(2012/02) Feb 2012

Shan - u selected elective c section? Did u specially select an auspicious date for it? I m considering whether to opt for elective c sect as I m afraid induce will lead to emer c sect n bb not engaged yet too.

happytomato: i hv frens who deliver at 3.5kg. n the weight is an estimate onli... its realli ur choice. but if induce cannot e-csec both places will be painful! did dr tham suggest csec?
Rocco - Yah i also joke with dr tham tt the weight is only an estimate n may even be 200g lighter. He say i very optimistic then measure again, after tt say very unlikely will be lighter. Anyway realise earlier i type wrongly bb weight est at 3.346 not 3.46kg. I am afraid tt induce liao cannot dilate enough then emer c sect then waste both time & $ and very painful! Dr Tham didn't suggest but he did told me earlier he pro mummy choice, so i think if i want c sect he will also support, coz he say most impt is mummy feel good abt it
This bb I saw at NICU TMC born at full term weighs 1.79kg.. But last scan, the daddy told me dr said bb was 2.6kg.....
Hi souldaddy,

I am Mar,12 mummy like your wife case my water broke at 34wk,1day. After 24hr monitoring with all the steroid and antibiotic done now is the waiting game, wanted to induce but gyane wants us to keep longer or wait till BB is ready herself. Can share with me how many days yr wife admitted and u choose induce or BB wants to come out herself. Whole day lying on bed no joke can't move ard to prevent water leakage. Thought induce BB, but afraid the lungs not ready NICU will cost alot so rather mummy suffer first and nothing we could do just wait. Last scan 32wk, BB was 2.5kg gyane say no point scan again makes no diff ask us to keep BB inside as long as we could.
To add on, I am with TMC now at normal ward also their NICU cost is sky high pls share with me yr hospital bill thanks.
I had my agent does Aviva shield plans covers my hospital stay due to preterm. I brought the plan tat cover 100% and private hospital also can claim.
Hi all! So exciting! One by one popping! I m due exactly 1 month later! Hehe.. May I know which brand do u buy for nipple cream? I haven bought mine yet. Mrs Wong says breast milk will do but I m afraid that I can't even express any for my baby.
happy tomato: dr tham did say there is a 10% difference, could be lighter or heavier... if u r afraid i think just follow ur heart. 3.4kg is still ok... discuss with ur hb ba, who knoes bb decides to come out hinself n cervix dilated? ;)

for me i will want to try natural first cos once csec second bb likely have to csec also.
turqoise: SoulMummy stayed 12 days in the hospital. Gynae is right, must let baby stay as long as he/she can in mummy's womb. On the 12 day, our darling daughter decided to come out and she stay in NICU for 22 days. Doctor initially wanted to keep our daughter longer but I insisted to discharge base on the fact that the hospital temperature was cold due to aircorn 24/7 how baby regulate her temperature. Once home, I test baby's temperature and have always been within normal healthy range. Best to confirm with your agent in writing as NICU costs can be very expensive and if we didn't go to restructured as advised by our gynae, costs could be around 40-50k onwards.

Because NICU is baby costs not sure if medishield plans will cover.

Meji: We buy Medela Tender Care lanolin, can get from the forum.
Hi souldaddy, thanks for reply wow mummy stay in hospital for 12 days the waiting is a killer just lie in bed. How much u paid for mummy stay? Tmr I am asking for interim bill per day in TMC for mummy is $300+ do u know what is the max claim from medisave? I also worried abt the cost, also yr wife took HL leave or start ML straight away. Things happen too fast all the paper have not settle with office.
turquoise: Yup, i was lucky in a way that just nice I had applied for my compliance leave and for the bulk of mummie's stay I no need to take leave separately. Then again, very tiring as I was at the hospital everyday till late and on also some days stayed over. Mummy stay before subsidy about 8k plus but that's restructured rate. TMC would probably be much more. DD was about 12k before subsidy. NICU is the scary part because depending on what is required, you would be looking around 1200+++ per day, not inclusive of doctor/pd fees etc.

I doubt that your baby will stay in NICU for long time but you should safely say 2weeks to 3 weeks on the minimum cause they need babies to be able to bottle feed or latch before can go home.

Max Claim i think is 450 a day which really doesn't do jack in my opinion.

Medical Leave. only when delivered then start ML.

I had a long chat with the admissions officer at TMC who happens to be from KKH last time so her "insights" were pretty valuable to give me an indicative cost of what the bill could end up at.
Hazel, jeank - Waaaaa how come so big discrepancy one?!? Full term less than 2kg? Omg so small...

Happytomato - i went to tmc to ta bao tat day. Heng heng no one in front of me. Heh. Ur bb not engaged yet? If really wan induce must try to get bb engaged first. Try Doing stationary bicycle. My #1 engaged v early(abt 32wks) cos I cycle everyday for 20 mins. Tink too early le cos in the end she kena tortocollis. Tis time round I din cycle and 36 wks still not engaged. Prob nid go find a stationary bicycle soon! B careful when getting on and off though. If not can try the hip rotation and hip thrust excercise to try get bb engaged. I did all those. I tink it helped but Dunno which helped most. Gynae says nid to just kip walking and let gravity do the job. Got reason to go shopping! Heh. Btw I got a fren who initially wanted C-sect but Changed mind halfway through pregnancy. So den mebbe cos bb tot mummy wan c-sect so Neva engaged till v v late. And bb still not low enough. Her labor v v long! Abt 18 hrs. Tink inserted 2 pills. Almost emer c-sect. But she quite insistent on natural delivery and kip tokking to bb. In the end bb listen and guai guai pop out. =) tink really depends on wat u more comfy with. Bb will help de! Heh

MMR - help!!! My #1 fever gone but breaking out in rashes whole body, face and legs. Looks damn xin ku. But She still behave like normal though abit more cranky. Is it normal?
Meiji - medela lanolin. I used both breastmilk and the nipple cream. Onli when nipple more used to it den use breastmilk onli. I tink the lanolin aids in keeping the nipple moist and helps in healing quite abit. I heard alot of frens nipple bleed but Neva happened to me. =)

Beemummy - dun rem le but I rem got pple come in ask wan do hand and footprint for bb not. I tink I rem got pple ask abt photography also but not v sure and dunno if it's like the mt e one u tokking abt.
Thanks Xia - my friend gave birth at Mount E and they had a baby photo package, which was super useful since could order passport sized pics at the same time, without needing to bring newborn to a photo shop. Hoping TMC has something similar, since we need to get passport pics for the baby.
Hi all,
I delivered via c-section last Friday at 0829hrs. Baby was 3.605kg. Both of us are doing fine and should be checking out tmrw. Breastfeeding baby since day 1 but I think the milk supply just kicked in cos I am feeling quite engorged now...
Meiji, there is 2 types of Medela nipple cream,
- purelan (more like balm)
- tender care (more like avent nipple cream, lotion texture)

Cranky: congrats!!
Soul daddy n Xia, both cream n balm are ok to apply n consumed by baby? Do I have to wipe off before latching baby?

Cranky- congratulation!!! Your baby's weight is wat I was hoping my baby would get to, nice n steady to carry.
Gals, you may want to check out first years breast soothing breast wipes. It contains food products which are edible. I used it to wipe the breasts in the midst of expressing, b4 & after expressing.. The best moisturer is actually our breasts milk.. These cream most contains chemicals...
Congrats cranky! Can share how much your total c section bill works out to? How many bedder u took? Your bb v good weight!! How many weeks when u gave birth?
Jen: Ok to apply and baby safe but i guess everyone will apply AFTER, if you feel before latching have some residue, just clean off before feeding baby to have a piece of mind. Mummies breast milk is natural so do use some. But because at times, its just not enough to help sooth the pain and healing process. The lactation consultant and Mrs Wong told us when we were there so I guess that's like recommended practice.

meiji: SoulMummy prefers the Tender care as it feels better and much easier to apply. We had been using the purelan previously even before baby born but imagine that your nipples are tender and you are trying to apply a slightly thick balm on... very challenging.

We don't use anything else. Cold Cabbage initially but not anymore.

Massages and warm presses before breast feeding / expressing will help. For Asians it might take between 2-4 weeks before a good flow comes, so don't fret ok? SoulMummy now getting about 70-100ML per EBM initially got like few drops nia.

So all you mummies out there just persevere!
Jen - I use purelan. No nid wipe off de. Nothing happened to my #1. Heh. Unless u feel Uncomfy with the idea. Sometimes when I lazy I use breastmilk onli but I tink doesn't kip the nipple as moist. Next feed nipple will b abit dry. So will do dbl protection whenever not tat tired. Try spread it to a thinner layer if u find it too thick. Dunnid put too much. Just abit will do. =)

Cranky - grats!!! U got the 1st 88 hamper still? Speedy recovery ya! =)
I'm at TMC. Deposit was $3K. Am in premier single bedded. Tmrw then I will know my final bill.
I delivered at 38wks+5days. I think if I go thru normal delivery my baby could hit 4kg! Baby #1 was 3.67kg delivered normal at 40wks+3days....
Cranky, my final bill is $6,900! Also premier single bed, natural with epidural... 3 nights stay.

Bb's expenses not in yet coz she has not Been discharged..
Hi all,

delivered my little one on 29 jan 3.08kg. Small bb easy for natual delivery. At mt a now, nurse first thing thing they told me no rooms even 4 bedder. Waited in the delivery room till 2pm even through I gave birth at 7am. So expect bed crunch issues will be worst cos of dragon year.

Milk not kick in yet even through I started scared tea.
Jen, yes before Medisave deduction of $2,550. Dr fees are included in the $6,900 at $1,800. My daughter is still in NICU coz her Lungs r wet as she was considered a premature bb at 36w 2d n my gynae suspected that she tookin some water from the water bag during delivery.. We have already paid another 8k for her 3 days stay till Sat morning for interm Bill.. N it is still running till she is discharged..
Hello everyone! Congrats hazel, cranky, and all mummies who have delivered! I'm still waiting for my little one. Doc said she is likely to b on time or even late! Which means another 2-3 weeks for me. Mixed feelings now, happy I still have some time to myself but also wanna see her soon.
Hi Hazel, That's quite a substantial amt, hope your girl will get well soon.

Serene-Congrats! Did u get any epidural for pain control? Or just laughing gas? That's scary, no bed for soo long! Imagine us being so tired and cold without a room.Serene, I'm also going to Mt A, quite worried now. So if we are stuck in labour ward without a room, do Mt A still charge us for the room?
Congrats serene! how many weeks were u in when your lil one was born? 3kg is nice weight. how long is your labour? how did you know it's time?
Congrats serene!! Yup, waiting for bed for so long is definitely scary... Can't imagine if tat happens to me... Hubby will surely scream!!! hahaha...
Serene congrats on the smooth delivery.
meantime Take care n rest well !

Congrats Cranky! Rest well too!

Jen, I think that BM is still the best moisturer as itself has antibodies mah, so the healing is faster.. Better than using nipple cream. For my #1, i have been using BM wor. If not u rest and bottle feed baby for some feeds and let your nipple heals before you latch on when you are feeling sore? Hope this helps?
Congratulations Cranky and Serene! How was ur birth story like? Share with us when u have the time yah

Hazel, jeank - Really a lot of difference between est n actual weight! Wonder could it be due to diff in doc's machine, maybe some more high tech. lol

Shan - Jia you 1 more day to 1st Feb! How many weeks r u nw? Have u passed ur edd? If i m gg for elective c sect i will also go and choose date but since my edd so near. Doubt will ve many dates to choose from.

Xia - Yah i heard if wanna induce better for bb to be engaged first. My gf also told me walking helps, she walked from orchard to dhoby ghaut n gave birth 2 days later naturally! Problem is nw whenever i walk can feel my pelvic very painful. Arghh
Xia / Happytomato, my friend has been walking a lot before birth. And her labour was jus 2hrs! Didnt even have time for the epi to kick into effect. Baby comes fast and fercious! sounds scary to me, but good la minimal pain. heehee...
Hi Happytomato, I am currently 38weeks 4days. My EDD by right is 10.2.2012. Seem like all the numbers all 1 or 2. Counting down now. Both nervous and excited

Jen/Sweetcorn: Bb 39weeks almost full term. This time admitted cos I really in pain cannot walk.

9pm: mild pian
10pm: feel pain is stronger and interval is getting closer. So decide to wash hair again even through I just shower
11pm: after shower do a quick hair blow ( hair still wet) but feel the pain too much to bear so ask hubby to go immediately. Check in at 1130 and ask for epi. Cos pain is every 5 mins.
0030: epi done. Before this in cold sweat cos of pain . After 10 mins pain go away and felt relieve. Nurse check dilation almost 5 cm. Was told epi will slow down dilation and estimate time to deliver at 3am.
3am: nurse check again but no further dilation and advise might delay to 6pm.
6am: nurse check again, ok to try to push while doc on the way. So nurse v nice , practice pushing like pooing
650: gynea reached and told to get ready to push and after 3 push bb is out . Cos bb v small easy delivery. No vucumn or forcep require.
Nurse ask want to breastfeed but I request to it later , regret cos the best time to feel is the first hours . ((( so mummies if not deliver pls feel bb immdediately or within the first hour)))
8 or 9am: had breakfast but after a few mouth vomit cos if epi side effect. ((( so watch out for this too. Caught unprepared so v messy))).

After all the event, sleep till room ready. Mt a v good cos no room they let me stay at the delivery room same as single room so nit much difference only no visitor. Also first day after deivery v tired so good to have less people coming ESP if delivery is at night and focus on bf. Even no milk but let bb suck to simulate.
serene123: is this your first bb?
ok will take note about the vomitting side effect... i wonder how long i will take to deliver.

Till now bb not engaged, and seems like if induce, but cervix not dilated, going to have a problem...
maybe i take leave too early rest at home never walk ard much, should go out more.
