(2012/02) Feb 2012

Jia You jascmy. I think mummies are all so WEI DA!! Will be going for my gynae visit tomorrow. Pray that everything is ok..

My baby boy can kick me throughout the day. But then somehow i am enjoying his kicks and punches. Feel so blessed

GHK: think talking to the baby might work. Cos whenever my hubby talk to baby, he will respond when he ask baby to kick him. is so cute. Feel so blessed

Thanks GHK and Shan.

I think my bb also kick throughout the day and nite. As for nite time, I'm too tired to feel the kicks unless its very strong kicks and last very long. Last evening I put my hubby's hand on my tummy, usually my bb will stop kicking immediately. Last evening I told him, Papa naughty boy, kick him, and he really responded everytime I say that. In the end his papa really naughty boy by throwing me alone with #1. So bb aldy knows papa will be naughty so kick him 1st.
Dear mummies,

long time din log in here...hope u all stil remember me

Now feel very stress on my 3rd stage of pregnancy, new maid not doing well n can't take care my 3yrs old girl...i hv to work day time then night time totally take care my girl. i really can't take it, as my girl missed the old maid always tanturm and screaming...even cry for carry her. she never listen to me.. she can refused to eat anything for whole day. so sad to see her getting more slim and weak
really don't know how to handle her. im so tired taking care her. wonder how others mothers can taking care 2 to 3 kids while in pregnancy.

Recently cry alot, my boy always kick me at night especially when i cry. don't know he also effected when i cry but i feel sorry to him that my emotional might make him not happy too. my HD always busy not at home.... feel like i'm the only one taking care the house/kid/maid. maybe for others ppl just nothing but don't know why im so negative and always feel very sad.
Al, I fully understand how u feel. I also cry a lot. Ppl keep telling me my emotions will affect bb but I really can't stop my emotions. When hubby good to me (cos he worried I went into depression) I'm ok. But last nite he start his da nan ren again, make me so down today. I cried many times in office today liao. Tears jus drop and can't stop.
I don hav maid. Hubby helped me but nag a lot. he even say I did nothing but relaxing and he did everything. Pls loh, the most difficult job still done my me eg. nite duties and feeding my #1 (fussy little eater that will vomit blood when feeding him), and cooking for my #1 and last time I also bath my #1 till I'm preggy and managed to pass the job to him. How I wish I can switch job with him. I ever did his work, its so easy! eg. boil water, wash and hang clothings, wash dishers, pack sch bag etc...

Like wat shan say, we mummies are very wei da. Whenever I complained to my mum, she will say how she suffered last time taking care of me. I'm also a fussy eater, only sleep in yaolan and want my mum to keep shaking it, cry a lot at nites, naughty etc... hahaa.... now I fully understand how she feel. She say hav to endure!

Lets jia you together. Once our little ones grow up, we can rest and relax liao.
Hi Al, jascmy, hang on there! Don't get too sad ya, not good for mummy and child. Hopefully things get better. I totally agree mummies are wei da and no choice we do end up with the bigger load. Is really no joke taking care of no 1 in our current state, requires a lot of energy and patience and we are already quite tired. Good to work things out b4 bb comes long. Let's jiayou together!
Thanks jascmy, you are more positive...only mothers can understand. I really don't know how to help my girl after old maid left...i don't know why she don't want to eat rice, when i shower for her she crying for carry her n clim up to my body... when i cannot tahan her will fight with her, spanking her...i know this make her more sad more rebellious. she can lock herself in the room whole afternoon, she don't like this new maid always shouting or hitting to maid, my new maid also stressed and scare to take care her. If husband can understand this stress n give their support n caring this help us feel better...but my husband just care about his own things, his own friends more important then me, his friend's wife just delivered a bb last month n he give all the best adv how to do confinement what things to buy. But me going to delivery soon (Jan might deliver early) he say don't know what to buy, i already list down the things to him still say like that
make me so angry yet so sad that he doent's care about me. at night must cry 2-3 times, i wake him up he just pass tissue then sleep back lor...never concern me... really vomit blood. sometime my heart become more evil like want to lock the main door don't let him sleep at home. but think only not dare to do that.

Why women suffer so much, not only suffer the labour pain but mentally and emotional also.

for 8th-9th months preggy mom, not sure after office work u stil hang-out or hv others activities at night? in my 1st bb i still can do that, but 2nd bb really can't do at all...i can't walk more, no strenght liao.
AL, you poor girl! Why is your HB so mean! He should at least console you a bit instead of going back to sleep! If my hb do that to me, I will kick him off the bed! How old is your girl? If she can't get along wif the maid, maybe can consider childcare? Kids get more sociable when they start mixing wif other kids n you get to have some free time too. My friend is a SAHM but she can't take it, going crazy wif her kid so she took up half day childcare to get away for a while. Babies in our tummy do get sensitive wif our emotions n they do get affected when we cry or get angry etc-try to cheer up a bit.
AL, my gf told me when we are moody, the taste of thte amniotic fluid will change n bb will know. Yesterday, I was boiling mad when I checked my office email,... I can feel lots of kicking.. My mood didn't settle until at night.. N bb's movements are so strong until my tummy shakes like earthquake.
Al & jas: hang in there ya! I can totally feel you two. Now I'm also alone with my boy since we just sent back the new maid who totally can't make it and waiting for replacement. My boy wouldn't let her feed him or make him sleep! So preggy me still need to wake up early to feed him, midnight still wake up when he cries. Although he's in childcare now, I still bring him back early cuz cc food is not as good as home food. All the cooking, washing, feeding, bathing, making him sleep is also wearing me down. Hubby can't help much cuz by the time he's home at 7 plus the boy is already going to sleep!
Me also getting more cranky and angry at times. Must think of ways to pamper ourselves a bit during such times or else can easily become depressed!
Can't imagine how life will be next year with two kids man... My boy already starting to show his terrible two patterns...
thanks Jascmy!

Hi Al, i feel for u too. The other day, my hb also nagged at me and asked me repeatedly, where to find this hardware? then how if cannot find? gonna leave it broken like that til cny?
I was like..come on, this is a man's job! if i were to take care of that as well, then who to help me carry 10-12kg everyday to work, off work, walk around and do things with this weight?
I also cried that night. He slept early so he didnt notice. Next day a friend told me where to buy them. i sms him during office hour. he replied back, ok. somehow i just burst, so mad at him, that i say i cannot be buying everything myself, i have a baby to carry everyday up and down, bla bla bla...a whole long conversation. Then that very evening, i worked late and he sms me, i bought and fix it liao. anyway when we met for dinner, im still bitter abt it. so i was not very responsive to what he said. i just ate my dinner...
But after that, he seem to be more sensitive liao.

I guess men sometimes just need to be reminded over and over again. They might fear that they cannot cope with the new responsiblity but giving each other support is also very important. Afterall, this is both of our FIRST time! not just him alone. anyway...sorry i think i've bored many mommies here but i feel good venting it out too.

Thanks for listening to my story.....
Agree with mummies. Sometimes I also scream at no 1. Esp nowadays with big Timmy v siong bathing or cleaning their shit if they fuss around or wan to run. I think my hubby can sense if I pek chek though, will try to help. But bulk still falls on me. So also v scared how things will b with no 2. I dun have a maid as I dun like the idea of a stranger at home but if childcare dun work out may have to.
GG, With no 2, a maid will most likely be required. The privacy part is true. But men r v lazy, even if u send no 1 to child care and u r a FTWM, there are still many chores for u to attend to after work, not to mention that u still need to do spend time with the kids n teach them to prepare them for P1. The syllabus now is quite tough. No maid, u will be v grumpy one ESP after a day's work n u r so tired. Will end up quarrelling with hubs daily n is bad for the marriage n children's growth too. Unless your hubs does his part to help. But i think most will not. My hubs is super lazy too! But since this is my no 1 kid, I think not so bad. If I hv more kids later, I defintely need a maid to help with the chores.
Alicia: I totally know how you feel man. My hubby got this colleague, every once a week like to organize partyworld, supper, after work. And hubby will go and entertain.

Got one time i exaggerated tummy really very painful, instead of coming back straight, he dilly dally and come home after his supper.
Haiz, in the first place, i think he thinks that I have had an easy pregnancy, n previously i had episodes of stomach cramps which ended ok in the end.

So sometimes i really wonder does he realli care or not? I think for men, they cant realli feel wat we are feeling, they are abit insensitive.
I think they are realli visual animals. Lately, he see that my tummy is really big, he is more concern now, forbid me to go shopping after work, doesnt want me to walk about so much, and make sure i sleep early.

Hi mummies, i m reading this book 'men are from mars, women are from venus' right, they say that we should just tell our men wat we want them to do. sometimes we hint them or throw tempers, but they just dunno wat we want. so if you want them to put your no. #1 to sleep, etc, tell them straight in the face. and if they do something for us, we just say thank you, and dun complain that it is not done well, or watever... i dunno if it helps.
Dear mummies, thanks for your sharing! I really love this forum and ur heart sharing. It's not easy being a mother with 2 or more kids. Hope we all have a health n cute baby next year.
Alicia, i find that recently i m very sleepy wor... lie on the bed awhile will knock off already. so dun have time to meet friends, etc. except for 1 hour lunches. haha.

The things that make me sane now n in touch, is my colleagues who i see 8 hours a day and also fb/SMH forum.
Hi mummies,

I'm letting go 10 pcs of BUMWEAR diapers with 10 inserts @ $300. Will throw in 5 inserts free. Retail price for each insert costs $9. I paid $380 for 10 diapers + 10 inserts.

Please note that these are not preloved hence condition is 10/10.

Self collection at Yio Chu Kang.

Interested buyer, please pm me. Thanks!

Congratulations to all Mummies!

I am from the October 2011 thread and have already given birth.

I have the following for sale:

(1) Medela Mini Electric Plus (Dual Pump) with a stylish breastpump bag that comes with a cooler bag. Bought on 11/09/2011 and is still under warranty. Selling for $199 only. Self-collect.
(2) Medela Mini Electric (Single Pump) Breastpump. Selling for $50 only. Self-collect.

Interested, please pm me or call me @ 8222 1001. First come first serve only. Thanks.

Wishing all a smooth delivery.
Hazel, ya, guess have to keep options open. At some point probably will need a maid, like you say if go pri 1. So far I weekend parent so has been ok. But once bring my no 1 back will b v different. No more tv time, no more couple dates, no more nice dinners!
Sisters, i keep having heart burn.... In the middle of the night also... Hv to take gaviscon.. N backaches n sleepless nights.. V sianz n tired...
hi mummies-to-be
just want to share... anyone expecting a small size baby girl (2.5kg upto 3.4k)?

i'm a sept'11 mum and my baby girl is now 2.5mths old. as i was under high-risk management care i was expecting a small baby of appox.2.5kg so i had stocked up preemie sizes rompers, onies, one-piece suits, dress sets, tops and they are all brands of: carter's, children place, mothercare, marks&spencers, gerber, etc...
i'm letting them go very cheaply... as i need to make drawer space to my now 4.7kg girl
they are all very well care, kept with no stains at all. they were all well fitting for her for 2mths+.
so if you wish to consider buying them over, please PM to me.
thank you & God Bless you & your lil' one
Morning all, I throw my temper infront of my PIL again yesterday on my hubby. Hope they won't think I'm depression. Will find one day to tell them what I say is true and not depression. But I know they will still protect their son then me. Feel better to hav vent it out and hubby really changed a lot after that. Hope the change will continue.

Btw, I can't hav maid. Hubby is a very fussy person who scolded my CL, Part-time maid, Massage lady and even my Mum. Super Da nan ren. He wan ppl to follow his way of doing things. I know usually men is the chin cai one. But for us I'm the chin cai one and he is the fussy one. And when men scold, it can be very fierce than we women. So if I hav a maid, I will be drinking urine, menses and even eat shit. I don wan that to happen.
Rocco, thanks for sharing tips from the book, useful...

For me, my hubby kept wanting to carry my handbag for me when we go shopping, cos inside have water bottle so a bit heavy, I think it's quite sweet of him. But sometimes, I see him struggle with so many shopping bags already, I will ask him to pass me back my handbag. haha. I think it's true that as hubbies see our tummies getting bigger, they become more sensitive. I kept reminding him that this "ball" in front of me is getting heavier, think he got the hint, haha...
Afternoon mummies!

Al & Jas, hope your hubby will help you once number 2 is out. Can understand the stress that you both are going thru, at this point we really need the man's help as much as possible. Bet they wouldn't wana let you al stress out. Maybe you try to sound them out that now is critical period, and need their help. Wouldn't want mummy to be over-stressd and bb born premature bah. Sometimes we need to tell them the worst case senario to mentally prepared the man. I also tell my hb that now my tummy is big and i need all his help, no joke if bb comes out early all plans gets disrupted. At nite I will kick him to wake him up to help wth nbr 1 too. Com'on bb they also have a share in co-creations what. So jolly-well help to share the burden! Gambatek mummies!
Dear mommies,

Hang in there....we are reaching the final few weeks. No matter how tough it is, we can make it through. Yes, must keep encouraging ourselves...Hope everything goes smoothly for all.

I start to feel tired on my feet if i stand too long...my feet is very small size for my height...thats why.

Then if sit too long, i get slight backache or slight pain at the tail bone section...jialatt...

sit or stand oso cannot too long...sigh..

another 7 weeks + to go for me...

how abt mommies here? how many more weeks?
hi mummy just want to share and recomended my massage lady whice i found her from this forum too , i enggage her for my pre natal and post natal, she does greats massage for me and my baby she is on time no hiding cost or transportasi cost, per sesion is 60 including binder jamu and the last day she give me new binder to wear till my confiment done, this is her number 83305461,
sweetcorn: another 7 weeks for me too! third tri realli very xinku. cant sleep properly also as stomach getting bigger, always feeling hard to breathe. cant eat too much also feel terrible from the bloated feeling. jiayou everyone!
Me too... I am having pelvic pain at times..gaviscon works for my heartburn problem.. It cld be only 5 weeks for me as i see most people deliver at 38 weeks..
Sweetcorn, I have 7 more weeks too! Sit too long stand too long also v xinku... Backache. At night always wanna pee... Sighs... This morn woke up with slight flu, the weather is terrible!!
I still 8 wks plus to go!! Grouchy fr the aches, heart burnt n sleepless nights!!

Mommies, hv u packed your delivery bag?
I still have 10 wks to go. More and more nite urine calls. Last nite wake up for 5 times. 1 time is cos my #1 cry but lucky he sleep back immediately when I pat him. But still feel the urge to go toilet before I can go bk to sleep. Heartburn in the morning start again today. Vomit air and gastric juice when I brush teeth tis morning. Terrible feeling. Rip cage painful when I bend down to write or brush teeth etc...
I only pack half my my delivery bag cos some of the things can only pack last min eg. facial form, moisturizer, camera and hubby jacket (a mus for hubby cos its very cold in the delivery room) etc...
Baby clothings and my clothings are aldy in. Wat else do we hav to pack in ah. Can't remember liao.
Jascmy, my family dr told me to eat every 3 yrs to avoid the heart burnt, he said can eat fruits like papaya or just a slice of bread will do. He told me if I wait till heart burnt hit me, then I eat, too late already. If is bad, I take gaviscon, immediate relief.

I nv pack hub's jacket. But I pack a fleece blanket. Hub is not scared of cold. Our room temp is 18 degrees every night. So I will pack blanket if he dun use I can use! I set aside a no of things to put into the hospital bag. Including sanitary napkins, breasts pads, wipes, one bb diaper, hub's toiletries n change of clothes. I nv pack any toiletries for myself as I wun be washing or bathing there. Will just use wipes if necessary. R u going to apply bb birth cert at the same time u r there? If so, u need marriage cert. I m not, so wun bring.
oh..time is ticking and i'm still procrastinating! i have bags of hand me downs at home but yet to pack it. bb cupboard not yet delivered. delivery bag didn't even think abt it...too relax for a first time mummy le =p
Hazel, my hubby also not scared of cold. When he alone staying in a hotel rm (before we married) he turn the air-con to the lowest. When me and my friend step into the room, we freeze immediately. He say free air-con so jus use to the max. But I jus pack in case. He also nvr complained the delivery rm is cold when I deliver my #1.

I have pack the breast pads and sanitary napkins. Actually KKH did provide sanitary napkins for free but I still bring in case KKH change rule. My sis-in law (jus deliver a bb gal few wks ago naturally) told me KKH even have a cold sanitary pad for mummies who delivery naturally to cool, stop the swelling pain and absorb the discharged at the same time below there. Its very good and its free. But only 5 pieces given. I know private hosptials charge for even normal sanitary pads and very ex. Bb wipes and diaper confirmed provided by hospitals cos its consider one of the free gifts with the goodie bag and nurses aldy open it up and use for our bb. So I won't be bring.

Hubby staying overnite with u ah? My hubby won't stay so won't bring his toiletries and change clothings for hubby. I will still wash my face and brush teeth with warm water. I won't bath too.

My heartburn only happened in the morning when I brush my teeth. Think my stomach is empty so only vomit air and gastric juice. Terrible feeling. Burning sensation at chest area but no choice hav to brush teeth. Other then that I'm ok.
hi MTB

Sorry to interrupt here. I've just given birth and there're some items which I'm selling. Pls PM me for photos/details if interested. Thank you.

1) Pre-loved Medela Freestyle pump - US set w/o warranty. Used 3 times only. Letting go as I've no milk. (RP $460, Selling @$400) Giving away a BN box of Pigeon breastpad 72 pcs with purchase.

2. BN Confinement shampoo & shower gel (RP $40, Selling @$30)

3. BN Soothing bottom spray (RP $25, Selling @$15) -> helps recovery of our stitches below faster

4. BN Maternity pads - Kotex & Pureen bundle set (RP $15, Selling @$10) - giving away bottle of baby cord spirit with purchase
hi mummies, any of you opt for c-section? My EDD is on the 10 Feb 2012. Hopefully baby will cooperate and arrived on my horoscopic date i have chosen..

I getting more and more nervous. :p So scared i cannot cope with baby

Any of you experience the same too?
Jascmy, I am following my gynae to TMC which he will operate w.e.f 3 Jan. So, wun be delivering in KKH. Yes, KKH provides a lot of free stuff. but not TMC. was told to bring our own sanitary napkins from D2 of hosptial stay during the hospital tour. bb wipes & diapers is more for use if need be on the way back home, if required coz not sure how many tmc will provide.

yes, hub will stay with me on the days i am warded. he better be. for your case different coz he has an elder child to attend to.

My family dr said positive mentality is impt.. but then, everyday is so tiring.. i am resting at home, but i still feel really tired now.. hv been sitting in a proper chair in the last 30mins paying my credit card bills... and now, my back aching already.. sianz the best part is, tired but cant sleep! so, i can imagine how tough it is for u to be working & have to take care of an elder child... my mum said i cant take "hardship"!!!
Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt here. I have a good condition goodbaby twin stroller for sale. Condition is 9/10 and used for only 2 months for weekend use. Selling away as my elder child doesn't want to sit on stroller much. Selling at $199 (bought at $310), red in colour, delivery can be arranged at $10. Features of the stroller as follow:
- Net Weight: 9.85KGS
- Small volume after folding
- With shoulder strap
- With cup holder for mother
- with cup holder for baby
- Removable front armrest
- With big storage basket
- Maximum weight of a child: 15kgs each seat
-Multiple reclining positions.

I am unable to load a picture here but please contact me at 8128 5340 if u like to see the pic or to deal. Thanks
Morning everyone. Recovering from my epistaxis...but finding it hard to breathe. Haiz! boss not empathy at all-she's like shooting me 3 emails in a row during my MC day yesterday to do this, to do that and to cover who for holidays and meetings.

Saw gynae-but really feel lousy first time after walking out of clinic. Blow no.#1 Was told I was putting too much weight although baby is at a good weight of 1.8kg at 32weeks.Feel really sad when I hear the joking remarks of me having to go London weight management after delivery because I weight 71.1kg now! I can't help it-eat less, I will get gastric pain and can't sleep, plus the serious water retention on my leg swelling. Blow no.#2- baby very naughty, not turning herself upside down yet-she is still in breech position and was told if baby still don turn by next visit-the option of C-sec is to be taken... I don't want!!! So fearful of the post-anaesthesia effects I had from previous op already. So depressing.
Hazel, maybe u can check with friends who deliver in TMC. I think if I remember correctly, my friend who deliver in TMC also got 1 pack of baby diaper and wipes which can be use for many days. So on the way home still have diaper and wipes. Yup, for TMC have to bring sanitary pads cos its very expensive buying from them. My friend did complained to me on this.

Me too, tired but can't sleep. I nvr take afternn nap at all when I'm resting at home last week. Headache but can't sleep. But I fall asleep when I'm working in office. Hahaa...

U will sure be able to take hardship once bb is born. Its our natural mother instinct. It will come immediately when bb born.

Shan, don worry. I know how u feel cos I have been thru my #1. I'm so worried that after my CL left I can't handle my bb alone. I also very scare of the bathing part even till now. My mum also say I very lazy and blur type how to do it. But in the end I did it till now and #2 is coming. Natural mother instinct will come natural. I'm still a bit worried now and I don dare to touch my SIL's bb gal too. Cos I nvr handle bb gal b4. Don knw how to clean their bottom part. Lucky my #2 also boy. My mum also say lucky my #2 also boy cos she say gal not easy to handle, esp for me (lazy and blur)... hehee...

Oh ya, my hubby very brave, he help the bb gal change diaper when she poo and mum not around cos went for KKH checkup. He also complained not easy cleaning a bb gal. He say he won't touch her anymore, scare scare. Hahaa....
But gals r more sticky to mums leh. Nvm, so long bb healthy can liao.
jen, don worry. My #1 also turn when nearer to EDD. I'm also very worried he nvr turn, lucky he finally turn. Don listen to your gynea lah. My gynea also told me on c-sect if bb nvr turn in the next visit. In the end next visit, she say the same thing. Then next visit also same until bb finally turn. So in the end nvr plan for any c-sect at all. Tok to your bb. Ask her to turn. Tat time I tok to my bb every now and then eg. at work, in MRT etc.
If gynea insist on c-sect on your next visit. U have to be firm and say "no, I'm sure bb will turn in the later stage". Some bb even turn only the day before delivery.
I'm heavier, 77kg liao. Hubby say I'm a giant now. When I wake up from bed or get out of car, my bed and car will pop up higher. So angry! My previous pregnancy I'm 85kg when I deliver my #1. Scary hor. From 55kg to 85kg. Now only from 65kg. Hope won't reach 85kg.

Jascmy, I hv bk issues n super low pain threshold.. So my bk will ache will I carry heavy things.. Last time, I carried bb nephew out, went home immediately lie down on bed after returning the bb coz bk killing me.. My own bb where got such luxury?
