(2012/02) Feb 2012

Thanks for the advice and support. I did bring bb to see the doctor yesterday to make sure all was ok and she did finally poo. The rotavirus vaccine is fine for kids 6 weeks+ but need to monitor any changes in eating/pooing habits.

Hi Mummies,
I'm a June mum-to be, here to ask for fdback abt breast pumps. I'm considering Avent electric single pump and Mendela Swing. Anyone using either and can give some reviews? Thanks a lot!
Hi, any mummy bring their children to visit PD @ Sbcc (rivervale plaza)? I m trying to get feedback before switching PD for my son.

Current PD was assigned by tmc n find it quite inconvenient in case my in laws need to help bring the child to see pd so tot of changing to one nearer to home.
Hi mummies, I rubbed BB oil on his head due to cradle cap. NOw the cradle cap turned yellowish n very hard. Izzit normal? I stopped rubbing oil today.
Appreciate any adv..

I went to that SBCC clinic. The PD is Dr. Zainal, a Malay PD, and i find him experienced. so far, he gave cream and Dentinox cradle cap - it all works on my baby on 2nd day applying.
So, im going back to him.
Joeles, im not sure if Dentinox cradle cap treatment shampoo can be bought outside at pharmacy. but you can try ask guardian etc. just wet yr baby head and scalp. then apply half teaspoon on bb head. rinse well. thats all.
I'm using mustella for newborn too, shampoo n bath. good brand but ex lor.

i sooooo sian this week becos of the tot of goin bk to work on Monday. really dreading this
talked to hubby abt doin baking business n he wasn't too suppportive, he said my cakes nt nice! LOL! well at least he's frank
Nana, so far how's ur experience at the kids clinic - pd ok?

Also is the waiting time long? Dun like having to wait long time even if we made appt.
Elxir: doc so far so good. I have no intention to change. If got appt eg at 1pm. The nurse will call u when it's near your turn. Then u bring baby down. Last time my appt 1.45pm. Around 2.30 they call me to go down le. If no appt, good luck. The wait is 3/4 hrs. That time bb got flu.. The wait was 5/6 hrs .. But then the nurse also ask u to go back first. They will call u when your turn is near ...

And .. I so stupid. I accidentally delete all photos of bb in my ipohne
By the way mummies, do u all really discard the tin of fm after 3 weeks/1month after opening ? It's stated so as per the tin but I m using fm only for night feeds n it's such a waste to throw the only half emptied tin.
Discard the milk powder? That's such a waste! Infant milk powder so expensive! If you're worried abt it spoiling put the remainder in the fridge to store? Don't take it out of the fridge for too long though cuz the powder will absorb moisture and hear in the air and condense.

Alternatively, portion out some milk into a container for everyday use and store the main tin in fridge. Top up when necessary to minimise Opening the main tin? Otherwise buy smaller tins.
Hi Joeles, hope your baby's condition is better now with the treatment shampoo.

How did the mommies gathering go? Apologies, unable to leave the house coz baby very cranky and cries very loud...can't really enjoy the hi-tea and chatting if i bring her out.

hopefully i still have chance in the next gathering.

for first timer mommies here like me, i just realise this year we are celebrating mother's day too! ditto for daddies! any special plans?

i'm in need for a gd confinement lady in 1-2 wks time. My CL due to some personal reason cannot do for me.
pls pm if you hv the contact. thanks.
i dun discard la... i m using enfa it has an extra metal lid. its quite tightly closed.

my mil say the 1mth thing is to make youngsters like us buy more. haha.
Rocco, I find enfa metal lid not v good leh. V fast become v loose, always v frustrating when closing back. For me I do stick to the 28 days guideline or at most cross a couple days but make sure powder looks ok. I ever kena once for my no 2 the last bit of enfa powder in tin got grey specks.
Any mommies looking for MEDELA PURELAN nipple cream or AVENT Nipple protectors?
I have a tube of PURELAN (37g) expiry 04/2013 to let go @$10.
Avent nipple protectors are brand new in packaging @$12.
Self collection Eunos mrt or via postage at additional $1.
Please PM if keen. Thanks!
Hi mummies, can share how u freeze the breastmilk? I would like to start freezing some before I stop bfg. Just started today and what I do is do 150ml into each lansinoh milkbag, squeeze out the air, then lay flat. Then put inside freezer. Is this correct?

My freezer got other foodstuff so I put the milkbag into a airtight plastic container.

Anything else need to pay attention to? Can keep 3 mths right??
Anyone bb don't like the bottle? I latch most of the time but if I need to go out for 2-3 hrs I leave 80ml for bb and it takes her 1 hr (on and off to finish)- she is no where near drinking 150ml for that 3 hr period.
It's normal for babies to take less from bottle if they latch most of the time. Don't worry. Bb will drink more when latching the next round.

The LC told me breastmilk is best consumed within 1 month of you store with other things in the freezer. Keep the milk on the top shelf of the freezer and meats n seafood as far away from it as possible, eg, bottom. Frozen BM can only last 6months if kept in a freezer at a constant temp of -18 and below in a seoerate chest or upright freezer. That's y we buy the farfalla upright freezer to store our EBM. It's the smallest upright freezer avsilable here.

For more info you can read here:
mamapanda, thanks for the link. I threw away the milk after 1 hour at room temperature. Didnt know can last 6-8 hours. Everytime i throw, i feel my heart pain..cos spend time and effort to pump
Bee mummy
The most commonly used one is Farfalla upright freezer. U can find it at Carrefour for $299 only. Some mummies may be selling theirs 2nd for about $150. If you want a bigger freezer, try the technogas freezer but that I've costs $300+ I think. If u want the ultimate upright freezer, Fisher and Paker best but $500-800+. Once u stop storing BM u can use it for ur foods or sell it off. My friend said she wants to sell her BM freezer 2 weeks ago, if you're interested PM me and I'll help u ask if it's still available
Tks MamaPanda! I think I won't have issue with the 1 month. Doubt I will have that much supply to store ...Actually best is still mummies who can continue to latch/pump. Frozen bm not as good comparatively, but of course still better than fm. I dunno if my mum ok w feeding the frozen milk. My mil today also commented huh can freeze breastmilk? Good meh? Sigh..
Be sure to store it as far away from raw meats n seafood as possible to prevent contamination. Store none next to it on the same shelf and don't store it on freezer door.
hi mummies, would like to share something I noticed abt cradle cap. my boy recently developed this, abt 2weeks ago. n I realized that this may have been becos I introduced shampoo to him. so far, since day 1 I did not use shampoo for him. only when I introduce shampoo, he starts developing the cradle cap. so I stopped shampoo n just wash his head with his bodywash, like wat I used to do before. so far, cab see the cradle cap reducing a bit.

I also read on several websites which states nt to use shampoo once bb has a cradle cap. hope this info helps
too busy with bb didn't realize that it's Mother's Day next mth, though I dun really knw the actual date. lol!

sweetcorn - I'm a first time mummy too.. it's a good thing u mention so I can 'highlight' to hubby.. hehe
Shan, take note that the CDC website is for USA. On the website, the room temperature stated is up to 25degree celcius. If not in an aircon room in Spore, then better to discard after one hour.
Just keep the milk on the top shelf of your fridge if you want to use it again later la. Fridge can keep about 2-3 days in our weather, provided the temperatuer in your fridge is consistently cold. If the fridge is opened often, best to consume the milk within 24hours.
Beemummy, fyi I just bought a technogas upright freezer (115 litre) at $520. Feel much safer that the ebm are away from raw food in freezer. With the additional freezer I can store more packs n no need worried not enough space in mil freezer. Felt bad that i Was invading into her fridge space lol!
Hey mummies,

Is it ok to leavebb crying n crying?
My son wants to be carried to fall deep Into sleep.. When we put him in his cot after we think he's asleep, he will cry for attn! So we will pick himn he will doze off.

I fed him at 140am n it's now 315am n I'm still carrying him! Alrdy put him in bEd a few times!

Was wondering if I can juz let him cry n cry... Will he stop eventually?? Will it hurt him?? Or how else can I break this habit of his??

Hey Sofia
Mothers'day always falls on the 2nd sunday of may.
fathers'day on 3rd sunday of June.
Hope this helps!

I juz reminded my hubby too! Heehee
I hv same problem with my gal before.

The trick we use now is:
Cradle her to sleep in yr arms.

Dont immediately put her in the cot, wait another 2-4min for bb to fall into deeper sleep.

Gently put her lying on her chest and head put sideways.
My baby knows how to turn her head instinctively if she cannot breathe or facedown. You hav to monitor bb if u doing this first time. Make sure there is no soft toys or towels etc in his cot to avoid suffocation.

If when u gently put bb down and he stretches, to avoid waking him up, try to lift him gently up n down a bit like how you cradle her earlier.or sway left right gently.

It works for my baby so far and having better sleep.
Hope this method can work for u too
Good morning Mummies!

Do try what sweetcorn shared wif u. As this also the method that I using now with my princess. I started this method when she full mth old. Well... aft using this method, she slowly skip her nite feed which is aft 12am until the next morning when she wakes up at abt 8~9am.
Sweetcorn / Geyser
I've always wanted to put bb face down, but im afraid of SIDS and not sure if bb is able to turn his own head. have tried putting him face down once, when he is awake. he doesnt seem to like the position and cried after a while.
Hi mummies
I have stored my milk in refrigerator for about 48 hours
Then I notice the smell turns weird
I didn't really taste it I jus threw it away
I tot it can last 3-5 days?
so sad to throw away 3 bottles =(

I also attempted to freeze abit of milk and thaw it
Ithe thawed milk smells weird too
Is it normal?
Mamapanda, my mil fridge v small, can't keep my frozen bm from raw food leh. So i just put the milkbag in a airtight plastic container, and then double wrapped the container in plastic bag. Keep fingers crossed milk will be ok..
I have same problem as Joeles too! Some nites he will not want to be put in his cot. The moment we put him in his cot, he cry. But was able to slp when we place him on our bed. -_-"

Moreover he makes a lot of noise when stretching in his sleep, is this normal?

He also doesn't slp well in the afternoons. He will nap for 15 min n start crying n go back to slp after patting him. Needs a lot of attention! I can't pump in peace if I m alone with him.

elxir, my bb also makes a lot of noise when he is stretching too, especially when i un-swaddle him. so i guess this is normal? i even recorded him doin it! hehe!

abt sleeping in afternoon, he used to sleep longer, like 2 to 3 hrs. nowadays in the afternoon, he'll sleep abt 1 to 1.5hrs and he will wake up n start crying. i need to carry him, cradle him and pat him, which he will then go bk to sleep for another hour or so. i feel he needs more attn now as he gets older.
