we are v close... I'm even v close to my aunties & uncles & we have gatherings quite often.
Good morning mummies!

Haiz, need to change desk with my boss this morning as big boss is coming back and he's taking my boss desk. I am waiting for my much smaller new desk before I moved over for the big boss to take over my current seat. Sibeh sian!
hi, I have bleeding and saw one blood clot this morning when I wipped off. I am so worried. I will see my doc this afternoon. I am now 13 weeks+.
huijun - ur MIL old mind set lo. actually i oso. LOL. hope to get a boy this time. x=

lovingcherry - hope everything's fine! update us later. ((=

dun feel like working. from morning til now, keep thinking of getting mc from doc. haha.. half day gone. mayb start thinking whether to get mc for tml?? LOL.. 2 more weeks to see my beanbean..
mabel - take care and update us after ur appointment .. hope u will be fine =)

dym - ok ,i ask my boys touch ur tummy for boy dust LOL !!
Daisy - got use meh? all predestined lo. hubby dreamt of 'bao pek ya' telling him its a girl. LOL..

snoopy - dun think, lets go n take mc for tml. LOL
snoopy, dym: me too, so wish can stay home & zzzz, tired man maybe not zzz whole day, just rest having neckaches
usually abt 9pm, starting to get cramps & have to lie down
Congrats Daisy!
I hope mine will be a girl too since no 1 is a boy. Will however be happy so long as baby is healthy! But I'll definitely stop at 2 even if it's a boy. Too old already. Hehe.
Mei: Same as you. I dont mind either gender as long as baby is healthy though I prefer a boy cos my #1 is a girl. And like you, I will also stop at #2 no matter boy or girl. No energy already. Haha...
I'm on leave tomorrow.
Childcare closed for Teachers' Day so got to take leave. Will be bringing the kids to watch Smurfs.
<font color="000080">Wah you ladies tempting me to take sick leave too... even though I was on leave till yesterday, wahahaha. But really no mood to work. Pukey and sleepy.

Mrs Carice >> Can try Pure Yoga also. http://www.pure-yoga.com/en/singapore/schedules/view_schedule.php?location_id=6&amp;week=this&amp;classtype_id=13#sch_top
My instructor teaches there part-time... actually my instructor also does private pre-natal classes, but I think a bit expensive unless few people share. Haha!

Mabel >> Take care and go on pelvic rest. Sometimes it's old blood. Fingers crossed for you!</font>
Hi michelle 2202,

Dr Wng MT package is about 600++ depend on how many weeks u sign the package.

Hi mabel,
Take care and dun carry heavy stuff. Must hang it there. Jia you.
Tethysea : thanks . actually we can see here who interested and can form a group to go together ... need some work out but must clear with dr first.

yes my MIL also wan boy ... she said boy better ... then said is my FIL want boy ... she said FIL say boy better too ... *faint*

I booked my gynea, to see him next week, first visit :p
BB - ya in cc. i already asked hubby to take care. but now regretted. tml morning go take mc..

snoopy - u damn fast lo. i duno what excuse to give for last minute leave. somemore this month i got upcoming 2 days leave, 1 to see my bb..the other for my exam.. -_-"
Dym: cos my boss also on half day leave tmr. i told him cc closed due to teacher's day, asked him if i can take :p

Dolphin: actually in these times, girls are better than boys...earn higher income...got parents' hearts compared to boys lor...now boys when married already, machiam like married out liao lor :p mostly listem to wives le...hahs

Re: boys/gals
Cos next year is dragon, old folks believe dragon boys will be better than dragon gals.
