(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi soul, my gal will go to infant care from June. Her place was 'chopped' since sept

Sweetcorn, Like u I suffered a lot. My rash spread from stomach to whole body yes u din read wrongly its whole body. Saw 3 gp they all say no cure gave same med as cold lor... Until I told my gynae last week she quickly refer me to skin doc. I tell u 50% of my rash is gone. I have not been sleeping much for 2-3 weeks. Throw my temper at my hb , scream, yell.. Did all Liao. I even watch what i eat. Hb control my diet. No chicken no beef no fish... I juz obey. No choice.....Gp said I got mild depression. Lucky rash better I feel so much better. Go tell yr gynae. Must remember dun suffer in silence and if u need to c skin doc u better do it fast. Docs r taking their yr end holiday. My GP, gynae and skin doc r all off for the yr.

Infant care subsidy is $600 per month. The mother needs to fulfil a certain no of work hours per month to qualify. And if you go to a mid range or so infant care, definitely easily will cost you more than $600 a month after subisdy.
And you'll have to pack "school bag" daily, bottles, breastmilk, clean towels, change of clothes etc....
To add on, infant care requires mommy to label all breast milk in bottles, for all the feeds. When is time for feeding, infant care will take out the milk bottle to warm up before feeding. So, If bb feeds 6x in infant care, there will be 6 labelled bottles of breast milk. Also need to pack diapers too. Putting bbs in infant care, only mean there is someone to care for bb while we work. But, there is alot of work involved too. In the morning, mommy needs to pump, pack the bag, n fill up the bottles with breast milk each of the right Amt bb is drinking each time. At night, these bottles need to sterilize n wash.

Another point to note is, bbs at infant care falls sick easily & frequently. Cost wise, most mommies may Need to pay at least $1k more after subsidy. $600 is abit low unless u can find cheaper infant care. Bbs under 18 mths are "infant", a full day cost as much as $1,800 for a good infant care if not more. The good ones always hv a long waiting queue too.

Personally, I wun put my bb in an infant at such a young age unless I hv no care giver that I can entrust to. I definitely dun wan my bb to keep falling sick.
soul108, my #1 currently in ifc, my bb will also be going in after he born and when I go back to work. Will send him in 1 mth before I go back to work so that he can get used to the place before I can hav peace of mind to go back to work.

U have to really be prepared to take many urgent leaves cos bbs in ifc tend to fall sick very easliy as compared to those stay at home. Tats y I finished up all my child care leaves, annual leaves and even my MC (#1 spread the virus to me when I take care of him at hm) for this yr liao.

One gd point abt ifc is teacher will teach them all the skills eg. hold and drink milk from bottle on their own, read story books to them, etc etc... instead of us teaching cos we will be very busy with taking care of bb and hsework in the evening after work and no time for all tis.

So sad that my 3D scan failed. Bb so shy, keep using his hands to cover his face. Faint! But his palm very nice loh. Can only see from 1 pic half of his face. Sonographyer say nose is Daddy's. Hubby say mouth is mine. So in the end same as #1 wor. Hope he hav double eye lid like me. #1's eyes is Daddy's single eye lid loh. Going for the scan again today. Hope bb can move his hands away and hosw his face.
Hazel, u r right, many things to do in morning and evening so really no time to teach bb. Don forget we also have to eat, bath and play/bonding with bb leh. I can see most IFC cost around $600 after subsidy. Those $100 r really to ex.

Those interested can consider learning vision. Most learning vision ifc cost $600 after subsidy and their enviroment is big and good. Cirriculum is also very good. Too bad its very far away from me so I can go there with all the heavy pumps, my handbags and bb's sch bags on my own. My hubby hav to go overseas trip very often. I don have anyone who can help take care of bb. Lucky MIL changed her mind and wiling to help with my #1 now but he will still be going to child care while staying at MIL place cos she not wiling to be full time caregiver.
Jascmy, learning vision IFC not all r gd. So, hv to go check it out if mommies r interested. I hv my mum & dad to help me take care. They r just staying in the unit above ours with my bro's family. My niece n nephew will be 6 & 8 yrs old respectively next yr. At night, after I cone home, just need to eat n shower. After that can spend time with bb already. Housework I will get a part time helper.
Re: teaching bb the skills

In my ooinion, The best person for that role is either ourself or hubs. Nuturing a chid can nv be out sourced. that is why I always feel Bringing up a child is not easy coz usu the person who did the most is the mommy. Sending a bb to IFC or a toddler to play group is more for them to learn soft skills & to hv companions, instead of spending the day time away playing on their own if they r the only child.
Hazel, can recomemd me your part-time helper. I having problem looking for one leh.

I mean basic hseworks like wash, hang and keep clothings, wash milk bottles, sterilized bottles, pack sch bags, wash the dishes after dinner, boil water, prepare food and feed bb etc. All this hav to do ourselves everyday. I aldy nvr vacumm the floor everyday cos too tired. So now my #1 like to pick up rubbish on the floor to put in mouth. If bf, then still hav to Pump leh. Haiz. I end up sleep at 11.30pm and wake up at 5.30am every day tat time. In mid of nite still hav to do nite feeds. Tried. So scare to repeat all this again.

I went to Republic poly learning vision, its good. My sis-in law say yio chu kang's grassroot club learning vision also good. There is one near my office at novena, good but ex, $900 after subsidy cos its in a bungulow.
Hazel, I will read and teach my boy too when I'm bonding/ playing with him in the evening too. We also bring him out on weekends to show him around and tell him at the same time wat is right and wrong too. But really need the sch's help to teach more cos we are really busy. Can imaging if they are at home with the grandparents or nanny, don think they will teach tat much.
Jascmy, I hv not gone ard looking for a part time helper yet! Pai seh... My mum is helping me with the chores now. I only need to wash n hang clothes. Some times, she helps me hang too! There's a lot of difference if we hv family support. My mum said if bb is guai guai, she can still help me with the chores while my dad takes care. Only when she can't cope then I get a helper.

Those chores u mentioned I wun hv much other than washing & hanging clothes for myself n hubs. Cozbb is taken care of by my mum mah,. Bb clothes she will wash during the day. Milk bottles, just 1-2 since I only feed at night. My dinner is prepared by my mum, not much washing. When I return bk to work, bb is already >4 mths. Bb food, semi solid or solid, all 3 meals will be done by my mom. Hehe..

After bb in 3 mths, I will start training bb to sleep thru the night. Last feed is formula so that bb is fuller n can sleep thru. So far, my bb does not disturb me at night. Even when I m abt to sleep n she is still moving, they r light n I can still knock off. Hope this habit continues after birth. :p
Jascmy, my niece n nephew are supervised by my parents. My bro & sil r very biz with work & made a lot of money. They give them homework to do during the day. My parents will make sure they do & complete them. The parents came bk at work will check. The 2 kids start learning spelling at 4 yrs old. One word a day. My parents will make sure they learn during the day while their parents will test them at night. My niece is 5 yrs old. Already knows additions, subtractions of double digits and is learning multpiation now. My nephew can easily do pr 2 homework both Chinese, English n maths when he is 7 yrs old. They learn most things at home. The sch will teach but not all kids can absorb well as they hv different learning capabilities. My niece is slower n needs at least double the time to learn. So, my parents supervise at home to make sure she does the homework her parents gave her. When they return bk fr work, they will explain to her if she did it wrongly. Usu is my sil Whois doing all these. Like now, she is on biz trip, before she goes, she already plans their daily homework. The kids hv been disciplined to follow instructions, if not, they dun get to play computers/iPads/watch tv, etc. My parents r always there to remind them too.

When my nephew enters pr 1, he already knows how to read a kid's novel, wrote short essay both in English n mandarin on topics like, my family, my father, my pet, etc. He is in Tao nan, v competitive. The syllabus are not easy too, imagine a 7 yrs old got to earn hanyu pingyin. Luckily got all their trainings n supervision from young,, if not he will lag very far behind. I saw his report card, he actually did quite well. No tuitions at all.

So, nothing is impossible. Is just a matter of the kind of family support we get & if we r willing to go thru the troubles.
I think it all boils down to what is logistically and financially best for you and spouse. It's also kind of a matter of luck if you have a good infant care or relatives to look after baby who is accessible to you. But do weight your options carefully first and do have back up plans.

I pulled my kid out of ifc cos the center was terrible & super bochap once I handed over deposit, to the extend didn't even contact me to confirm my kid's space in the ifc two weeks before I was to go back to work. Called them up and they cleanly forgot about my application. Then confirmed liao couldn't provide me with a list of things to bring even thought they said they would when I went to make enquires & pay deposit. Told me just bring whatever my kid uses at home.

I eneded up rushing around to find a babysitter for my kid 3 days before I went back to work. So I'm pretty wary when it comes to talks about IFC
Mommies, I can't breathe when I lie down flat, even on the sides. How shld we by lying down now? Yesterday, I tried to pop two pillows behind my back to sleep, but not comfortable leh and with 2 pillows, i find it difficult to sleep on the sides.
hazel: previously i used 2 pillows also, so uncomfortable! Then in the end i gave up, i used a fatter pillow haha. i tend to sleep on my side alot, hope i dun squash bb. :x oops. dr recommend to sleep 45degrees tilted with a pillow behind us.
Thanks Catherine for your advice...i see if the med given by gynae works or not..otherwise oso cannot anyhow take med...gotta apply more cream lor.

Hazel, i stack up 4 pillows on my back and neck on my bed..haha..so far ok.
Hazel no la, hehehe still slanting coz my pillows are soft type.
more comfortable than lying flat...so far can sleep well
soul108, my bb will be going infantcare. My boy is now at the childcare centre, they will be at the same centre. Subsidy is $600 per month if the mummy works more than 56 hours per month. If your mum can take care, best to let her do it....
Hi mummies,
I'm from mtb aug 2011.
I've brought too many clothes for my baby girl and she has outgrown some of them.
They are all brand brand new.(with stickers/tags/plastic with them)

- one pink rompers (Old navy brand)
- one green rompers (carters)
- 2 white and pink rompers (carters set. It comes with pants but my girl is able to use it, so not selling the pants)
- red with stripes on sleeve (luvable friends)

Items above are sold at $10 and below.

I also have
- 2 4oz Avent milk bottles (brand new in the box)
- 1 pink beannie with flower.

If interested to see pictures, pm me.
I can also SMS/whatsapp the pictures.
Butterwaffles, ask u, how do we know if a childcare centre is good? I went to see one during a Saturday (Sat no classes just chilcare service) and saw kids fighting each other while the staff just sit there. Somehow I wonder if my kid going to pick up all these at childcare.
GG_Lee, most likely you won't know until your child has spent some time at the centre...what you can do is visit the centre during weekdays and at its busiest ^^ If you send your child to childcare centre, do expect him to pick up all sorts of things, both good & bad. If you are very very particular, it's best to keep him at home. Because at a childcare centre, the child won't get individual attention. Very much depends on the teachers as well. And have to keep in mind that teachers may change from time to time. My boy has bitten other kids and has also got bitten by others. The risks of chicken pox, bronchitis, HFMD are forever there. My boy has recently changed centre and he is happier there
But the main reason i changed is because i need a centre that offers infantcare for his meimei.
GG_lee, since your mum is caring for your elder child, your mum lives where? Maybe i can recommend you a few centres to visit if i happen to know the area....
I stay Jurong west. Bringing him back so mum can take care no 2. I am a bit worried about childcare but a bit no choice.
Hazel, so good that y9ou hav family support. I'm consider all alone. Tats y very tired at the end of the day. But I still survived in bf my #1 for 1 yr. Even hubby say I'm a great mother cos I can bf for 1yr. Hope to bf for a longer period for #2. Will try your brother's method when I send my #1 to stay in my MIL hse. But have to spend time prepare homeworks for him liao.
Actually if I hav a choice I prefer my kids to stay at home for the 1st few yrs. Very heartpain seeing them keep falling sick. Tat time I went HK and put my #1 at MIL hse for 1 wk, he fully recover from his very long period of cough, flu and nappy rashes. tats how amazing it is. In jus 1 wk leh. But once go bk ifc, he cough and flu again till now.
Jascmy, can ur mil help u long term with 2 kids? Wow! U nursed for 1 yr? Is v tough to do that for a working mother leh. My office has no nursing room, pumping in toilets to me is not hygienic. Also, my job requires me to move around, how to pump when I m at client's office? I will try to nurse for 6 mths.. But not sure if I can still nurse after return bk to work...

I've the below preloved baby cot for sale at SGD190.
Bedbase can be adjusted 4 levels, 1 side can be lowered down.
Condition: 8/10
Self collect from my place at Toa Payoh.
Pls PM me if u're keen.

My MIL intially refused to help at all with #1. Now she say ok to help but day time have to send to child care so she only take care in evening and morning cos she hope my #1 can sleep thru the nite by then. Wkend I will bring him hm.
Can see she very reluntant to help so no point asking her on helping with #2. Once my #2 is 18mths, I will bring my #1 back and I will take care of both on my own. I will miss my #1 when he stay at MIL hse.

U can try to book a meeting room or any other rooms for your pump in your office. I don like to pump in toilet too. When u go client office, can check with them whether they hav nursing rm or hav meeting room for u to use. Tats wat I did when I went on external courses. They let me use one of the empty classroom to pump.
Jacsmy, how u going to take care both? Put 1 in childcare? I also not sure if its a good idea put 1 in childcare...they fall sick more, dun get much attention, and I wonder if the teachers make sure they eat. Sigh..
Jascmy, my bank has thousands of pp & meeting rooms r always full! My department only has one meeting room & is glass. How to pump inside? Also, heavy used too. Client's office even worse. My department, those mothers who nurse will do it in the server room! Ya, with all ther severs n pcs!
GG Lee, my #1 will stay at my MIL hse and go child care near her hse once #2 born. I will only bring him hm on wkends.
#2 will go ifc #1 is currently in when I go bk to work. The ifc is near my place and I will fully take care of my #2 myself. I'm used to taking care of 1 bb.
Not sure how to handle both on wkends but I will do my best. Hubby will also try to help out. And also not sure if #1 fall sick whether I shld bring him hm to take care. See how later.
Hazel, buy those nursing covers and you can do it anywhere. I ever saw a mummy pumping on the airplane at her seat. Jus covered up with that cloth, and you can pump liao. I bought one too so that I can do it anywhere when we go on outings. Can use it for either latch on feeding or pumping.
Hello mummies!

Jas, I am also sending in my nbr 1 to CC, but I will bring nbr 1 home after her hours at CC. Not intentions to put her slp over at MIL place though MIL is taking care of her now in the day. I feel that bonding with kids is very impt at this age, i rather be xinku for first few yrs than to feel the gap between my nbr 1 and me, will feel very heartache if she is not close to me but instead the ILs. Prob like you said, unless she is sick, then probably I will think twice if i should put over to MIL place overnite, otherwise I would want both my kids to be close to each other. My hubby also oftens travels on biz trip. What i say is my plan though, hopfully I will be able to see thru it.
Teoong, the CC and ifc near your hse? I tot of to be xinku a bit, but mine a bit far, I can't be carrying 1 bb, pulling 1 toddler, carrying 2 sch bags, carrying my handbag and my pump and walk 15mins hm. Even my sis advice me to bring both hm but how to do it ah? My #1's new CC will be near to both his work place and his mum's hse. I told my hubby to bring my #1 hm very often after his work if he not going on business trips.
18mths later will bring #1 hm to stay with me.
Jascmy, u pick one home n hubs the other one? If he s on biz trip then leave one at mil. Maybe u can train no 1 to sleep thru the night? Bbs are 3-4 mths can train to sleep thru leow
Jas, CC is opp my MIL hse and we drive everyday to put nbr 1 to MIL's care during the day and brings her home at the evening. abt 15-20mins drive, if take bus would be 1hrs plus. Can die too. Prob lucky thing is I drive the car when hubby travels, so slightly better. My nbr 2 will be putting to MIL's care once i goes back to work, so i will be picking them up together, your's might be more siong. Ya, i agree that you have to discuss wth your hubby to try to bring nbr 1 home as often as possible when he is not travelling. At least the bond btwn the 2kids are closer. Actually I also headache one person how to take care of 2 kids when hubby travels. But I'm very determine to bite the bullet and try out first. Nvr try nvr knows mah.. Hubby also tells me to put one at MIL hse and brings home the other when he travels, but I'm very reluctant. Die die also wana try first.. I will be trying to train both nbr 1 and 2 to slp together after first month. Sounds ambitious though, but many of my friends managed to do this. Just that have to be firm and stick to routine.
Gambatek, we jia you together.
Hazal, my #1 sleep thru e nite since 3mth but start to wake up again when he start teething at 4+mth. Then at 12mths til now. His 4 molars r growing now. Mus be super painful. He wil wake up once or twice to cry. Smtimes more. So its not easy to train. Teething is horrible stage! My mil stay v far fm me so not possible to bring #1 hm by myself. Toong, we jia you together.
Selling away BNIB avent manual pump (UP$99) + 2 boxes Pigeon disposable 72 pc breast pads (UP $19each box ) + BN avent milk powder dispenser (UP $12). Selling all for $120 (disc $30) and giving away brand new 5 washable breast pads (individually wrapped).

Giving away opened Avent nipple cream bot for $20. Used less than 10% if buying the bundle above

PM if interested. Collect tampines simei bedok tanah merah
btw mummies, do we need to book the massage lady in advance? i have some contacts but been lazy to call. do we need to 'chope' them in advance?
Hi MTBs, I have a Dale Abdominal Binder (New) to let go @ $30. Doc wrapped another binder onto me immediately after C-sect, and hence I did not have a chance to use the Dale one.

Pls PM me if interested. Thks
My CL quoted me $2200, cos it's my second child and she will help me out a bit with the first child

GG, you still looking for CL? have to faster find le, very near to our EDD liao, most CL alr have been booked.

Meifen, its better to alert your ML in advance that you wana book her for massage in Feb/March so that they can slot into their schedule for you. Else really will be fully booked.

I feeling super sianz now, cos my gynae ask me to go n do gestational diabetes test. boo!! last wk scan bb gaining very fast, so recommend me to do the test even though I have been controlling the food intake. The thoughts of drawing blood sends chills dwn my spine... argh...

Morning all, I'm back to work today. Still coughing but lesser times.

Meifen, better to book massage lady early. So far I called all the CL they charged me between $2200 to $2500. The $2500 one claimed to be singaporean but she sound like malaysian and she say she going back m'sia soon. i got my CL from agency, at $2350 cos include taking care of #1. If without #1 will less $100.
