(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi Nana,

My boy born 01 feb is sleeping through the night now after his last feed around 8-9pm. He will wake up around 5am for milk.
He is on partial bm and fm. I will feed him fm before he sleep.

I have friends who train their kids once reach 3 months old by feeding them water when they cry for milk gradually the bb does not wake up for milk as they know they will be fed only with water.

Zixin: you are lucky. No matter what time I feed my boy, he will wake up for milk after 4/5hrs. So if I Heng, last feeding was 12am, then he got chance to wake up at 4 or 5. If last feeding is 8pm, then I have to wake up at 1am and 5am again.

Should I irregardless of timing, just wake him and feed at 12am? Or feed him with water? My mom also told me the water trick ...
Nana, u can try to dream feed ur bb at 11pm plus. Don't wake bb, burp or talk. Just carry, feed and put back to bed. This is what I did for #1. I feed her fm, either her usual intake or more and she can last 4 - 5 hrs later before waking for next feed. Mayb u can try.
HI mummies
Want to share a good news!! Recently I took malunggay tea abt 1 week only, my breast milk increase double, normally I pump only 100-130ml now can get 200ml. If pump at 3am can get 250ml. So miracle! I took so many supplement only increase 10ml slowly. So can try n it's very health tea.

Anyone interest?
Happytomato, last wk visited KK LC, she confirm got fungus and it's itch+red swollen+injured skin. That time my nipple look so scary, she ask me to apply Daktarin oral gel for 2 wk. i apply very often now seem like fully recover. Women really suffer alot, bf its very tough. I think a cow's life better then us, cow only eat n sleep then got ppl express out the milk. We "women" not enough sleep, express milk by yourself plus taking care bb n housewhole... So sad
I buy online $12.90/box hv 20 tea bag, seller is Yumi. Only take 1 tea bag for 3cup a day. Just now I search online, supplier fm Philippine only $5/box not included shipping fee yet. But a bit troublesome if buy direct fm Philippine.
I pump left side n right side hand express cos pain, about 1 hour. Now I change to every 4 hrs pump instead 3 hrs. Very tired. I'm thinking next month start working hv to change to 5 hrs liao.
Nana, yes barley. But must use Chinese barley, not the normal ang mo barley we adults drink. Can get from
medicinal hall. The ang mo barley is too cooling and can give phelgm.
GG, like Lipton normal tea bag. The smel just like normal tea but it's green leave smell. Most ppl can accept the smell la.
hi Al,
I am interested too.. can you adv how to get the tea?
Seems like many mothers here are also interested..
Do help us..

Nana, oh well, v hard to oppose unless u willing to tell her upfront or get someone she believes in to tell her, eg medicinal hall. Some old folks will say drink 'ling yang' which I refuse cos super cooling one.

Actually so far my no 1 I never even give him anything special to drink b4 jab. I just go like dat and thank god never had never etc. But if kena fever some old folks will tell u see told u must drink this and dat b4 jab...,
Al; so funny serene123=serene. Well I posted before delivery anyone stocking up on supplement to increase bm which include this tea feedback is no one does. So I skip this purchase.

If I am yumi, I don hv to worry abt low supply.
. At least this is another chance to increase BM. I also took a fair bit of supplements, all only gives 5-10% increase hope this one can double supply. Your story got us v excited. I asked my maid to boil one bunch of the leaves to drink cos I hv the fresh one for cooking soup. Taste wise, v veg hope the tea taste better. Thinking of add red dates or honey to flavor it.
When my supply increase, first thing I will do is skip night pump. Think I will age faster if continue for another 4 mths plus going back to work in one mth time, by wed I will knock out.
Hope all of us become super moO moo...
But if no increase don't blame me, it depend on individual. Another one can increase milk very fast is 猪脚醋. But don't know how to cook.

Serene123 sori, bcos yr respond very fast while I'm searching her email u already posted
Today is the 3rd day already. My bb haven't shit ... He is on fm and Bm ... How ya? He fart a lot and it's smelly. I scare he got hard stools and difficult to come out.

Haiz.. I think we as mother very chiam.. No milk we 烦, no shit we also 烦. Now I really believe 养儿100,常悠99...
Serene - are you still using other supplements in addition to Malunggay? Also did the itchiness and pain improve? Hope it is better.
Al - Luckily u recovered already, Can imagine the distress. Haha ur analogy abt the cow make me laugh but i think its true. My gf calls me a cow whenever i am pumping milk, i tell her i am a dried cow coz supply pathetic. Thanks for the recommendation may try the Malunggay tea if my sacred tea fails

Nana - My son is also on fm & bm. Recently he also only poos every 1-2 days and farts super smelly. I suspect it could be due to the fm tt we r using. I'm currently using enfalac, switching to dumex soon. What fm r u using? But as long as not more than 1 wk i think should be ok. U can try massaging him by cycling his legs think it helps a bit.
My bb still has bb acne, many small dots on face. Pd days normal just leave it.

I also find enfalac the fart v smelly. Bbs on other brands of fm have this problem?? Thinking of switching to similac or nan ha. Any comments on these 2 brands?
GG- my bb took mixed feed in hospital and took Nan HA. Produced good amount of poo and pee diapers with this formula.

My nephews were also on Nan HA with good results. Nan HA recommended for children with potential food and digestive sensitivities.
Bee mummy, tks! I seem to hear a lot of pple taking nan ha. Enfa also has ha formulae but somehow I think enfa seems to lead to phlegm. Maybe its the dha.
hi beemummy,

my lil boy is 5 weeks old n still has bb acne. it has improved since we used the mustela cream issued by our pd. pd also said tat bb acne is normal...i have read tat breastmilk helps rid them as well... not sure.

im using NAN HA for my bb as well... so far ok..
Bee, called tmc hotline they told me it'd normal as long don hv redness or swollen so hv to bear with it.

I m still taking domperidone and fenugreek. Stop motherlove more milk cos I taking some chinese medicAtion for flu and cough. Cos now back to work cannot pump for 40-50mins, once I reach 100ml which is ard 30mins I will stop. So difficult to pump in office. Just back to work so have a lot to catch up.
Baby on enfalac too .. But I heard enfa more nutrient as compare to others. Initially I used similac but I find it too sweet. Becoz when I accidentally spill some milk power on the floor, ants came shortly. Enfa no such problem.

He just poo after "cycling" exercise... Wah a lot siah. Lucky not hard stools. Still soft and seedy but more to green colour than initial yellow colour. I think every morning I shall do exercise with him to loosen his backside.. Haha
Nana, tks. Ya heard similac is sweet though I never tried tasting any of the fm b4. Maybe will try out nan ha then. Cheap and good it seems.
Serene- are you using a good nipple cream? Motherlove makes a good one with organic "simple" ingredients that does not need to be wiped off before feeding/pumping.

My supply has dropped so am watching to see if I have to up my supplements again. I do have redness and whiteness and pain, but don't know if it is vapospasm, which I have had before.
Hi Mummies!

I am new here, hope its nt too late to join in the discussion. It is nice to be reading the myriad of experiences / stories / advice. It does help for first time mummy like myself.

I gave birth to a baby boy on 2nd feb. He is 2mths nw. I gave him BM for first 3 weeks then switched to FM. nw he is on FM fully, NAN probiotics. previously was Mamex but his poo was horribly smelly. we found nan to b better.

heard enfelac is good. any review on this besides the phlegm? cos nan is also giving my boy phlegm.
Sofia, huh nan ha also gives phlegm. Faint. Am hoping to find a good fm as I intend to switch bb to full fm after 2 mths. My no 1 was on enfalac so I started bb 2 on the same. But no 1 now keep kena bronchitis and tends to have phlegm. Even even he bb time I recall always sounds phelgmy. Now bb 2 when I use fm for night feed I also find she phelgmy. When spit out is sticky.

Other than dat is that the poo is damm smelly. Also enfa uses palm olein oil which I wonder y lor. Similac uses vegetable oil so I was thinking of switching to similac but review is dat it's v sweet.

Funny thing all the expensive brands like all got prob. Some say friso not bad, cheap and good. But sometimes we parents v perverse one, cheap we worry no good. Even my mum say dun buy friso, buy the expensive ones shd be better. At pd clinic I hear quite a lot of pple asking for nanha stage 2, so was thinking maybe nan ha not bad...
Ever heard of S26? Last time this is what we drank and I know of some mothers is feeding baby this today ...

GG; y u wanna stop Bm after 2 mths I tot ur supply not bad?
Nana, yup, supply is ok but going holiday dun wan to be pumping or leaking lor. And hub says he wans to claim back his property liao lol!!

And bf is kinda restrictive on my lifestyle, can eat and drink as I wish. Also dun wan to b pumping once back work. My work schedule hard la, can't be going in and out of meetings w my pump.
Yesterday left bb with my mil as I need to run some errands. Come back I almost fainted. My bb was like drenched in yellow shit from chest to bottom!! Can't imagine my mil din detect as she was carrying her whole time. But she wrapped a cloth diaper over her.

And first thing she told me bb v fussy. Of course fussy with so much shit all over her. I had to dump the romper she was wearing!
GG, so funny on the note "claim his property back". True, bf really a bit troublesome. Nowadays i go out, if never pump for more than 3 hours, i cant help but feel so super uneasy that the first thing i want to do is go home.

Today super heartache. Baby seem to have caught a cold. Keep having mucus in his nose and his breathing is so super loud. Somehow, i rather i am the one having the cold. Not sure if i should bring bb go see doc. My mum was telling me its ok one.

But my case quite unique. Cos hubby got very bad sinus prob. His doc advise that for two years its either Mother's milk or soya product. Initially wanted to stop bf, but then today see him like that, my heart super pain. Seem like i need to push myself harder.

Whats malunggay tea? Help to increase supply?
