(2012/02) Feb 2012

Joeles, I place belle face down on my chest when she wants to be carried to sleep. I will doze off thereafter. When I wake up, I will place her next to me n hug her! Hehe

Hi sweetcorn,

Txs for ur suggestion! I'm trying it right now during his afternoon nap. Maybe he's not used to it so he still cries after 3mins on his tummy.. Now on the 3rd try n 10mins have gone by.. He also turned his head to face right.. I places him down on facing left.. Shall see how long this last..

Hi geyser,

Txs for sharing ur exp as well.. I do hope to slowly prolong nightfeeds as I'm going back to work and I worry abt how my helper takes Care of my BB during night feeds...

Txs mummies!!
Truly appreciate all the adv given!
We have great support from this forum!!
hi mummies,
sadly it doesnt work for me..
but nonetheless... i will keep trying this method.

I also let my boy sleep on his belly cuz he's abit cOlicky. If all else fails, I'll sleep together with him on my chest, belly to chest.

Not so hygienic to store BM with raw foods right? Maybe consider getting a second hand freezer to store BM and sell the freezer when u're done with it?
Just curious, how old and how big are your babies now? I'll start the poll running..

1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
Oh to prevent SIDS I place the Angelcare baby monitor movement sensor pad under the mattress so I'll know if he stops breathing.

Anyway now he can turn his head left center and right on his own so I'm not do worried anymore.
Joeles n other mommies who r having same bb sleeping problem

Came across this in tweeter:

KidsHealth: Is your toddler resisting going to bed at night or taking a nap? Learn how to help your child fall asleep. http://t.co/0EOHghwx
hi all , i m new here and a first time mum. Need your advise that my boy tends to vomit even after he burps or after 1 hr after feeds. Is it Normal?
my boy also pukes every now and then, sometimes, after every feed. I brought him to the PD and she says its normal cuz my boy has alot of wind in his tummy and he is overeating (based on his size).

So, now, I need to give him anti-colic drops before latching and control how much he drinks by unlatching him when I know he is full already. After that, must try at least 3 minutes to burp him. PD had also advised us to raise part of the mattress with old bedsheets underneath so he sleeps in a slightly inclined angle, not flat. So, now he vomits alot less. IN any case, if you're not sure, no harm bringing him to the PD to confirm for peace of mind.

Hope this helps.
here goes,

:: Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - 8:00 pm:       
Just curious, how old and how big are your babies now? I'll start the poll running..

1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm

Mummies, let's try n keep this running

Shall we also post our bb's cutest pic??
1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm
3. Nana, boy, 6 Feb, 5.9kg, 61cm

Reg Sleeping
My boy also like that.. Need to be carry and once we lay him on bed, he is awake. So I found a method very useful. I let him hug booster. At tte same time, place a pillow on his back - so thAt he feel secure. It works very for me. So I'll carry him till he fall asleep then I laid him on bed and immediately switch to this position. Give a few pat and he will fall asleep le. U all can try this...
Dear mommies

May I know the FB acct for this forum? Would like to get updated for any meetups with u guys - the feb mommies so we can get advise n share tips for our babies.
Dear mommies, pls help. Advise needed..

My baby girl doesnt really want to drink my milk. Almost every feed in the day is like a war. Sometimes got to trick her abit with pacifier or water then quickly switch to milk. She will always struggle or cry for awhile then finally settle down for the milk.

Anyone with experience on what to do?

I sent you the link! Can't wait to see how u manage your baby to sleep.

Mama pandan, sophia, Lydia
Sent u the link as welling u r interested!
Lydia, u r feeding baby wif water? PD recommended that babies don need water if they r on bm. The only times I feed baby wif water is when she got hiccups n can see she totally hates water! Could your baby hate the taste of water? Are u giving fresh bm or expressed chilled bm? Sometimes, it could be that chilled/frozen bm gives a weird metallic taste that some babies reject
My update:

1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm
3. Nana, boy, 6 Feb, 5.9kg, 61cm
4. Jen, girl, 9 Feb, 4.3kg, 59cm

Hmm, my girl is the lightest on the small side leh compared to rest of babies. Is it because of gender diff?
Mama panda, your boy is in the 97percentile? Nice weight, must be a real chubby baby!
Mama panda,

My girl has same puking n wind problem. We got her a Bonny pillow which elevates to a 45degrees angle n she sleeps on it. Sold at spotlight n kiddy palace, u can consider. . I posted a pic of how my girl slept in fb, if u r in fb-can go see.
Mamapanda, no choice leh, just hope will b ok with all the double wrapping etc.. During confinement CL also put a lot of foodstuff un fridge together with my chilled milk cos fridge too small. Wun b getting separate freezer as I dun intend to bf long, going back work soon.
Haizzz another 12 days before returning to work ...

I wonder how we cope with the lack of sleep? With midnight shifts to feed and pump .. Now I'm stretching myself to 8hr per pump. Not sure if I could do 12hr per pump a not ..
morning mummies!

it's my 3rd day of work ler.. so sian

Jen - tks for the link! will chk it out at work later

rgdg sleeping
I find swaddling them makes them sleep longer cos they feel more secure. but once either of the hand comes out rite, my dear boy will start crying. I also put a small bean pillow across his arms n chest.
Hi Jen, can send me the FB link also?

I am bottle feeding my gal so I know how much she drinks, when I used Avent bottles, she gets cranky every nite and we believe is the colic that make her uncomfortable, now I switch to Dr Brown bottles, so far so good and we realize bottles play an important part also.
My boy is err.. above the graph haha. PD asked me to slow down on the demand feeding cuz he's growing too fast :eek:

Anyway, my #2 was also this huge last time. From experience, their growth will slow down once I send them to infantcare cuz they'll be feeding alot less by then so, now, I'm just enjoying the mother-and-baby times while latching on demand. ;p

Anyway, I've sent the request to join the FB thread already. I'll link photos of my sumo once its approved.
Poll - How old and how big is your baby?

1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm
3. Nana, boy, 6 Feb, 5.9kg, 61cm
4. Jen, girl, 9 Feb, 4.3kg, 59cm
5. GG, girl, 16 Feb, 6.1kg, 60cm
Wah! GG- your girl is growing so well too! Jialah, must be my bm skim milk kind- bb cannot put on weight as fast as you all.
As long as your baby is growing and putting on weight and drinks well, there's nothing to worry about la. My #1 is also the super model slim type compared to #2 who is visibly chubbier, so don't worry a thing la. Its in the genes. In fact, when your girls are older, you'll wish they remain slim!
Mamapanda me opposite from u. My no 1 also used to b v chubby, hit 10kg b4 1 yr old but once teething start losing weight. So now I no longer fret over no 2 being chubby. My Pd says below 2 yr old no need worry esp if on bm.

Jen, lately my bm not as creamy already cos eating more and more outside food. Can really see the difference ESP when milk is chilled, the difference in creamy layer vs watery.
Poll - How old and how big is your baby?

1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm
3. Nana, boy, 6 Feb, 5.9kg, 61cm
4. Jen, girl, 9 Feb, 4.3kg, 59cm
5. GG, girl, 16 Feb, 6.1kg, 60cm
6. Elxir, boy, 24 feb, 4.7kg, 54cm (taken last mth)
Dear Jen,

My baby likes to drink water but not my bm. Ya i gave her those that were frozen before. Just got a called from mommy that she refused to drink her milk again and it has been 8 hrs! I'm at work and super worried.

I'll try to give her fresh bm tonight to see if it gets better. Thanks.
Lydia, I heard frozen bm usually dun smell or taste good so some bbies resist. U previously got latch or give fresh ebm b4? Was it ok back then?
Hi Jen,
Pls help to send me the fb link too. Thanks alot!

Hi Lydia,
Do check whether ur baby stomach bloated with wind so make not hungry? My gal once rejected milk for abt 2 days, she can do without milk for more than 12 hrs and if she drink also less than 50ml. So I asked the elders when I sent my #1 to sch, they told me that maybe baby bloated with wind, so must massage her with RuYiYou and give her Gripe water. Aft few round of massages and Gripe water, she let out lots of gas and poo a lot. Aft that she cries for milk. So fr that time onwards, I everyday massage my gal twice aft bathe n before nite sleep and give Gripe water once weekly.
Poll - How old and how big is your baby?

1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm
3. Nana, boy, 6 Feb, 5.9kg, 61cm
4. Jen, girl, 9 Feb, 4.3kg, 59cm
5. GG, girl, 16 Feb, 6.1kg, 60cm
6. Elxir, boy, 24 feb, 4.7kg, 54cm (taken last mth)
7. Joeles, boy, 27 Feb, 4.25kg, 53cm (taken last mth)
Weigh baby
Weigh yourself then carry baby and weigh then take the difference. It's easier if u have digital weighing scale at home.

Place baby head against the wall gently. Pull measuring tape from wall to baby's heel (not toes)
Dear Jen

Pls send me the fb link again, i have activated the PM. If still cant send thru, pls email me [email protected]


Hi Sofia, nope I am not from apmi kaplan batch ba22.

GG, i let baby gal latch on sometimes. It was ok coz i switched between latching n bottle feeding all the time. Its just these few days that she rejects my bm.

Geyser, I apply Ru Yi You every few hours bcoz she's quite colicky. N according to the old folks, she's hungry because her stomach is very soft, not like when she just had milk.

Thanks for the advise mommies. Guess I have to monitor a few more days n if its still like that, then I'll have to consult the PD.
Poll - How old and how big is your baby?

1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm
3. Nana, boy, 6 Feb, 5.9kg, 61cm
4. Jen, girl, 9 Feb, 4.3kg, 59cm
5. GG, girl, 16 Feb, 6.1kg, 60cm
6. Elxir, boy, 24 feb, 4.7kg, 54cm (taken last mth)
7. Joeles, boy, 27 Feb, 4.25kg, 53cm (taken last mth)
8. Xiaobudian, boy, 27 feb, 4.35kg , 52.5cm(taken last mth)
Poll - How old and how big is your baby?

1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm
3. Nana, boy, 6 Feb, 5.9kg, 61cm
4. Jen, girl, 9 Feb, 4.3kg, 59cm
5. GG, girl, 16 Feb, 6.1kg, 60cm
6. Elxir, boy, 24 feb, 4.7kg, 54cm (taken last mth)
7. Joeles, boy, 27 Feb, 4.25kg, 53cm (taken last mth)
8. Xiaobudian, boy, 27 feb, 4.35kg , 52.5cm(taken last mth)
9. Sweetcorn, girl, 11Feb, 4.9kg,55cm (3weeks ago)

My gal born same day as yr boy! Lol
Shld have same character yeah? Heehee

If yr bb colicky, u can try friso special comfort , its for vomitting, colicky, constipated babies. Quite effective on my bb. She farted a lot and her poo regular in yellow mustard form.
Sweetcorn, how is the development of your baby when she is on Friso Comfort? I jz changed to Enfalac - for babies who regurgitate often, and found it to be very thick. my boy takes a long time to drink 150ml.
1. Mamapanda, boy, 11-Feb, 6.3kg 61cm
2. Sofia, boy, 2-Feb, 5.9kg, 58cm
3. Nana, boy, 6 Feb, 5.9kg, 61cm
4. Jen, girl, 9 Feb, 4.3kg, 59cm
5. GG, girl, 16 Feb, 6.1kg, 60cm
6. Elxir, boy, 24 feb, 4.7kg, 54cm (taken last mth)
7. Joeles, boy, 27 Feb, 4.25kg, 53cm (taken last mth)
8. Sassystrawberry, girl, 27 Feb, 4.23kg, 52.5cm (also taken last month)

hi dragongirl - my boy started drinking enfalac on Monday. so far his regurgitation reduce. but still too early to say. this milk is very thick so if u decide to give ur bb this, u need to give him water.
