(2012/02) Feb 2012

Thanks Babymaking... Will be careful and shall check with my gynae if it is okay for me to take fish oil then. Btw, I took liver once... is it okay? Shall abstain from now onwards...

Rocco> Cause for #1 baby was big and #2 cause i single handle the kids so very inconvenient and keep getting breathless and fainted few times, and i can handle two kids better than one with a huge tummy
LSnTLY, my boys are from TMC less the eldest one.. My youngest I gave birth in 2009. Gynae only made me do NT scan, detail scan and another scan I took during my last tri cos bb was small. No Oscar. & the only blood test was done in my gynae's clinic that time.
feelingblessedprincess>I think once is ok lah. as long as we don't indulge.

godsent>ohh, ok. I think NT scan is sufficient if risk is low. That's why I didn't opt for the blood test
Linda - I already order one from other place. tks ya

Btw mummies, anyone know if there a service for transport from Sengkang to Raffles place?? As in they provide this kind of service so dun hv to squeeze the MRT...
LSnTYL: Am going to abstain from it now...

Jen: I also take chicken essence from Brands... but it is pure chicken essence, didn't mix with other herbs... I tried to take it like twice per week...
princess> the sound wave is very little, not enough to cause harm to the baby, actually ultrascan is more harmful...

N this equip is medical grade equip and have gone thru various test to make sure its safe to use
noticed that alot of mummies are drinking chicken essense..

did u all get those with extra stuffs inside? like cordyceps or jus the normal kind?

How does it helps in pregnancy?

drink everyday ok? not too heaty?
momob: my face also alot pimple...so ugly especially chin all become redness. some of my friends also have this should be very common. u r 1st time pregnance right, my #1 also make felt like that, don't know true or not got bb in side my tummy...but when reach 4th month, it so difference. I felt the bb movement on my tummy and from that time I know bb is there and we are connected in 1 body

Now I'm worry is during confinement period, i very scared of confinement. worry 4bb/scared of tiredness/stress/ cannot do anything due to body very weak/ like stay in jail wanted talk to ppl... nightmare to me.
Al, for me I prefer confinement cos without a big tummy.. Everything also convenient. Not really like a jail to me.. The only worry is tireness.. Cos baby will be with me, every 2hrs will cry for milk. Day and nite.. Worry when bb can't tell day and nite.. Time to slp, eyes open big big.. Sure faint.. :p

Ur ger via natural or c-section? Cos I find natural, 2nd day can walk le.
Rocco, I'm signing up for Oct class too, are u going for Mrs wong's class at AMK Hub? Going for the sat afternoon one.
Godsent>me by natural, but bad experience with the nurse during delivery midnight shift, she is so selfish never help me and no encouragement at all yet keep saying me no power la, lousy la. i'm so stressed and yet she want me to carry my own both leg and she just standing there talk nonsence
then the morning shift nurse come is chinese very good she keep encourage me and when she come within 1+ hour bb poped out.

So that time totally cannot wake up from bed..don't know why so weak.
Godsent, I prefer confinement merely because of the 16weeks long holiday lah. But thereafter a lot of uncertainty-baby care, work etc...
Blucrst-really, can see from chart Dr. Tham will be busy wif Feb babies next year.
where do you intend to deliver, TMC or Mount A?

Rocco- Mount A 2-bedder is more spacious than TMC and comes wif a balcony too.
KWXY> you went for the hospital tour today at 11am too? I was there too! Haha... so qiao... dunno how u look like

Went for my OSCAR scan and blood test this morning too. Bb naughty.. not in the right position fo the scan.. gonna wait like 20min to rescan.. But everything is good...Can see the tiny legs and hands..so cute.. can hear bb heartbeat too... at least I less worried. Gynae will call me tom on the results... *Keeping my fingers crossed*

Gynae said my bleeding might be becos of my thin cervix lining.. will bleed easily.. so far the bleeding stopped already.. Going to start on multivitamins and calcium pills liao... my doc say fish oil start taking from week 16.. I really hate popping pills... but then no choice lah...
Al, I can understand ur feeling. Nurses from KKH.. ESP those old birds.. But then not all KKH nurses are like that.
When I gave birth in KKH for my 1st child, the nurses are the one that kept on telling me to go for epidural since I can't stand the pain.. They can't stand me shouting in pain. :p Never even offer me the laughing gas or the thigh jab. That was like donkey years back..

But for TMC, the nurses treated me v well. I told them my intention of not taking epidural and they were warm and encouraging. Gave me the laughing gas first until I cannot tahan liao.. Gave me the thigh jab. Hee.. So happy with them. Without them, I doubt I can tahan the labour pains without epidural.
Nurses play a very impt part during delivery process. My third one lagi best, I kicked the 1 of the TMC's Indian nurse.. Can tell she's really mad at me. :p but she still treated me v well. :p I wrote a very long recommendation letter to them.
They deserved it!
Hello mummies,

Went for my NT scan ytd, results were good, phew...

Momobb: don't worry lah, the Pimples will get better as you progress. My first pregnancy I din even feel like stepping out of the house cuz face broke out so bad, but it did get better slowly. Just make sure you wash your face properly cuz skin tends to be more oily during pregnancy.

Somehow this time my symptoms v diff from the last one leh. Hoping the gender also diff haha...

For mummies taking fish oil: better check with ur gynae abt the type of fish oil u can take bah. Last time mine was prescribed by gynae, special type for pregnancy, can't remember the name but quite ex leh, two months supplements cost more than hundred dollars.

I can't wait for the long holiday..
Linda: Thanks for the assurance. I am contemplating if I should get it, HB wants me to ensure that baby won't be harmed coz given my character, I will probably be doijg it every night... hehe... Did U check/monitor daily too?

ging3r: Nope, I will take either once/twice a day... can't take daily... too heaty and I heard from my MIL that too heaty isn't good for babies too...

Al: same sentinments, I fear acnes issues too but well, my gynae asked me to make a choice between beauty vs baby... of coz I choose the latter. The most, settle on beauty issues after I give birth...
Hi mummies,

Another 2 more days, it will be 12 weeks for me, hope I'm not too late to join you gals in this forum.

It's my 2nd pregnancy. My #1 is a boy and he is now 18th months old. I gave birth to my #1 1 month early, his EDD was 14th Feb 2010 and he arrived on 15th Jan 2010. The best part is, my EDD for this pregnancy is on 20th Feb 2012 and I wonder I will give birth on 14th Feb! But my gynae warn me that I might repeat what happened 2 years ago, to have early birthing hence she will give me additional medication to hold my baby longer towards the end of the pregnancy.

There is so much to share and to ask and to learn from each other. Only those that are pregnant can understand each other the best. Sometimes talking to husband to get support is kind of difficult as they are not the one that are pregnant and they can't understand how we feel.
Princess: it's 16 weeks only, so not really 4 months only abt 3 and a half.

Cecelia: hello! My #1 also came out more than 3 weeks early. So Im also afraid this one will come out before cny. I still wanna stuff myself during cny!
feelingblessedprincess>yes, working moms in SG get4 months maternity leave. unless you are self-employed in which case, u only get 2 months maternity leave (cos 2 months paid by govt, 2 months by company)

so qiao. my #1 was born on 16 Jan.
Hi Cecilia! Welcome!

Feelingblesseprincess, count by weeks.. 16 weeks to be exact but must be in ur current company for at least 6 mths before giving birth.
Hi mommies, thanks for welcoming me!

NC: I don't wish to have my confinement during CNY. I escaped for the first one, hopefully the second one as well.

LSnTYL: wow.....so qiao. What is ur EDD for this pregnancy?
godsent>in current company for 90 days entitled to the 4 months maternity leave le. I know cos I joined my current company just good 90 days b4 I gave birth. If gave birth any earlier, I would have to take my own leave to cover up the 90 days then will be entitled to the maternity leave. :eek:
Godsent> It's good to hear that TMC nurses are so encouraging. I'm also not planning to take epidural. Want to go all natural if possible. I know it's gonna be tough but the last thing I want is some nurse psycho-ing me to take epi when I'm at my weakest.

Did you have to do episiotomy? What's the laughing gas like? Does it work instantly? Pls share more info! =)
Godsent> pray hard have a good nurse for my #2

Welcome cecilia! I agree ya, want to get more support fm hb a bit difficult. my hb ask me go holiday on my 7th month pregnancy, siao ah...later bb pop out become premature how. yet on 5th month he keep rejecting for holiday...
LSnTYL, silly me! Got the wrong info. I always tot have to be at least 6 mths.. Only 90 calendar days! Tell I shall go back to work when I'm abt 5 mths plus in preg.. :p
Al>got ar. I joined my current company at the start of my third trimester for no 1. Now, probably going to jump ship to another company. My future boss knows I'm pregnant and she is fine with it.

feelingblessedprincess>that's what I did too. Took 1st 2 months maternity leave then remaining leave I spread out so I work 3 day week until I clear all my leave. Note that you need to clear all your maternity leave within 1 year or will forfeit them. Don't forget you will also be entitled to childcare leave (normally 6 days) after birth of bb. Should be more than enough for all the jabs etc.
so good..what company? Because before preg. & until now i really thinking to change employer...but because planning this #2 so I tahan to stay in a boring working place.
Rocco, I think I will take 1 bedded. Coz hubby and bb can stay with me.

As for FBI, haven't decided yet. If really want to sign up, can do it next visit. As long before 24 weeks.
LSnTYL > good idea. I think i will also take 2 months leave. i like the idea of working only 3 days. Else i think if 4 months at home, i will go mad.Anyway, my mom will be looking after my bb...so i can fan xin go work..hurray!!!
Al>I'm currently at a stat board.

pearl>my mom helped to take care of my #1 too so didn't have to worry so much when go to work lor. Pros is my maternity leave become artificially longer and I'm entitled to public hols etc again once I went back to work. Hols that fall in the 1st 2 months of maternity are also counted in the leave so basically forfeited. Also good cos just started work so soon before I gave birth so want to familiarise myself more with the work. Cons is have to say bye bye to bb so soon lor. Quite she bu de initially.

But this time, I'll prob take all 4 months at a shot cos likely no one to help me look after #2 so #2 have to go infant care
princess: if u plan to bf ur bb it's good to stay home longer, cuz once go back to work supply most likely will drop one. Unless u can afford to pump frequently which can be really hard at work.

Does ur company give child sick leave on top of childcare leave? Some companies do so the childcare leave should be enuff under normal circumstances. Private clinics also offer jabs so u can still do it on weekends. I personally prefer to spend all ML at one go, cuz babies change so fast in the first 3 months, I dun want to miss a thing
but again up to individual bah...
yanyan>can contact them for more info mah.

i googled for u le. http://www.mtalvernia-hospital.org/Maternity-Packages.asp

princess>yes, what NC said is true. Best to check out the nursing room facilities at your office. For mine, there're rooms for mommies to pump and there's a fridge in my office pantry for me to store the milk so it wasn't so bad. I also took fenugreek to help increase and maintain supply before I went back to work. Anyway, still long time to go. Don't have to decide how you want to spend your ML now.
lsntyl: wow.. so good, I am also thinking of jumping ship but well, think I won't for the time being... at least my colleagues are nice and helpful, can't say the same for new colleagues..

NC: I am intending to bf and not only the 1st 3 mths, I hope to stay at home after my delivery... my HB says cannot coz not fair, later baby become closer to me... (kidding)... But I am considering the option of working PT after my baby turns 1 yr.. 18 - 36 mths are the time they learn the most, so realli hope to be spending more time with my baby..

lsntyl: no, I don't.. can we do pumping in ladies?
Lsntyl: u managed to keep supply up? Mine dropped 1 month after I went back to work cuz timetable din allow me to pump at same interval everyday. So abt 7 months my boy need to take 1 fm feed a day. Thinking whether there's anything I could do to up supply this time... Fenugreek dun help much for me leh...

Depends on individual pain threshold. And most people said induce birth is more painful than ntural contractions.
Laughing gas helped for some mothers, but totally had no impact on me.
Epidural dosage also depends on your gynae. Mine didn't like high dosage. Wanted to make sure you can push when it's time. So I could still feel some pains about 1hr before I deliver and nurse said they can't up the epidural dosage. In fact, I could feel the whole episotomy cutting and stitching. But the whole experience was good overall. Nice nurses, nice gynae
