(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hi mummies, have been missing for sooo long. Realise i cannot really cope taking care of baby. Feel so super stress up. Tried pumping every 2-3 hours, and it is so super tiring, especially at night. Especially after feeding baby, then pump, try to sleep, sleep less than 1.5 hours and need to wake up again. Having super bad headache almost everyday. Wonder if i should just give up breast feeding. And the worse thing that could happen is, my avent pump spoil again!! Duno if this is the 4 th time or so. Duno if i should buy a new pump. But then, the pumps are all so expensive!

Havent latch baby on for 2weeks liao. Cos after latching him on, would need to bottle feed him again. Wonder if there is any difference between pumping and latching..

Sometimes i feel i might go into depression cos i really seem to not be able to handle baby.
Need to activate pm... err let me go and figure out. My CL is leaving this Friday (extended her for 2 more wks), now abit worry that I can't cope
shan - latching will help your milk supply increase and be maintained. have you tried some of the herbal supplements or domperidone to help increase your supply. don't feel depressed, we are all in this together!
U r not alone. My gynae advise tat latching is more effective to produce more milk than pumping which is only 20-30%effective.
My bb also latch for short while than either cry or pui out nipple. But u can try change the diapers and come back to latching. Sometimes it works.
Currently im also bf and top up wif formula.

Is there someone else to help take shift work taking care bb?
My hibby and i agree to split shift 9pm,12am feed he takes care. 3am and 6am i take care. But usually i latch only both sides at 3am. 6am i top up fm

Hope this helps. I do see long term benefit for baby in terms of bm and health for baby when bb grows up. Makes a huge difference, tats why no matter what i wan to bf.
Im a fully bf baby til 3 yrs old. Not easily fall sick and high immunity. Hope this encoyrages you.
We jiayou together ok?
Shan, yes I think latch helps build up supply more than pump. Recently I latch more and supply goes up again. Maybe papaya soup helps too. And yes must have some rest else too stressed confirm supply affected. First couple days CL left I almost like zombie also cos suddenly keep having to wake up at night to feed, is almost like never sleep like dat. And rest of the day time always pumping, washing, sterilizing. Plus cook my own dinner, red date tea and tonic. V tired.

After a few days got better as start to catch bb pattern. And helps do 2 feeds after back from work up to 12am, so I try catch sleep from 10pm-12am, then I take over the feeds so hub can rest since need to work. At times I too tired to latch then will give fm. Dun wan to be too hard on myself la. Cos sometimes I latch till almost fall asleep, also v dangerous. 1-2 feeds fm us perfectly fine to me.
Jen, ya I also find 5 ml like a lot! And dats the dosage for 1mth-6mths so I prefer play safe I only give 2.5ml. But I give twice a day. Box says up to 4 times a day. I give direct using syringe but my bb hates it. Tk the sweetness is something new to her. Maybe I will mix with a bit of water next time.

Any mummies using nuk teat? I just bought nuk bottle as I find avent my bb suck in a lot of air. So bot the latex teat type, but it comes with M teat for fm. I wan to use for bm feed too. Should b ok? Or really must follow and get the S teat for thinner liquids including bm.
Any suggestions for a fast letdown? Have developed this in both breasts and bb keeps pulling off and crying. Plus often only feed from 1 side then sleep.
Gg lee I use nuk. And I buy the latex s teats. Use latex cos it more like nipple so baby can latch n not confuse. I use small so not too fast else baby expect breast to flow fast too. Hope this helps.

I do have many packet of teats if u want can sell u cos I buy from Isetan during sale 30% off.
For gripe I also mix 2.5ml gripe with 2.5ml water.. The smell like too strong for my girl..

GG I'm using nuk bottles too.. But mine is the silicone teat.. Size s but not suitable , my girl always get choked/ can't suck properly coz of the weird shape.. In the end I change to pigeon 1.. Seems like she suits those rounded head better than those nuk flat head..
Latex one u must change v frequently.. Was told it will change color ..
GG- I am using avent bottles with pigeon teats. fortunately it is the same size and you don't need to buy additional bottles. As for Avent teat, i am using Size 2.

Initially my girl is ok with NUK, after 1 week, she start choking so I changed back to Avent and Pigeon.

I thought she is ok with NUK and bought 2 more bottles during mothercare fair
GG: I use nuk s size for both ebm n fm for the 1st mth coz I afraid baby don't wanna latch if the bottle flow is much faster. I just switched to using m size for fm n tried using for ebm coz m bb girl takes a long time to finish drinking her milk. So far she seems ok with feeding frm the medium flow teat when I feed her ebm. u might wanna try if ur bb is ok with the medium flow ones that come with ur bottle b4 u buy the small teats.
Hi mummies

Do u face situation where bb dun take frozen ebm? I've personally tried and the taste is not very pleasant :p How to handle that? Waste all the frozen ebm n top w formula?

I tried NUK latex, Personally I dun quite like cos the colour change after a few steraliztion n there's also a small black dot. Dunno is it mould. N am not heavy user cos bb dun want bottle. So now I stop latex n trying to make her get used to silicon teat, which is harder.
khim, baby abt 10mins 100 ml.

SL, i do have e same w nuk latex so i chg teats every 3-4 wks. use hot water n dun sterilze.
i use latex cos soft n can interchg w breast. if use silicon i scared she dun want latch.
Lynn, Tt's fast. My girl can take 1hr n still haven't finish her milk, on s size teats. I'm not sure if she can't suck well or we dunno how to position the bottle. able to advise? Now using Avent instead but she drink until very frustrated. Mayb I will try m size latex n see the result.
Khim, hey, my girl also takes long to drink milk! She just take her own sweet time! First mth, she took 1hr n can still dun finish! But it gets better as the week passes, now maybe 30-40mins including burping her a few times during the feed.. If she fell asleep, can still take up to an hr for her to finish...

ER... Avent M teats i tried, cannot work for my bb, the flow is too fast n there is alot of wastage as milk flows out of her mouth when she sucks.
Khim, coz she took so long to feed in first mth, I hv bought a few types of bottles & teats to try. Medela, nuk latex teats n pigeon. Now I am using nuk & pigeon teats n bottles.

Medela, S size teat still too big for her. Avent silicon teats abit hard..
Tks mummies. I tried the latex m already. Us ok for fm but a bit too fast for ebm. But avent no 1 like a bit too slow she suck till a lot of sound. Aiyo i also try so many types and keep changing till v messy. Longer term I will still wan to continue with avent. Just dat now bb still young I find l latex is softer for them and feels more like the real thing.
I was told by the promoter that latex SS teats is for ebm. S tests is for FM. M teats r for older bbs.. Can't remember is after 3 or 6 mths old bbs. I asked if can use M teats. Was told they wun recommend for young bbs cox there is risk of choking.
Huh there is a SS teat? Din see dat so I bot based on the bottle set for bb 0-6mths. It comes with m teat for fm. I only saw S teat sold separately. Din see SS.
I bot latex but din see SS also. Maybe not all stores have.

Hazel, check w u, yu guo ia by appt? Usually their tui na how intensive? Everyday type? My mum nagging me to bring my elder there soon. But it is super far for me. If everyday will be v siong.
I feel like giving up BF totally. Duno why my body very weak, last week got infection and fever, now feeling giddy and vomit several rounds. I wonder is it I overpump? And my body cannot take it ...
btw, one happy thing abt breastfeeding is that you burn up to 600 calories a day! and it's such a good way to slim down!

my weight has gone down quickly after i started b/f.
now i only left with 2kg to shed off to pre-preg weight...woo hoo!
Nana, I also hv this feeling too... Very tired n stress. I get infection 2 times ready n plugged ducts have massage very painful. I always call back KKH look for LC for help. Yesterday just visited LC confirm get fungus, bb n mamy on medicine now. I hv 2 kid to take care Very challenging. Since I hv milk I tell myself don't give up, just suffer for6 months only. I hope u too! Jia you!!
AL; the prob is I not enough milk despite eating supplements. Always need to top up formula ... With the infection last week, supply drop again and nurse said that it was due to the damaged tissue which needs about 2 week to recover. My family keep asking me to stop bf as they say it's affecting my health. My hubby says Bm is good but if i wanna stop, he is ok with it. Deep down within me, I wanna to continue but I'm almost sick every week.
GG, cannot take appt, must go there, take a no & q. For bb, pls tell registration coz prority will be given n hence no need to q much.

Is usually a session of 6x daily over 6 days.
Al & Nana, no doubt bfdg is good but ur health is more important. Our children need a healthy and a happy mummy!
Nana, me n bb also sick for 2 wks more. Flu, milk fever, cough all come together n the worst is the breast pain like shooting n cutting cannot sleep at all. After 2-3wks recover I work harder in pumping to increase my milk due to prev.2 wks pump seller milk also lesser. Now just recover 1 wk another infection come again. We must sleep more rest more n hv time with bb enjoy bonding. Now my bb don't want to suck my breast at all, so sad. I still try my best for my bb even my milk not enough supply for him. I just try my best lo
Nana, Al, dun get too stressed over bf. We just give wat we can. Most impt is to b happy. My no 1 was almost total fm from start.

I intend to stop bf after 1 more month. So far bb on 80% bm but bf really restricts from a lot of things (drinks, travel etc) so I dun think I can dong so long.

Nana, try to take some tonics? Till now I still try to continue with confinement practices like daily chicken essence, red date tea, tonic soups. Even if not Bfg, is good for us.
Quick question - where is the cheapest place to buy Pampers? How much does a pack of S size usually cost?

Any other brands better/more comfortable for baby?
Morning mummies!
Anyone returning to work soon? I'm going back next mon for a day, hence trying to put my pumps at least 4hours apart. Who noes now I gotta engorgement n fever...

Trying to prolong the bfg as long as poss but I gotta travel for work next mth. Anyone has ideas how to transport the milk? N I oso dunno how to stock up enough ebm for bb the week I'm away. Arggghhh... Headache!!
Ooh, can u add me to the fb grip too?

Nana, can just go those medicinal shops like eu yan sang or hock Hua buy herbal soup packs. Eg ba zhen soup, shi chuen da bu tang, dun ji tang etc, then cook with lean pork or kampung chicken or black chicken for 2 hrs. I also double boil tonic soup using cordycept, dang gui, or pao shen or ginseng with pork loin or black chicken. And every morning first thing one bottle chicken essence.
