(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi sweetcorn, can u please email me the confinement menu? thanks

Regarding tummy shape, I guess its juz old folks tale la. Everybody oso guessed mine is a bb boy based on my tummy shape, my facial features changes, etc..
But scan turns out to b Xiao Long Nu. Hee

For me, think it's quite accurate... Cos tummy is pointed type, and I think my facial features have somehow turned more manly, think I look ugly now. And it's a boy! Haha, have always wanted ton take those preggy photos at 8th month for keep-sake, but think I won't do it already, cos I dun feel good abt my looks now... Haha.

Hazel, I thought we are not supposed to eat raw stuff? I've not eaten sushi and sashimi since preg, craving like mad, I also avoid salads unless it's those few leaves that they put inside burgers then no choice.
Cannot take salads?!?
Now whenever I got cravings for fast food, I always request for extra lettuce in my McChicken. More veggie to compensate for unhealthy fast food.
GHK, not supposed to eat raw stuff coz concern is diahorea if the food is not clean. Serious diahorea may trigger contractions. I eat at reputable plcs n we r in SG. I feel that is relatively safe.
Yeah, starting of the long weekend soon. So tired and sick now. But weekend will be super busy. So many events happening. How I wish I can drink the whole bottle of cough syrup. My cough getting worst again after I came bk from HK. Cough till I can see 1 blood strain. Lucky my chinese physician colleague say its due to I cough too much liao, no need to worry.
No Idea also, gynae rushing off to do op, never explain either :-( next appt 4 weeks time, got to do detailed scan before seeing him next. Freaking me out, cos sonographer said something abt large mass taking up Placenta, no bloodflOw etc.
babymaking, able to make another appt to see him next week so that u can get him to explain to u? Or call to ask the nurse?? Etc.... I also feel that u ms go find out what is it leh. But since he say can see u 4weeks later then shld not be a problem bah.
Hello Mummies, it's such a long day and can't wait to go home. Baby did a punch on my stomach on Wednesday night. Guess she don't like the remote control on my tummy. Hahaha
Is anyone interested in Bumwear?? I have a whole set of 10 or 12 almost new Bumwear.. Bought them after all the good reviews but was too lazy to use them.. They are pretty new. Happy to pass on at half price... Any takers?
Hazel, didn't know that serious diahorrea can trigger contractions. The preg books I read said that raw stuff may contain certain bacteria, those that also cause severe food poisoning, and these bacteria are harmful to babies inside. So for salads, must make sure that it's fresh and washed throughly. If u eat at reputable places, should be alrighty.

Baby making, have not heard abt such mass with no blood flow, maybe can try to google...

Butter waffles, I googled on Puppp rash, cos din know what that is. Seems like it can be really serious if full blown and super itchy. Hope that yours dun become worse. U have stretch marks already? Cos it seems to start by developing on the stretch marks first...
Chilli quek,
im a FTWM , so only log in at night to check posts cos office is always a stress and busy place, no time to read posts until i get home...would be good if you pm me your email address like the rest of the mommies. Thanks for your understanding!

I think u can eat a bit of everything, just that raw stuff gotta be careful not to overeat too much cos of harmful bacteria which has the ability to penetrate through the placenta wall and harm our unborn baby.
keyword is Moderation...

Today i encountered first time nosebleed (mild)...panic like hell....quickly asked office colleagues esp those who are mommies, say my body heaty...not to worry. i googled online and its actually normal for pregnancy ladies.
then i realised i ate venison last night and drank mango juice after lunch today...both heaty stuff!!
no wonder nose got blood!! so gotta drink liang stuff sometimes....haiz...many things cannot touch...or enjoy...ren ren ren!

yea ...sometimes cause trouble...and kena scolded by lady boss
Baby making, yes my spotting still continuing. Hope you're also getting on well. Can u email your gynae to clarify things?

Hazel, u sound so knowledgeable.

Jen, work-wise, I keep feeling I can't catch up. Spotting issue makes me more troubled as there's always a fear that I'll be on mc anytime.

Sweet corn, I'm missing my soft-boiled eggs... :p
GHK, Hazel is right- too much diarrhea really can lead to premature contractions. That was wat happen to me. had diarrhea for 2days till severe tummy cramps.

Anticipating: agreed wif u. Enjoyed bed rest at home but at the same time worry abt job n fear of boss's black face if take too many mc. Sigh..., how I wish I could b a SAHM but hb said no cause he can't afford.
googled and got no where, not much info on it.

maybe seek a second opinion for your case, only 3 more mths to go, hang in there! I emailed gynae and he says it's not common and cause and effect unknown, need to monitor. now need to do detailed scan every 2 weeks.
Babymaking, to make u feel at ease, walk in next wk & discuss with him. As long as u r willing to wait he will see him.
no pt to do so, cos he already said cause and effects on baby unknown as it's not common. so just have to monitor the situation more closely, originally he suggested 4 weeks but i felt gap too wide cos growth is now half the size of bb within 4 weeks (4 weeks ago detailed scan-nothing), so he agree to do 2 weekly detailed scan at ADC.
ANN, i oso eat a bit hahaha cannot resist temptation of soft boiled egg...

babymaking, take good care. maybe seek 2nd or 3rd opinion is best cos other docs use diff method to test or check.

I just came back from checkup and baby now estimated to be 947g...heehee i gain 1 kg each month. heng, on track...despite having more snacks in between. Doc says the baby weight is just estimation based on the baby head measurement, so not very choon one.
Hi everyone... Had check-up this morning, baby at 24 weeks is at 782g, more than double his weight of 354g a month ago. I gained less than 1kg, so I guess most of my weight gain went to him....

As I still have on off spotting, will continue to take med and rest at home...

Annticipating, how often is your spotting?
Babymaking, u take care leh n god bless u n baby.

Something to share- was at ntuc just now and saw parents went crazy stocking up on diapers! I meant the whole trolley of diapers! Baby fair is on at ntuc n mamypoko is at 10.50 per pack for M, L, XL. I also kiasu, bought 2packs of M. :p All other baby items at 20% discount, wif my link card- think its quite worth!
Hi GHK, been spotting since about two months ago. It's on & off.. usually pinkish & more watery but these two days more reddish.

I find that I'm more sleepy when my spotting increase.
Dear mummies to be,

I am mother to be in June 2012. My husband is doing his own catering services. Hope can get some support from mummies here. Feel free to ask me for quote for menu, can email me at [email protected]

Enjoy your motherhood!
Ann, think u may be anemic due to spotting blood loss. Similar to heavy menses loss causing lethargic. Try to rest more and take essence chicken.
thks, hubby is supportive, but he has to travel and i dun want him to worry - so i do filter what i tell him as he doesn't go to all the check ups with me.

yep, went for 2nd opinion yesterday and same conclusion, although prof anan was very encouraging but basically said the same thing.

yeah was at NTUC and the diapers shelf was wiped out esp huggies diapers, they are having promotion 'buy $150 worth to get a little tikes $199 fire truck" - quite worth while deal as the huggies diapers were on offer as well.

bb hyperstore clearing their older models prams and car seats - can get good deal if you dun mind older models like 2009,2010. esp maclarens, peg peregos going at 20-50% off.
Babymaking, the mass can disappear suddenly like it apear too right? Dr ananda also cant conclude what it is?
Sorry to disturb but I've a brand new with tag Kate Spade Classic Noel Stevie Baby Bag for sale. Bought from kate spade boutique.


Cotton noel jacquard with patent pvc trim
Short shoulder tote with zipper closure
Black/porcelain bi-color webbing
Two Side Exterior Pockets with Ribbon tie
Two Side Wall Pockets
Changing pad included
ksny blind embossed signature on licence plate
Great for mummies on the go or it can be used as a normal tote bag.
Approx 16" L x 10.75" H x 8" W

Selling price: 380 SGD (includes shipping+handling)
Will come with Kate Spade dust bag, care card and price tag.

This retails for 445 USD!

Pls email [email protected] for more info. I'm totally reliable. can email me for my feedback links for sgselltrade, sgspree etc.
Hi Mummies, i had my check yesterday and bb is now 680g at 25 weeks. unfortunately, i put on 3kg in a single month and was told to watch my diet. no more carbo for me from now on.
Meifen, bb weight gain is subjective. this sis twins weight 800g n 1.2 kg respectively at 25wks, dr also nv say excessive. my girl weigh close to 800g at 22-23 wks also! :p
Actually Gynae was talking abt my own weight gain. Just reminding me to control unless I dun mind having the extra weight after I deliver. I guess I got to stop having more den 1 bowl of rice.. Less potato... Etc
Annticipating, mine is brownish, only red once in the first trimester, really freaked out... If your work permits, can ask doc for more mc, think really need to rest, it makes a difference, just lay down and relax....
Hi Mummies!!

Do drop by Facebook to take a look at our latest baby and children clothings!

Pls LIKE our page, Mummies Corner, in Facebook to see latest updates and sales!!

Cheers and have a smooth pregnancy!! LOVE!!!
I aso went to check on fri. Bb now weigh 779g n i put on near 2kg frm last check. Its rely alot to me bcos im now at my weight when i delivered #1!
Gynae aso ask me cut sugar n fatty stuff if i dun wana pile extra weight on myself. So far i put on 5kg.. N my appetite is like pre-preg, no extra meals/supper.
Natbaby, I m like u. My princess is 713g. I was already asked to watch my sugar and carbo intake, like u I m only eating like my pre preg days. Also dun know where my little gal get her weight. I dun mind she eat more from me then its easier for me to lose my weight. Now I dun even want to step on weighing scale. So demoralizing....
Any comment or opinion on which brand of milk bottle or teat is better or more suited for breast milk?

Tried looking about and it seem like the 2 more common ones are Pigeon and NUK.

For Avent, seems like it is of a slightly differnt size and thus you will need to get the full range of all its products and not mix and match with other brands.

Any advice?
*Hi5. I also dont dare to step on weighing scale now. N hb constantly remind me that i look FAT!!

Milk bottles very subjective leh. I tried all big brands in e mkt n personally i dont like avent. To me, it leaks if didnt close it 'properly'. Hate twisting e neck of avent n the teats r harder than other brands. I will buy any other brands except avent lor.
Morning all, I jus came back from gynea checkup. I put on only 1.5kg from last check. Yeah! nvr put on much weight cos I keep falling sick and appetite drop to normal liao. Bb weight 600g. Seems like normal weight as compare to those mentioned above hor. Hope he don gain too much cos I wan natural birth after having c-sect for #1.

I'm having UTI now. Pain in passing urine and it always leak when I cough (i'm having bad cough now), sneeze or laugh. Last nite wake up at 12.30am wif whole bodyaches, cough and super warm weather. Only went back to sleep at 1.30am. Super tired now. Gynea say the whole body ache is cos by UTI. She also say if there is other harmful germs in urine and UTI will affect bb. I'm so worried now. Jus did detailed urine test and now waiting for them to call me to hav the result.

Praying hard its jus UTI and no other harmful germs.

Jascmy, pardon me for asking, do u still engage in baby dance? Coz tt increases the risk of UTI & other infections. Also, cut down on carbo rich food like bread n sugary stuff as these promote infection too.
