(2012/01) Jan 2012

my boy getting super difficult again.. at nite dun want to sleep, then morn dun want wake up (to go IFC).. also keep waking up every 2-3hrs thro' the nite.. feed abit nia (~60ml) then go back sleep.. sigh.... any1 having the same problem? or is there anything i can try to make him sleep thro the nite? wonder if it's a sign that we shld be starting him on solids liao..

thanks very much hur!
i will order myself and put ur address. will give u copy of invoice. no worries, will do so by this week.

yes...mine also erratic. sometimes will dun sleep, sometimes will wake up talk, play, bat her toys....not sure if its cos they are teething also. Read somewhere teething and when they are about to learn how to crawl, they will have sleep regression....so its just a phase...hopefully it will end soon
hmmmm. mabbe teething? he loves to use the small face towel & blanket to rub his gums & chew on them. he'll chew his hands & pacifier too.
Jac: if always wake up drink abit of milk then sleep, then u can try giving him water?..that's how ppl taught to wean off night feeds. Get him a teether to bite.
moscato, my boy loves to drink water. we always give him water when he cries, esp when trying to get him to sleep. hahah. so the worry is he'll finish the whole bottle of water if we don't give him milk. babies can't drink too much water rite (think he's drinking ~100ml of water a day liao)? the pigeon teether like abit fat/thick to chew leh, he not very interested in it. any good teether to recommend?
jingles, u got the stage 1 or stage 2 de ah? avent stuff very confusing, pacifier alone so many types liao.. hahah..
moscato, i've got the training teether with rings step 1 (yellow & red color one). u also? this one abit dangerous leh, the flower petal almost kana his eyes a few times liao, so i kept it liao. i'm using the cooling teether (with liquid one) now. but like abit fat/thick lo.
yup..same one..i let him bit the bigger petal side.
I didnt buy the cooling teether cos i worry the liquid will leak out in case of breakage.
hoho I got a Tomy vibrating bee teether for my girl and she seems to love getting her gums vibrated (but salivate so much)! haha.. scared she'll get addicted to it and reject her pacifier so I only give the vibrating teether few minutes each Sat & Sun. I have the Pigeon Rattle teether but haven't use yet..

Jac: what? 100ml water a day? my girl only drinks about 20ml once or twice a week! I also heard about babies shouldn't be drinking too much, so I didn't want my girl to drink too much.

My girl also wakes up 2-3 times a night to drink milk. was wondering how to make her drink at night so that she will only wake up at 6am? anybody succeeded in that already?
Moscato: ya we four of us sleep in the same room...at first we thought wait didi cry wake gor gor or gor gor cry wake didi...but seems ok so far... Usually didi sleep first and then gor gor. Then during the sleep either gor gor cry or didi cry but both of them seems not disturbed by it. It is more of waking me and hubby up since both of them cry so loud...
Didi nowadays every 3 hr wan milk, so tiring...
I'm working for U Family - a free community for families and they are having a welcome gift now. Just sign up to be on their mailing list and get a free scotch brite sponge. www.ufamily.sg/signup

There's gonna be a Baby's Day Out event happening in Aug too so do join the mailing list to be updated.
about drinking water, pd once told me if bb on full breast milk no need water even if need only can max 30ml per day...but she never say f bb drinking formula though..shall ask this thur...bb going f injection...
it is kind of strange...bb go my mil and mother house cry cause recognise ppl and place...guess what, i brought him to explorer kids at ang mo kio hub today...so noisy and different place...he enjoy and never cry and can even sleep...and when ppl whom i dont know call him...he still can smile lor...funny right...
moscato, my boy will play with the pigeon teether & somehow he prefers the smaller petals side, mabbe coz can fit better into his mouth, but he very jialat one lo, coz his movt still not very smooth, sometimes push the petals too deep into his mouth & choke, then sometimes hit the petals into his face & almost kana his eyes a few times. sigh... the cooling teether is a free gift, seems safer than the flower one leh.. mabbe i'll get the avent one to try, saw reviews like not bad..

jean, ya. my grandma also commented that he's one weird baby. prefer water than milk. we actually have to pull the water bottle away from him in case he finishes the whole bottle. mabbe coz i drink alot of water too (~3L/day) during my pregnancy ba. hahah. maybe the water mtd works on ur gal? my cousin-in-laws use this mtd to train their bbs to sleep thro the nite.

brink, my PD mentioned max 150ml per day, but most babies don't ever drink this amt. my boy is a weird one la. mabbe ur bb thinks u r gonna throw him alone at ur mil/mum's hse so he cry? bbs r actually quite smart & sensitive. my boy associates me to sleeping & daddy/grandpa to playing. so sometimes he refuses to look at me or dont want me to carry when outside coz he doesn't want to sleep. but he'll smile big big when he sees his daddy/grandpa. but he'll look for me when he wants to sleep. hahah. mabbe u can visit ur mil/mum for 1-2hrs at the start & try carrying ur boy ard the hse. then slowly stretch the hrs & then put him down/ let other ppl carry him.
Hi mummies.. What have you all given for colleagues for bb first month? Any other voucher ideas besides bagawan solo.

Lazy or order those boxes cos I have quite alot to give.. Quite troublesome to carry them to office. Vouchers are easier to distribute
Amy, I got mini cupcakes from sweetest moments for colleagues to share. 1 box got 48 I think. then got bangawan solo voucher for those who bao bigger angpows.
Hi all, in case you are interested to go for the following talk:

Singcaptial Pte Ltd organised their Financial Literacy for Kids Camp last June and received very encouraging reviews from the Children who attended the 3 ½ days camp.

They will be running the Kids camp this June and it will be a FUN-FILLED, 2 days camp where they aim to educate ...children on the importance of Financial Planning through a series of fun learning activities and games.

The course materials is tailored for Kids aged between 8 - 12 years old. Please leave a message at [email protected] if you are keen on details such as Course Fees and Course Synopsis.

More info at: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/427838647250636/
Hi Amy, sweetests moments provide free delivery if exceed $200 plus I think. Personally I feel that giving out vouchers is convenient but lack of kidda joy in celebrating.
Hi mummies, I have been so tiring and busy ever since I started work. Rush here n there.

Anyone starting solids on your little one @ 4 months? What do u all give to your baby and how often?

When can our babies able to sit up without support? I'm so looking forward to it!
xuan mom, me too. work is piling up fast. tons of bb chores to do too. & boy's been so difficult recently. so stressed till I'm losing my temper quite often. sigh. I need a holiday break..... but can't go anywhere with bb in tow & also not much leave left. sigh. think I'm gonna try start rice cereal this wkend. boy alr 5+mths liao. also wanna start b4 go see PD next wk, so can ask for advise if got any issues. usually sit unsupported will be ard 7-8mths. meanwhile u can get the bumbo chair for her to sit.
yes..my mil also starts cerelac with bb this week. my bb is 5months plus old.

what cereal u looking at hur? healthy times/earth best or sprout? or cerelac also?
Hi mummies, been a while since I last check here. Been busy looking after bb at home. My bb starts to recog ppl even before 4 mths, and she also started to wake up for night feeds even though she used to sleep through the night ever since 1mth +. Glad to see that I'm not alone in handling all these bb issues.

Wanna ask mummies who are still on total bf, how long do you plan to be on total bf? I latch and pump to store the extra milk now. But with infrequent pumps (2-3pumps per day) and inadequate rest, it's hard to store enough bm for when bb goes to baby sitter when she's 6 mths old. Wonder if there is any way to increase bm supply at this stage or my supply is just going downhill all the way?

Quite disappointed coz I hope to bf for a year. But seems like not possible now
Hi bluecryst, me too struggling with bf supply. Now pump 1 time in morning, twice at work , if baby sleep early then one more pump at night. She takes 4 bottle a day, I pump 3 bottle a day, I m thinking of taking a day leave to pump
at home while baby in infant care.

Jac, me too . Working pile up everyday, I still got to take away 2 hours a day to prepare of pumping at work , then leaves work on the dot to pick up my girl. Morning pump before rushing out work. Baby now sleep very late, 11 plus and still have to force her sleep, then waking up for night feed once, usually ard 3 or 4am . She used to sleep right after night feed and sleep throughout till 7.30. Sianzzzzzz ... I'm panda cum ms cow.
jingles, I bought happy bellies brown rice cereal. organic & got dha. sounds good but dunno nice anot thou. I try liao then let u know. I heard cerealac abit sweet. so baby might not take other brands after eating cerealac.

xuan mom, can understand. I not pumping already so cham. think u'll be worse. but I do wish I can give bb bm too. sigh. keep up the good work k! jiayou jiayou! my boy feed at 10+pm & also sleep ard 11+pm & got to force him to sleep. cry & cry & struggle to get out of the yaolan. then somemore wake up at 1-2am & 5+am. then 5+am dont want sleep liao, want ppl play & talk to him. don't know what's happening to him. arrh.

I read that it is good to intro banana , carrot or sweet potato for a start , sweet and easier to digest. Have anyone tried that? I target to let her get solid when she is 5 month+
Hey mummies how do U all sterilize pump n bottle while pumping at work? U just sterilize at home then at office bfo I pump I use hot water from dispenser to rinise and I did that for my 2nd pump too.
Thanks jac, I intend to start with banana.Hiee yah lor excited. How many times u let her eat solid? Once a week first? Then after that does baby need to take solid everyday?

Then your baby put in high chair to eat?
For those working mummies who are still breast feeding, jia you... Me as a sahm don't even have enough breastmilk f my child lor. Now supply super super low like 20 to 30 ml per squeeze only...bb mostly on formula already...
Now bb 4 mths plus, just saw pd f his injection and pd advise us max is 120 ml water per day only and advise us to encourage him to look to his right as he prefer or most of the time only look to the left...weighing a good 6.8kg and length 69cm
am a happy mummy today
can feed banana now? I didn't introduce til my #1 has teeth which is after 10 mths old and banana is sweet.
I only introduce potato with carrot, sweet potato and apple (cooked) to #1. Somehow she doesnt like cooked apple so i stopped but she loves apple now. I think cooked apple doesnt taste nice. Tried avocado, she also doesn't like.
Dunno leh, i m afraid baby will get constipation after eating solid so thought banana be good, high fibre. Anyone baby OT constipation after solids?
xuan mom, rice cereal & banana r constipating leh.. i'll start this wkend, probably once a day to see how it goes.. i wonder how to tell the IFC to start bb on solids leh.. hmm, think i better ask them tmr.. for now, i'll be using the bumbo chair for feeding coz my boy can't sit well yet.. then transit him to high chair when he can sit well later..

moscato, i myself dont like avocado. wonder whether to let my boy try anot. hahah.

i'll start on rice cereal first, then probably sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, banana, apple, pear.......... is there any recommended order?
brink, not sure if your baby has the same problem as mine? My baby also likes to just turn to the right, resulting in his right side of his head flatter than the left. Initially, we just thought it is his personal preference, but when we brought up this issue to the pd, he told us baby has a stiff neck muscles and needs to go through physiotherapy. I believe that is also why he is a bit slower. His neck is still a bit wriggly, not strong enough. My boy just turned 4mths 2wks ago.
Hi my mouse pad, ya think is the same problem but pd never ask us to go see another doc cause she say just don't look good f the head a bit slighted other than that she just encourage us to let him see everything on the right and do some simple exercise. F physiotherapy, what did the doc advised? Can share... Thanks
Brink , mousepad, my gal head was slanted on one side too because she always sleep on her left. On the first day of school teacher also commented that and ask us to tilt her head to the other side even when she fall asleep and when Put her on rocker stuff a towel so that she face us in the desired side. It still still correctable bfo 6 months when skull still soft. Otherwise may affect her facial also if serious. Her head now is very much better already after we help her to rest on the other side.

Btw jac how much does the bumper cost arh?
Mousepad, is physio really necessary for your baby? Was the slanting quite bad ? My baby head wasn't very stable when she was going 4, but after that become firmer. Maybe is just a matter of time.
mousepad, brink & xuan mom, my PD also commented that my boy's head slant to right side & juz ask us to encourage him to look/sleep on the left. somehow he auto-corrected himself. he still prefers his right, but will look/sleep on left side for awhile too.

xuan mom, i got 2nd hand bumbo. usually with tray is abt $40, without tray is $30. don't think will be using it for long, maybe till 7-8mths ba. then after tat can sell off & get a high chair.
brink,xuan mom,jac:
i first brought up this problem to my GP, she also just asked me to encourage my baby to turn to his left. A mth later, I went to KK PD, I brought up the problem again. This time, the PD did some touching and told me baby has stiff left neck muscles, that's why he only likes to turn to his right. By then my baby's head is already very obviously flatter on the right. He had very round head when he was born. Haiz.

This is a condition known as torticollis, very common, can be corrected with consistent exercise. But I think the urgency to fix it asap is because the longer we drag, the more difficult to get the head back in shape. Xuan mom is right, the head could be corrected before baby turns 6mths.

Actually, my baby has been doing exercise for 2mths, now he sleeps on his left. The right side of the head is rounder now, but then still not balanced with the left side. And surprisingly even though he has been sleeping on his left lately, his left side of the head didnt turn flat at all, probably his skull is harder liao. There's nothing I can do liao, he's already turning to his left, I can only hope the right side still has chance to become rounder.

The physiotherapist said cos his stiff muscles are on the left, so he likes to turn to his right, so his right neck muscles are weaker. In the beginning, my baby didnt even turn his head straight. When I am in front of him, he would still tilt his head to the right and look at me from the side of his eyes. Doc said if you turn his head, of cos he will turn cos you make him turn, but the correct way is to make him turn himself. So have to do exercise to strengthen his neck muscles. The exercise is simple. I would say would help ba, after doing for a mth, I did see improvements. Anyway, cos the therapy session is only $25, I would rather play safe.

I have gotten a brochure and some exercise guides from KK. You all want to have a look? Give me your email, I forward to you.

Jac, I mean maybe cos my baby's neck is not strong enough yet, so he is still not ready to try flipping, a bit slow
Xuan mom, I also use boiling hot water to sterilize for 2nd pump at work if needed.
Thereafter seal in Tupperware box until need to use.

Did the same for #1 and seems sterile enough
Hi mouse pad, can u email me at [email protected]. Thanks. I read about the condition on the web if serious need to wear a head helmet to correct it. Hopefully all our kids condition not so serious..Like what u mention, my boy also sleep a lot On his right but not flattened too... His left is flatten. Anyway, we try to do whatever we can to get him to look to the right...tv, sleeping, looking at ppl...now he automatically sleep on his right...
By the way, anyone of your bb have cradle cap? My boy 4 mths plus still a bit , how to remove ah... Totally forget already... Anyone can share...thanks
my son had cradle cap.. put olive oil on his head, take cotton bud n slowly remove the excess skin cells.. after which, to maintain it, use dentinox cradle cap shampoo that u can find at watsons or guardian..

neck torticollis: my son was said to have it when he went for his 3rd mth jab.. was taught how to exercise his head n at 4 mth jab, doctor said its corrected.. gotta constantly exercise to 'loosen' the stiff muscles.. best to correct b4 6 mths..
Brink ,
Mine have it since 2nd month a 4cm patch above forehead. Just but baby oil johnson or any brand, put the oil on the cradle cap 5 or ten mins before bath, during bath time gentlely clean it. It will not come off in one time and will grow back, just keep applying everyday before bath to soften it and clean it during bath time. Mine resolve after two or three weeks.

mousepad, can email me too. [email protected]. thanks! my boy till now only flip to his left. right side still not very smooth, muz kick & kick very hard. probably due to stiff neck too? my MIL keep nagging me to use the yaolan coz say head shape will be nicer.

brink, my boy still has abit of cradle cap. coz we lazy, not consistent with applying olive oil. the other time I apply olive oil on the craddle cap in the morn then wash if off during bath time in the noon, & the cradle cap went off by itself after 1 week. now never apply then abit came back again. I bought the olive oil from unity pharmacy, got say meant for cradle cap one.
