(2012/02) Feb 2012

serene123> No la my #1 is a girl but for #2 and #3 i wanted a girl BADLY lol.. but nvm lah.. no choice god`s planning...

What test is that never heard of.. 7 weeks know gender. IMO abort just for gender is really terrible.. Its worst than murderer leh.. at least murderer dont murder their blood related child..

Sorry la thats what i feel.. even if #4 boy i also wont abort..
Re placenta blood, he says needs to mOnitor to make sure does not grts bigger or more pools form and to get more rest, not to carry heavy stuff. Shd be Ok, cos he didn't say more or perhaps he did not want to alarm us either :p

There's this new genetic gender prediction test which can test for sex ad esrly as 7 weeks and is 99% accurate.
Babymaking, wat a relief. Now no need amnoi also!
so is he seeing u more often now? When Is your next visit?

Btw, lately I hv been getting alot of discomfort at night when I stand up that I hv to hold onto my abdomen. If I lie down or sit up straight the discomfort /pain is gone. I hv prob releasing pee too n there will be abdominal pulls. My gf said I m getting the pressure from growing abdomen n it will get worse as the weeks go by.. She said as tummy gets bigger, I most likely wun be able to walk much coz of pressure. She asked me to get a belly belt. But will it help? Or swimming is better? Thanks?
Next appt still 5 weeks later, lol. :p anything not well, just go 24hr, shd be Ok, cos we also monitor bb hb at home w the Doppler.

Normal to feel discomfort, both belly belt helPs to support, but swimming will help to relax muscles. One thing I sun like any swimming is that while in the pool will feel very good but aches all cOme back when get out of pool cos gravity. There's also some stretching exercises that can be done, will be taught in antenatal class.

Btw did u gain a lot of weight? I find this time round, so far I gain only 2kg but starting to feel fatigue already ESP after walking 15-20 min.
Babymaking, I hv gained 7kg!!! N I dare not anyhow eat somemore. I dare not even take supper. Hungry I drink milk b4 bed time or I eat fruits... Sigh... The pain from the pressure when I stand n walk can be alot at times..

Btw, my gf called the KKH to bring forward her cycle. KKH confirmed he is leaving but dunno the details n when..
Hi mummies, I gained 3.7 kg in the last 5 weeks and my gynae said is too much :p She said average 2 kg per month! Asked me to watch what I eat... hubby thinks it's all the unhealthy meals we ate while on babymoon. I don't have a weighing scale at home and don't bother to weigh myself. Overall I gained about 8 kg... am now at 60+

Her advice was to take 6 smaller meals than 3 big meals, cut down on sugary drinks and carbo. Just had a big packet of fried maggi for breakfast *burp* Will be making chicken porridge for myself today cos hubby is out till evening

Another thing for me is that I still don't feel baby kicking. Gynae said she suspect anterior placenta and during detailed scan, confirmed so. Baby's kicks are padded by the placenta cos it is front facing. She also said placenta a bit low, but she thinks it will move up before birth. Only 1% of women will need c section due to low placenta

So those who cannot feel baby kicking... could be this reason. Baby is at 360g now
Chewie, urs is first pregnancy? If so by 22 wks u shld be able to feel the movements. I hv anterior placenta too but I started feeling movements at 13+ wks.
Rocco, everything smooth ok. But when there r serious complications, TMC NICU cannot handle coz they do not hv the necessary equipments. So bbs will be send to KKH NICU but KKH wun accept if they r full. I know some sis dun like KKH. So far i dun hv any complains. Not sure if coz I paid full pte rates. During my stay there I was treated v well. My hub's family was actually quite impressed. Also if got complications anytime I wan to downgrade to Subsidised rate I can.. I just hate the long q!
Chewie, try drinking a glass if warm milk daily b4 bed time. Can swim too or merely walk in water. But dun go alone in case leg cramps when u r in water.
switch to low fat milk and try not to eat too many fruits - can cause high glucose levels, maybe substitute with nuts or crackers instead.

re: complications for NB
yeah, that's my primary hesitation abt moving to tmc, plus also the cost factor in case of any complications. when everything is smooth, it's ok, but with childbirth...who knows!

i still remember the panic in the op theater when #1 was not breathing when born and when there was sudden bleeding and dr loh had the nurses scrambling for stuff and antibiotics. i am crossing fingers that by Feb, he will be very familiar with the op team at TMC to cope with any emergency.
Babymaking, I hv been drinking low fat milk. The clinic said he is going on leave near xmas time n maybe bk mid Jan. So I guess he is joining TMC after that.. If so he only hv 1 mth to get used to the TMC op staff.. By then we hv done all ge admission paper works n paid deposit for KKH...
Chewie, i have been wearing room slippers within the house to keep feet warm...my mom says it's important for preg ladies.
By the way I heard my friend that kkh does not allows downgrade after check in. So if hv complication straight away opt for c class.
Serene, can lah. I hv a few gfs who downgraded in KKH. Just need to do income mean testing. NICU is freskingly ex. One of my friend's hubby is a dr in restructured hospital also managed to downgrade. Another gf's twins stayed 3 mths the bill estimated to be 200k plus in C class ward. So u can imagine how much private will cost. These are all recent cases.

But if transferred from pte hospitals to KKH, then can't downgrade at all.
Hello all,

Went for my detailed scan, confirmed it's a princess and a heavy weight one according to Dr. Tham, bb is 412g n wif big head n extreme long legs! The radiographer said bb had exceptional long legs like my hb, hb of course very proud lah. Hahaha. Funny thing is I have no weight gain from last month, glad bb is taking well.
Sorry to interrupt...

I have a almost brand new Medela Mini Electric (dual pump) to let go; still under warranty
since early July 2011 and have only used it less than 5 times cos my girlfriend lent me her Medela Pump In Style.

I bought it at Mums & Babes at S$299 which includes the motor, pump accessories,
citystyle bag with cooler bag, ice pack and 4 storage bottles.

Can also throw in some pre-loved maternity clothes...

Please PM me if you are keen.

hazel, a few of my husband's colleagues wives went to kkh class C from tmc when they had premature deliveries. The gynaes told them to go straight to kkh, no need to think. So still can la i think...I dun think there will b any problem with priority or wat...if a life needs to be saved, kkh or tmc, the medical staff will still do wat is right. Dont worry k
Butterwaffles, that is provides there r vacacines. My gf who was Warded n delivered at 30 wks, saw a sign that said "NICU is full, pls approach other hospitals". Anyway, I will see how n discuss with my dr. My mum asked me to be more optimistic n dun keep worrying. But if u were me n hv been thru wat I did previously u will understand.. I will feel at ease only when I carry my bb in my arms.
morning mummies

1 mth shd be more than enough time for the tmc ops team to get use to dr loh's style, after all they are all professionals. so dun worry abt it.

btw no need to pay deposit or cfm anything with KKH till the day of admission/delivery, cos there's no benefit to do so early nor any incentive as kkh do not reserve the ward in advance. TMC have to book early as they are over crowded but not KKH.

btw mummies
for those who have gals, do you find that you are more short tempered or emotional?
by jan when dr loh move to tmc, we will already be at week 35-36, nearing to end of pregnancy when it's safe to deliver. my boy was c sec at week 35+.
Babymaking, u sounds like u hv decided to follow him! Must say him when I next see him. Early this yr he told me if he is leaving KKH he will confirm tell me immediately. He only bull shit n joke! Keke
hazel, can understand why you are so paranoid, no worries...i can only say such things are not within our control, so worrying doesn't really make the whole situation better or more confirmed. I guess this is just something parents have to undertake when we have babies. Along with the joy, anticipation & excitement, we have to 'accept' the risks as well. I think you have to be really super suay to kenna pre-mature AND KKH fullhouse ^^ Fingers crossed for you, everything will be smooth ok...

babymaking, csec can be done before week 37?? All along i thought must reach week 37 then can csec. Cos i'm considering to csec on my birthday and its a day before i reach 37 weeks. I heard something about allowing the babies to stay in the wombs until 37 weeks to ensure their lungs are fully developed or something...so how does it work?? When your boy was csec at 35 weeks plus, how heavy was he? My boy was 2.99kg, csec at week 37 on the dot.
haha hazel
actually i find that ever since he made his decision to move pte he's more relaxed. as compared to the last couple of yrs, he's really very short tempered!!

from now till dec, still got a few mths to go, will make decision closer to the time.
we had lots of issues with #1 pregnancy, he's breached and his hb is erratic plus i had premature contractions since week 24, so after bed rest and hospitalised for most of week 24 to week 35 we had enough, cos the possibility of delivering a dead bb was too high, that's why dr loh also agreed to do the c sec at week 35+, we had 2 steroid jabs to mature the lungs as well.

if you have no medical basis, it's better to keep the bb longer in the womb, cos the last few weeks help to build up the bb's weight and immune system. also premature have lots of issues with insurance as well, we cld not get our little one insured till 6mths old, by then he's already excluded from asthma and bronchitis as he had an attach at 4 mths.

but for us it was the right decision then. our boy was 2.76 at birth and now is a healthy 26 mths tod with no long term effects of premature birth.
Butterwaffles, in KKH, if the bb is born under 37 wks, even If it is one day early, a peditrican is usually allocated to the bb where the dr will do a series of growth checks at regular interval n others.
Hi babymaking,

I am finding myself getting emotional, tears roll easily and I get irritated easily at work nowadays too. Thinks its hormonal, hope it won't affect baby.
Yeah ladies!! After 3 boys, I'm blessed with a baby girl!! Confirmed during my detailed scan this morning!!!

Babymaking, I'm very very emotional for the past months and didn't feel like talking to anyone except my kids and hubby.. That's how bad my hormones are... Pre natal blues bah.. Nv been sooo emotional for my last 3 pregnancies..
Now I feel better, slowly opening up to my frens..
Hello all! So many good news from detailed scan lately. =) Congrats Godsent Jen Maxiblur and all others! =)

Jen> Wow! Your bb is 412gms! Issit at 20wks exactly? My bb girl is only 329gms but doc said her tummy is fat! But she has short legs leh! Haha. My hubby was like saying.. siao liao.. baby going to be katik like the mother. Haha.
Hello all,
My detailed scan shows a ger! She weighs 350grams now.
At week 20 now, my feet are already swollen. Gynae say I put on weight too fast. I put on 4kg in 4weeks!
But Im not eating alot lei. Duno where did all the weight come from..
Oh dear Chilli, u just 20wks already have swollen feet.yr bb 350g then most weight go to yourself le... my detail scan on 20wks bb already 500g+ but i gain 3kgs in 4 week. Try control your diet, don't eat too much sweet n salty food. salty food will cause your feet swollen... when 3rd Tri i will feel very hard to walk due to swollen feet.
Prob weight gain from the water retention. That means you'll lose it easy after birth when water retention subsides.

Also, our body programmed to store fats to prepare for breastfeeding. I remembered reading somewhere body will store 10,000-20,000 calories of fats during pregnancy. I'm still puking, not eating much, but also putting on weight and gaining flabs aron upper arms and thighs =p
I just console myself that I'll probably be a very efficient milk machine since I can store so much fats =p
Hi Chilli, I also put on 4kg in 4 weeks... gynae say gonna slow down the weight gain.. I already 21 weeks, bb boy is about 430g.. think need to cut down on sweet stuff like cakes and softdrinks...also dun take too much rice...
Chilli, pls drink more water. The way to get rid of water retention is to drink lots of water n urine them out. Lift up your legs when u sit & sleep also
Hey Planet, Thanx! Sat was 20weeks, 5days. my bb tummy also rounded, in fact all readings is maximum high side of the scale, LOL!,but Dr Tham said all babies's tummies are like that, don worry.
I prefer chubby baby, cute and huggable!
Chilli Quek, my feets are swollen like yours too, now wearing size 8 instead of pre-pregnancy siz5- was told I walked too much, so advised to rest my legs every 30mins of walking, and rotate ankles if sitting too long.

Hazel- you are right, we should drink more water but cannot control bladder well now.
Al & windy: I love to drink 100+ during lunch. maybe thats y too much sodium ba.
birdbrain: I also hope my fats are stored at the right place.. hee..
Hazel: Now I lift my feet onto a carton box when I sit at my desk. hee.
Thanks pearl and planet!

Al, thanks and we are on cloud 9 now!

There will be so many beautiful Clothings for this baby girl!
& seems like alot of mommies here having 小龙女
Chilli quek, the weight cld b from water retention. Can try using the clarins anti eau oil ( not the clarins tonic oil we put on tummy) to rub your feet. Gets rid of water retention.
