(2012/02) Feb 2012

I have 2 spare sets of pump parts, so I don't need to wash and sterilize in office. Can use the medela cooler bag to transport home, if you have like 6 bottles can consider the fridge-to-go.

Eh ... I intent to pump twice in office. I'll just use hot boiling water to sterlize the bottles / equipments. Then put inside milk bags. Aiyo .. And put inside fridge (below).

Q; how to bring the milk home? Use ice bag? Don't intent to spend money to buy medala ice bag. I only need to make sure the milk are transported home chilled ... As it can last 24hrs, I'm sure the milk will be finish the next day
Nana, I use freestyle, the pump came with the medela cooler bag. Actually transporting from office to home don't really require the cooler bag with ice packs, just those insulated ones will do, but the problem is not many cooler bags are big enough to store 4-6 bottles of milk. Ice packs are also safer cuz they keep the milk cold enough, preserving it's quality for longer period.
nana: i was at mums and babes, i saw them sell icepack $5 each. you can buy 2 and put inside those therma insulated bags, and bring d milk home.

groupon got promo for fridge to go, abt $21.40.

NC: Medela cooler bag not cold enough? i think quite cold but no benchmark to compare with. was thinking want to get ice packs or not.
Rocco, cold enough lah, provided you use the ice pack provided. But if I néed to go out the whole day with no access to fridge fridge to go is better I feel.
Hi Mummies,
My little one was born on 27/02/12, currently exclusively breastpumping. It is such a relief to hear that there are others doing the same thing - its so hard to keep pumping 2-3 hours...need motivation!

I'm getting about 150ml every 3 hours, using the medela freestyle - was taking the sacred tea but am going to take the fenugreek supplements instead - anyone tried the Greenlife ones? or got recommendations on what supplements to increase milk supply? I'm so envious of people who can express 10 ounces at a time~!

My girl is a biter, so its very painful to BF her directly, and she starts to get upset after a while, thus I'm feeding her by bottle. Also taking the opportunity to store some EBM in the freezer for when i go back to work.

Wow Steph! I'm envious at you!! 150ml every 3hrs! I only get 40ml every 3hrs..
I'm also using freestyle n my boy was also
Born 27/02..
Mummies with bb gal, do u spread open their below a bit when cleaning?? My CL only wipe down w cotton wool. So I follow. But I v scared dunno if any shit or dirt accumulate inside?? We adults will always wash the inside lor.
Joeles: My supply was really miserable initially cos my bb didn't latch, and the nurses at the hospital only brought her in once in 4-5hours...
I used up 8 packs of Sacred Tea already, and my supply went up. Consider trying that?
are you pumping and BF?

hehe same day! So nice :D It would be fun to introduce our babies when they are bigger.

GG Lee: I only wipe with the baby wipes, and but not inside, just on the opening.
Joeles... U are not alone. On average my ebm is about 500ml per day. Enough for 3 feeds nia ...

Yeah, steph... U have milk.

Oh ya ... I have some Dom prescribe from doc. Not talking it anymore... If my supply drop, I'll let it be. I'm not going to increase my supply and let it dry up naturally. So tired to pump. So who wants the medicine? I post over to u ...
Stephanie, tks. My bb always kena shut there. I use cotton balls wipe down. Today I see like got a bit of white stuff there. Looks like the residue we get when never wash thoroughly inside lor.
Nana u r not alone. I v tempted to stop also. Really a lot of work and restrictions. My hubby in fact v supportive for me to stop soon.
i wash all my 3 kids bottoms with water. FOr my 2 older girls, i don't clean "inside" but I do use wet wipe and clean the urethra area cuz diaper cream may clog up the urethra and cause urinary tract infection.

increasing milk supply
I'm not sure if its really the case but I do find that my supply will be more if I eat alot of papayas. No need to cook in fish soup. I just eat the ripe, juicy, red papayas as and when I feel like it.

storing ebm
Mt A LC told me that the milk we bring back from office if frozen, must be consumed within 1 month. Not for long term storage. Only fresh milk thats frozen immediately is suitable for deep freezing.

sterilising in office
How do u sterilise your bottles and equipment in office before pumping if you do not have a steriliser in office? LC also told me before that pump parts, storage bottles and milk bottles must be sterilise before every use leh.
Advice needed. The side of my breasts are very sore today n feeling feverish. Worried it's Infection.
I have already pumped but the pain is still there. Should I call lactation consultant to seek help or go gp direct? The pain is killing me with the fever.
GG : my hub also ask me to stop. My whole family also ask me to stop too ... That's y I say I'm not going to increase my supply le .. I'll just pump whatever I have and slowly let it die ... Go back office also shack. My office not friendly to BF mom.
Elxir - talking about infection... I have experience... Haha

1. Fever how long? What's the temp? Take the normal panadol first. If the fever don't subside don't tomorrow then possible infection

2. Infection usually will have red patches around your breast. Do u have it?

3, take a white towel and squeeze some milk out. Infected breast usually gives greenish milk. Maybe u squeeze from both side and observe the colour got difference a not.

That time, I have fever 38.9 for 2 days. Panadol also doesn't help ...
Hi Nana (my daughter's name too),
I had a big problem with my supply too... initially could barely get 50ml. So I started drinking the sacred tea (every day 1 big pitcher), finished 8 packets. Also started pumping every 2h (3-4hours interval at night), then it finally went up.

It is quite crazy because I have to do it throughout the night as well, and got to feed bb every 3 hours/change diapers/rock to sleep etc. Nearly pengsan during confinement, esp since my bb had severe jaundice and had to go to hospital twice.

I am just aiming for 3 months before I go back to work... but I've been starting to give her the occasional formula feed to ensure that she can take formula in case supply drops. If it is affecting your life and your r/s with baby - it may be better to stop... I find that I really don't have much bonding time (no energy also) to bond with my baby... sometimes carry until I almost fall asleep.

Can't leave the house for long either, since got to pump every 2-3hr... I feel like I am chained to the house and my pump. Sometimes baby cries and I can't pick up because pumping... sigh
GG Lee: I also saw that white stuff when my baby came back from hospital, I asked the paedi if I should clean it, she said yes.
MamaPanda: I sterilized all pump parts at home and stored them in airtight container. In office I stored my container in the fridge. Another methods my my breastfeeding friends did was to store the pump in fridge after pumping. Of course best is to sterilize immediately before use, but I hated the mess when I need to wash and sterilize in office. Plus it's too much work! Imagine one whole year of washing and sterilizing while working full time
Nana, thanks for sharing experience.
Temperature only 37.5 but I feel feverish n sick. Only a small red patch on the affected spot. It's so pain that it hurts even when I move my hand. I pumped just now n color was normal. If it's infection, shld I just throw the ebm away?
I was curious how you girls do it. I'm so used to sterilising in office I don't feel the inconvenience anymore. I've done it in 3 different workplaces over the past 8 years for my 2 older kids. In fact, with my first kid, I was still teaching and I had to pump in the staff room, mark books/papers and eat lunch all at the same time during recess and lunch break. My timetable is always so packed I hardly have free periods
Subsequently, after 1 year, I decided to call it quits with teaching and moved on to NIE to do R&D and it was much easier with my own private cubicle. Privacy was a luxury I could not have in my old job.

When I go back to work in May (I took only 3months maternity leave), guess I'll continue to sterilise and pump in office. I have 5 different sets of Freestyle spare parts for use so I don't have to wash them in office. My steriliser and mini fridge is there for me to use anyway so might as well make use of them. I tried sterilising tablets before but they stink of chlorine.

U should get a 2nd hand freestyle so u can pump on the go. FS can fit into a mid sized handbag. Worst case, throw away whatever u pump outside if you cant pre-sterilise the bottles and parts. At least, this way, you get to be outside for longer periods of time. Thats how I survived when I had to go on business trips away from my baby. In fact, every morning, I drink my own milk for breakfast (some people say yicks to that haha)
sounds like you've got mastasis. best to goto a doctor and get it treated. You'll need antibiotics to clear the infection. Not sure about the EBM though. Maybe u can ask doctor if its still safe to give baby the milk when u see him.
Re sterilizing in office, what I do is buy the Microwave sterilizer bags. I find them very convenient.
The problem with pumping in office is time management. Emails and meetings get in the way, so I end up pumping so infrequently..

On wiping my girl, I'll use cotton buds and swipe the skin inside. Will also put bb oil sometimes. Very scared cos girls r prone to UTI n I dun wanna her suffer... Very ks hor? Opppps....
MamaPanda: haha that sounds familiar! I used to pump in the school's library. At least now we have a nursing room with dedicated fridge!
Elxir: nurse say that the milk is safe to drink but a bit saltish. I didn't feed my bb with it. I throw away 1 side, feed him with the remaining side. One thing for sure if u confirm kana ... Milk supply will drop tremendously as the tissue always spoil and needs at least 2 weeks to recover. I tell u .. The milk that I pump from the infected breast was pathetic ... Less than 10ml for 10mins. Got to compress hard to push the milk down.

But then if u got no fever, then shouldn't be infection. The red patch maybe due to you rubbing too hard? Just monitor first
Nana, temperature went up to 38 now. Feeling so pain even after warm compress. Maybe go 24 hr clinic see doc. Can't take it!

I worried I may have rubbed too hard this morning cos got clot earlier.
Elxir I had pain breast few days back. Feverish qt throat n not forehead n a stubborn lump on left breast. Massage could not get it away. Pump n pump for a week freq. N a trip to breast doctor to confirm all is well. The lump subside after a week
Compared 4 years ago when I had my first one, notice that forum become pro bf. last time we did a lot spree, ie books , toys, clothes

I spent a lot of money on the spree this time round I still spent a lot of money but it's all bf related.
Serene, u email me your address at [email protected]
I'll post to u

Elxir; I paid a visit to tmc parentcraft centre first to confirm that I got infection first. Then visit my gyne to take antibiotics. Normal GP not expert in this subject matter.
Lynn, previously i have a lump also. Try all methods to remove it. But is just too painful. In the end, latch my baby on. Miraculously, the lump soften and not so painful. However, the lump did not go away totally. Maybe u can try to lessen the pain first
I feel so bad, i wanted to cut bb fingernails when suddenly i snipped her finger instead!!! She cried until no breath! So heartpain!!! :-((( panic!!!

Luckily mom in law was ex nurse. She put pressure on the lil finger by pressing while i googled the ways to stop bleeding.

So if it ever happens to u, add pressure and put ice on the wound. Or dip finger into cold water. It will stop bleeding.

Still feel sorry ...so poorthing :-(
Nana, YAY for poo! Was it alot?

My little boy just turned 2months today. I saw a little white bump on his lower gum when he flash us his signature lady killer grins. It looked like my little boys lower incisor is cutting! Oh my gosh!! A little too early though.. My #2 tooth didn't cut till 10months old
What LC taught me last time was to pinch nipple in a U and C first to open up the ducts, followed by aerola and whole breast.
Then take a panadol, ask hubby hold breast shield real tight for u, turn on pump to suck hard and press the hell towards center of breast on the lump. If u no strength, ask hubby press lump and u hold breast shield. Must instruct him to ignore your cries of shiny cuz IT WILL BE PAINFUL LIKE HELL.

What Mdm Rokiah taught me (which is good If lump not so bad), is put HOT tower on lump wait for awhile massage, put Hot towel again, massage then hand express and push/press the lump out then the pump the hell out of the breasts.

Both cases Keep latching baby on the affected side till its gone. What I do is 1hr before baby's feeding time, empty out both sides then get baby latch on affected side for 30min to help 吸通 the duct. Never mind if no milk. You get to stimulate milk production and clear blockage at same time. If baby still want milk, feed him the expressed milk. Also eliminates nipple confusion this way else if baby drink too often from bottle they'll forget how to latch.
is it? Are they present since birth? Those on my boy only just came out only like this week and they sure looked like the white "bumps" (actually look more like white line) of incisor cutting to me. He's been drooling and sucking his fists like crazy lately too, just like my 2 older girls when they were teething. His body temperature has also been alittle higher than usual but no fever.
Ya sterilizing is a big headache, the pump is already heavy enough. I'll try to get another set of spare parts and pump at most twice in office. Don't know how friendly my office is towards bf..
just realised iphone corrected my typo with somehting really stupid :

" Must instruct him to ignore your cries of shiny cuz IT WILL BE PAINFUL LIKE HELL. "

I meant to say "Must instruct him to ignore your cries of PAIN cuz IT WILL BE PAINFUL LIKE HELL. "
buy a 2nd hand FS! its lightweight and easy to carry. Back in 2006 I used to have to carry my PISA backpack to and fro work, along with a huge bag of books/assignments/papers and my personal bag containing my wallet, etc home cuz I had only 1 pump. Sometimes, even have to carry an additional gigantic laptop home. You girls already very lucky!

Thats y when I had number 2, I bought another 2nd hand PIS for use in office. Subsequently, I sold off the PIS and the old PISA for a 2nd hand Freestyle. However, my experience with FS is, PISA pumps cleaner. Thats why for this baby, I bought another Oct 2010 2nd hand PISA for use at home and keep the FS for use in office when I go back to work next month.
Anyone knows when the next carters warehouse sale might be? Missed the last one which some mummies here made some fabulous buys.

Hi MamaPanda,

Currently I'm using Pisa now, metro bag style so motor is detachable to put in smaller bags if my barang barang ain't a lot. Thanks for your advice but I'm worried that I might be spending too much and ending up not using for long. I don't have lots of milk and don't know after I start work how much reduction the supply will suffer.

By the way just wondering if we can use those Medela quick clean wipes to wipe the pumps and forgo sterilizing? Clean?
