(2012/01) Jan 2012

jingles, big ah.. i like! i like ah ma bra, more coverage/protection! hahah.. my hb will think otherwise.. :p

vanessa, aiyah i missed the show.. shld have gotten hb to watch.. he always say "ai zai", not worried at all leh..

jac... :p
its really big and cover till v high up lo :p
kekekekeke i dont like lei....sometimes i wear the top can see the top of the cups....think u go and try out then u will know wat i am talking abt
Jac: yah i think it's good to let hubby watch the show...let them know for real what it is like and there are bound to be problems that arise with disciplining kids, etc... otherwise they'll think it's a bed of roses..just need to play with them can liao...hahaha..

Grace: if your gynae says you're ok then you have nothing to worry about
vanessa, yep yep, exactly.. he keeps on thinking of playing with the kids nia.. the show is on every tues? i'll try keep in mind!
Hi mummies, long time din come here. 10 more wks can hold bb on my arm, getting excited n nervous. Hope can hv a smooth delivery.

Jac, the show is every Monday 9.30pm.
Vanessa - to grow bigger, drink more milk in the morning & eat more eggs. Healthier way of making the bb grow. I did that when I was in Tri 2, and bb grew quite fast.. then I got scared & cut down. ;p

At 32wks, bb was 1.9kg. I hope bb maintains her growth.. moderate ok! head cannot be too big ok bb! ;)

Poseidon.. I think Im worse.. I havent packed anything.. havent washed anything.. and to add on, I still have to prepare to move house in early Dec! tats' why I thot move house already then wash & pack. ;p my friends all said I v gungho. ;p

I cant wait to go on ML man!
hmm anyone knows if during confinement ur relatives will come and visit you? geetz....how i wish there is a way the kpos wont come when i am doing mine.....both bb and me will def time to settle down and rest.
jingles, i'm hoping my ILs won't come visit, else sure kana depression one.. hahah.. i guess usually relatives will call before they come ba.. can politely tell them say not convenient lo (e.g. baby or yourself not feeling well, etc)..
think it will be literally impossible not to let immediate relatives to come (tat means own family and direct ILs)....i jst wan stop those kpos aunties...sigh..how come they dont understand that their so-call "good advise" is never appreciated and wanted ... :p
jingles, my MIL is probably one of those kpo aunties u referring to.. always say she very chin chai one, but everything also wanna chap & have a say.. then if never follow what she say then give black face or niam non-stop.. damn sianz.. sigh..
actually my MIL is not that bad....is the other relatives whom i dont give a hoot about and think that they are v v smart....haiz...sometimes i feel like just shifting to pulau ubin or something to hide from all these kpos.....
Don't worry. I think those not close to you one won't prob visit. A lot of older people consider it unlucky to visit new mother in confinement Common practise is to visit at full month celebration party.
THough I did have close friends visiting =p. They didn't mind and I appreciated the company =)
ha...birdbrain ..i hope so ....

cos previously most of my cousins gave birth they went....irregardless they are close to the new mommies or not...they will go lo..
cos they deem it as go there to "help out" but seems like they do not understand the meaning of this proverb -more cooks will spoil the broth.
we dont need so many indian chef in the house, really.
Hi mummies,
I'm counting down 10weeks now, anyone deliver @ Mt A, cos abit concern about their renovation... wonder will e stay b comfortable

Any mummies intend 2 let bb sleep by themselves in other room?
Hi emmeline,
Welcome 2 Mt A, ya I always love (personal feel, not sure y) Mt A especially after visiting e rest @ other hospital in e past, in fact I then specially chose gynae base in Mt A for e convenient subsequently. Also hospital charges r affordable too

Juz slight disappointed when juz learn abt their ongoing major reno...
it really depends on the relatives themselves. some dun visit, while others only visit when u invite them to 1st mth. i appreciate those who take time to visit me, but those who dun visit, i am also ok coz i dun like to deal with too many visitors.
Emmeline: my symptom of pre term labour was regular contractions, high intensity every 5 min.. If no medication to control, might go into early labour. It's unlike Braxton hicks contractions where it's not so frequent.

I book my post natal massage with babies bellies.. I do my pre natal massage with them. Quite gd
u can consider. Post natal package is $550 for 10 sessions.
me already contact a post natal massage lady..recommand by my cousin-in-law... hee if she is really good then i will recommand her after i finish my post natal massage session =p
Jac, I'm also worried about my MIL like you. She's also the type that will give her 'advice' and nag and nag non-stop. I think we also can't stop them from coming during confinement as they would want to come and help or give their 'good advice'. I just try to filter out, one ear in one ear out lo. Can't be too stressed out during confinement period.
I have a friend, her MIL will even stand over her and see her breastfeed the bb...
hi mummies..

MIA for quite some time..was clearing my backlog cos away from office for 2 wks!

Vanessa, my bb even lighter than yours..1.6kg @ 32 weeks. Gynae said light, ask me to eat more. So now i drink a glass for maternal milk every morning. Hope his weight will be average when i go checkup next week. I only gained 0.4kg last mth, guess that contributed to his light weight too.
Hi Mummies,

I am a silent reader all this while n currently approaching 30wks. Am greatful for all the valuable information found here!

As my EDD is 4th Feb 2012 would like to join the Jan 2012 forum too

My details as follows:
EDD: 4th Feb 2012
Gender: Boy
Gynae: Dr Benjamin Tham
jingles, maybe u can get your mum/MIL/hb to politely tell your relatives not to come visit u ba.. give some excuse say u or bb not feeling well lo.. sigh.. not very looking forward to confinement..

grace, i also very sianz.. hb got help me filter out some of her nagging liao.. think she knows i not happy she nags at me, so she nags at my hb instead.. every time call at the wrong timing (e.g. dinner time, while driving, etc etc) & nag for a good 10-15mins on 1 single issue.. think i'll get my hb to tell her not to come too often & hopefully she gets the hint.. already told hb that i'll confirm suffer from depression coz of her..

bianz, i'll be delivering at Mt A.. my gynae was saying the reno is mainly in the reception/main lobby area, the delivery wards not affected.. whereas TMC having reno at delivery wards? i'll be going for the hospital tour next fri.. will update on the extend of the reno.. hopefully won't be too disruptive during our stay.. keeping fingers crossed..

emmeline, i also booked my postnatal pkg with babies bellies.. did some prenatal sessions with them too..

moscato & vanessa, jiayou jiayou!! eat more!! unlike u both, i need to eat lesser & control my diet.. sigh..
Im also intending to go to a licensed shop for post-natal.. like babies bellies or jamu massage.

I have 2 frens who have had their post natal done by freelance ladies. Apparently when they massage u, they are "absorbing" the toxins from your body on your behalf. One of them even vomited after massaging for my fren, saying it's becos the mummy passed too much toxins to her. The other kept burping cos she said the air has been transferred from the mummy to her. I was quite scared when I hear that.. like black magic leh... eeks... how come we dont hear of such things when we go for normal massages.. hmmm

Have u guys heard of these stories? That's why Im now a bit hesitant on freelancers.. hmmm...
Not sure if it's normal for post-natal massages.

Jingles - Mrs Wong BB said we should just tell the relatives not to visit us during the 1st mth becos mummies need the rest & time to look after the newborn. Which is why people have baby full month parties - becos in the past, relatives are only allowed to see the mummy & baby 1 mth later.
Hi Catherine,

I was given Ventolin and another medicine (can't rem the name) to control and stablizing my baby when i was having tightening of uterus.

Post natal massage: have you heard of Traditional holistic centre ? Heard from some mummies that they use hot stone compress massage which can help with increasing of breast milk.

You gonna take care and rest more. I realise laying down helps with relaxation than sitting up. less walking, no carrying of heavy stuffs and stay happy. Stay away from anything that make you stress.

Take care!
BIANZ: When is your due date? I haven't make any booking yet

Jac/Catherine: Did you opt for Maya from baby bellies or any specific massager? I'm considering Traditional Holistic Post nantal centre. They are charging $788 for 10 sessions which is kinda ex..
emmeline, i din specify anyone in particular coz don't really know who's good or not.. also think dec/jan got alot of mummies giving birth, might be difficult to get the one that you want? i'll juz let the lady boss allocate, not good then request to change.. i did consider traditional holistic too, but abit too ex leh.. but think they got include additional usage of hot stone & something else ba?
lush: i hired a freelancer last round..using her this time oso..never see her vomit or burping leh..she looks as normal as when she come in after she finished my session
Emmeline: I also never choose specific massage lady cos dun know who to choose. Hehehe...

Jac: TMC having Reno on delivery suites? Oh dear.. I opt for TMC...
catherine, that's what my gynae told me.. also saw on TMC's website that they're upgrading their delivery ward from oct-dec 2011.. but not sure what's the extend of the reno/upgrading.. maybe u can go down or call them to check out? anyway, shld be completed by the time we deliver ba?

lush, the "absorb" toxin part abit absurd leh.. i prefer to go to a shop rather than freelance coz they'll probably do a better job coz got reputation to maintain & can request to change the massage lady if she's not good, etc etc..
for mummies getting confinement catering from natal essentials, do take note of the dates of service disruptions..

- 24 Dec (Christmas Eve), 25 Dec (Christmas Day), 26 Dec (Public Holiday after Christmas Day)
- 1 Jan (New Year Day), 2 Jan (Public Holiday after New Year Day)
- 22 Jan (Chinese New Year Eve), 23 Jan (Chinese New Year 1st day), 24 Jan (Chinese New Year 2nd day) & 25 Jan (Chinese New Year 3rd day)

looks like alot of days hor.. wondering where i'm going get food on these days.. hahah..
Dear Mummies,

I bought some Desitin Rapid Relief Diaper Cream from US last week but just found out that I am unable to use them for my newborn as it will spoil the cloth diaper.

Singapore is selling at about S$12 for a 2 oz tube. I have 2 oz and 4 oz available. 2 oz is at S$8.20/tube and 4 oz at S$12.70/tube. Expiry date is February 2013. All in original packaging and unopened. I am selling the items at the price that I bought them at and have proof of receipt should you need them.

Do contact me if you are keen ya.. Can SMS me at 9138 4929 or drop me an email at [email protected]


100% Cotton Hanky/WashCloth from Korea

1 Pack (10 pcs) - $8.90 each (Less than $1 a piece!)
Above 3 packs - $8.50 each

I want to introduce this 100% cotton hanky for babies. It's brought in from Korea and I personally use no other hankies/wash cloths but these for my 1 year old baby. Since she was born till now, I have been using these hankies as washcloth for her face and body (even my CL says its very good and she has never seen it before!).

They are also used as burp clothes and her hanky for going out. In her first 6 months, she has slight reflux and frequently threw up. I prefered to use these cloths instead of tissue paper as they are much gentler to the skin.

It's super soft, thin, washes and dries easily and very cheap too! It can be washed over and over again in the washing machine and doesn't tear easily.

They come in packs of 10 at $8.90 each. If you get 3 packs and more, its $8.50. Postage is calculated separately or collection can be arranged.

PM me if keen. Thanks
Hi all, I am a nov mummy who had delivered to a baby boy at tmc on 14 nov.

I had some challenges in breast feeding so bought a breast feeding pillow (My Brest Friend brand) last friday. It did help a lot in my breast feeding but bec I do not have enuff milk for my baby, I decide not to latch him on already and will try to pump out whatever i hve instead.

The original price is $83. I am willing to let go at $65. It is still very new cos I only used it last friday and weekend, and I still have the plastic cover. Please pm me if you are interested. Self-collection at Toa Payoh - can arrange to meet at MRT station. Thanks.
Hi mummies

How many are doing the confinement catering here? I know our due date falls on Jan and confinement nannies are charging at a super high rate. I doubt confinement catering food are enough esp when there's beliefs that confinement mummies should not feel hungry or there will be 'wind' in your stomach. My cousin did her confinement catering and they only deliver one time a day, and the miserable portion is only enuough for a meal!

Post natal massage: Was viewing the website from babies bellies. Wondering if any mum (other than Jac/Catherine) opt for them. did you ask for hot compress theraphy & Ganggang- vaginal Spa (Include Sarong)?
emmeline84: perhaps ur cousin only opt for 1 meal a day package? cos usually confinement catering had different package, like 7 days a wk(lunch & dinner) or 5 days a wk (lunch & dinner)

I ordered from Natal essentials previously and each portion is enuff for me
zhuzhu, natal essentials told me that they'll be closed from 22-25 Jan for this CNY when i sent them my order confirmation leh.. maybe u wanna confirm with them? or maybe they dun deliver to my area on 25th?

emmeline, most confinement catering got 1 meal/delivery per day or 2 meals/delivery per day packages.. did your cousin order wrong pkg? so far i read that the food portion is sufficient & in fact quite generous for natal essentials.. for the postnatal pkg, the lady boss told me that Ganggang-vaginal Spa is more for normal vaginal birth to disinfect the v area.. we don't have to decide on the pkg now, juz pay the $100 deposit only.. only when u gonna activate the service then need decide whether u want to include the hot compress (probaby good if u have engorged breast) & Ganggang (probaby good if u have v birth)..
Does confinement catering enough for your whole day supply of food? Confinement munmmies should be having healthy, fresh from stove & warm food? My cousin had her confinement catering and it seems enough only for a meal.

Post natal massage: i'm wondering if any mum opt for hot compress theraphy / Ganggang- vaginal Spa (Include Sarong)?
hey mommies!!

moscato: we both have to jiayou!! drink more milk and hope baby will grow more!

the night before kena some cramping that lasted for a 4-5 hours..intermittent cramping that lasted more than 5mins each time..scare me leh! wanted to go hospital but thought it's not real contractions so tahan on... couldnt lie down at all..had to sleep sitting up! next day cramping went away but thought go see gynae better... heng baby is ok and cervix length is ok so it doesnt look like preterm labour... gynae mention about having bacteria infection (i had some brownish discharge) and this may have triggered the cramping..so she put me on antibiotics to treat the infection and hormones pills to relax the womb. I hope that I will not experience this anymore cos it's really quite painful...real contractions would be worse! dunno how to tahan sia...think i will go straight for epidural..haha

Just for laugh...

Catherine: when you say: "Stay away from anything that make you stress".

Makes me think of my Boss!!! I really must stay as away as possible!! haha
