(2012/02) Feb 2012

Shan - Yah 01.02.12 is a very nice date too! Don't worry just relax, before u know it u will be in the delivery ward liao
btw does ur gynae impose a surcharge for ur auspicious date and timing?

Teeong - Wah 2 hrs is like the shortest labour i ever heard!

Serene123 - U r so lucky ur labour is considered smooth and short! Hopefully mine will be tt smooth too

Icyclaw - U delivered already? How come horrendous?
happytomato: so you will be going for induce/csec on the 1st too? good luck you be seeing bb tmr!
seeing dr tham on thurs. wonder how is baby's weight now...
Hi Serene, I hate the post anaesthesia vomiting part too, feels really terrible. Last time, my vomitting lasted for 2 days and it was only aneasthesia for extraction of my 5 wisdom teeth.

Icyclaw- what happen at Gleagles? Too crowded post CNY?

Rocco, 1 more week for you, right? 14 days more for me.
Jen: Yup yup. i m abit scared now, after hearing that induce also subjected to cervix dilate else will e-csec... these few days gotta walk more liao.
Rocco, are you going to induce on auspicious date? Heard squatting will help and the hip rotation exercise we learned from Mrs Wong's class will help too.
Jen: Nope... i will be going for natural
. but i hope to deliver on the 5th or 9th... 5th will be same chinese bday as my hubby and 9th will be same as my MIL...
Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 - 12:58 pm:       

Congrats to all mummies who had give birth, my edd is on the 22 June. looking forward to that day.

Yes my husband is doing his own catering business, maybe you can take a look at the menu and consider? Currently he is the caterer for KBox Events.

Can email me at [email protected]

At my last check up on sat, found out that bb has not grown much in last 2 weeks, less than 100g, so ironic cos i ate more and with all the CNY goodies and coke. Sent for detailed scan etc, no specific reasons found, blood flow in all the arteries and cord ok. Wonder if anyone has heard of such a case. So I'm taken off the anti contraction pills. Doc thinks that it may be better to deliver sooner and let bb grow outside. I'm reaching 37 weeks tmr, so waiting now...
Congrats to all mummies who jus delivered... I'm getting more nervous abt the whole process....

Evon, I paid TMC deposit of abt 1k already, collected by my doc's clinic...

Yest, I went for maternity shots at studio loft, and also settled the paperwork with the singapore cord blood bank staff for the donation, so now all my targets are met, waiting for bb to come...
ghk: for me yes. from 38 week to 39 weeks my bb onli grew 50g despite it being d cny week. dr didnt say anything... seeing him this thurs. but usually week 38 onwards growth is much slower already. my highest weight gain was frm week 32-35 weeks.
Oh ya, my bb will be small, cos detailed scan showed estimated weight of 2.4kg, already engaged. Pray that he will be healthy...
Rocco, thanks for sharing, I'm quite worried cos mine was growing normally till 34 weeks, then suddenly didn't grow much from 34 - 36 weeks. I tot it's a bit early for bb to reduce growth this early, and also he only hit 2.4kg so far, a bit on the small side....
hi Mummies! congrats to all mummies who have delivered. each birth process must be unique and special. I'm completing my 36th week today and entering into 37th week tml. Delivery bag packed, bby room set up, bb stuff washed, cord blood donation documentation done. Whats left is waiting for bb to decide his birth date. Am kinda feeling the jitters..dunno wat to expect during the labour process and how life will change after bb is out.

i was sitting alone at my living room the other day, enjoying a quiet moment. den it suddenly dawn on me that soon i won't be able to enjoy quiet moment like this anymore. It kinda put a little emotional pressure on me. But i guess at the end of the day..our bb smile will be the reward.

so for those who are still waiting for their little one to be out, let's jia you!!
GHK- my baby didn't grow much as well from all the CNY eating. I gained 1 kg but baby weight only increased by 20gm, sad. You can try durian and beef to see if baby weight can increase? HB is buying me 717 durian puffs to eat now.

Need to pay deposit in advance?

You also settled the paperwork for SCBB? I did mine last week.
How was the maternity shots at studio loft, share the experience?
Rocco - Nope me not delivering tomorrow. I arranged for elective c section on 4th Feb on an auspicious timing instead of inducing. Dr Tham did say if end up emer c sect fees will end up more ex than elective c sect. As bb quite big n so many of my frens had this experience, was thinking might as well go for c sect straight save the worries. Unless bb chooses to come out on his own earlier.

Rocco, GHK - Its good tt bb did not put on too much weight till too big as you wanna go thru natural birth rite. I a bit regret eating so much lo. Coz i think if bb is not too big, doc won't advise induce in the first place. As long as bb is strong and healthy can already
Hello mummies I just delivered my boy at 9am this morning! Total 6h from first contraction. Really exactly half the duration compared to first time!
Evon Sim, TMC will collect a deposit depending on the no. of bed u intend to stay during delivery. It's varies from 1.2K to > 2K. That's what they have been doing during my stay for my past 2 deliveries.

GHK, my 3rd boy was the same case as yours now. He was induced at abt 37+ cos of weight issue too. Went for the growth scan, no problem too.. So in the end induced, he was the smallest compared to my 1st 2. Only 2.780g.. But within a mth nearly hit 5kg... My gynae also told me the same thing, since can't put on much weight while in the womb, might as well feed him well when he's out.
Maybe u and ur hb discuss and decide.
It's really true that it's much easier to deliver a smaller baby.
Thanks, Godsent, Happytomato and Jen. I hope to hit at least 2.6 or 2.7kg at least....

Jen, yeah, I settled the donation paperwork yest, all done... Studio loft experience is ok, the boss cum photographer is a lady and is friendly, puts u at ease, I was very stiff at first, haha... I took some semi-nude shots too, those with fabrics draped over certain parts kind, haha, quite fun.. The package for 5 5R and 1 8R, with touched up soft copies of these too, is $250. We paid for 10 more pics at $15 each (5R and touched up soft copies)....
NC & serene123: congratulations and speedy recovery.

Icyclaw: what happened??

GHK: weight ok la just plump baby up after delivery
ghk: studioloft quite gd i signed up for their kids package, intend to brig my boy for 1 yr old shoot.

think for ur case d growth is too slow too early, drs will be concern thus recommend to induce ba.

wow one by one popping... one more week to go for me!
Congrats to mommies who have given birth!! wow...one by one final countdown liao....

unfortunately for me, i still have to work this week :-( then i have 1 week to countdown.

btw, anyone giving baby birth time and date for shi fu to calculate the characters of baby's name?

Is it true that we have 7 days after delivery to register birth cert with our hospital? how to check on the timeline?
Congrats NC!!

Sweetcorn, I'll be asking fengshui master to choose name for me. He said to call when baby is born and then 3 days later go and collect the info. I forgot to ask whether i can provide him a name and he give me the characters or must i follow what he gives. :/ will have to call him again...
Cranky - aiyo wasted. 5 days they got 88 babies liao?!? Tats damn fast!

Happytomato - ya my#1 the time pelvic bone also damn pain. Tats y I went to do stationary bicycle. Keke. Dunno got use not but tink have la cos tis time Neva cycle so no engage. =(

Teeong - waaaaa so fast?!? I wan epidural leh! Now I scared. Mebbe shouldn't walk tat much den? LOL!

Serene, NC - grats!!! Speedy recovery ya! NC u took epidural?

Serene, Jen - omg the epidural puking made me damn hungry last time round. Sux!

GHK - eat bak kwa!!! =p

Anyone have not packed yet? I'm still v lazy... Jialatz! Got 3 more wks though. Hope bb dun surprise me suddenly!
Chewie - grats!!! Epidural? Natural/c-sect? Speedy recovery! =)

Mummies giving birth tml - jia you and gd luck!!!!!!!!!! Have fun!
Congratulations to mommies who have given birth!!

Now is my final countdown, going to TMC tml for my delivery le...have been waiting for this moment...this is my 2nd delivery and hope everything will be smooth..

Mummies who are giving birth tml also...lets Jia You together!
Thanks all!
Xia: yup I requested epidural first thing upon admission! Already 3cm dilated when admitted so was v scared not in time for epi! And guess what? Delivery wards all full! Had to wait for 2 hrs in the observation room! Lucky still in time for epi. Within 2 hrs bb out liao can't imagine how if delayed further.

Jomum: jia you!
NC - so fast!!! Omg i also scared cannot epi in time liao. #2 really deliver so much faster? Was urs engaged? Water bag broke or show or contractions? And how come the delivery wards so full? Did u get a rm imm after delivery or hafta wait also? Wats the weight of ur boy? Hehe. Paise alot of questions. Cos i hate the observation ward. Last time had to stay there for 4 hrs. So cramp and uncomfy. Also Tink I start to abit more gan jiong liao seeing so many #2 mummies deliver so fast. Better start packing soon!!! LOL. Btw rest well ya!

Al - dun worry too much. My fren also pump till got blood. Either too dry or u pump too hard? Try reducing the spd?
Not sure if u read tis http://www.pregnancy.org/question/help-there-blood-my-milk
Hope it helps. =)
this morning 5plus woke up with leg cramps couldnt go back to sleep. felt very weird and went toilet, noticed tinge of blood n increased cm. feeling nt right, called labour ward. quickly bathe n saw mucous plug dropped.

now on d way to tmc...
All the best Joey!!!

Congrats NC!

For those not in our fb group, my story:
Came in for checkup tues morn n doc told me 3 cm dilated. Actually I felt slight backache every 10 mins from 9 pm on Mon. But not too pain so could sleep. By 12 pm was only 4 cm but not much pain. Doc broke bag and from 3+ contractions very close. By 4 pm, pain was getting unbearable. Started gas. 7 cm. 430 still 7 cm. asked for jab but jab takes some time for effect too. Started pushing at 6+ and gynae came before 630 - by now I cannot open my eyes n pain was qt intense. Needed to force myself to take the gas n not moan. After gynae came was very fast. Pushed 2 or 3 rounds of 3x and baby was out
Xia: ya v much faster! Woke up at 3am cuz feeling crampy, then waited until 4 the interval was like 5-10' so quickly woke hubby up and drove to hospital. Reached there at 4 plus, admitted but nurse said all occupied, looked like lots of ppl gave birth ytd. So waited inside observation ward for 2hrs lor I freaked out cuz scared not in time for epi. Luckily after 2hrs got vacant room. Epi immediately after that at abt 7. Within 1h already 9 cm dilated. Started to push at abt 845, bb came out at 9. So it's really true for me that #2 take half the time to deliver.

Rocco: jia you!
I think situation better at mt e. when I got into delivery suite 930 am 3 out of 8 rooms occupied. Around 1, 6 out of 8. Managed to stay in suite from 930 till delivery so was very pleasant experience
My gosh, dragon year really baby boom,everywhere the delivery suite n rooms seems packed.

Rocco- Jiayou!!! Wow your baby choose a very nice date- 1212!
Morning mummies, I think I will be the last one to deliver again. My experience for my #1's forum. #1 also born in the end of the mth. But this time I hav lots to share cos I have #1's experience.

Hav a gd rest and happy bf for those aldy pop.

I'm still at my 36 week today. Almost there liao. Hehee...
in observation room nw 2cm dilated... abit sad few days more to li chun... but nvm la bb choses his own bday...
it will b a smooth delivery.

actually nt sure if these were signs... d day before i start having leg cramps in d middle of d night (very long dun have le), tummy also felt mild cramps but tot it was due to my sleeping position. also felt very energetic, couldnt nap during d day... yest still went for canon workshop to learn hw to use my new cam... maybe walk too much yest thus bring forward delivery...
oops: u won't be the last one to deliver. Usually #2 will be out earlier than the 1st one, according to my gynae. Me in my wk38, Dr said bb head very low n engaged alr but am not dilated yet. Seems like many feb mommies here popped before their edd.

jinglebell, my EDD is 29 Feb. Really end of the mth. I also hav a feeling I will deliver early cos really work very hard taking care of my #1. But gynea tol dme last week that bb will overdue. Hmm... don really trust her lah cos she say my friend will deliver at 37 wk but in the end came out 1 day b4 EDD.

Rocco, very excited for you. Did gynea put u on drip to induce of speed up labour. My advice is not to take it cos I took for my #1 and in the end nvr dilate and end up emergency c-sect. U only 2cm, still a long way to go. Now I hav experienced, my mucus plug drop when bath and wan to go in KKH. But I went in KKH too early only 3cm. So gynea put me on drip to induce/speed up. So now I will wait at home till very painful then go if mucus plug drop.. Hope you hav a smooth and fast delivery. Don worry too much, yours shld be a very fast one. Try to rest now.
