(2012/03) Mar 2012

welcome uerian! people not coming here to chat as more other mummies posting to sell stuff than our own grp mummies coming in to chat.

omg can say the chatting here very hard to chat wo.. all seller de wo.. why they cannot go to want to sell forum there har... dont understand also...
Hi Tanny,

Sorry for late reply. Have been so busy w work,

Dr Ho is a very good doc, quite well known among nurses. My friend could not conceive for 7 years, seen so many well known gynea n Chinese doc. Through him , now she has 2 kids.

Doc Ho's stich is very good too for my natural delivery, recover very fast.

Another friend miscarried 1st one , 2nd one also bleed a lot but dr Ho manage to substain the bb n my friend carry to full term.

In summary, dr Ho is a very precise doc , he is the knows exactly what to do type of doc. His fee is exp but value for money
PS: I don't get commission for promoting dr Ho, but I do felt that he is a good doc .

Michbb: not sure if u got my pm on my email address. Can add me on fb pls.

All mummies : have a good weekend..TGIF. I m feeling the weight of bb now, do heavy. Need use weekend to catch up on my sleep.
Hello mummies,

As I am late to engage a nanny for my confinement already...during our discussion and exchange of information and one mummy (Sparks) refer me to i-kare confinement again. I've actually engaged their nanny in year 2009 for my first confinement and I know i-kare have a fleet of exclusive nannies (with great cooking confinement food skill and with very hygenic infant handling practices and skills) I'm hesitant becos now their usual rate is S$2.2k

But then, since I'm afraid to get non-guranteed performance nanny... i contacted May and we met up and to my surprise i-kare is having a 28 days (single infant) promotion.

Whoever are still in need for confinement nanny help. pls visit www.i-kare.com.sg I've booked yafen their exclusive nanny at only S$2k.

To enjoy this promotion, pls state referral from: Cheuk Ling

no commission! p.s.you can locate me in Aug thread
mrs carice, yes, very sian... too many selling posts that sometimes it's hard for me to spot posts by our mummies.

mich, probably a number of them can't post in seller forum or they think posting individually in mummy grp would help to sell/promote their stuff.
Wahaha!! They just wanna sell off to potential mummies who might need them. But it does look like WTS forum T_T

I am still clueless of where the fb group is! Someone add me pls :]
Hi Apple,

I bought my cot 2nd hand off another friend's friend. If you don't mind 2nd hands, can try WTS forum.

If you prefer 1st hand, depending on your budget can try baby town, baby hypermart, baby kingdom, Aprisin.



Hi mummies, I'm new in this thread but I'm not a new mummy. My 3rd baby is due in early march. How's everyone coping with their pregnancies?
Hi mummies.. Am diagnosed with bacterial infection. Juz gotten call from clinic n Goin c doc later abt the results.. Anyone had such experience? Kinda worried..
hope Wun affect my baby as oredi in the last lap sob.. I am Stil not in fb grp either. Can anyone help add me in? My email [email protected].

Sigh so sian now..
Hi tencent, me oso not new mummy Tis is my 2nd boy. I tink Tis time more tiring than the 1st one .. Having to cope with Nbr one terrible two n clingyness plus own body tiredness. Sometimes reali feel depressed...
Cheer up JFmum! You're not alone.. I've to cope with 2 boys.. and both are like "monkeys"!! Sometimes, you can see me chasing after them with a big tummy. Come to think of it, I must be very humourous! Anyway, be positive, look forward to the newborn.
Hi tencent , ya try to but dunno whether it's the hormones or not sometimes just ultra hard to get spirits lifted up haha but ya watever it is still need to be positive.. Ur 3rd child is boy or gal??
JFmum, 3rd one is a girl!!!! Yeah.. When the gynae said it was a girl, I was grinning from left to right.. Hahaha.. Think I'm going crazy.. but it was really a joyful thing coz I was really frightened to know the sex of the baby! But all turned out well.. =)

Mrs Carice, how are you? How many children do you have?
welcome new mar 12 mummies! i'm carrying #2 now, so not 1st time mummy also.

to non mar 12 mummies, no pt saying sorry to interrupt & then post. if u know u r interrupting, then don't post here lor, go to the right WTS forum to sell.
to stop all these nuisance posts we should report them to the moderator.

"SingaporeMotherhood.com encourages any User, who feels that a posted message is objectionable or violates these Terms of Use, to contact it immediately at [email protected]"

Just have to provide them the member id and screen grab of the posting.
So nice finally a bb gal! me also hope to have 3..

Hello BB!

now we are in last lap... cant help thinking of the birth process haha.. my 1st one is natural delivery, hope tis time also can as natural as possible hehe.

Have checked with doc, me am a GBS carrier.. so during delivery i need to have antibiotic drip to prevent infection from passing to bb..
i guess sometimes its also because the forum is too quiet here that dats why when see this thread it become like a seller forum instead..
JFmum, jia you! Maybe your 3rd one will also be a gal! My first delivery was C-section, then 2nd one was natural.. I'm "pyscho-ing" my girl to come out naturally. Haha.. Can really feel the difference between c-section and natural deliveries.
<font color="000080">ET >> Nope my friend's gynae said not necessary. Depends one. Her 1st one emergency c-sect, 2nd one she did try natural but also cannot make it (didnt dilate enough) so in the end opt for emergency c-sect.</font>
Hi, hope all mtbs are doing well and fine :D

I think there are quite a few mums here who are expecting their second or third born this round. Could you share how the sleep arrangement will be like after no. 2 or 3 is born?

Currently my 3yo sleeps on her own bed in my room. But I do not have any space to squeeze in a baby cot or playpen into my room. So I am thinking of shifting my girl out to the other room, together with the to-be-born, but i am not sure how receptive my 3yo will be. Any advise from mummies here?

i don't seem to hv choice... for #1, gynae said i most likely hv to c-sect as bb too big for my frame to deliver, i'm considered "small" frame even that i'm plump, then later when it's close to delivery, my bb still not engaged &amp; cervix also not ripen, so confirmed no choice but c-sect.

now for #2, gynae told me most likely i hv to c-sect.

personally i don't like c-sect as my wound torn twice when i had #1, not having a very good time during ML.
janjan16, my 4yo son sleeps on the toddler bed in our room, but wld be converting it to babycot aft i deliver #2. we're thinking of removing our bed frame &amp; hv the mattress on the fl &amp; add on another single mattress so that we can all sleep together.

haha... from twosome in a room becomes threesome &amp; soon foursome.

but don't think we hv a choice as my hubby can sleep like a wooden log. if i leave bb with him in another rm, he may not know if bb cries or worse still, not feeling well. if i leave our son with him, concerned our son may feel like i don't care abt him anymore. my hubby can handle our son with most other things but when comes to sleeping, son still prefers mummy.

i told my hubby aft #2 comes, he has to stand 1 side (kou bian zhan) as both children wld occupy 1 side ea, one on the left &amp; another on the right.

Thanks for sharing. But like that u will be stuck w foursome for a long time leh...
We just bought a three in one bunk bed. Hopefully that will pull her over to the other room. For a start I will zzz with both kids. Until my 3yo is comfortable enough o zzz w baby then I will shift back to my twosome room. Keeping fingers crossed that this will work..
janjan16, hee, ok lah, next time want them to sleep with us or even go out with us, they won't even want lor. children only stick to parents when young, they won't bother with us when they are old enough to be on their own.

also, i intend to breastfeed my #2 &amp; latch on at night, so easier that bb just besides me on the bed, bb self service while i continue to zzz...
Hi janjan,

my 14 mth old son has been zzz between me and my husband since he was young. easier for me to bf him when he cries for milk at night. hahaha...
after my #2 is out, i plan to train him to sleep in his own cot.
the only headache is while he is bfing at night, i gotta sit upright till he has finished his milk. My #1 is a terrible sleeper, kicking here and there. Im also scared that he might 'crush' his lil bro... lol

Im still not in the FB group. Someone add me in pls? [email protected]
Lixuan, ur no.1 still wake up for night feeds? Wa, like then when no.2 comes will be headache lor.

Btw, how do u girl nurse at night? I tried w my no.1 but i ended up bEing more tired. Cos before she's full we both ko and went to zzz. And cried for milk every hour because she was not full. So I'd rather give her one serving of ebm, after that we can zz for 3-4 full hours before the next feed or my next pump.
janjan16, i directly latched on my son. altho might be disturbed few times, at least i can continue to zzz while he "self-service", lol!

I also facing problems weaning my 2yr old girl leh. I co-slept for convenience now she relate suckling with falling back to slp at night which is a headache! (at night with helper she will normally drink milk or water to slp)

Now I'm trying to break the habit slowly.. very slow though :\ Hope to be able to train her fall back to slp w/o help before i pop, and #2 to sleep in own cot. Fingers crossed!

And from 2-some to 4-some can turn men into a monk! :x
gina, oh... i only breastfeed for a yr, &amp; thankfully he doesn't relate suckling with falling back to slp.

hee hee... if want to, still can... lol!
Janjan: Yup! He still wakes up for once or twice for night feeds. But i stopped bfing ever since im
Preg with #2. I feed him fm now.
Bunnybluey, self service not tiring meh? I tried only two nights when she was 2-3 months old then gave up.

Gina, I was worried abt weaning her of direct latching too. When I tried to do it on my last month of ML, she was v angry at me and refuse to respond to me. I relented and let her latch till my last drop of milk anytime I am available except for night feeds. When she could get anything from the direct source, she was angry for a few days but soon settled for bottle. She was about nine months old then ;)
Btw, my milk supply came to a sudden halt when she turned 9months old. Sob sob.
Really admire mummies who can continue beyond kiddies first birthday..

Can someone add me to fb group too?
[email protected]

janjan16, oh... i latched while i lay on the bed, so still feel ok.

i'm going to try out the sacred tea that's receiving good review to boost mummy's milk ss. there's 2 BPs currently going on right now, which i've ordered from 1 of them, so wld start drinking it aft delivery.
Bunny, pm me the link. Wonder how th le tea taste.. Haha

Woohoo, the new bunk bed arrived this pm, and little one has ko on the new bed moments ago... Now I realize I need a baby monitor... If this goes on smoothly, I can let her zzz in the other room liao...
janjan16, i've pmed you the links for the sacred tea BPs. don't know abt the taste, but shd be ok bah, anyway, to increase milk ss for bb's sake, i'm willing to try it. hoping to stock up a good ss of EBM b4 i go back to work.
