Hi all,
I haven't been a regular contributor to this forum but have been reading up your updates frequently. I have given birth to my gal on the 1st day of CNY, Monday though my due date was 03 Feb. So, I'm doing my confinement at home now. Wasn't able to bf fully but both hubby and I r happy to just bf as much as I can then supplement with fm. Not so stressful that way too. My birth story as follows:
5am. Water bag leak, sent my gal to in-laws' place
6am. Reach Mt Alvernia hospital
7am. Finished with registration, waiting in the labour ward
8am. Intense labour pain started, start using laughing gas
840am. Doc came to break water bag
Before 9am. Gal was born
Am really glad that it was a short affair. For mummies who hasn't popped, jiayou and you will see your little one very soon! Oh, also enjoy the time and freedom u have now!