(2012/01) Jan 2012

jkids, i pre-registered for the 2 MFS in punggol last sept coz then still cant decide whether to hire maid or IFC. only pre-registered for the MFSs in sengkang (got quite a few ah) when bb abt 2mths. but suprisingly those in sengkang also got call saying they've vacancies leh. so think can still try pre-registering online now & give their HQ a call ba. mabbe those on waitlist already found alternative arrangement liao.

valteen, my PD also say got fever (>38deg) then give med. heng my boy no fever (touch wood!) for both times.

re dropping hair, what are u mummies doing abt it ah? got any remedy to save/minimise the hair loss? usually when will it stop? i'm shedding hair all over the floor. so unsightly! sometimes carry my boy will also got hair fall onto his face. arraghr!! btw, i already cut my hair short b4 delivery liao.. wat else can help ah?
great to see many mummies back here this week...formum back to live leh. at one pt, boring wif juz a few mummies that i thought this forum going to close down

i was never given any remedy b4. it will stop dropping hair eventually but i cant rem wen leh. it seems so easy to get a place in ifc? i always heard it gets fullhouse easily...sometimes u want oso no space... is there a standard on how early need to book a place with ifc?

haha, got such nanny agents lah...a few in d mkt but most said they have on hand those going to client house to bbsit one, and not the other way round. u want ah? okok...i recalled now...i sort of rem u were in the same siutuation as me b4 abt your mil. what an event hor. so was your mil working prior to looking after your bb?

do u think bb will be shortsighted if they watched tv while lying down? :p yah 2nd jab. but he had 2 jabs coz i included pneumococcal oso
ok will try to check it out. Yep today second jab. My gal has fever the last round too.

I was told fever 37.6 and above.
Hahaha, i dont know leh whether shortsightedness or not.
My bb had two jabs today also. One 5in1 and pneumococcal. An oral rotavirus.
Poor thing, they jab both thighs at the same time.
valteen, my boy also took the 6-in-1, pneumococcal & rotavirus. he was screaming after the 2 jabs, but then managed to calm down after the sweet sweet rotavirus. think it muz be his fav vaccination. my boy's more lethargic than normal, but feeding still more or less the same. his temp morn 36.8, now 37.2 leh. dont know issit running a fever? shld I give the med?
Hi evon, I am using the swing. Started by using a pigeon pump for my first child and switched to the swing halfway and boy, what a difference the pump makes. Could pump much more. So continuing to use for this second child. The only disadvantage is that you can only pump one side at a time so take a while.
Took tdy too? He took rotavirus last ah? My gal was also tired and hungry so she cried more than the last round. Saw the two jabs on her, so heart pain.

Wat kind of thermometer u use? If 37.2, maybe u closely monitor it first ba.
jkids, I think alot is luck leh. depends on ur start date (when u want place bb at IFC). if juz nice they've vacancies during ur start date then they'll give it to u. some parents KS mah, pre-register very early & at all the centers, so the waitlist tend to be much longer than actually is ba. actually tot of starting my boy later one, but scared missed this chance than no vacancies liao, esp this yr is dragon yr.

valteen, no he took the vaccinations yest. yep, rotavirus last. yah, i also heartpain. his handiplast got big blob of blood, muz be damn painful! yest no fever leh. this evening when I pick him up from IFC then temp slightly higher than usual. I'm using the braun ear thermometer. last took 37.4, so gave him some paracetamol, but he spit most of it out! think coz it has a bitter aftertaste.
hmmmmm actually i spoke to nurses to kkh, infants below 6 months is best to use the digital thermometer at armpit....j

eh i wan lei...and somemore we are staying same area right? so let me know if u manage to get from the agent - is it alot of nannies to choose from and how is the quality? those nannies that is gg to baby sit in the house cost more than 1k right? wahh....it will b v v expensive lo. plus also duno wat kind of service and pattern they are going to provide....did the agent forward their resume to u, will I be able to take a look hur? :p
morning mummies! my boy still zzzzzz-ing. been zzz-ing more than usual since the jabs. waiting for him to wake up then send him to ifc.

jingles, yeah, i also read somewhere that says armpit temp is most accurate. but my boy doesnt keep still enuff to let me take his temp at the armpit leh. even the ear one also abit hard liao, scared poke into his ears. nanny more than 1k?? that's ex leh..
Hope ur boy better now? My gal was a little fever at 2+am, woke up and cried. Then jz nw her temp seemed to hv dropped but when i felt her head, like still warmer than usual. Where did ur boy take vaccine. Not kk i presume?

Yah i was told too thatbb below 6 mths use armpit better cos their ear 'smthg' not fully developed sear svan may not be accurate.
Oh yes, i think nannies who go to our hse is abt 1000+. V ex!
Hi Mummies,
I'm a June mum-to be, here to ask for fdback abt breast pumps. I'm considering Avent electric single pump and Mendela Swing. Anyone using either and can give some reviews? Thanks a lot!
bo bian de lo....nannies who work in ur house i think fetch this price....the price to pay for not engaging a maid which will eat ur privacy....

i wonder if you have the line on ur tummy still? i still have it lei..and it somehow becomes wider and wider like fatter n fatter on the skin.....and above my c-line seems like have black black marks too....how to make them go away?
valteen, we took the vaccination at the kids clinic @ rivervale mall (Sengkang). juz sent my boy to IFC. temp 37.2. teacher wasn't too keen to let him stay, say 37.5 then will call me to bring him home liao. so now I standby at home lo. sigh. can't go out to run my errands. need to buy new working clothes leh. I still got 8kg more to lose!! can't fit into old work attire. sianz....

mummies here already lose all ur pregnancy weight liao?
jingles, will the nanny help u do housework? cook for ur bb & family? like day time confinement nanny like tat huh? I still have the line. but not so concerned abt it. more sianz abt my flabby tummy. sigh.
i think i lose alot of weight cos i was v v worried over bb logistic issue.....so almost all my pass clothes can wear except for some bottoms think hip gets bigger.
as for nanny...depends la...they may do some light housework. But cook i think is no no lei...they wont cook for us...
jingles and jac:
yes abt 1.2k if nanny comes to your house. other than looking and cooking for bb, she will wash bb clothes. u can arrange wif her if u want her to do other housework not related to bb, provided she is ok wif it, but at additional cost.

u stay at northeast rite? i dun leh. it seems hard to find a nanny leh, at least for my area or is it due to dragon yr...i duno. i am given only two choices, but i am going to interview one only. agent will text u the biodata such as age, family members, hub's occupation. i will update u after the interview,
so u are even thinner than yr pre-preg weight? i am thinner than b4, veri happy wenever pp said i was thin or asked me to eat more, lol. it is harder to lose the extra kgs wen i am not pregnant.

u did c-section? i thought for c-section...since u din go thro lab contraction...yr hip bone should not have widen? i only heard tummy wld be bigger for those who went thro c-section? true?

my line is there...it will faint...thats all.
yes i stay in NE area..i think NE even harder to find nanny cos its so call the young ple area. So less oldies and more couples. Nope not thinner than pre-preg but I find i lost alot of weight lo...there is one belt i bot before I came back to work and few days ago when I tried, OMG i cant wear le cos too loose.....I guess I must be too stress ding dong one end of spore to the other....

Errmmm dunno lei i find my backside/hip area widen lei....hoping the line will fade..if not i cant swim -.-
I was also trying to get working clothes then but one thing led to anthr and i din really get many too. My tummy wasnt v big during preg so tunmy went dwn quite a bit but then can still see a bulge after all the makan post-delivery.
Ur bb at my first skool? Hope his temp will subside.

Can i ask u gals watz ur bbs usual temp ah? Mine sometimes will go dwn to 35+ leh. Thatz quite low. Dr say itz low but if bb behaving normally, itz still ok. If they show signs of lethargy, sian sian, etc then probably got to bring them go for check.
As for lines, i still hv a dark line across where csect wound is, and a horizon line which darkened during preg and still darker than my pre-prg days now leh.
Hi all,

Have you experience that your baby will not want to drink from milk bottle and wants your breast instead? I am not on total breast feeding, sometimes I let my boy suckle..somehow these two days I place him w my mil, he refuse to drink milk and even at home, when I gave him the bottle, he kept pushing it out from his mouth. But once he is on my breast, he suckle like nobody biz...Bottle also breasttmilk but he just refuse to drink...haiz..

hi Pamela: I am also considering changing my pigeon pump to the swing. Is it really that good that it is able to pump more? My current pigeon, like not so strong and fast..think after pumping, i use my own hand to squeeze faster lor...Have you consider the auto avent pump..why never choose that?

hi jingles ...somehow my line did not appear when I was pregnant,or maybe that time tummy too big to see but it became more obvious these days donno why...thought suppose to disappear after child birth??

infant care these days are so hard to find a place especially in sengkang area. I place my name on the waiting list of PCF infant care, they told me dont bother to wait cause I am like the 50 plus on waiting list and some parents have not given birth already place on waiting list earlier than me....

do everyone of your dragon bb wan carry carry all the time? my boy as long as he is awake, will cry f me to carry..once in my arms, he ok...how to break the habit???

anyone experience pain in the fingers nowadays? when doing my confinement, I was washing bottles in the middle of morning and late nights..now fingers feel pain...haiz..anyone got remedy can share...??
u wear bikini is it? keke

yours is joint pain? mine is finger nails pain due to frequent washing. no remedy for me..but for bb clothes, i now machine wash everyday, watever can be mach wash, juz do it. those hand wash, i go it once every few days.

wat abt put your bb in the bb cot with mobile on? that shd entertain him for sometime?
My fingers also pain. Actually itz the joints. Esp bad when u jz wake up in the morning. I also dunno how. Went bk to my tcm but not v consistent in tkg med these past weeks
no lei, the line didnt fade lei. U stay in SK hur? seems like a lot of mommies in NE area...50 plus in the line!!! OMG its crazy lo....like this can really wait damn long to find one -.-

i dont find fingers pain but my hands really become v rough lo. Kept washing bb clothes...abit wasted lei, her clothes so small and not many, use machine wash alot of water/$ ah..

yes lo.....all my gear is bikini. With the stupid line there i cant swim lei
wow...the thread is moving so fast!

jingles: there will be a PCF infantcare opening up in Punggol Vista. They are still constructing the place, i.e. building up walls, etc. target to finish in Q2. I called up PCF, said need a few more mths after completion before they can start operations cos need to deco and get MCYS license. A few parents & i were given conflicting info. They said take down our particulars & will call when ready to register. I spoke to another person said waitlist not started yet. asked me to call back in May and that they wont call me when the waitlist is opened. Funny one...

Jac: there will be another PCF ifc in coralinus? which blk? The Kids' Clinic queue very long hor! i want to bring my boy to see for his flu. Went down to register this morning before 10am..they still haven't call me to go down yet!

i'm back to pre-preggy #2's weight but still fat from #1 time..haa..
as for ifc waitlist, i feel got to be pro-active even though on waiting list. I actually waitlisted at Jac's boy's ifc since last Sept but they never call me but Jac managed to get a place there. So got to call back for updates.

but since there will be an ifc opening up nearer to my plc, i decided to wait for this. Easier for me to fetch cos got #1 to fetch as well.
Brink... Me lor.. Im on tbf now and bb became trb (totally reject bottle :p). Its a serious prob as ive tried bottle feeding her since 4 weeks ago... Succeeded only 10% of the time
Envy those mummies who have lost weight.. I still have 6kg to go and a huge belly to get rid of

Any tips on losing weight?? :p
Jac's bb is at MFS at Edgefield Plains. Yup, the new ifc is opp my plc only. But will only be ready for operations in Q3 and the area will be small cos it's cc cum ifc.

U are staying in sengkang or punggol area?
jingles, my boy is in My First Skool @ blk 183 edgefield (punggol). yeah, muz be proactive, pre-register liao then go visit the IFCs leave ur name, call up their HQ, tell them sob story, etc etc. hahah. think it all depends on whether they've vacancies on ur start date anot lo. from what I know if they've vacancies, they'll give it to the one who can start immed regardless of ur queue number on the waitlist coz they won't keep the vacancy open/ wait. so got chance la. the waitlist is usually longer than actually is coz parents tend to pre-register early & at all the centers. but some of the babies not even born yet, while others may have found alternative arrangement liao mah. the MFS at 126 punggol, 153 Sengkang & anchorvale one also called me saying got vacancies leh. can check here for this full list of IFCs & CCs -> https://www.childcarelink.gov.sg/ccls/home/ChdCccSrch.jsp

moscato, yeah. they've blocked up the void decks at some of the coralinus blocks. heard they're expanding the PCF kindergarten & gonna have a new IFC. but not sure when ready. yeah the kids clinic Q is long. but they take appt for vaccinations & they'll call u abt half hr b4 ur turn then u make ur way down, so usually i wait not more than 10mins at the clinic. my PD is dr Lillian Lim. like her alot. so reassuring.

brink, mine is a (heavy) bunny baby. loves to carry carry all the time too!
I lost my preggie weight but after all the eating, gained some more haha..and i'm not breast feeding anymore, hope can lose weight when start to work...

Any mummies who go jogging? Is it advisable to jog 3 months after giving birth or should wait longer?

Found this from the babycentre website
"It’s rare for this sort of reaction to happen. If you're worried that your baby may become very unwell as a result of his immunisation, you may be tempted to give him infant paracetamol just in case, even if he seems fine. However, it may help the vaccine work better if you don't.

One small study found that giving children paracetamol to prevent a fever coming on seemed to make the vaccine less effective. The children who were given paracetamol just in case produced fewer antibodies in response to the vaccine. If fewer antibodies are produced, it's possible that the vaccine may not work as well (Prymula et al 2009). The study recommended that unless your child has a fever that needs treating, it's better not to give him paracetamol."


Hope this helps.

I am still looking.....
Valteen, i register to be on waiting list for cc at the 2 my first skool near amk hub, one of which is the one u mention. Im kiasu parent, scared 18 mth no vacancy. Not putting my boy in ifc yet coz i will be a sahm for the time being. But even ifc in amk mostly no vacancy now, for the new ifc u mentioned, the staff told me 18 parents on waiting list n that centre is an extension from the nearby my first skool. I also check out amk hub cc, that centre full now, waitlist only start in 2013 for class open in 2014. So scared next yr want put child in cc also no vacancy anywhere in amk. Sian.
Wow thanks for sharing. Itz really frustrating sometimes.

Did they say watz the capacity like at the new centre? U stay ard also ah? Amkhub has no ifc yah? I hope the 18 meaning all that they hv not offered yet. And the 18 incl includes those on waitlist at the existing ctr?
I am desperate for a place ah!
Valteen, i called my first skool today. Didnt ask about the ifc capacity, juz ask the number on waiting list in case i cant cope w my bb with my wrist condition. Amk hub dun have ifc, i call juz to be on waitlist for their toddlers program. Anyway back to the 571 ifc, it is not open yet, u can do what jac did n call them proactively. The 571 is too far for me, im going to cancel my pre registration for that. Im staying near the primary schools on street 32.
Jac: i also saw Dr Lillian today. Yup, a nice and assuring lady. In the end, they called me at 3.30pm. Almost last patient already. Haizz, forgot to request for cough med to be on standby. Kept thinking in my mind there is no oral med for infants, except paracetamol. Hope can just buy frm the clinic if bb really developed cough. She did nasal suction for my bb today. Poor bb but better cos i cant suck out the mucus myself.
Thanks again Ritz. I had emailed them but didnt want to reveal much except tell me those standard politically correct reply. Guess i will try to call them later.
Haha Ritz
I called my first skool this morn. The capacity is 20 but they will enrol small number first then increase. The lady told me i am among the 20. I really hope i can get it! Desperate lah.
Valteen, hope u get in
haiz, rainy day n im down w flu w my bb at my own house. Wear mask to prevent spreading to him. Tough to take care of bb when sick. Hahas

Thanks I really hope so. Oh yes, when sick, all the more must watch hygiene factors, like washing hands, etc. Are you taking med? Do take care and try to rest whenever you have an oppt. Haiz....i know, easier said, but try lah.

My gal so good to sleep today. Just woke up wailing from her beauty sleep. Fed her and she dozed off again. Wonder if the vaccine is still nmaking her tired, or the weather is simply too cosy for her to snooze.
