(2012/02) Feb 2012

Serene- Why dont you take Motherlove capsules, much more convenient - I take them twice a day, down from 4 times a day. Also can drink water but only 2 ounces/60ml for 15 min before and after, but I break that rule.

Would love to stop the Dom (taking 1, 3x a day) but afraid of supply dropping. Currently I mostly latch so don't know how much I am producing, just rely on counting poo and pee diapers and observing bb weight gain.

I pump and feed at the same time. Usually I latch baby on 1 side and pump the other side. Depending on the duration between feeds, I'll pump out 100ml to 180ml every 3 to 5 hours.
Bee mummy , the lady at tmc pharmacy told me to get the extract cos more effective. But she did not tell me it's troublesome. Still hv .5 bottles to go which is suppose to last one week but the first .5 bottles I took 2 weeks to finish.

Most of u here pump abv 100ml effortlessly.
Hi mummies,

Do u ladies still give bb your breastmilk if you just had ginger / wine / DOM? Is it safe?


Nana don't worry, you're not alone. Even though this is my third baby and I've been breastfeeding for so long, I still find it boring n tiring to wake up to feed baby and pump afterward to empty out both breasts. I just read a book on my iPhone, fb, read emails & forum, surf Internet etc to pass time. Smart phones are God sent! Back in 2006 there were no smart phones to entertain myself
Dear nana,

I have the exact situation as u, also drag to pump every 6 hrs coz cldnt take d hassle of having to pump every 3 hrs.

U can motivate urself by thinking how great n powerful ur breastmilk is for your baby. No formula milk out there can beat those breastmilk u r giving him/her

Also, I get my husband to accompany me (chit chat, watch tv etc) when I got to pump at night. Initially he didn't understand n I got even more tired when I was pumping n he just went ahead to slp.

Now, with my husband's company n baby to motivate me, I won't be giving up BF anytime soon. Hope this can help u
i still have an unopened bottle of MotherLoveMOreMilk Plus capsules (120 caps), selling at $55. TMC selling $85. My supply is adequate so not taking supplements anymore.

Can sms me at 9109 9098.
My message lady is postnatal package, she do 7day continue so the blocked ducts can clear all. But if ask her cOme 1 time I think cannot clear all at once la. Actually her skill so so only. I don't recommen.

Since SL mention her friends that one works... Shld try joo Chiat that one, but that side alot massage unit
Serene; thanks for your offer. Whenever I pump, I play with my phone lo ... Same as mamapanda

Lydia; I'm quite weak hence my hub also question is my milk healthy... Recently I get dizzy spells often too.

Btw, my bb haven't poo for 4 days le. Have tried cycling and "um" for hours .. No use leh.
Al - I think the ml SL is talking abt is Madam Rokiah. She specializes in clearing engorgement and blocked ducts using hot stones. 1 hr session costs $65. I went to her twice found her very effective. http://jamumassage.com/about-us. Her no is 9271 6091. But if ur breasts very blocked may need at least 2 sessions depending on severity.

Mummies any suggestions how to make bb want the pacifier? Mine only wants to suckle my breast, give him pacifier he rejects. Difficult for my caregiver if i come bk late.
Diet really makes big difference to the breastmilk. Yesterday was out shopping and ate outside, stuff like Mee pok and mix rice. And didn't pump till 6 hrs. Milk was watery compared to if drink lots of soup at home plus fish.
Went for breast ultrasound. Massage twice n stubborn ducts did not go away. See e LC also tell me c dr. Thank God result is good. Was told to do more freq pump. Dun drag. mummies if u have stubborn ducts do c dr if massage does not help. A friend went for surgery cos went to c dr too late...
Rocco - I tried avent and the nuk one u recommended also no use. He keep spitting the pacifier out. Sometimes when he is very tired n i force it in his mouth, he may suck for a while. But most times if i force it in his mouth, he gets very angry and fustrated and starts crying n moving his hands and legs vigorously.
Hi AL n Lydia, dont think it's cheaper but maybe u want to call and enquire? The no. Is 81770605. I've not used her personally, but hope it helps
U went u see doctor, any medicine given? Or Dr just ask u to pump freq to clear the ducts? Already suffer more then a week... Very urgent to clear the duct.
I think when shopping outside have less milk cuz you drink less water on the go. It's simple, less water in your body, less water for milk production. Milk looks more diluted cuz your breasts are too full, hence alot of foremilk!

Blur Smurf
Pls confirm if you still want the Medela bottles. Awaiting payment from you before I make the orders.
Happy tomato, u r not alone, my bb too. I tried nuk, avent, pigeon n tommee tippee. Still not accepting but of all seems tommee tippee has best results. Yr bb any problems using bottle?
i dunno leh... maybe if at night he cries, dun give in on latching. let him cry n he will realise no choice but to take d pacifier. babies are smart, they know if they cry hard enough, we will heartpain n give in...
my son use that on me when he wants to b carried.
Dear Mummies,

I'm a feb mum too. Need some tips on handling toddler + baby. Hubby and I always find ourselves so busy looking after both of them. My first is close to 3yr old and sometimes can throw a bit of tantrums.

Mummies with 2 or more, how do you handle them on top of housework and pumping? I don't have lots of supply but I only pump 4-5 times a day cos there are so much things to do and the lack of zz also adds to the toil. We are without maid. Will greatly appreciate any advice given.

BF mummies, need ur advice / suggestion.

I stopped giving bb BM at abt 5wks cos I was feeling the pressure of pumping n pumping n I don't have time for any other thing. like wat nana said, my Life just revolves ard pumping n I was like pumping every 3 hrs. so the rouitine was like pump feed, pump feed. I'm handling bb most of the time by myself n the stress really catches on. so I finally stopped when he was 5wks old.

now bb is 2mths n he's fully on formula. last nite I was jz 'trying my luck' n found out that I still had BM.

so my qn is, do u think it's a good idea for me to try n give bb BM? do u think he will want to drink since BM is nt as sweet as FM?

hope to get some advice frm the experienced BF mummies.

I mix my excess breastmilk into my 2 older girls formula milks as advised by my PD. PD says its such a waste throwing away EBM but I had no choice cuz my freezer no space.
mamapanda - I see. is it advisable for me to mix my EBM into my 2mths old formula? cos I still manage to get abt 10 to 20ml per breast. a bit wasted to jz throw it away lor
My pd say if they willing to drink full breastmilk is best otherwise it's ok to mix with their normal milk. I don't see y can't mix breastmilk with formula cyz breastmilk is best for baby. But, to be really sure, just give your pd a call. No harm asking right?
SL - My bb no problem with bottles, in fact he drinks quite fast abt 10mins for 120ml of bm/fm. Thanks for ur suggestion, think i will go try tommee tippee. So hw u managed to put ur bb to sleep without the pacifier?

Rocco - We tried a few times, just push in pacifier n hold it there. But his reaction became worse, cries louder, face became redder. Also tried not to give in to him by letting him cry.. max we can tahan was 10mins, by then he like no majiam no voice n sobbing n face red like chilli! So heartpain so gave in again.

Is it really true tt we can't spoil bbs below 6 mths coz they only have needs and not wants. Read it from what to expect. Coz i also thought of being 'heartless' n let him cry for hrs if really no choice but after i read tt article i m hesitant.

I have 3 kids but I have a maid to help out with the housework and cooking as I send both my #1 and #2 to full-day childcare. As such, I'm more demanding when it comes to cleaniness of the house.

Anyway, with a toddler and an infant, something has to be sacrificed and thats the housework if you don't have extra hands. Otherwise, to relief yourself of some stress, why not get a part-timer to come do some of the heavy load housework like toilet washing, mopping and ironing? Food wise, u can try tingkat.

That way, you would have relieved yourself of most of the time consuming housework so that you can spend some time with the older one. It's likely that he throws tantrums to get your attention cuz you've not been giving him enough attention?
Mamapanda, oh u mean when breasts are v full will be more foremilk than hindmilk? Din noe dat, thot will always b in proportion.

Sophia, shd be ok to mix. For my no 1 last time I mix into his fm cos not much supply. If u r worried, then feed separate lor, as in dun mix in same bottle but give b4 fm. Just dat u need wash more bottles :p
My bb also dun like pacificer though she takes ebm via bottle! Guess is different as pacifier no milk. At times if she really whiny I latch and she sleeps v fast. But most times she cam sleep on her own w/o need for nipple.
Al no med given. My duct right in centre. When press e Aerola quite hard. I do pump very freq. But still kena duct. 2 massage lady came. One of them was mdm ida. She could not clear. Another lady massage e breast 1.5 h also could not. LC also say something not right. No choice c dr. Lucky all is well.
A friend tried lots of method Ie cold compress massage etc. 3 wks later c dr. Too late cos the whole breast too hard. Dr cut a small hole neAr e nipple to drain off milk,so if have stubborn duct I think u get ur massage lady try to unblock. N if cannot quick go c dr.
Aiyo,, I feed water, barley, use warm water soak backside - no use la. So bought bb to clinic... Was ask to go home by nurse cause she ask me a few questions
- bb vomit? (if tummy too full with shit then if coz other excess things will puke out)
- bb cannot drink milk?
- bb very fussy?
Obviously my answers are all no ... Then she ask me to go home and monitor for a few days more lo.. Hopefully he poo poo tomorrow ..

Even I only have 1 bb, I also engage a part-timer maid to handle the chores. She comes once a week to do the housework + ironing ... Tough for me to take care bb + house work at the same time

No bb will know how to suck.. They need to be "train" .. Initially my boy also duno. Keep spitting out. But we just push the pacificer in when he push out after a few suckle. Till today, he still not very pro.. I'm using the one from pigeon.

Ebm / formula
My boy cannot accept ebm mix with formula. He refuse to drink.. I have to separate both milk for a feed. So now, I'll place the ebm in the fridge until I have enough for a feed then I'll warm it up to feed bb. Troublesome to feed 2 bottles as by the time I reach for the 2nd bottle, it turn cold Liao
Is your baby on full EBM or formula? My girl used to go 4-5 days without poo and it's normal for babies on full BM. It means their body absorbing nutrients well. But if on formula then need monitoring.

U can try giving baby some lactulose but better to check with pd first. Lactulose very effective in softening stools in young children and has no harmful effects buy not sure if infants below 6 months can take or not. I normally buy the brand Duphalac from guardian

My duct also right in the center n very big. U mean after that yr duct go away without any medicine? Just freq pump?
I visited LC she just teach me Massage technic then ask me go back to clear, everyday massage also cannot clear.
Mamapanda; mine is feeding on both formula + Bm. Usually the night feeds x 2 times will be formula. Day time x 3 or 4 times will be Bm. Ya I know if full Bm no shit normal .. But now I'm mixing. So i also duno how already ... I just wait until the 7th day. Still no shit, I bring see doc again.
Happytomato, initially seems easier to get bb to zzz after feed, just hug a while n put her down. Nowadays, bb needs to be carried, rock n pat to zzz
If she doesn't fall into deep sleep in yr aarms, she'll swing her hands and legs violently n start crying

I also read abt the spoiling bit, wonder if its true. If so, then can pamper her without letting her cry, so poor thing :p
for sure will chk wit my PD on this. but tks for the advice.

I will try to mix n see how. if nt I will hv a lot of bottle to wash ler.

I'm actually quite motivated to BF nw since I found out there's milk. plus bb now feed every 4 to 5hrs, so I dun think will feel the stress of pumping n feeding. jz hope that bb responds well to my BM n not spit it out.
Thanks Mamapanda. We were wondering if we were inexperienced that's why the lack of time. So it seems to be normal. Guess we were trying to stretch ourselves too much.

By the way, for mummies who intend to BF after returning to work, how many times will u pump in office ?
Al, i felt the lump last sun 1 apr, massage on mon, then LC on wed, and another massage on thurs... then over the long weekend pump n pump. every 2-3 hours i pump half hour. then on mon the lump seem disappear but since i already had an appt w e breast dr i just went to do ultrasound....then she confirm nothing wrong.

she say even if want her to poke a needle to drain out milk also dun know where cos all milk duct disappear. so keep pumping!
Lynn, I just visit a Female Doctor near my house . She say nothing inside, she press Surround say no lump, but LC say hv big stone inside... So confuse. I personally press hv, this DR say everyone hv this on the center of breast.. So don't know listen to who
hi mummies,
can you adv how to treat cradle cap?

Been told to use Olive oil or johnson bb oil.
How should i do it? rub it on and wash off?
Al, i had one in the centre too....even massage lady and LC felt it. my maid also felt it....

just go let the breast surgeon check.that what i did for a piece of mind. cos i just worried it might get worst or even some thing else.

Just try massage first and freq pump for a day or 2. if still there i think u should just get a breast surgeon to check. safer.
I have a sterilizer and pigeon bottle cleanser n brush set and also a bar fridge in office. I'll bring the bottles of milk home with my Medela ice pack n bag.

I'll be pumping 3 times in office for starters and probably reduce to 2 by the time my boy is 6 months
