(2012/02) Feb 2012

hey serene

I saw him in 2008/2009 for my #1, both detailed scan and fetal heart scan and earlier this yr for #2 genetic scan, he's very detailed.

My detailed scan at KKH done last week has been very positive, so am cancelling my prior appt with prof anan this friday, you can take over my slot if you wish to cos i understand his appointments are fully booked.

wish you all the best, prof anan will be able to advise you.

KWXY> is your bump also on the small side? my gynae said that mummies with less obvious bump is because baby is pushing into the back instead of forward. so it causes back pain. this is the case for me.. my tummy is still quite flat but bb is good size. i also had back pains earlier in first trimester but now better already.

good luck effie and serene, in your scans.
SianzX (sillygal_1608) I am Cheryl Alessandra Chew. Try searching thru email [email protected]

effie: U r most welcome!

my bump quite ok...ppl ard me can see my bump already...bb also in good size or rather slightly bigger...hehe

i gained 9-10 kg til date....OMG!! i cant really squat or bend down...belly in the way...at night lagi worse...stretching to the max and so so tight....like a huge balloon. i feel the growth of the belly or bump grow super fast for the past 2 weeks...i wasnt like that 2 weeks bk.

now im like a humpty dumpty now...coz im not tall...160cm only....
Hi chergie and everyone can you PLEASE CLARIFY what i cheat?? Initially i wrote all the MTB but later on i updated SLOWLY but i DID UPDATE. And Please tell me what cons and lies i did to sell my items?? All the fetal heartdoppler are direct from Supplier which is CERTIFIED. Have you all heard of Silent reader?? I rarely appear here as I HAVE MY OWN LIFE TOO. And you all see i have kids, SO WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW..

ANYTHING u clarify BY PM ME OR OPENLY ASK ME. Instead of fabricating things and then write in FB And dont even wanna disclose.

I CAN SWEAR UPON MY LIFE I never CHEAT IN ANYTHING and all the things i SOLD came with PICTURES. SO how can i lie with pictures???



What Chergie said are not nonsense.
There are a lot of mummies who have had YOUR nonsense..

There is no need to approach you cos we are not here to fight.
We just want to warn other innocent mummies.
Joy> ok u tell me what mum got cheated by me? I never even cheat before in my entire life n i always sell with pics how am i gonna even cheat? Pls ask her to tAKE EVIDENCE. Nu defame me not to pick a fight? Hello pls say la say loud loud what i did if the issue even exist.
Linda Ho, in the first place I didnt check on u. It is all the feedbacks given from Mummies to be who are active on SMH or FB. I am not a least bit interested in u and doing this to protect the innocent who has a kind soul from this forum.

All of them has correspondences with you. Well how u sell ur things(brand new/given/re used/free gift) I really dun wanna know. As I will not buy from a lousy seller who only knows how to put competitors down.

Btw we didnt secretly talk about u on FB. It is becos our group is a secret group thats all n I am not active here.

I have posted here to warn others that is my CONFRONTATION with u by the way.

I am waiting for u to post ur replies here. There are a few Mummies who has shared their unhappiness about you here n on FB.

Please STOP all that u are doing. Below are some of the topics shared by Mummies.

Revealing ur breast on ur blog, tell ppl on forums ur hubby enter wrong hole and thus u r not preg and even talk about ur hubby dun give u oral sex.

Pls if u wanna post all these dun leave ur pic there. Be anonymous.

Stop asking ppl to buy u things, order fast food for u cos u r hungry and no money and when the food arrive u dun open the door.

This is a forum. Pls beware that there are repercussions.

Oh yes, u will not have the chance to hear my apologies as you dun deserve it and I didnt make up any stories. If 1 person tells tales about u I will have doubts but when more than 5 ppl sharing similar stories how fake can that be.

I have said enaf and all Mummies pls take care.
Joy> fyi if item has faults i 100% will write there so its impossible if ppl have issue, if the
y have they would have approach me long ago since its been sometime since i made a sale. How come all of a sudden theythey can pop up? Isnt it even more fishy this way coming from an unknown person.

And all of a sudden coming from a person who doesnt like me.
Isnt that akin to saying beind my back?and fyi i didt put my competitors down and u tell me la what tings, then all pm u one person? So fishy isnt it. And i have never sold things that are free which i can swear.

And fyi, whats wrong with me sharing my provate things, u dont like you dont read ka. How can mummies be so shallow to say show breast while breastfeeding is akin to showing breast on blog? U go find a post of me not bfing and showing my breast la. U no proof trying to defame me? Hello.

And about the macdonald issue i have never ever run out of money no money pay and i told the person help me call as hp was truely dowb and i didnt hear the horns. And that happen five years plus ago so definitely someone is trying to cook up falsified stories . And that issue that happened i called up mcd immediately n they redelivered as i borrowed neighbor phonw.
Chergie> u tell me who all 5 because i have NO IDEA of the fibrications that are cooked up except the mcd never open door issue. And fyi i would never lie,but for u i know u didnt like me so i cant say the same.

And of ciurse you wont apologise else ur lies would be fake then wont it
Linda, Apparently this is an open forum for discussion if you're not happy you can leave :p Using sympathy to gain anything is definitely coming from someone with a character problem.
Chergie> i think i know who is the one that cooked up stories and u are taken in by her definitely in my mind popped up her name. Since i know she is only one so free to pm ppl and falsified stories and is a drama maker and shes the only one who knows of the mcd story.

Good luck to u listening all kinds of issue that never happened and sensationised . The only free person to do that and i wont be suprised she tell u i illtreats dog etc.all i can say is my liang xin is clear. List all the shit u want amd i can definitely swear its not true
Vone> fyi my liang xin is clear because i know for sure these issues are fal se and someone is out to defame me.

If u are so quick to condem wo evidence u are worst than being shallow
I've know Vone since 2007 and she is hardly a troublemaker. Infact, she seldom even voice out much on matters.
People who know her personally knows she is a nice lady and to have her say something unpleasant only goes to show something.
Ginger>like i said i know whos the one passing rumour on baseless grounds which i know is not her. And those who do i believe in karma. I clarified whatever nonsense i can here already.

I have miral rights and dignity. If i cando shit things i already become rich already. I dont have to struggle with my daily life
Linda, seriously I never knew in my entire life I had to deal with you after the macdonald issue. and HELLO u DID NOT call Macdonald to ask for re-delivery and all you did was just telling me you gave me the right address etc. But the poor Mac delivery man had to call me more than 1 times just to make sure he's at the right house in the end he had to bring the food back to restaurant and resulted in the manager having to call me. That house was obviously a Indian unit as mcd delivery man said.

Too bad I'm not as that free to be drama maker and I'm not at all interested in YOU to fabricate story about you nor how you treat your dogs. If you think I'm tracking you down just to tell everyone about the mcd story, then you are wrong! The whole thing blew up is not because of me, its your own doings. What I did was just to warn the mummies not to place too much trust onto you.

Since you mentioned that your conscience is clear, then you don't have to be so agitated.
Adeline> u again i knew it. U are always so free aint you? Anyone would get agigated if they are fabricated lies. I told u already honestly i didnt hear n i have no hp at alll.

And yes i did ask him to redeliver fyi he earn two times tocket.land its not a freaking indian unit. Its a rundown terracw house. See another lie u said . And fyi its the correct address. I have no reason to play a fool with him
Adeline> spare me the crap u said of not interested in me at all. U love to sensatiolise all the crap with ur other kakis. Can i ask u leave me alone anot. U so free y dont u do something more resourceful instead of trying to ruin my reputation with baseless evidence?
my scan with prof anan is at 1030 this friday, i have not called to cancel yet. let me know if you want the slot, cos i understand how difficult to wait for a available slot.
And u read my blog lat time and everytime i update u are the first to make a big issue out of it and gossip. U tink i still that 15yo who believe genuinely u were a nice lady? Spare me la, i wont be so silly to fall for ur trap twice
HELLO, I did not lied for god sake. Indian house was what the mac delivery guy told me. I'm not that free to tell tales about you until all things about you surfaced up and I share with them about this unique incident with you. Seriously, all I did was to help you to place order with mcd and I am not free to check the address that you had given to me. Therefore, whether is a run down terrace or Indian unit, its not my concern. To me, I felt cheated by you and I had to handle the numerous calls from mcd all because they felt that I was giving them a ride.

The mcd guy rang the door-bell and knock the door so hard and I was on the other line when he was doing that. How can I doubt him?
Adeline> its ur one sided story as my doorbell is not even working how can he ring it?and what for i need to play a trick on you when i talk nicely etc to u. Did u use ur brains to tinj anot.and i wont be suprised u tell tales cause its what u are capable of
Ms Linda, once again I clarify I am not the ONLY ONE that had issues about you in the forum. Whenever you update your blog, other users would had already posted about you.

Fall into my trap twice? PLEASE LAH.
What I'm capable of? Definitely nothing to do with YOU. What you are capable of is all over the forums not only SMH. PERIOD.

I also don't need to swear upon my bible that I did not make up stories about you.

This is my last reply to you because this is a Feb MTB thread and not LINDA HO thread.

Whatever u all say la, u wan believe this lady who followed my blog since i was 15 and always backstab and gossip about me, i nth to say. Believe or dont believe up to u.

But one thing for sure, if u wanna be friends with her be prepared to be backstabbed if something goes wrong like what happened in my case. And fyi i remember rider will rarely say they go wrong address even if they did. And i told rider to horn when hes here which is impossible for me not to hear the horn and adeline claimed that he horned but now she saying he knocked my door when its inaccessible as its terrace house and the main gates are locked.

She telling lies or not up to u.

I wont give ppl a ride of their life or backstab or do dishonest business because i want my face and i cant sleep at night if i did. Whatever u wan believe u believe but dont spread rumours about me just cause u HEARSAY
Adeline> because if u swear upon ur bible u are lying to jesus. Even if u do u are lying to urself. Needless to carry on conversation with u or where. I already explained all believe me or not up to u all
This will also be my last post here but i clarified all i could. U can condem me or listen to false and "glorified" story up to u. I am doing a business and wont risk anything to defame myself. I dont go for those petty money. I may love bargains but i wont cheat or con money at all or even backstab because i believe in treating a person nice n they will treat u nice back.

I already said all i could and i would swear upon my life i didnt cheat or con because i want to sleep at nite
Hi mummies, oh so much drama... let's get back to topic and stay happy!

planet, thx for your advice! i will drink more milk from now on!! and also eat more durians. feel a bit worried cos i nv feel baby kicking and baby is on the average/ small side...

serene, god bless... i went to Dr Ananda for a scan at 19th week before i went for my babymoon. the whole scan is done slowly and he took the full 45 mins to check every part of the baby & take measurement, thereafter providing a printout of the results and a CD of pictures. i tried to see what the printout says, but quite a lot of acronyms. i guess if any issues he will tell you when he is scanning. there are 5 main sections in the report: C.N.S, CVS & chest, abdomen, skeleton, genetic screen and measurements of everything, whether is normal or not. he spent a lot of time on the heart to check for holes and ventricles.

compared to normal gynae, he definitely spent a lot more time scanning. however he did pass some personal comments which i don't agree with, but just smile and let pass. the cost for genetic scan is $380
Hi, for those who did their detailed scan at TMC, do they give us 3d or 4d scan images? Going for my detailed scan next sat.. Can't wait to know my baby gender..

Went shopping last weekend n have to control myself from buying all those cute bb clothes.. Only bought a few sets of white n yellow bb clothes..
Hi ging3r
My gynae told me that there shd not b any spotting at all during pregnancy. Any spotting, i had to see him asap. Advise u to see ur gynae immediately. Don't delay.

Yeah man. No words can describe our feelings.. I also gt not much $$$ but believe that since God has granted me one.. He will definitely provide the best for us and family!
Children are blessings from Heaven!


It's wiser to check with ur gynae. Pse do so quick. Try to rest more too! TC!
Meji, theres no 3D or 4D scans during TMC detail scan. U have to pay more for 3D/4D scans.

The report with bb's pics on it will be sent to the gynae's clinic. When u visit ur gynae after ur detail scan, ur gynae will pass the report back to u.

good morning everyone~ nice weather today. no rain but cooling. =)

ging3r> Spotting at this stage is quite unusual. Do check with your gynae. It could be nothing, but always better to play safe. Good luck and Big Hugz.

meiji > I got b/w print-out from normal printer after detailed scan at tmc. just like during oscar. the resolution is very poor and i think its 2D? like the ones we normally get from gynae. but the up side is during they scan u get to see the baby lots! u can request for the radiographer to tilt the screen abit towards u so u can watch whilst she measures. some or them don't let mummy see until they are done becos they need to concentrate on the measurement so they dont want mummy to ask alot of questions. i was lucky to have a nice lady doing my scan. sometimes when she's looking at the heart and kidney close up hubby and i had no idea what she was looking at cos it's all just patchy black and white to us! =) but she kindly explained and showed us how she saw the two kidneys. its amazing. =)

hazel, wow i feel cold at night nowadays even without aircon. But then again, i try not to use aircon nowadays as i realised my boy seems to sleep better without aircon, thou on and off i have to on it, else he will sweat ^^ Can't imagine csec 5 times. Sometimes i think about getting cut up at the same spot, i will start to wonder if i should try VBAC. But then, i'm too chicken so will stick to csec, wuhahahahaha!

re: buying stuff online
So far, i only regularly order stuff from 2 mummies. Tan Leng Leng & Olwen Lim. These 2 mummies are fantastic. New mummies here might wish to visit their threads (overseas sprees usually) if they need any stuff from iherb. I've tried buying kids' clothes from BPs from a couple of mummies here, quite alright too but none of them beat the 2 mummies. Honest, efficient, nonfussy.

kwxy, every mummy's weight gain is different
If Dr Tham says nothing, you are fine! So far, i'm still at my pre-pregnancy weight, but sooner or late sure gain one. It's natural to gain weight. It's good if your appetite is there. Very miserable if you can't stomach food. Be careful when you walk ya...I have butt pain since 4 mths. Now still have. Am going to have my first pre-natal massage this weekend. Hope it's good. Am really tired, hoping this massage can help me feel more energetic, like those jamu post natal massages i had after my first delivery. When is your next appt with Dr Tham? Mine is this month end...
