(2012/02) Feb 2012

Oh no bb acne on face became quite bad overnight. Now red patches on both cheeks. Dr wants me to use Fucidin cream again but any other alternatives?

Maybe not acne, maybe eczema?

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Beemummy, I used hazelizs snow on my baby as he also had red spots and bumps in his face. Recommended by my massage lady. Put in fridge then apply after bath. Pd gave us fucidin h but din improve after using.

Now his skin is very nice
maybe u can try

AI: is the malangguay tea really useful? I tried nursing tea but no use
went pd at thomson yest for my girls vaccine, jus to share the cost with u all
Paid 1600 up to 19 months excluding consult fee, consultation fee will be 10$ cheaper for every visit..

Previously I called kkh, they don't have vaccine package anymore.. So per visit is 75$ consul fee plus vaccine, range from 80-100plus..most prob works out to b the same amount as Thomson..
can use cda acc to pay.. Having a bb is so exp! Govt shud increase the baby bonus haha..

Oh my pd said after 2 months can stop wearing mittens as she should start to learn how to grab things.. But at night I still let her wear la.. Only noon play time then I remove her mittens..

Btw rdg phlegm, my girl is on total bm, but she is also having a lot of phlegm.. Don't think is the case of fm?
My standby fm is nan ha, my nephew n niece all drinking nan ha.. Was told by pd that nan ha is the closest to bm..
But the fart n poo v smelly compared to bm -.-"
Jayden mummy ; my boy also name as jayden ... Heehee

If go polyclinic take vaccination is it cheaper? How to go polyclinic? Just march in will do?
hey bee mummy, their acne will become worse when they are hot and agitated.
the PD told us to clean his face with cool water and cotton wool.
When you bath him, dont use the baby soap on his face.

PD issued to us the Mustela Dermo-Pediatrie for irritated skin. It helps restores, soothes and balance, as stated on the tube..

Juz made my payment for Malunggay tea. Cross fingers that it works! will get from Philly when i make a trip there..
My boy oso have a lot of bumps n red patches earlier on. His ears have dry n red spots too. When CL was still ard, she recommend use hazeline snow too but seem to get worse so I asked her to stop after few days. Went PD last week n was recommended to use centiphil for his face & body during bath. could b the bathing solution nt suitable for baby skin. Was using pureen head & body wash. PD oso gave physiogel AL lotion to apply on his face n ears. After 1 week now his face look better though the spots still ard. Wonder how long will it take for his skin to be smooth. Sigh...
On bb acne, I use avent magic cream. Seems to get better, though still have. I bot from TMC parencraft, their expiry very near, is end of this year. I saw kiddy palace selling expiry 2014. Too bad buy already. So if any mummies buying, do note!

Shan, hahaha, ya. Actually i try not to pump/feed in front of hub if possible. Dun wan him to start seeing my breasts as feeding machine, and lose the sexual appeal! I vain la.
Bee mummy- if the acne is eczema kind, try using sudocrem from mothercare. My girl's severe nappy rash n hear rash recovered un 2days after applying.
Is malangua tea, r u ladies conducting a spree? Can just buy n try 1 box? But then again, I am intending to stop soon partly because I'm going back to work in may n bm supply now still low, only ard 500mls per day.
Jen: I bought 2 box but also have the intention to stop BF in May when I return work. Difficult to bring the pump in and out of house and office - somemore taking train + laptop. U want? I sell u 1 box ? I bought at 12.50/box from Yumi.

Who will be looking after your baby when u return work? I'm sending my boy to infant care ...
GG - my boy is on NAN Probiotics. ya lor, got phlegm. enfa also huh? sorry to hear abt ur baby bronchtis problem. but few yrs back, enfa was supposedly the best FM for child's brain development. also i saw at giant rite, enfa has another FM where it is recommneded for 'babies who regurgitate a lot'. my boy almost every feed will either puke or spit out.

nana - s26 ya i tried before when my boy was 3 weeks old. actually its a good FM, but hor very hard for bb to pass motion. mz give lots of water. maybe i will switch bk to this, cos can really see the baby rapid development.
my boy first month vaccination was done at poly. no doubt it is cheaper but hor it is really not worth the waiting time. i live in jurong area n there is only one polyclinic. it is always so crowded and all the queues are long. cannot tahan. some more so many ppl and my boy is exposed to so many germs. plus the staff there.. haiyo... really no customer service one... bad experience ler..

so me n hubby decide to go private instead. we are still looking for a good pd to do his vaccinations n follow ups.

ging3r - tks for sharing the cost. wah kk consultation so ex ah. outside private pd also not tat ex.
Sofia; if ur baby puke a lot, then use enfalac AR (not A+). This is recommend by doc as it is more starchy and still "stick" to baby stomach so that they will not puke often.

Last time my baby also puke a lot - and I actually found out that I overfed him. Now he still puke but like saliver drip out nia. Maybe u should stretch his feeding time and see if it is really over fed.

Haiz... Everyone asleep except me. Waiting for 12am for his last fed before I go to bed ... Everytime hubby promise to the last fed but always fall asleep.
nana - which infant care u sending ur boy too? im still lookin for a caretaker. my MIL last minute say cannot tk care.. i really feel so sad. infant care near my house all full, hv to go waitlist. nw we lookin for private caretaker, no choice..
nana - my boy is now on 150ml, stretching over 4 to 5 hrs aldy. considered still ok. sometimes he 2.5hrs hungry already... then i jz give him water n cradle him bk to sleep wor.

maybe i will consider enfalac lah.. see how. either that or s26.

i also waitin to feed bb. i think anytime soon he gonna wake up liao...
I'm sending him to "faith" just downstairs my house. I
Booked since last sept, during pregnancy. Yeah, one of the kaisu mom
lucky my mil doesn't want to take care, I rather sending him to infant care than to being look after by mil. I don't like her way of upbringing a kid. Very ill manners and always swear...

Omg.. In the end my boy woke up at 2am for milk. His last feed was 7pm. Tried feeding him at 12mn but he refused to drink.
sofia: wah 150ml and can stretch over 4-5 hours. Did you "train" him or what? Any tips? I am trying to make baby wake up less often at night
Brought my bb to her pd yesterday. The pd recommended that we change the fm for her night feed to similac total comfort. Said to be better for her cos she has a lot of wind n always gek very badly when trying to pass motion. pd says that it's for Bb who are unable to digest well n is lactose intolerant. Was previously on enfaclac n normal similac.
Baby finally poo this morning. Even though it is just a bit, somehow i am so happy cos i have been "waiting" for 4 days liao.

Btw, just to share with all mummies. Yesterday i went to a specialist regarding my piles problem. The doc was telling me that if baby dun poo poo, its ok one. He say the reason why there is waste is because, these are those "nutrients etc" that are not being absorb by the body. As the nutrients in breast milk are easily absorb by the body, there will not be "waste", so no poo poo. And he ask me not to worry so much. Some how after listening, i feel so much at ease, cos baby only poo like once in every few days
Shan - cos my boy drink 120ml nt enuff, he will cry. so we increase to 150ml cos nw he 2 mths aldy. he will drink abt 120ml then ge dun want already. so I will burp him la, chg his diaper, let him relax a bit then feed him the balance 30ml. then he will go to sleep. sometimes hor he 2.5hr wake up aldy looking for milk. so I will cradle him back to sleep. if he still cry, I give him water then cradle him again. then he will sleep another 2hrs.
nana - wah u lucky wor... I actually damn angry wit MIL. last minute say cannot tk care. where to find I can't care at such a limited time. if she say earlier, I wud have registered my boy when preggie time. haiz...
Meiji - have u tried giving bb water before each feed and rub yuyee oil on his tummy everytime u chg bb diaper? btw, hw u knw bb is lactose intolerant? my boy also had same problem. but water really helps him poo plus massaging oil on his tummy helps with the wind situation. he poos everyday without fail. he was on mamex, then s26 n now NAN prob.
Rocco - at 3weeks old when he was on s26, he can already respond to my movements, meaning, when I leave the room, his head will start to turn slowly in the direction which I'm walking towards. then he responds to me snapping my fingers at his either ears. once he was playing by himself n I called his name, he turned n looked in my direction. he is basically more alert. he also started to turn to his side. I will tap his cheeks n say 'Iman smile!' then he will also smile. gd milk but very heaty. very hard to poo n he gets cranky n start to cry a lot.
Hi.. My BB drinks 90ml and can stretch for 3hrs.
Has anyone introduce pacifier to their BB?
When I latch him on, i feel tat he is juz sucking for comfort.. Pd said can introduce already.
I do hope to Push his sleeping to 4-5hrs..
sofia, where are u staying? Cos my side here in the west at toh guan there got two infant care. Think still have space.

Joles: i still quite reluctant to introduce pacifier. u mean the pd encourage? Cos i still quite unsure
shan : staying at Taman jurong for nw. Later will b moving to bt merah. wat is the name of the infant care? I will chk it out.

joles: given pacifier to my boy already. ESP those times when he wants to milk n it's not his feeding time yet. he will suck on the pacifier n sleep.
hi shan, PD did not encourage. Juz tat i asked him if its ok to introduce pacifier and he said ok...

hi sofia... how old is ur boy??
I oso wanna 'train' my boy to sleep more hours at nite. I m still feeding him ebm at the last feed (abt 100ml ebm n he slp abt 3 hrs) n wanna try fm. Any mummies used to feed ebm at last feed then switch to fm? Does it really help make baby sleep longer hours at nite?
joeles - he just turned 2mths. pacifier was introduced when he was abt 1mth. but he doesn't suck on it all the time. I gave it only when required.
Yeah. Mine too .. On pacificer already. Initially I also feed 120ml then he fuss after food. Then I feed another 30ml. Then he could finish and after that give that "song" look. From then onwards - I feed 150ml. But just this week I increased another 10ml. But hor u have to be firm. Just stretch 4hr. Coz mil or hubby sure force u to feed baby when he cry after 2hrs. That's what happen me. So when bb cry after 2hrs, I just carry him and rock him back to sleep. Have to be firm! But then, every baby different. My is boy so maybe eat more .. If girl then lesser in volume.

I also used this website as a feeding guide http://www.babyfoodchart.com/feeding/how-much-formula-is-enough/
My 6 weeks + bb drinks 120 ml every 3 hrs still. Night time siong, sometimes I give fm so no need wake up so often. Ya, enfa is popular cos of the high dha. But after my no
1 experience, not sure if wan stick to enfa lor.
I totally agree mz b firm. my MIL n my mother is not a believer of feeding the baby using a schedule. to them cry only mz feed. but mz tell them no, baby need to be discipline n learn.
The jab is up to 19months
Total of 15jabs..
U can refer to the health booklet , u can get the jab info

Re pacifier, I have alrdy introduce it since first month
Some times I notice my girl seems to be over stimulated
Her arms n legs will move non stop
After giving pacifier she will be more relaxed then fall asleep..
Nana, thanx for the offer for the tea! Hmmm, how to get from u? R u going for the hi tea on 12Apr? There's no I can't care near my place so no choice have to travel back to east side n let my mum babysit. This will mean I have to wake up at 6am to get ready for work n bring bb out. "_"||| haiz, will be even more deprived of sleep.
Oh, Shan n Sofia, I'm Jurong mummy here too! staying at jurong west, maybe we can meet up for lunch sometime at jurong point!
Ging3r, baby moving hand n legs is overstimulated? Heehee, my girl do that when she's hungry or going to poopoo. Thought that was really cute to see her trying to coordinate hands n legs like a puppet! Haha, sometimes me n hb very amused, so just stand there and watch her move!
Jen; im not going for the gathering and is a punggol mummy ... Totally different direction ... U pm me your address and I mail the parcel to u ...

I have a friend who stays at Tampines and ferry her son everyday to bt Panjang. After work will do the reversal ... She lagi siong!
gd morning mummies! happy Easter to those celebrating n happy holidays to those who aren't! enjoy ur day today ;)

btw, this malunggay tea, by any chance is it also a slimming tea? i wish to lose more weight..

Jen - lunch at Jurong Pt sounds good ;) do u have FB or is there a FB grp ?
Jen, she looks like overstimulated to me haha.. After awhile my girl will get real impatient then either will cry or shout for attention.. I do find it cute too! Haha I even video tape it..
Jus that if she does that too long means she is not ready to slp at night -.-"
Hi, my #3 is 7 weeks old. I was originally from jan 2006 thread as my #1 was born Jan 2006. Would like to join this thread as well to share experiences and happenings.

BTW, anyone interested in buying Medela plain design 5oz (150ml) BPA free breastmilk storage bottles? I'm buying from Amazon @ 10 for $15USD. If you're interested, we can buy together and share the shipping costs. Collection at Hillview (Bukit Batok/Bukit Timah region). I'll be shipping via vpost.
Btw how do we knw it's time to change our bottle?
Coz I am using th pigeon storage bottle, then change the disc to teat n feed my girl..
Does such storage bottle have longer/shorter lifespan than a feeding bottle?

Just wondering:
For breastfeedg moms, do yr breasts look saggy? Or with nipple pointing downwards despite being bigger than usual( hee! How i wish they can stay forever like that! Haha) ?
Is this normal?

Wat kind of bra do u wear to keep them in shape?

Would the wired ones affect or obstruct the milk production supply?
