(2012/03) Mar 2012

@Sharon : seriously I din take anything special... Maybe I drink a lot of water every days, pump regularly, eat a lot of fish and relax while pumping...in fact dunno why this time got more milk as compared to my first one...

How's ur supply?

My boy had 6in1 and pneumococcal jab together when he is abt 8wks old.. Have slight fever...

Josephine, envy u. When i had My no1&no2 supply more also.. Now is so little compare to last x.. Then I went to gp, he told me age also will affect????
lynn, i also gave birth on 15 mar, at mt a.

mrs liow, i dun believe in age leh, my ss this time more than my #1, & i'm older than u.
Mrs Liow : how did u stop the milk production when u plan to stop bf? Last time I tried to extend longer hours to pump but it hurt till it's gog to split open and leaked badly... In d end I have to take medicine to stop d production.
@Sharon my girl goes to the PD at KKH. I think overall your bb seems to consume as much or even more than mine as she can go for up to 3.5-4hrs per feed. PD said her growth was good. Was 60cm then and 5.8kg when i weighed her last night.
Wanda: my girl's poo still watery till now. Colour smetimes yellow or green. How's ur boy adapting to similac total comfort?

I'm using Nuk bottle which is anti-colic. I've dr brown bottle too.
Reflex: how long is ur labour? Mine was 18 hrs n cannot wait any longer for it to dilate as it mite harm my baby brain growth.
Hi mummies,

My girl is due for jab on 15 jun. She's turning 12 wks on 9 jun. I went GP n he asked me to take jab at his clinic rather than polyclinic as his jab is cheaper as compared. Juz wan to ask if most mummies here bring their baby to polyclinic for jab.

I intend to opt for 5 in 1 instead of 6 in 1.
Evelyn, I think so. I went to a family clinic in Tampines and the doc told me his jabs are over $100 savings compared to polyclinic. So this time round I go gp for the jabs.
la_paix: Thanks for the reassurance they will fade. Mine seem to be slowly going away now. Maybe because I gained quite a bit of weight during pregnancy.

Evelyn: Mine was almost 18h counting from the time they inserted the first tablet. About 12h in I was only 4 cm dilated. I had epidural done then, and somehow it affected my ability to empty my bladder. I felt unusually painful during contractions after a while because my full bladder was blocking my baby's descent during contractions. After emptying my bladder (there was 800 ml of urine!) the pain was gone and the dilation progressed much faster. Gynae also used his fingers to help stretch my cervix as I was pushing. So lucky I was able to dilate fast enough and didn't have to go for c-section.
Evelyn >> My boy does not seem to like total comfort, he have been drinking very little these few days.I am going to change back to normal Similac.

Any1 giving bb drink goat milk?

Any1 gg back to wrk soon?Or any1 alrdy back to wrk?
Hi wanda, I'm from the April thread.. I was asked by pd to use frisk comfort for constipated bb ( guess similar comfort is for similar purpose..) and the nurse instructed me to change to a teat with bigger hole as the flow is thicker.. Just wondering if you change the teat that you used as well ; otherwise bb may have problem sucking milk out? But still need to trial and error, realised yesterday tt bb rejected the new fm cos the new teat's hole was too large; now using nuk m size instead
Josephine >>> I m gg back to work tmr. Who will b helping you with bb?

Kathy >>>> I just started using nuk M size too.
Wanda: u took d full 4 mths leave? I took 3.5mth...I got my mil and maid to help look after but most of d time is my maid look after d BB .. Wat abt u?
Josephine >> I took 3mths leave, me also same maid & mil.Yours is 1st bb? Mine 1st, gg to miss him when back to wrk.

I like to check any1 have oily scalp after delivery? What shampoo or hair tonic did u all use? Any recommendation?My hair very oily,
Hi Mommies, I'm bringing my baby gal for her 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 jab soon. I'm not sure which one should I go for.
I asked the nurse at polyclinic when I brought her for 1st month hep B jab & she told me there is no difference, just that 6-in-1 is more convenient because you make 1 less trip to the clinic.
I remember I read somewhere that 6-in-1 will cause fever. Is this true?
seriously, think our hair will just drop regardless which shampoo we use. I just stop combing my hair now. But we should start dropping at 7th month right?
Reflux: once my epidural is injection, i don't feel any pain at all coz no sign of contraction. I only feel numbness on my lower part of body and very thirsty. Fid ur gynae check.on.u often? Mine came in.the morning than evening, did not ask me to push or help to stretch my cervix. Went for another delivery, than asked me go e c-sect.
Wanda: total comfort is meant for baby with lactose intolerance right. I read about the formula, it's easier for baby to digest ya.

I'm going back earlier to work which is jun
My baby has reflux and changed to comfort formula but it doesn't help instead she poo frOm once a day (was drinking S26) to four times a day. So comfort does help digestion I think. Now I changed back to S26 but make the water much warmer and it helps reduce reflux! Surprised.

Baby still eat pacifier. Sigh how to stop?!!!

Also how is your baby schedule? She is about 9 weeks and always sleep? Or seldom play, often cry...
Cupidth >> really no shampoo cn help? I went to salon & the lady keep pushing me to do scalp treatment say my scalp oily drop a lot of hair.I rejected her. Bt she nv give up intro a shampoo to me said cn help oily scalp reduce drop hair. I nv heard the brand so didn't buy.

Evelyn >> the FM also for gas, spit up & colic right?

anewmummy >> my boy usually will slp after feeding,his play time ard 4-5pm thn will bath him. We will try to bring him for a walk in the evening but nw gone back to wrk so quite diff. BB cry for a reason,usually if my boy wans to carry I will jus carry & pat him.I read they still young so will nt becm habit.Anyway once they learn to walk or grow bigger cnt carry them anymore so I will treasure it now.
Hi all,

Just bought my girl (@9 weeks)for her 6-in-1 jab at private PD @ Gleneagles. Surprise surprise it's even cheaper than KK!

Here's a breakdown of what i have rang & found out so far

$360 given in 3 jabs @ 2,4,6 mths
plus $90+ per consultation charges with PD
TOTAL = $630

$360 given in 4 jabs @ 2,4,6 mths till last one at 18 mths (only offer 5-in-1)
only given after a separate Hep B @ 2mths
baby needs a total of 5 jabs (extra 2 trip)
TOTAL $22 + $360 = $382

$465 given in 3 jabs @ 2,4,6 mths
No cfurhter consultation fee
TOTAL $465

I cant believe KK is so ex!
@ Lynn your baby looks tall at 60cm. How many weeks then?

@ Evelyn - u can go poly as it seems the cheapest. However getting an appointment can be real headache.

Here's my experience early May:

I rang early May and was given a slot end of May or early Jun. As i am staying up north at Wdlds, the poly at Wdlds has avail slot end May and Yishun poly early Jun. i even went as far as to check out CCK & AMK. Terrible encounter.... If any1 manage to get a slot, better stick to it & hopefully baby doesnt hv fever that morning. Otherwise u will need to reschedule another appmt far far away (at least 3 weeks)
@Sharon- my bubub was 9 wks+1 the day of length measurement

@wanda & anewmummy- i bought a tin of total comfort for my girl for nights when she needs a top up when feeding time is less than 3 hrs from previous feed but wanting to call it a day and not waste any ebm, i decided to let her try. however she doesn't seem to like it at all, always makes a face and doesn't go beyond a few sucks. I tried it and it does taste and smell weird, not a milky taste/smell at all.
Hi, I m June mum to be. Would like to ask if really need to buy nipple cream? Heard stories abt nipple bleeding, cracked etc.. Wat brand of nipple cream is gd n where can I buy? Thanks.
Evelyn: I only opted for epidural after I could feel my contractions, which was at 4 cm. My gynae came to check on me early morning, midday and also early afternoon, when he helped to stretch my cervix. I guess it's easier for him to pop by as his clinic is based in the hospital. But I was also not his only patient in labour on that day. He did comment though that I very nearly had to have a c-sect. In any case, as long as the baby is out safely and mother is also fine, that's still the most important.

jenny: The lactation consultant told me to just apply a layer of breastmilk and let it dry. If it's bad, can apply many layers (she even said 10 layers). Make it a priority to get the latch correct (baby's lips should not be around your nipple) and the bleeding/soreness/cracking should go away.
Hi Lynn, my boy was born on 16mar ;)

I had epi csec... Actually wana planned to have natural delivery but gynae said baby abit big..

Had one day preparation only before I go csec
Evelyn Tan, if your GP is charging <$90 for ea 6in1 jab, then it's cheaper than NHG polyclinics as the pkg is for total 4 jabs, incl the 18th mth boaster.

Sharon Teoh, fyi, the 18th mth boaster is must take as well, so even if go KKH or your pte PD, total trips wld be 4, so actually polyclinic (under NHG) is only 1 extra trip for the hep b 2nd jab &amp; it's alot alot cheaper as it includes the 18th mth boaster!
Hi Mrs Liow, mine was natural without epidural at 38wks exactly. Waters broke at about 430am, registered and into delivery room at 530 and bb was out shortly after 11. Pushing took over 1.5hrs as I was not pushing correctly ;p
Did anyone buy or have used or are using the babasling? Bought one but can't for the life of me figure out how to make bb comfy lying in it. 3 ppl have worked on it and still can't get her to lie or sit in it right. Dunno if it's user, product or bb problem. What a waste of $$
Anewmummy: how many ml is ur girl drinking now? My girl slp most of the time after feed since newborn. As she grows older, dont slp tht often. Will ve time to play. Smehw, her routine kinda quite fixed.
Sharon: so far my experience with polyclinic still ok except tht they sing diff tune when cmes to making appt initially. Brgt my girl for her 1st hep b jab but was postpone to a wk later due to hsehold HFMD. Was given appt for 1 wk later. They will give appt for the next jab. I've not encounter if call to postpone, wat's the waiting time for the next slot.
Reflex: but gd to ve normal delivery than emergency c-sect. The bill is a killer. My gynae shd ve suggested for c-sect instead n not making me go thru e c-sect instead. I dnt wan epidural initially n it's only after 4 hrs i opted for it as i'm having diarrhoea n vomitting when i'm warded. Whenever the contractions come, i'll vomit n it's causing me great discomfort, so ended up taking it.
Bunnybluey: my GP asked me bring my girl to him for jab. His pkg of 5-in-1 is $325. Rotarix (2 jabs) is $200. Ur baby gng fot which one?
Jen Phua &amp; Evelyn, thks for sharing on the jabs at KK / Poly. Luckily my gal is fine after her jab.

I just a question to post to all mum. I guess our babies are abt same weeks(close by) old so this shd be accurate. Mine seem to drop in her milk volume intake. Used to take 80-90 ml about 1.5 mths old. But thereafter her intake dropped to just 30-60ml. Overall volume per day also dropped from 600ml to 400+ml. I do make up for the small intake by feeding her more regularly like every 2hrs or so.

Her PD says it's normal as shd is putting on weight at 1 kg per mth or 2 kg since birth. Anyone encounter this too? Pls share as I'm worried there nay be other underlying problem undiagnosed.
Hi Sharon teoh, I'm in the opposite situation from you. I'm not sure whether my bb girl is drinking too much milk. She's 9 weeks old &amp; drinks 100 to 120ml each feed (8 feeds per day). She can finish every drop &amp; even cries for more milk sometimes.
But the pd says it's fine as long as she's gaining weight, bowel movements are regular &amp; doesn't show any signs of discomfort. So I guess the same goes for you.
Right now I'm not sure whether should I increase her feed as I have heard from my friends that it's time to increase if she can finish every drop all the time. I'm afraid that I'll be 'expanding her stomach' too much.
Hi Shernice, u can use this formula to calculate how much she shd be drinking

weight x 120ml
weight x 150ml
(120-150ml is the min to max range of ave babies feeding)

so if mine is 5kg, assuming she is small eater, she would consume 600ml min per day

if yours is 3 hrs feed ie 8 times take that total and dive by 8 to get each feed.

Mine at 5kg consumes only 450-550ml only
callyn, your GP jabs are more expensive than NHG (national health grp) polyclinics, so don't understand why he said is cheaper than polyclinic... for 5in1, NHG pkg is $320 which is for total 4 jabs as it incls the 18th mth boaster, and rotavirus which is taken orally, not jab, is $90 per dose, so $180 for 2, as you can see, both these are cheaper than your GP's price.

hi bluey, u mentioned before that mmr is free in polyclinic, but I asked my doc and he said the mmr jab at polyclinic don't include the chicken pox, but the mmr i took at his clinic includes chicken pox. Is it true?
