(2012/02) Feb 2012

Windy! Small world ya!

I was with hubby and he's wearing purple shirt...as for me...i was in shorts and flora top...shoulder length hair

anyone delivered at mt A before? how's their food?

for my 1st delivery is at TMC this time round want to change to mt A. like TMC for their food but the room is really small and i delivered during the super peak day. they don have room till another 5 hrs later so rest in a room with 10 other beds, feel like refugee camp ward.
mummies...im getting hungry again...i must stock up a lot of things at home for me to eat...instant noodle, bread, cereal and many more...just cannot go hungry! hehe
Al, I'm in gov service
I've been in unpaid leave eversince my last maternity leave ended cos wanted to take gd care of my boys..
my dept head has been asking me to go back to work for quite some time but I kept on extending my unpaid leave. I'm pretty sure they wldnt mind me going back now but I cant bear leaving my boys with a helper... Hard to find a trustworthy helper now. Goto to pray for guidance now. If I go back, I will have my 4 mths maternity leave.
Planet: I met good & bad nurses when I gave birth to my #1.

I opt for Hypnobirthing which encourage natural birth. Me and hubby drawn a birth plan (the way we want our baby to be birth-eg. no epidural or pain killer) passed to my gynae (for advise). She was so discouraging over our plan but we insist of having the birth plan. Hence she made some changes to our birth plan. We then passed the birth plan to the hospital during admission for the nurses to follow.

The nurses really follow our birth plan and didn't really disturb me and allow me to have my ways of birthing. When my surges came, I was panic, co's my husband was away for biz trip and I was all alone in the observation room. I started to ask for epidural, one of the staff nurse was very pushy advising me to take epidural fast or regret. But the nurses in my labour room was very supportive, keep calming me down and assured that I don't need it as I'm doing very well. She even told me that she will be with me throughout the process and ask me not to worry. I did try the laughing gas but it's useless.

I had episotomy too although in Hypnobirthing they don't encourage that, but to avoid bad tearing I leave it to my gynae to determine whether I need it or not.

I felt so fresh after giving birth, probably too excited to see my little one.
haiz, my post disappeared again.

NC>yes, I managed to breastfeed my boy till he turned 1yo. Fenugreek helped to increase my supply initially but after a while, only maintained my supply at a particular level.
yanyan>I don't get your question. Maternity tour is with the hospital. Depending on where your gynae delivers, you might have a few choices or maybe only 1 choice of hospital. No point checking out a hospital that your gynae doesn't deliver at unless u intend to change gynae, no?

Godsent>wah, that sounds so nice. Wish I can take such long nopay leave too. I think maybe go back for the 90 days, so at least u get your 4 months ML lor. means you r paid 7 months for 3 months work leh. :p

Cecilia>wah, so interesting. so did hypnobirthing help in reducing the pain for u?
LSnTYL> your office so good. My office dun have a nursing room so i can either do it at my seat ( wtih breastfeeding cover) or in the ladies. I was thinking of buying the freestyler Medela as it is rechargable so i can bring to the ladies to speed up the whole process.

For PIS, i heard is not so strong is i run on ac batteries.
Planet, laughing gas = Nitrous Oxide. It only works for me temporary but must have tactic to breathe. Like say when u feel the contraction is coming, breathe in the laughing gas. The feeling is that kinda of make u wana float up.. How to say ah.. U will feel high and drowsy more than the pain.. But can't breathe too much too..
Episiotomy all for my 3 deliveries & all healed well. I'm thankful to my gynae and the one above.
pearl>I'm lucky. But hor, not sure whether new workplace will have nursing room or not. :p

I used medela freestyle and it was good cos I didn't have to lug an extra charger along. Can't comment for PIS as I've not used it before. But note that even with the freestyle, you still need to connect the tubing to the bottles and pump so got a few stuff to juggle. Your ladies got a ledge or something where you can place your bottle caps, etc too? cos in ladies, might be hard to have to handle all that esp after pumping when you need to clean up a bit and want to quickly cover the milk bottles so as to reduce contamination.
Hi Planet! you are right...Dr ben will be so busy these period...haha...i also hope to go for natural without epi...but dunno can make it a not...dun wan to be a hero and end up begging for epi...hahah...shall see

Dr ben did mentioned that some women give birth 10 days earlier...so not too sure...ours will be zhun zhun on 14th a not...hehe
by the way, how you all concentrate at work? i am feeling sick and cannot stay focus. only can surf net to pass time. super unmotivated!

my tummy showing now, is big and round.
Godsent>I couldn't figure out how to use the laughing gas properly till the end when my gynae was stitching me up. I tore quite badly so he had to spend quite a bit of time stitching me so the laughing gas really helped then as my epidural ran out just b4 the birth.
lsntyl: yes, it did. It teaches me how to manage the pain and calm me down. I can even ask the nurses when my surge went up to 100% and look at my baby head coming out using a mirror given by the nurse.
yanyan>maybe still early bah. check with the nurse. She can probably advice u better.

serene>I'm eating snake by posting here lor. :p
Did anyone of you try to ask for bb gender while doing Oscar?

I DID!! my bb open the leg big big and i saw something in between...so i asked if thats the XXX....then doc told me its the umbilical cord!! haha

No luck...Dr Ben did said he will try to chk for me next visit...he said some mummies very lucky and can see week 13/14....i will see him again week 16....excited!
LSnTYL, that y.. So tempting loh.. 4 mths of $$$.. I've just sent off my helper 2 mths + ago.. Unless I can get one reliable helper in time.. Or send my youngest to childcare.. I dunno. But I go back to work I sure miss them lots!!
godsent>totally understand. I already v bu she de to leave my boy everyday to go to work le. esp on the rare days when he cries. what more you who have been spending so much quality time with them.
Wah Cecilia! Can asked for mirror to see bb's head, peifu u!
For me I kept on kah chao-ing the nurses.. Asking the nurses which stage of dilation am I in now.. :p I very troublesome. :p
Yanyan, you can go call the Mount A line to register yourself for the tour. Bring hubby, go looklook seesee lah, they have nice goody bag with magazine, diaper sample and milk sample inside. But for booking of room, you need to check if your gynae delivers at that hospital, if he could, then you can get clinic nurse to book for you.
KWXY: You are very eager to know the gender leh! I'm okay but my hubby was very eager to know-he hopes to have a baby boy,
but BB was very naugthy, suntanning on his back, Dr. Tham was joking that BB very tired after OSCAR scan so can't see.
Birdbrain, godsend, Cecilia, thanks for sharing! Altho I do read and google for these info, but its so much better to hear real experiences! I'm really looking forward to the experience of giving birth. Am curious abt contractions and everything u gals have described. Heh. Remind me I said this after I give birth ok. Haha.

Princess> I have similar plans as u. Want to take some time off work after maternity leave cos I don't have anyone to take care of bb and I'm not keen to let my kid be brought up by a helper. Financially it's gonna be challenging so hopefully after 9mths to a year I can find something p/t or freelance to take some load off the husband.
kwxy: i din expect to know bb's gender until by 4th or 5th mth.. last gynae's visit, doc tried to see gender but image too blur to confirm.. quite curious to know & i'll try to ask when i go for oscar next mon! hee.. mil wan a boy but both hb & me dun mind a gal too.. cuz 1st one is gal & hb is e only son.. so we'll see how lah!
Planet: my mum will be taking care of my baby but I still feel that we can give more to our child.. is like we can read, teach our baby well kinda of thingy... yes, my HB told me that we might have to cut down on certain stuffs as reducing a portion of pay is significant.. though, wun have to eat bread but I worri as I want to be able to afford to get toys and clothes for my baby as and when I like etc kinda of thingy... thus, hoping that PT might comes in handy in a way...
Yanyan: it's free for all hospitals, no need to pay.
TMC had 2sessions per day 11am n 2pm while mount A has only one session at 2.30pm for weekday n 2sessions 8am n 12.30pm on sat. Mount sat tour very popular, always fully booked so we went for weekday one after our scan visit.
Princess: yah, need to cut down on movie n dinners to save money for diaper money n education saving. Talking abt toys, heard there are rental of children toys so we don need to buy so much for kids. Any mummies used the service?
Jen, if I didn't remember wrongly is noon class. 12plus. Mrs Wong class. The schedule is on tmc parent craft website. I m quite sure I saw is her class then I enrolled. Where u see is not her class?
Jen, if I didn't remember wrongly is noon class. 12plus. Mrs Wong class. The schedule is on tmc parent craft website. I m quite sure I saw is her class then I enrolled. Where u see is not her class?
for those who want wong boi boi class, better enrol as early as possible cos spaces in her class is fill up fast as she's super popular.
Jen, I checked. Enrolled for 16oct, Sunday class, 1230-230pm. Mrs Wong class at AMK hub.

Babymaking, ya precisely. I enrolled a few wks bk but yet to pay up the fees! :p
Hi mummies to be, can I ask every1 opinion? My EDD is 7 feb n I intend to engage a confinement lady. Though this CL agree to do confinement for me, she told me she has another case ard 28 jan leh.. Though she kept saying she will try to come, do u think I shd believe her n pay the $300 deposit?
How is she going to come if u has another one on 28jan? Isnt that obvious? Confinement is 28 days. Either she dun turn up or ask her friend to come. I will forget abt this lady. Not v trustworthy at all.
hi mummies...im keen to sign up wong boi boi classes when im ard 20 weeks...any mum joining?? how to join?? locations?? website??

many thanks!!!
KWXY> Oh I remember liao... Your bump quite big already?? Both hubby and me thought that all mummies in the tour are like more than 3 months preggie liao..mine was like nothing..were wondering if we join the tour too early.. haha..I was in yellow t-shirt and hubby in striped t-shirt.
Is at thomson medical website, under services n then Thomson parent craft. U need to register an account first before u can access the class schedule to check the dates n the instructors. After that register online.

The popular dr Benjamin tham at tmc was from KKH previously. I saw him once a few yrs bk at KKH. V nice n humorous guy. He left for thomson medical last yr.
Haizz.. Hazel, I oso duno. 1st she was recommended by my frd sis n she said bcos of my frd sis, she will put me priority.. I think depend whether I am heng or sway.. But Jan 28 till 7 feb is only a few days...
I tried toy rental before. it's a good way to give your kid a variety of toys. Only drawback is if your kid likes the toy and you eventually buy it, it's wasted money renting it.
Thanks Hazel!

Windy, my bump not big lah...only my top flare so can cover my tummy. Got a small bump only

So cute to see so many bb in the nursery hor..hehe
