(2012/02) Feb 2012

Hazel, oh dear hope your bb feeling better. Strange this time kkh gave nebuliser?? My no 1 was wheezing so so bad the last round we go their A&E and they die die refuse to neb saying is kkh policy. And just used the ventolin inhaler non stop 14 pumps each time and my boy looked like he was dying!! We were so dammed cheesed with their policy cos the wait and lack if improvement totally drained my boy, my hub and me who was due anytime. Though they admitted the boy cos it was midnight and they claim better to observe, no doc even came to check my boy in the ward, and we insisted to leave by 5am. Went home and dashed to gleneagles once the pd was open.

Infant can use neb? I have a neb at home after my son saga but guess dosage will b different.

My gal fussed and cry the whole of last night. Vomited milk once and temp was 37.7 so we put the Kool fever plastic. And tried to let her latch more so she is hydrated. Her nose a lot of mucus which makes her breathing difficult. Tried to suck out using the mucus suction and she cried like mad. But managed to extract some.

I had prospan when I was coughing during pregnancy too. Very safe from ivy leaf extract.

GG, service at a&e was not bad. Belle was given prority as she is v young. At the ward, seem by 2-3 drs n continuous monitoring.
Hi hazel, dats good! Maybe I was just suay the last round. Told ourselves we never wan to be there again but then 24 hr clinic very limited choices. For me the other option will b NUH children A&E.

Anyone knows of any good pd clinics that is open on sat and Sunday and weekday nights?
Which area are u staying?
If Sk area, There is one clinic named SBCC (formerly paedratician centre) at rivervale plaza opening sat til 130pm.
Weekdays night Mon,tue,thur,fri from 630-9pm.
Sweetcorn, me stay west. But thanks still!

At tmc now for 6 wks postpartum check. Saw the gift shop near registration counter got sell the avent magic cream! Hopefully they open by time my checkup is done.
My current pd only open half day on Sat, and night clinic only avail on mon and fri. Hoping to find alternatives if need pd on sat and sun and weekday nights.
Evon: my pd said 24 hrs.

Mummies who breastfeed, do you latch in one side and express the other side after that? What do you do with excess bm and those which have expired?
Bermummy, tks. Have emailed u.

Bot the magic cream from Parentcraft. Will try out and post if it worked for my bb. Noticed the expiry date v near though, think they might have stopped producing the magic cream.
Hazel, hope your bb get well soon.

BluCryst, my baby usually latch one side then 10-20min later will wake up and then i latch her on the other side. otherwise i let the milk accumulate till next feed.

sigh...too bad i don't have excess bm...supply lower than demand now...trying to latch her as much as possible to stimulate milk production...

don't put your ebm on the door of fridge, will spoil easily. try to put inner side. yea, as far as I know and read, it can last 48 hours if put in non-freezer compartment.
Blucryst, lucky u! Got excess bm! Guess should freeze and keep?

For me after latch I will pump and keep cos my supply is now at best back to back with bb intake. Dun have much excess. Sometimes shortfall.
GG, sweetcorn: thanks for your replies. do you find that you won't be able to pump much milk from the side that baby latches on? When I pump one side, I can get about 160ml for eg, but if I latch that side and pump after that I get lesser. But don't think bb drink that much leh. Dunno why it's like that.

Sweetcorn: don't give up latching, supply will go up eventually. Else u may consider taking supplements to boost ss?

GG: you latch both sides? If latch one side only, still can pump the other side. Why will there be not enough bm?
Hi Al, apologies for the late reply. I do believe ur daughter is facing some extend of jealously cos there's a sudden change of behavior ya? Can't blame her cos sole attention was given to her before her Didi was born. I guess she really need some time to adjust. Like my youngest boy too. When meimei was out, during the early weeks he was fine but now after recovering from illness, he became super grouchy and just only recently, he didn't want his father, only me. From bathing, nap/nite time, makan time all me including weekends, sure can turn bonkers.. But I kept reminding myself hes only 29 mths and I'm his main caretaker all these 29 mths.. Just have to give him some more time & keep praying!
What I can suggest is that u can bring her out for a cartoon movie and dine out? Just you and her. Children usually speak up sincerely/truthfully when they are most happy and comfortable.

As for your maid, perhaps u really shld monitor her? Get ur maid to spend more time with ur girl? Kids usually will like someone when the person plays with them often. Did u ever ask her why she doesn't like this maid? She's 4 yrs old rite?
Hazel, may ur belle recover soon!

Seems like quite a no. of young babies falling sick n need to be warded. My fren's dotter also less than 3 mths old have to be warded and put on drip cos of fever. The virus out there is really nasty!
Blucryst, excess bm or expired bm u can use them and soak ur feet. That's what I did for my few years back when I had excess for my youngest boy.. How I wish u got excess now..

Serene, how did u tell the shop keeper when u go over to tekka market to buy the malunggay vege? They understand the word malunggay?
Godsend, yes just tell them u want to buy mar longan ( malunggay) this is how they pronounce it. Must go early cos it popular there, they are selling $1 for one bunch. Make sure the leaves are really green if not it will be bitter. That's what my maid told me. Green ones are tasteless. Buy the Green papaya there too, they r super green. Cook both together.
Blucryst, depends. Sometimes my bb only latch one side fall asleep liao. My supply has gone down now, pump can only get 90-140 ml every 3-4 hrs. Bb drinks every 2 hrs+. At times dunno y pump can go down to 40ml. I pump more often than latch.
Hi Godsend, ya she coming to 4 yrs old. Most of the time my husband bring her out spend time with her, I need to pump milk at home, seldom bring her out. She want daddy more then me

I keep myself to be more patient toward her, I can't tahan her temper... Must spend some more time with her as she also stress, night time sleeping will 磨牙.
Godsend, cos the first time I went to buy reach there 11am I'd already sold out. Went to ten stalls told me to come early. Wasted my trip plus this market sell mutton and beef, overall is really wet quite dirty.
Al, ya. U really shld. Bring her to the playground or eat her fav food.. Im sure she will love it! Anything as long u can spend some time with her.
When u spend more time with her, she will slowly open up to you. Teeth grinding is really bad for her jaw. How is she behaving towards her Didi? Does she show her love? No doubt my youngest boy will kiss his mei mei constantly and calling out for her, he still ' bullies'her.. He bit on her feet recently when I just turned away for a second to take something. My ger cried badly but thank God no bleeding, etc. I explained to him and gave a soft slap on his lips. No choice he has to learn or else he thinks it's okay to bite his meimei.

Serene, wah! That's really fast! Sold out by 11am.. Can I also check with u, 1 bundle for 1 day? U bot a week's supply? Can tahan for a week? There's no way I can go e'day to buy loh.. I've tried the tablets before during my youngest boy's time & it works for me so tot of trying out their leaves this time round. Cos I read that the whole family can eat too cos very healthy!
Godsend, buy only max 3 days only. Roughly we cook one bunch for one meal for family of 3. One bunch seems a lot but after u pluck out to the good ones and cook it it becomes v little. The leaves turn yellow quite fast. I saw my maid those not so green she also throw away just to make sure is not bitter.
GG, looking for a massage lady? Will PM u my contact-madam Ida. She's very skillful!

Ladies, the mummies in FB have arranged for a gathering for feb mummies on 05Apr for Marriott hi tea to indulge ourselves a bit.
we are making use of the 2for1 promotion by Citibank. Anyone interested to join us? Bringing bb or not,
up to u, some mummies are bringing along their babies, there's nursing room in the hotel so not to worry abt feeding
or pumping. The mummies are cabpooling too, so if same
area, we can share cab n help each other too!
Hi girls, few days never log in already. My bb still having running nose for 1 week already. I'm not putting him on any medication and trying to let him self heal. I had a rough patch last week too .. Had breast infection after a bad engorgement. Now on antibiotics ... Bb is drinking 150ml every 4hrs and my supply now is 100ml every 4hr pump with formula topup
Hi nana, looks like many of our bbs are sick. In fact if we go out will realize lots of pple are sick! My bb also down w cold and cough, v terok, plus lots of air. I just started her on gripe water but reduced dosage and it seems to be making her much more comfy. Her stuffy nose makes her irritable though. Myself also down w flu now, can't take medication since Bfg.

Your bb v good, 4 hrs interval already. Mine still at 2hr+ interval but she taking less. Her stomach feels hard and my mum advised me not to give her too much milk so that she can digest better.
Hi mummies,

Im new here, recently just gave birth to my baby boy on 23 feb. My bm supply only enough for day feeding. And will give him fm for night time. Are u all taking any supplement like DHA or calcium Now? Was advise by my gynae, I'm still thinking of I should take as my supply is very low and DHA is very expensive. Any advise?

Congrats all mummies!

I have several items that I need to clear. Please PM me if interested.

(i) Brand New, Avent fridge to go Thermal bag, Retail price: $29. Selling price: $23.20
(ii) Brand New, A box of 3 Avent 260ml bottles, Retail price: $37.90. Selling price: $30.30
(iii) Brand New, A set of Avent nipple protector, Retail price: $16.90. Selling price: $13.50
(iv) Brand New, Avent 18m+ straw bottle (blue colour), Retail price: $19.90. Selling price: $15.90
(vi) Brand New, Pigeon breastmilk storage milk bag. Package comes in 25 pieces, used 1 only. Retail price for 25 pieces is $15.90. Selling the remainder 24 pieces for $12
(vii) Brand New, Medela micro-steam bags. Package comes in 5 pieces, used 1 only. Left 4. Great for travelling or use in office for sterilising milk bottles and pump parts using a microwave. Each bag can be used for 20 times. Not sure retail price. Selling the 4 pieces for $10. One piece for $3. This is definitely much cheaper then retail price.

Also have an Avent Single Electric breast pump lightly used (in fact less than 5 times) for sale at $160. Comes with a set of brand new accessories. Pump can be battery operated and used as a manual pump as well.

Self collection at Boon Lay Mrt or Tanjong Pagar Mrt during weekdays. Thanks!
Very pek chek. Been shifting my ebm in my fridge cos my mil keeps putting raw food next to it. Was ao pissed I decided to cover my bottles of ebm in plastic bags. Then she keep stuffing so much things there I worry cold enuf for the milk or not.

Then just now I realized she never close the fridge door properly!! It was ajar!! Luckily I discover early, touch and the milk bottles were still quite cold. So pissed! If not for the fact I dun intend to bf for long I will go get a small fridge for myself now!!
GG: I also try an error on his feeding. Initially I feed him 2+hr once but he keep puking a lot. So I heart pain pain refused to feed him until at least 3.5hrs later. Becoz I see that at night he can "tong" 5hrs .., so cannot be 2.5hr hungry already. Then I was feeding 130ml but he seems not enough as his mouth keep opening for milk .. So I give another 30ml, and he wad satisfied ... So really try an error type for bb.. You can still take flu medicine which is safe for BF. I eating also.. Either u take the yellow tablet which cause drowsy or u take the white one which is to be taken once a day type.

Rain: I'm taking the DHA supplement and didn't take the calcium pills because I scare constipation. So I drink milk as substitution - similac mom. And also the domperidone for the increase of Bm
Nana, ya I also trial and error. For me is to reduce her intake as I find she may be taking in too much w/o realizing ESP ebm vs latch. She merlion a fair bit lately and stomach seems bloated.

For latch she seems satisfied quite soon and It does last her about 2hrs also. And I am quite sure the vol is not as much compared to ebm as she usually latch 1 side only. So now I only give her 90-100ml. Hopefully can slowly stretch her to 3-4 hrs feed and higher qty.
My bb only drinking about 60ml express milk but will latch on as soon as I get home. Any suggestions to get bb to drink more expressed milk, such a waste of the bm since i usually defrost 100ml for bb.

Also my bb sounds "sniffly/snuffly", because of the air conditioning? But too hot to go without the air conditioning, day and night.

How long are bbs sleeping at night - mine cluster feeds, then sleeps for up to 4-5 hours, which means I need to pump. And my supply has dropped.
Natbaby- the Marriott buffet starts from 3pm to 5pm, so can drop in anytime! We confirming headcount to book the table. Anyone else interested? Will b a nice break from taking care of bb, I feel.

Rain- I'm still taking the obimin n DHA pills gynae gives. In addition, taking milk, eggs n fish for dHA n protein supplement.

Bee mummy, my girl gets stuffy nose in themorning too, should b the air con. Gynae gave sterima salt water spray to relieve her stuffiness. It's sold in pharmacy, u can go see. Don worry abt the output, my milk supply also between 70-100, real low for my baby do I just give FM supplement loh. We shouldn't feel bad abt it. Suse we already tried to give the best to baby.
Are u still looking for massage lady?
Mine was good! She massage hard n painful but nxt day all loosen up and shiok. You can tell her to lighten a bit if u find too painful. She also helps to push womb up and do binding. 7 sessions for $460 at yr hse. Each session 1.5hr. She stays in bedok.

Pm me if interested ya? :)
Cos im not oways online..thx
Cfm me pls. I ll have to leave at 5pm sharp to pick my #1 frm sch.
Other than marriott, any other place? Cos 3-5pm very short for us to know each other n chit chat leh. Haha. Best is frm 12.30-5pm buffet. Can eat more n talk longer!
Beemummy, my bb usually sleep all the way at night except getting up for feeds. Yesterday day time she also slept pretty well after having gripe water. Think it really helps.
Anyone has good babysitter contact ard rivervale, sengkang?
My babysitter just informed tat she cannot make it in june when i will go back to work! Now panic!!!
Ok Natbaby n smiling Merlion, will count both of you in! A lot of mummies also bringing baby so don worry. Natbaby-the ladies scared timing too long-baby will fuss n some wants to go back for pumping. We start wif 2hrs first, when everyone got used to baby routine, next outing can try longer.
Alphabeta n shobieann88, you didn't on your pm function, can't pm you both the link for fb.
Natbaby, your pm function also not on?
GG Lee: I oso started giving my bb gripe water. Rid wind fr PD didn't seem to work so decided to give gripe water.
Night time, my bb stil seem to hav wind in tummy. Can hear her snorting, sounds like a pig. N she so uncomfortable, like wanting to clear sth fr her body..
Wonder if it's phlegm or wind in tummy..

Chilli, my baby also snorts at night n sometimes Merlion in the morning like today

Chilli n GG- for grip water, the box days 5mls, do u give 5mls as stated? I'm a bit worried abt giving too much to a 1month old, so I give my girl only 2.5mls. Isit too little?
