(2012/01) Jan 2012

I didn't opt for vagina spa nor hot stone compress. Anyway, no need to decide now cos for babies bellies, just need to pay $100 deposit. Can decide the rest later. Hehe.. So I opt for the most basic package first

I dun have confinement lady. For food wise, temporary arrangement is my mother prepare lunch, my father in law prepare dinner. Baby taken care by my mother. But not sure my mother can cope or not. So thinking whether to order confinement food( lunch only) to relieve her load
which catering company is gd?

catherine, maybe u shld consider confinement catering ba.. the marketing & cooking part can take up quite abit of time & effort.. i saw quite a few good reviews on natal essentials, that's y decided to sign up with them.. most caterers offer early bird disc if u book 1 mth in advance, so do confirm early..

vanessa, sounds quite bad.. do take care k..

finally it's weekends!! yeah!! mummies enjoy!!
cyy: nope not Braxton Hicks.. cos braxton hicks only lasts about half a min each time..but mine's much longer than that.. hopefully the meds work and I dunt have to go thru that again!

Jac: Thanks dear...
so far so good ^_^

Have a good weekend ya'all!
Vanessa, how many weeks are you? I'm 31 weeks now and had cervical shortening in second trimester so was put on nifedipine (adalat) to prevent preterm labor since week 26, supposed to take til week 34. My 2 gynaes says they rather take a preventive approach and I followed their advice but can't help wondering whether they are over cautious. What medication are you on now?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies-to-be,

We are having pre-order for Authentic Hello Kitty Learning Chopsticks @ $12.43 per pair &amp; Pororo toothbrushes for young children! Also have authentic edison/disney/pororo learning chopsticks too! View @ http://www.allaboutzu.com/for-child.html

Thanks &amp; cheers,
BHG is having 20% off all regular items on baby/children stuff till 4 dec. Can go and have a look when u all have time. Hehe.. I just bought a few items for baby..
I think the one in bugis got wide range of baby stuff. Love to shop there.
Hi mummies,
Juz went Orchard last nite 2 discover Robinson having 20% for robinson card holders n OG having 20% for Amex card holders too on most selected brands in case u interested, got some bb n avent products fm Robinson
Juz went for Mt A maternity tour yest, since their renovation will only complete end of next year was advise 2 check out during weekday when works r @ their full blast, so u can decide whether e noise level is acceptable b4 u decide 2 deliver with them

Also juz learn tat should u check into their delivery suite eg. @ 9pm but only deliver after midnite u will b charged additional delivery suite n any aid u use on e nite b4 since their package only kick start from e day bb arrive, wonder do other hospital practice e same...??? So must tahan till next day 2 check in 2 b economical...
Bianz.. i think TMC also the same..coz my fren told me she endure her contraction until 12 midnite before she admit herself to TMC to avoid one day extra charges..
reminded me of my experience at tmc. i started hacing cramp but my hub was told if we wanted to save on the 1 day charge, could only register at 11pm onward so that we would onli be charged next day rate. imagine i was in pain in the lab ward while my hub was still doing the registering. luckily he made it in time for me to deliver...argh.
Hi all, just went to toyogo toa payoh today. Bought $59 5 tier drawer in full white color. Quite nice..they still give some small drawer as free gift..
re:checking in
i think really depends on how high is the tolerance level...sometimes some $$ cannot be saved..so its really up to individual
morning mommies.
last week of nov before we are heading towards our final month!

yah..its pretty cheap to get your drawers there. i got mine abt 20plus still got free mini drawer and fan.

checking in of ward
err..i think tat depends on individual bah...if you cant tolerate the pain and first time mothers, think better get urself admitted. At least there are specialist to look after you there should anything happen.
Morning everyone, it is a start of a brand new week !!
Anyone has special plan in mind of what to do before our baby comes out??

I told my hubby abt delaying check-in if just differs a bit and he freaked out.. Hehe i agree with jingles that it depends on the pain tolerance of each individual.
ohhh i am doing up a bb journal as well as looking ard for bb full month cakes...

also quite bz "nesting"
make sure his wardrobe got everything as well as her things are mostly wash .....

other than that, bz sleeping also :p

wonder any1 intend to follow gina ford's bb schedule?
Good morning mommies!! It's a sunny day today! Hope it stays this way!

RitzC: I'm 33 weeks now. My cervix length is ok so not sure why cramping occured..my gynae prescribed Amoxycillin for the treatment of the bacteria infection. She says that this kinda bacteria is very common in preggers and so usually no treatment needed until when we are in the labour ward. But since I experienced cramping now, she's taking precautions just in case so I am on this meds for a week.
She also prescribed Utrogestan which is a Progesterone pill to relax the womb.
Better to follow their advice especially if yours is cervix shortening. Baby is not ready to be born until at least Week 37 at maturity so do take your meds regularly yah

Re: checking in
This kind of money really cannot be saved. If my hubby ask me to tolerate the pain just to save on 1day expense i will kill him...hahaha..

have you all started to place disposable waterproof sheets on your side of the bed? Was advised by a friend to do that a month before EDD just in case water bag breaks..wouldnt want to spoil the mattress..

I'm also almost done with washing and place them in vacuum sealed bags to keep out dust...the cot's coming a week from now.. wooo excited to see baby but at the same time worried about the delivery part..last Friday's prenatal class showed the actual delivery process..wah piang..pain sia... ><
jingles: Gina Ford schedule is the one that helps baby adhere to a fixed schedule so that he/she can sleep through the night sooner? hehe.. can we get the info on the web? or we need to buy the book?
my maid will be coming following week &amp; baby in abt another mth time.. i'm starting to miss my er ren shi jie already.. currently still busy shopping for bb's stuff &amp; preparing maid room, nursery, etc.. think will plan for some movie cum nice lunch/dinner with hb soon.. need to treasure these last few moments of er ren shi jie.. hahah..
yes thats the one..
i think u need to buy the book and read thoroughly cos inside the book she also teaches other things and rationale why things are done this way.
wahhh vanessa u still put in bag then put in cupboard??? double protection...i cant wor...i dnt have bags big enuff for my cot bumper :p

kekekeke yes the last bit of dash before bb arrives...and also the crying arrives :p
i am not planning anything special for the last mth..probably spend more time with my boy b4 i get busy with the bb..but i am already start planning how to spend my 4 mths ML..
jingles: where can i get the book from? in your opinion, will her method work? is it very stressful for the baby? hehehe...
yah i buy those vacuum seal bags from daiso..they have quite big sizes so should be able to fit your cot bumper bah... i scared later wash liao will collect dust mah..then have to wash again...so put in bags better...

jac: yup er ren shi jie ending soon...
u have a room for the maid ah? think my maid have to sleep in the baby room..MIL have to sleep there too if she comes..haha.. no rooms avail liao...u getting bed for maid or just mattress?

cyy: yes i feel sleepy and tired everyday! never do much things also very tired...

moscato: pubic bone pain? then cannot always bend down and carry stuff hor...take care ah!
vanessa, i got 2 common rooms (besides the master bedroom).. so 1 for study cum bb's play area &amp; 1 for the maid.. bb will be sleeping with us in the master bedroom (3 person share 1 room, maid better life than us.. hahah).. no room for MIL! :p.. getting a 8" S/S mattress (without bedframe) for the maid..

jingles, i'm also wondering if shld get bb to follow a fixed schedule.. is gina ford the best one to follow?
Pardon my "intrusion" into this thread.

I have one unit of preloved Medela Freestyle to let go as I have stopped breastfeeding. It is a local unit that was purchased in 2010. Complete set (with box and receipt) in good condition.

Letting go at S$300 (neg). Also able to throw in freebies like BNIB baby clothes, etc.

If you are interested, please contact me at wusimidaizi [at] gmail [.] com.

re: Gina Ford
I think for gina ford method, you probably have to be hardhearted..and esp with elderly around the hse, might be difficult to follow the schdeule..

Why dun borrow from the library first..n see if there is a need to buy a BN copy?
Hi Anyone experience stomache?For me its frequent.Dunno is it because of braxton hicks?
Or wind in the tummy??Indigestion??
Haiz...3rd child already i still forgot how contraction is like...
zhuzhu: wow!~ start to plan your 4mths ML liao! hehe...go shopping? high tea..be tai tai? hehe

library got the book is it? is there various editions of the book? wanna get the newest one.. not sure if library has it though...anyone knows?

Jac: One of my rooms converted to entertainment room for my hubby...haizz so now we are only left with 1 room to work with... havent decided if bb will sleep with us cos i worried my hubby's "orchestra" at night will keep the baby awake whole night then i cham liao...
Vanessa: I have get up slowly when sitting down..Sleeping time worse cos can feel the pain when i move my legs or trying to turn. Now my #1 cranky during sleep time so i have to get up &amp; down to attend to her..terrible..
one of my coll. bot for me from states...but i think u can get a copy from local bookstore like kino also. Agree with zhu2, if you wan follow gina ford, u got to be v discipline, and not only u gg to have difficulties with the oldies, its also gg to interfere with ur life...

eg. if i am not wrong, bb napping time for 0-6 months will be 12-2pm, that means u dont need to think of gg out for lunches during weekends le...so u will be grounded with bb, unless u have a helper and have no fear of living ur bb with her.

BUT the bright side of gina ford followers are - all of them told me if u really follow it through, u will hav minimal disturbance during the night from bb. cos bb is being "well-trained"...so it actually depends on what u wan.

yes there are different variations of the book....cant rem the title...i will check it out tonight and let u know...Through wat i know tat book is quite a hot item, so kind of hard to find in the library.

kekekeke one of my rooms also entertainment room last time. but we quickly converted it to bb's room few months back ....cos i know its gg to be humpty dumpty for the last few weeks before i pop le.

must take good care hur...
there are always 2 schools of raising kids. Depends how hard-hearted and how you want to raise your kids.

Some ppl will tell you not to carry them when they cry...some will tell you to carry if not they will feel insecure. But if go by Gina Fords method, guess it's "xian ku hou tian" lor.
starting to feel uncomfortable already..sigh. lower tummy area keep feeling pain on and off.. i wonder is it BH..

Lower back area for the past few days also aching..on and off.. not really pain..just very "sour"..wonder is it backache..sigh

Tell myself to endure a bit more.. 36 wks liao..
vanessa, wha entertainment room.. convert it to baby room! hahah.. hb &amp; myself r quite deep sleeper (sometimes sleep thro even when alarm clock is ringing), so worried can't hear bb crying at nite if he's in another room.. i'm actually more worried that bb might keep hb awake than the the other way round.. scared hb later too tired &amp; can't focus at work.. he may have to sleep on the sofa in the living room if that's the case.. hahah..

moscato, get your hb to help with the preparations &amp; attend to your #1? he shld have some experience mah? know it's not easy being preggy &amp; taking care of a young toddler.. take care &amp; jiayou k!!
I went for my checkup on Sat. At 34wks, bb is 2.25kg!! Hmm.. baby centre says ave is abt 2.1 – 2.2kg, so just a littttttlllleeee bit over..

But I have put on 14kg already!! so sad…

I was talking to gynae about me hoping to deliver in end Dec instead of 1st week Jan.. she said “u can induce u know.. u wan? I can try for you on 30 Dec.”.. hmmm… how? Should we induce? Like not natural.. yet I like Dec babies.. ;p

Maybe we should ask fengshui master which date is a better date for bb to be born? ;p

I get BH contractions a few times a day.. sometimes when Im walking.. then have to suddenly slow down whilst waiting for it to go away...

I only have 1 other bedroom besides the master. Sigh.. which means mil will have to sleep in that pretty room (which I decorated for bb already) when she's here.. and confinement nanny too.. will be super squeezy lor..

last week I went for yoga, the instructor said we have to tryyy to go without pain killers.. she said all yoga instructors will tell u the same thing.. just practice breathing &amp; go on all fours to aid birth.. wa... so tempting but so scared...
eh? Poseidon, you 36weeks meh? I thot u're 34wks like me.. if you're 36weeks u will be delivering in the last week of Dec ah.. wow... envious.. ;p
36 weeks?? tat means u will be the first one over here to pop!! so exciting......

hur...go w/o pain killers....errr........tats scary lei...kind of remind me being rambo, gg through the whole thing raw and without epi...i think i will go mad with the intense pain.

kekeke no choice lei..i getting a CL. If bb sleeps with me, then CL will have better sleep than me lo (and she is gg to have a whole room herself)..i am suppose to recuperate lei...but i believe being a new mommy i wont exactly leave her to care for bb de...think i will wake up several times a night to check on NB....
lol. my baby room was my hubby's toy room. i evicted 3 of his toy cupboards to my study cum MJ room. hubby keep complaining but no choice cos baby more impt. =P

baby wil slp with CL for 1st mth, after that we sld be shifting his cot into our room. no need to run 2 rooms at night.

Vanessa - where do u get the disposable waterproof sheets?
my edd is 3 jan.. so it is like wk 35/36..haa i make myself happy..tell myself is wk 36..yah i think i will be 1st few to pop.. u know i go to the nov2011 tread to read all the birth stories..super scary..

I am already feeling very uncomfortable with all the backache and BH..ask me go w/o epi i will die!!!
vanessa: LOLz..i am planning to take up some cake deco lessons..probably oso trying to figure how to play some shares..
but just planning lar..

Lush: ur gynea pro induce ah..i know my gynea don't..cos i asked him b4 i delivery #1..he not keen to induce..say let nature take its course..

snowwhite80: i tink kiddy palace or dept store should hv..i bot it..but din use it at all

liquidskye: u can get the disposable sheets from pharmacy..they have diff sizes..
jingles, ya true, for those getting CL then most likely bb will be sleeping with CL since CL will be doing the nite duty.. i got no CL so will be doing the nite duty myself.. sigh.. worried i can't cope..

lush, i put on 14kg already at 32 wks!! now dunno how much more liao.. feeling damn sad also.. dunno can lose the weight anot.. sigh.. my boy was 2.1kg at 32 wks, even heavier.. but gynae says is quite avg?? when is your EDD ah? i also dunno whether to induce anot.. tempted.. 31st Dec or 1st Jan sounds good.. but hb not very keen thou.. think i won't be able to cope without epi.. my gynae also like very pro epi leh..

snowwhite, i saw kiddy palace selling belly button wraps..

liquidskye, u can get the disposable waterproof sheets from guardian..

i got my disposable sheets in mothercare...but i think u can find them in most infant corners of OG or BHG

u v brave lei...dont read too much la..over information will make u speculate unnecessary and make urself scare :p

i saw those wraps in mothercare and kiddy palace..maybe you can check it out
