(2012/02) Feb 2012

Al, my advise is to get medela breast pump. I used Avent manual breast pump during my 2nd, good but pump till hand tired. 3rd one I used medela Pump in Style Advance. Very convenient cos dual pump.. Pumping session shortened too.
Like what LSnTLY advised, it's so much cheaper to get it from the sprees here.
Trust me, a good pump makes ur breast feeding journey easier.

Latch= Touch your baby's lips with your nipple until your baby opens his or her mouth very wide. Put your nipple all the way in your baby's mouth and pull your baby's body close to you. This lets your baby's jaw squeeze the milk ducts under your areola.

When your baby is "latched on" the right way, both lips should pout out (not be pulled in over his or her gums) and cover nearly all of the areola. Instead of smacking noises, your baby will make low-pitched swallowing noises. Your baby's jaw may move back and forth. If you feel pain while your baby is nursing, he or she is probably not latched on correctly.
I would like to go Taka fair and try out the pumps, but feel a bit embarrassed. There's a lot of people there.this is the only fair where all the pump booths are there right?
Godsent> last time I also use Avent manual pump...very tired then give up. Now this pigeon offer is electronic pump should be ok ba.... medela pump very expensive le.

Jen> the saleman allow u to try?? haha...cannot imaging.

feellingblessed> u can go for breastfeeding lesson...at KKH is FOC.
Al>> I bought the Philips Avent steriliser.. it's $188 with 5 free milk bottles at the taka fair. Both brands can sterilise bottles and breastpump parts. the functions are similar but i find Pigeon abit too big. No matter putting in baby's room or kitchen counter it's very chunky and takes up more space. Design wise, pigeon looks very old school too, I didnt really like.

I would also recommend a medela breast pump. I never used before la but reviews very good from all my friends. In fact if you read the other threads, alot of mummies bought other brands of cheaper pumps and ended up buying another medela pump because the first one wasnt good enough. quite a waste of money.
Breastpump :
i will ask my friend to buy Medela from US for me...she will be back for good next year March.

So im asking to post it bk for me by end of the year

She is helping me to buy bb clothes too...if you have friends handing down to you..thats great!

Diapers :
I decided to use the cloth diaper for bb during the day for the first 4 months. only use pampers or huggies at night. i think that way, you can really save a lot...i was told newborn pee or poo very very often. so using diapers can be very costly too.

Pigeon :
Its a good buy at taka...im getting the $199 too! i should be gg next week. FYI, the fair is until 14th aug

i was told avent bottles will leak...not too sure how true. i heard from 2 of my girlfriends...
Yup! Agreed with planet totally on the breastpump.. Many will have to buy a medela breast pump after that. More $$$ wasted loh.. Some more if u wana resell hor, seldom mummies will want pigeon or avert single pump.. Medela pumps hv better resell value if u decide that u wldnt want to continue bfdg.
I go onlince survey, this website selling price valuable?

1 Medela Freestyle Breast Pump "Hands-Free" 2011

2 Medela Pump In Style Advanced Backpack 2011

3 Ameda Purely Yours Ultra Breast Pump 2011

4 Ameda BPA Free Purely Yours Breast Pump with Backpack 2011

5 Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump 2011

6 Avent Twin Electric Breast Pump 2011

7 Avent Isis iQ Uno Breast Pump 2011

8 Playtex BPA Free Petite Double Electric Breast Pump
Al, thanks for the price list!!

Its really much cheaper with the great exchange rate now...will go for it!
KWXY: For Avent bottles, if you don't lock properly, yes it will leak. I experienced that a few times especially hubby making the milk for my boy. My babysitter commented that the bottles to big, my boy hand so little how to hold such a big bottle. But in any case, I'm still using Avent same for my #2.
Feelingblessedprincess, first time mummy mah..
for me every baby, preg is different.. Suggest u read more online or mag on breastfeeding so when ur turn comes, u wun panic.
I believe KKH, Mt A and TMC have some breastfeeding cses gg on too.
I think Al went for the cse.
Gynae just called to inform me of my OSCAR and blood test result... Low risk and everything is normal.. Can fang xin liao
KWXY: Really? Hmm.. but still see so many pple buying by the dozens at philips fair.. well anyways I'm half planning on using another brand, the one that is abit tilted at the neck one.. heard it's good to prevent colic. As for the Avent ones, since it's free just use lor.. or keep as spares? Heh. Btw, dont buy too many bottles now.. Some babies are fussy. My friend had to change 3 different brands of milk bottles cos her baby refused to drink from them.. and I think some babies prefer to drink from glass bottles.. so I think better to buy more when confirm baby is ok with the brand.

Al> I looked at it this way.. Milk powder will cost $100-$150 per month at least? Maybe even more later on.. I intend to BF for a year.. and I'm planning for another kid. So investing $700 in a good pump is worth it. After the first 6-7 mths of breastfeeding can breakeven liao. Heh.
KWXY, if their avent bottles really leak.. U can go to their ofc at Toa Payoh to do a one to one exchange. But of cse the staff there will take ur bottles to do a check first before giving u a brand new one.
feelingbless> non-kk patient also can go...but you have make a trip go there register 1st at Women tower patient service reception there. Must register early as always full and every month have 1 lesson. the talk about 1.30 hrs, but last Sat I went there...most of us have alot Question so took about 2 hours.

KWXY> the price really good deal? but not sure the shipping cost all this added worth or not?
Today went for medical checkup. Saw little baby very cute. Did a little bounce. Very cute. 

Spent a bomb though..
~$700 for doctor package and medicine/pills/vitamins
~$150 for FBI
Booked Oscar test for next week.
feelingblesse> online you can't find it...only ask you call for more detail...end up you have to go down register. If you think troublesome. i have another on Tg.Pagar Amaran hotel, at this month. ~S$12/person... later i check my email the course detail.

planet> ya...if think of saving fm the worth la. but I think only bf during ML won't take until 6 months or more.
Kwxy, lucky got friends to bring back for you. It's quite bulky. I'm convincing hubby to go there for babymoon next mth
so many things I wanna buy...

Anyone getting baby journals? The one I'm eyeing on amazon is oos. Somemore want to get right colour... Need to wait a few more weeks
Kwxy: u intend to use cloth diaper? Will there be helper around to wash for u? If nt, u must be prepared to wash around 10pcs each day... And if rains worse, won't dry up fast to be used le. Newborn babies poo alot.. Around 6-7 times per day. I tink using diaper is better and convenient. Save on other areas ba.. Like no need to buy so much clothes, if there's handown from Friends or relatives.
Hi all, whole day busy in the office.. Paid so little but credits taken by others.. Sianz.. Ya after much thinking, I think I will call another CL to chk.. Jus wondering is it a industry practice .. Been hearing the CL promising to come n with a backup "if i can't come I will find u 1 replacement".. But I wan her to come n help not the replacement!!! Haizz

washing the cloth diaper is not an issue, my place is very airy and clothes often dried up within 6 hours. very fast. even indoor also very fast.

i heard diaper may cause nappy rash easily...i will only use good diapers at night. i will only use clothes diapers for 4-6 months....so ok to me

We are blessed with friends handing down bb clothes to us...we only need to buy bb clothes 6-12 months onwards.
Feelingbless- hope go also, I only 3 months already back pain... Make me lazy to go out, somemore 5hour talk don't know can tahan or not.

Chewie - my #1 was in infant care, govt sud $600 n cost $1k plus, u need to pay around $400-500 cheaper then nanny.

Godsend - the price about same. But need to buy another adapter?
Any mummies going for Mrs Wong's class on sat in oct?
Think we might book later online.

You all buying breast pumps now.. Is it a bit early??
kwxy: I used cloth diaper for the first 4 months. The laundry load was huge! Everyday abt 10 pieces of diaper plus 3-4 pieces of clothes. Plus have to wash separately. My maid spent most of her time washing baby's stuff! So I switched to paper diaper. Lucky son was ok with any brand, no rashes so far.

My avent bottles leaked, but it's not the reason I switched brands. It caused my boy to be more gassy compared to other bottles.
Bb poo many times a day. So cloth diaper is not easy to wash. Must soak first on order for the poo stain to be removed. If nv notice n dun change cloth diaper immediately after poo even more difficult to wash. Dun forget cloth diaper is white in colour,

Rather spend time washing n washing may as well spend taking care of bb. Diapers these days are good. The good ones like pamper brand wun cause much rashes. Of course it is also more ex than other brands.
Bottle sterilizer. Each time sterilize a few bottles at one go. Once u open the cover n take out one bottle to use, u need tl sterilize again for the remaining bottles unused but already exposed n hence no longer sterilized. Anyway, my mum uses hot boiling water to sterilize. No such advance equipment at home! Ha!
Wow! Then I must really consider abt cloth diapers! Maybe I also halfway give up and use paper diapers. Hehe.

Then which paper diapers are good?
My mum v old fashion. Day 1, said dun waste money on diapers. Use cloth diapers. After a few wks she surrendered. SIL ordered diapers in bulk direct so much cheaper. Tried to use cheaper brands but the kids can only take pampers brand. That is ex. So, u got to trial m error m see if ur bb is fine with cheaper brands.

We use cloth diapers to wrap new born instead as they are used to cuddle up position in the womb. So, that will make new born more secured.
My mum is thrifty. So, she dun use high tech stuff like sterilizer. She tells us dun waste money. Even milk bottles, she told me no wide neck. She said she old Leow, wide neck bottled require more grip.
Hazel, really? Oh,cleaning the poo will be soo yucky....
Ladies, I just looked into mirror after shower n discover stretch marks appearing! Wat to do? Any cure, wat can I apply? Help!!!
Jen: u sure they're stretch marks? Won't be so early bah... There's nothing much you can do actually, just make sure skin is well-moisturized. Once appeared, there's no turning back! Oh and apply cream on your thigh and butts too.
I just bought maternity bra at m&s cox my bra feels uncomfortable.. I found out the lenghth increased By 4 inches!! But cup size nv increase.. Sad right? Body widens only ;(

NC, yah i see dark brown line from belly button downwards n some white lines at the hip areas, are they? It's clarins oil right? Will go buy tomor.
