(2012/02) Feb 2012

Morning all mummies!!!

Butterwaffles, my next Appt will be 28th oct....another 4 weeks to see cheerful Dr Tham and of coz my darling boy!

kwxy, mine 27 Oct. At first blur blur still ask for 26 Oct but realised it's Deepavali. Do you keep track of how many times you visit him? Cos i don't leh...is it true that after we enter 3rd tri, we have to see him twice a month? I don't wish to take so many MCs...or even my own leave ^^ But it seems difficult to see him on Sats.
Butterwaffles, i always see him Thursday or Friday when hubby can accompany me in the morning and also not so crowded. I realized wednesday dr Tham only works half day. So Wednesday morning usually v rush for him.

We paid the package $600 on 12 weeks and so far started the 2 appts already. I was told this package covers 10-11 visits. He said towards the last 2-3 months, we will see him more often to monitor on bb position
Hi baby making,
I can't go for the prof appt on Friday. Cant miss my lesson w my students. Been taking too many mc Liao. Bad bad..
Thanks a million for offering. Think I wil call for another appt myself. Tks a lot...
Re: bulk purchase of children's clothes
A comment bout bulk purchase of carters, osh gosh via bulk purchase: I noticed quality difference from those bout from bulk purchase n those bought direct from the US websites. Not as lasting n poorer quality from bulk purchase. So I usually ship direct on my iwn. First time mummies, they are really cheap from u buy direct urself. 5 pcs rompers costs usd11. As compared to sgd55 sold in metro. Exact same thing. Shipping not that much, just ensure u order at least bout 15-20 items each time. Bad thing: dun get hooked, cos too cheap for u to say no.. Hahaaaa... My #1 though is a boy has a two door wardrobe for his own gaigai clothes.
rem, also do a search for disc codes before buying. I'm a US site shopaholic...
Hi godsent n planet,

I see! Thanks for the advise. Then do I tell the pple at TMC that I will like to have a 3d or 4d scan subsequently? any idea how much it will cost?
Morning all, I'm back in office today. So tired after looking after my #1 since Sun till yesterday. He having fever on and off. He is ok since the evening before. Conclusion is, I can't be a SAHM. Its more tired then working in office.
Monday will be my detailed scan. Will get to confirm on gender that day. Very excited!
Meiji> I think it's a few hundred bucks. I saw the poster at TMC but can't remember exactly how much. You might want to call them up to check what is the procedure, they might have to allocate u in a special room or something.

Are you planning to do a 3D or 4D at your detailed scan? Would it be better to take later when bb is more "bb-looking"? Heh. Sorry maybe it's just me but when I saw bb's face in 2D I thought it was alien-looking at this stage. Hehe.

Jascmy> Good luck and have fun at your scan!
Hazel: Your fren is really very fertile. Kudos to her. For me, at most 4 kids will do.

Meiji: The detailed scan at TMC is a 2D scan. I heard that they do have a 4D scan - comes with recording of BB movements into DVD but it's an optional package.. If you are keen you can check it out.. ;P
no worries, hope yr amnio results were ok.

Re: USA shopping
i am so tempted to start shopping now that i know it's pink stuff - any US sites having offer?

yeah it's more tiring to be SAHM, esp when they are sick and when they reach the terrible twos, my little terror now is starting to challenge authority and throwing tantrums when he doesn't get his way.

i have the same thoughts when i saw #1 for the 1st time also, the 4D pictures are in sepia tone, so it looks a lot better when bb is bigger and have put on some weight..
babymaking, I have been hearing abt the terrible 2. Very worried liao! My boy already knows how to throw tantrums and cry out loud when he don get his way. He keep wanting me to carry him too. Like a koala bear. I have carrying him most of the time yesterday and wake up with slight tummy pain this early morning, Can't get back to sleep even tot is only slight pain.
Your boy looks very guai leh. Don look like little terror to me. My mum also say he very guai. Some ppl say its due to we having #2 tats y they behave in this way.
some part cld be jealousy, but most parts it just he's learnign to be his own person and independent. now every bath time, diaper change is a challenge cos he doesn't want to wear his clothes. got to threaten to take photos, then he faster wear. *cute and frustrating at the same time*

let me go check it out!!

that will be another bout of shopping spree!!!
Jacsmy, my boy same! And v funny, now I show him mu tummy say baby he quickly pull my shirt cover back my tummy! But I totally dun carry him anymore, only hugs.
GG Lee, my boy also ignored me when I say "di di" and show him my tummy. Last time he will kiss my tummy and call "di di" leh, so fast pattern change liao.

I have no choice but to carry, My boy only wan me to carry. When daddy carry over, he will cry out loud. i think he jealous y I keep carrying di di and nvr carry him. Quite worried, my neighbour say she will hav spotting if she carry her #1 when she pregnant. Then this morning hav tummy pain. Lucky now no more pain liao. Hope bb is ok inside my tummy.
Online shopping:
I usually organised my own sprees amongst myself and my frens. Easier to handle and communicate amgst frens lah.. :p

Btw, any of you keen in getting Ameda breastpumps? I am contemplating to purchase a new set online or to buy from local shops - due to warranty issues..

Serene: TCP having sales? Will check it out.. Thanks.
Jacsmy, ya try not to carry too much. We still in early 2nd tri. Mine also cry initially but v fast give up Liao. Now he knows if he wans carry go to daddy.
Hi mummies, how are all of you lately?

About 1mth did not come in follow the thread until now...keke.. see abit of drama.. not sure what's going on. Whatever it is.. dun be angry and rest well okie
Stay Happy!!!

Monday is my detailed scan.. I'm very excited about the gender. I really hope it is a girl
Wish me luck
Hello mommies!!

I did my detail scan today!
So glad everything is normal and it's a girl!!
Now can fang xin go buy pink color liaoz ...wahahaha

When i saw my beanie's weight, at 21 weeks+, she weighs 401g ! :-o
colombus day is 10 oct. quite a few shops having sales for it. gap has a sign saying 50% off for the colombus weekend.
kwxy, hey i didn't know Dr Tham works halfdays on Wednesdays. So far never seen him on Wednesdays before. Has any of the nurses there ask you to confirm TMC or Mt A?

bubbliciouslee, i've used Ameda dual breastpump before. I feel that its good value for money. Suction is good but a tad noisy. But then again, mine is a 2nd hand one. Good enough for me as it's not expensive.

jascmy, same situation as you, i don't know how also as i find carrying my boy really tiring. He doesn't want anyone else to bathe him or even give him milk to put him to sleep. My husband tries to help but my boy is so fierce & stubborn, i don't know how. Morning if he opens his eyes and cannot see me, same thing, its like going to war. Now i cannot decide when to have my csection as i have to consider my husband & my parents who have to jaga my boy while i'm not at home. Everyone is scared of him!

re: clothes
Quality of clothes from BP is indeed inferior. Buy direct online is much better. I love ralph lauren! Now i cheong Cotton On Kids. Thou made in china, nice & cute. Cotton is thin enough so it's not hot for my boy who sweats alot. But now cos my boy goes childcare centre, have to wear uniform, i don't buy so many clothes for him anymore. Last time he was in infantcare centre, i still dress him up nicely so got excuse to buy
Can't wait to see girls' clothings but so far, i've managed not to buy a single item for her, i must ren!!!!
butterwaffles, my boy is getting worst. Last nite he keep crying for me. Even my neighbour asked me y my boy keep crying so loudly. He hug my legs till I can't go anywhere. My hubby very sad leh. Cos he love him so much and he don wan Daddy at all.
It make me feel even worst to send him to my MIL hse immediately after #2 born. He so koala bear to me. How I bear to send him to MIL hse and to stay there till #2 is 18mths. But nowadays I see him I very scare too. I wan to find a place to hide from him. This morning hubby take care of him at home while I go to work. I have to lock him in the room with daddy and hear him cry while I step out of the hse. Don knw what is happening now at home leh. War?? I don dare to ask.
Your boy change to this pattern since u preggy with #2? My boy changed to worst since I preggy loh. Buay Tahan!
GG Lee, I mus learn from u. I will jus stand there and let him hug my leg and cry. Don wan to carry him liao.
Hi Serene

I have been to Dr Ananda for genetic scan on my 14th week, and must say, he is more detailed than usual sonographers. even my gynae and usual sonographer mentioned that he is quite good. His scanning is very detailed indeed especially in the heart and brain area. His machine seems more hi-tech, providing numbers for further analysis, rather than the usual - normal/not abnormal. However, like what Chewie had mentioned earlier, I dont quite agree with his personal opinions and thinking though. He has his strong personal belief.

Actually what did your Gynae say about the findings in your recent scan? What is the likely cause? If the likely cause is chromosomal disorder, then since you have done yr amnio, and if clear, then no need to go for further test/scan, isn't it?

But perhaps just book an appt with Dr Ananda, cos usually will need to wait for 2 weeks. If subsequently u think not necessary, can always call up to cancel.

Anyway, think positive. At 14th wk, Dr Ananda found bilateral Choroid Plexus Cysts in my girl's brain. But Amnio says clear. Now during the recent scan, the cysts have already resolved themselves. Most imptly, stay happy and all will be fine.

USA shopping: what are the sites u go for Carters clothing? I love their clothings!
jascmy, all along my boy is very clingy to me. He started to sleep through when he turned 11 months. But i got pregnant when he was around 15 months old and that's when he started waking up at nights again. Got worse when i was vomitting. I think he was frightened too as i was not well most of the time. But i know now he understands that his sibling is coming along. Yesterday morning he kept chanting mummy, daddy, ahgong, ahma. Then my husband quickly took the chance to teach him korkor and meimei. After he said meimei, he jabbed my tummy with his finger :p My boy is turning 20 months soon. I believe things will get better in a couple of years ^^ For now, i still carry. Partly because my parents & my husband cannot tahan his wailings. But also because it's so sad to hear him cry for me. Now mornings if i wake up before him and smile at him when he opens his eyes, he will be so happy to see me, calls me mummy & kiss me on the lips. It is difficult to 'ignore' them because they are really so innocent, their love for us is unconditional. Even after i whack him or scold him really fiercely, he only wants me. But i know i have to let go and try to let others take over else when his meimei arrives, the one in trouble is me. So it's good that you are trying to 'let go'. It's tough!
Hi jinglebells, i cleared my amnio but now awaiting for my CMV infection test results. thank you for the info on Dr Ananda. even if i clear the test for CMV infection, i am required to go for another detailed scna at Week 30 to check if the brain remains dilated, smaller or become more dilated. This affects brain develoment. My gynea cant tell me as this is relatively rare. but he said, it's borderline hence shd be safe. I think I will see Dr Ananda.

Re: Shopping. for carters and osh gosh it is carters.com in the same site, u can order both. if u have never sent via vpost and u have a maybank card, they currently have a $30 off first shipping. good deal. on average, each clothing cost bout $2-3 to ship back. Try to ship back bout 20 pcs of clothing at one time. this usually fits nicely in the carters box. find online for more discount codes before u pay at carters to earn further discount.
butterwaffles, my boy also start to wake up at nite since 2weeks ago when he was sick. And worst he wants milk if not don wan to sleep. I'm really又爱又怕 towards him. Feel heartpain when he cry for me. But when he hug my legs, cry and wan me carry most of the time, I'm scare, wanted to hide from him. I have to let go. Like u say, if not the one suffering most is me. I will change his child care to a centre near my MIL hse. She will send him to sch and fetch him back. She will only take care of him in the morning and at nite. I will try my best to bring him home on all weekends. He need to interact with his sibling too. Hope one day our #1 will knw that with a sibling, he will have a playmate. I hav been telling him that I always wanted a di di or mei mei so tat someone can play wif me. He is very lucky to have a di di where I don hav. Hehee...
Congrats Sweetcorn! =) And good luck to mummies doing detailed scan on monday. =)

Saw a few posts about mummies sharing experience with your little kids now. Just wondering, is it true that boys will cling to mummy and girls will stick to daddy? =)
planet, so far we are all talking abt our boys hor. I do heard that it happened to gals too. When their mummy preggy with #2, the gal also cling on mummy. Even when #2 born, she will cry out loud asking for more attention. When she see ppl carry #2, she will jealous. I'm actually talking abt my boy's classmate whos mummy jus gave birth to #2 2 mths ago. Even teacher complained that she even feel jealous (cry loudly) when she see teacher carry other infants now.
Tay & jascmy, I'm 19weeks as well. My scan will be at TMC. So funny that 3 of us are going to different places to do our scan! :D
jas> oooh. so both gender will also cling to mummy huh? good good. haha. cos my friend's girl is super clingy to the dad and always bully the mum.. and i heard from a couple other friends that this is the norm so i'm abit concerned. i'm having a girl and i wan her to love us both equally much! heh.

Serene: whatever it is, stay positive. When Dr Ananda told me about the cysts in bb brain and the dilation in her renal, I was so sad too. But sometimes, it is just part of the bb development. Thanks for the info on the carter's. Will check it out.
