(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hello mummies, my edd is 15 feb.. Hope to join in the chats!
feeling the Christmas season and nearing our delivery dates.. Making me very nervous!

GG, my CL from PEM confinement cost $2050. Agency gave me $50 discount since I booked the herbs and massage as well.

Mummy, how come yours so cheap? I also bk from PEM and I got their herbs and massage as well. They only give me $50 off for the massage package.
Teoong, when are we supposed to do the diabetes test? Which week are u now? The nurses at my gyne's kept saying it's routine to do the test.... But I am skeptical.. So I didn't do it.
Jas, mine doesn't include taking care of #1, just me and baby. I think I booked early also.. Did u just booked yours? My friend had it at $1950, when she book early this year.. So booking early makes a difference I guess.. I negotiated also..
do u have a helper/maid at home?
Mummy, For mine less $100 if not taking care of #1. Which is still $2250. I did not negotiate. I know they jus increase their price by $100 when I book in Sep tis yr. I don hav helper or maid at home. U have ah, maybe tats y can less a bit more for u.
I don't have a helper/maid.. But I mentioned my mum looking after #1. I'm happy to have it settled anyways. Hope they are reliable!! Have they contacted u regarding the complimentary pre-natal massage?
Mummy, your gynae will advise if you need to take the gestational diabetes test wor.. mine was becos scanning shows that bb is big, so he suggest me to go n take the test. I don't think this is a routine and mandatory test for all mummies, unless your gynae wants you to take. If your gynae nvr insist that you take and everytime your urine test shows normal, I think it's not necessary to take. YOu might want to call your gynae to check and get his advise.
Mummy, maybe I call them and ask. Hahaa... Yup, I aldy had my pre-natal massage last mth. Its gd. Very relaxing.
Hi mummies, any of you guys experienced pain near to the vaginal area in your eight month? Is it ok? I am quite worried as i had a fall in my walk place last week
Teoong, thanks for the reply! I also didn't think it's a routine test... The nurses are probably told to tell this to all their clients. Hm, but the urine test at my gyne is just a litmus test on a strip of double-colored tape. Is it accurate? How do you do yours at ur gyne?

Jas, I'm still waiting fr my massage! I think once u put ur deposit.. They wouldn't entertain price negotiation. Can still try tho...
mei shan, I had that pain too. Very short pain leh. So I tot its ok. If you pain for quite some time then better go see your gynea. Jus to let u knw my contraction pain is at the vaginal area instead of menses pain. So u better go see gynea since u had a fall.

I did my massage at home. Also book with PEM Confinement agency.
Jas, did u have to provide towels or mattress? Or do they come with it? Any herbal or oil smell/stains? I wonder why its taking so long for them to contact me..
Mummy, they will let u know wat u need to prepare when they contact you. They will also email a list for u. U hav to have your mattress, 2 big towels and 1 small. I used 1 big towel on top of my mattress to prevent my mattress from getting oily and the other one to cover myself. Don knw wat is the use of the small towel cos in the end nvr use. There is no smell at all for the oil they use. So don worry. They contact me immediately after I put my deposit. Why yours take so long??
mei shan, i agree wth Jas. Please go to your gynae and let him know that you have a fall. It's better to have your gynae check and do a scan for you.

Mummy, everytime i go my gynae clinic, they will do a urine test. Looks a litmus paper, but its a while litmus paper with a lot of different colors indicators leh. Dunnot how they see the readings. But my gynae tell me my urine test on sugar is within acceptable range though. Jus that during scanning n est measuremt of bb is that bb is on the big side. So he wants to play safe and ask me to go take the GD test. What i understand frm my gynae is that usually they will check your wt gain and bb gain, if you have huge wt gain compare to last visit and so is ur bb plus amonotic fluid is a lot, adding the fact your urine test not acceptable then he will recommend you to take the GD test. My gynae is at TMC, so he will send me to the lab there to do the test and they will send the results to him.
Thanks mummies, ya think CL rates gone up for dragon year. So far I call quote around $2.4. And is not even agency! Usually agency takes a cut and the CL earns less but now direct CL also asking v high fees!
i agree that the prenatal massage is good! forget wats the name of the company, i signed up at parenthood fair earlier.
During the session i only need to provide 2 large towels. One to cover myself and one for me to lie on when doing the massage on the bed.
Meifang-I booked my massage lady already too for postnatal. You need to chop them now, heard from my ML, some mummies booked as early as when they are 12weeks!

Rocco-your prenatal ML goes to your place? Mine is fully booked for prenatal, so looking for alternative.

Confinement lady- I gave up looking for one. Find it extortionally ex!Think for you ladies with #1, more worthwhile. Will have to endure mum's nagging for 1 month to save $ :p
i went to bodyworks clinic at paragon cos there was a deal for trial session - $68. it was pretty relaxing and i felt good after that. they wanna sell me their pre/post natal massage @ $799 with 8 pre/post natal massage session, 1 infant massage and a tube of stretchmark cream or something. inclusive of transport fees. they say their massage is a combi of jamu and chinese tui na. its valid till 31 dec so i have some time to think abt it. what the price and details like for those that have book their package?
Mummies tt have booked ur postnatal massage lady. May i know what are the prices like per session? Do we have to pay them base on a package or ?
Thanks Teoong and Jas for the replies
I'll check with gyne again.. But most likely no need to do bah.. Fingers crossed :x

Just booked pre-natal massage trial this sat! Yay! It's $538 for 7x post natal, I remember..
Hi mommies, did someone try to share buying breastmilk storage bags? I am interested too. AM i too late?

Are they used for freezing ie, store more than 24hours? is it recommended to use storage bags to freeze rather than the storage bottles?
Any one can share their experiences and the differences /pros-cons of having both?

Thanks very much
Jen, my pre-natal massage is free when we sign up for their post-natal massage. Price same as Mummy.

sweetcorn, milk bag can store more milk and can pack nicely in the freezer for 3mths (I knw some say 6mths). Storage bottles store lesser milk and take up space in the freezer. I only use those bottles (glass bottle from hospital) towards the end of my bf journey cos the milk pump out is lesser so not worth to use milk bag.

I'm super tired today. Been badly tortured by my 3 men at home last nite. 1 wake up at 12.30am and cry for 1.5hrs then again at 4am for a while. The other one keep asking me to wake up to go toilet and kick kick for a while after that. And the most senior one make a big fuss when he hear my boy crying at 12.30am and instead of helping me he went over to the other rm to sleep. I'm left alone with the 2 cranky bbs. Lucky one of the little man is inside my tummy. Can't imaging of the days when he is out and I hav to handle these 3 real men on my own. Don knw wat happened to my #1, can see he very uncomfortable but he cannot tell me what and where. I guess is the 4 growing molar teeths bah.
Jascmy, sounds tough for u. But u r really a nice wife. If I were u, I will give my hubs hell if he was behaving that way! He can forget abt going bk to sleep. :p

Babe, take a bottle of chicken essence, it helps to give u energy to last thru the day.
Hazel, I only cried together with my #1 last nite when I'm left alone with him. I wanted to give hubby hell but my boy keep crying so trying to find out wat he wants is more impt. Tis morning I refused to talk and kiss goodbye to my hubby. I'm really angry of wat he had done to me last nite.
Drinking chicken essence now. Haiz, why these 3 men only torture me when I start work yesterday.
Jascmy, yes, attend to the crying kid first. After he has calmed down n slept, I will go & give hubs hell! I will make sure he has a sleepless night like me. My hubs is smart now, after going thru sleepless nights last time when he made me upset. So now at night, he wun make me angry coz he wants his sleep! :p
Hazel, hahaa... I'm too tired after that. And my hubby's temper is horrible and very da nan ren. He only thinks he is right so no point giving him hell. I think he is angry now of wat I did to him tis morning cos he nvr reply to my SMS. somemore tonite he hav to handle my #1 alone in the evening cos I hav co. dinner. I'm sure he is very angry instead of 同情me.
Haiz, think of his good points bah so as to cool myself down instead of feel angry and crying.
Jascmy, which man not 大男人. U shldnt hv SMS him. I will wait patiently for him to take first step. If I m really mad, I will ignore his SMS n call. I hv a horrible temper too. Though hubs does not hv a gd temper too. So, we used to fight alot! Fight until my parents staying upstairs can come down n asked wat happened! U need 2 person to Start a fight. But if one take a step bk, the quarrel wun start. If ur case u r the one who is nicer. I hv a v strong character which not many men can tolerate.. That's why I married so late! 我吃软不吃硬. Hehe
Hazal, ok ok, I will keep quiet now. Wait for him to SMS me. Me and hubby also fight a lot. There is once we fight till wan to divorce. I'm too tired to fight now. No strange liao. Tot of not going for the co. dinner liao. Hmm.. I shld hav go hor. Don care abt him liao. He make a big fuss tonite let him be. He hav the right to meet his friends and go for his co. dinner. I have my rights too.
So good that u stay so near to your parents and they are able to help u.
Btw, now bb's movements are stronger liao. I'm enjoying it now. Cos after deliver we will miss this moment. Somemore tis will be my last pregnancy.
My friend jus told me that if I don take care now and my bb is affected, I will suffer more when he is out if he is not so healthy. She is right leh. So gals, esp those preggy with #1, rest more and take more tonic now. Go to sleep early cos ther will be sleepless nites coming soon. We are in the most critical stage now. Sleeping is the best tonic now for us.
Morning Jas- Geeee, your 3 men at home really give you havo time last night! Agree wif Hazel- the HB should not have walked out of the room and leave you alone. The last time, my HB went study room to sleep, I was so pissed, I locked up the bathroom outside too and the masterbed room till he got no choice but comes and apologise!
Jen, u sounded like me! If hubs pretends to him, ie use soft approach, I may even ask him to go sleep! 1 person tired better than 2 person tired...
Sweetcorn- Hazel told us earlier that it cost only $5.80 or so for Boots milk bags at the BKK airport, so thought I will buy some back first since its so cheap.I'm going BKK next week so helping a few mummies to buy too. You want? Can let me know lah.
Jen, tot of that too. I will throw his pillow to the other rm and I lock my master bedroom tonite. Since he don wan to help, I will do and sleep on my own loh.
Oh Meifeng- the one at paragon quite premium leh-almost 99 per session.Are they going to provide you with the wrap cloth/binder or its going to be extra charges too? Mine is done by a Malay lady- she will provide the wrap,herbs, & transport inclusive at $55 per session. If I want a personal new warp, can buy from her at $20.
haha- yah Hazel! You are right, me also the kind 吃软不吃硬 de. We women like to listen to white lies sometimes but the Hbs tend to forget the sweet dating days after marriage.

Jas- you see if you HB will 哄你 or not when you get home tonight. If he does, then just patch up lah but I think you should try to let him know you are under a lot of stress too.
Jen, he won't do tat de. He will get even more angry when I'm hm late tonite cos he will be handling my #1 alone tis evening while attend my co. dinner. He aldy not happy that I go for the dinner. He can go meet friends and co. dinner but I cannot go. So situation will be worst tonite. He knws I'm very stress cos I have been showing lots of temper till he tot I'm under pre-natal depression. Gynea say only hormone changes and trying to get use to the changes. But if it goes on will become depression. So hubby did change a bit after that cos he scare I went into depression.
@Jen, binder is included also. i guess i won't be signing their package ba...i just need to stop procrastinating and start calling. hehe

the little one inside me is really having a 'good time inside. very big movement until i abit irritated actually. he got a 'scolding' from hubby cos i was moaning with his every action. i know its a good sign that he is moving but...abit too much lah =p
meifen, I feel irritating too with the movements. But I try to enjoy cos I knw I will miss this moment when bb born. This is a very amazing moment.
If bb nvr move we will also panic, so better to move then not.
Hey Meifen, Enjoy while you can!I quite enjoyed the movements or sudden jelly shake-heehee, imagine-the noise and cries that will come later wif the the movements...not something I'm looking forward to. Now I know how to stop the kicking if its too much to bear-think my little girl is kind of afraid of my HB's voice, sometimes, she kicked near the vaginal area which really cause a lot of pain in me, my HB will talk to her and tell her cannot kick there-then she will miraculously stop.hahaha
Hello mummies,

As I am late to engage a nanny for my confinement already...during our discussion and exchange of information and one mummy (Sparks) refer me to i-kare confinement again. I've actually engaged their nanny in year 2009 for my first confinement and I know i-kare have a fleet of exclusive nannies (with great cooking confinement food skill and with very hygenic infant handling practices and skills) I'm hesitant becos now their usual rate is S$2.2k

But then, since I'm afraid to get non-guranteed performance nanny... i contacted May and we met up and to my surprise i-kare is having a 28 days (single infant) promotion.

Whoever are still in need for confinement nanny help. pls visit www.i-kare.com.sg I've booked yafen their exclusive nanny at only S$2k.

To enjoy this promotion, pls state referral from: Cheuk Ling

no commission! p.s.you can locate me in Aug thread
Hi! I'm from Nov Mummies thread. I've a preloved Pigeon Electric Breast Pump to let go... Unit bought in Oct, still under warranty. Only use for few times during hospital stay.

PM me if you are interested...

Wish all a smooth delivery
Jascmy, jia you and hang in there.

Talk abt baby movements, ya, it's really getting a bit painful, esp if baby kicks inwards towards my other organs. Just last night, me and hubby were talking to baby and asked him not to kick so hard, hope it works.

Hi! I'm from Nov Mummies thread. I've a preloved Pigeon Electric Breast Pump to let go... Unit bought in Oct, still under warranty. Only use for few times during hospital stay.

PM me if you are interested...

Wish all a smooth delivery
