(2012/01) Jan 2012

Yah, unless can get someone pro to process. But wonder the pills can keep for how long. Heard if child sick can help them too.
just had my checkup.. boyboy is 2.1kg at 32W4D, heavy leh, make me always feel so heavy & clumsy, but gynae says quite average.. manage to take some 3D photos, not very nice thou coz he's always in his fav position (heads down & face backwards with hands infront of his face) & can take half the face nia.. sigh.. gynea also told me not to anyhow take raspberry tea, coconut water, etc, say no scientific proof/benefit.. any1 check with their gynae?
Jac: I never ask gynea abt the coconut juice..anyway i am planning to drink once a wk for the last mth...so should be quite ok..its in moderation
i ever listened to a bb talk b4. the chinese physician said coconut juice can be used to replace birdnest for those who cannot afford it. n she never said cannot anyhow take. they said bb will have a rosy face.
Jac..my little boy is abt the same wt as yours.. mine is 2.2kg at 33W.. me also feeling clumsy..haa gynea also told me average wt..
Regarding coconut juice.. my dad is against it.. he is a chinese physician by the way..told me it is too cooling already..tell me dont anyhow drink..ask me to drink barely water and water chestnut water instead..
poseidon, wow thanks for sharing! my gynae also say coconut water is too cooling & may cause heavy bleeding during labour.. also say it's a old wife tale rather than a TCM thing.. same goes for bathing during confinement.. TCM also say can bathe, but muz be hot water, true? btw, is it safe to drink sugar cane? will too cooling? I usually take 1-2 times a week when dining at hawker centers.. din give much tot to it until this coconut water thingy.. oops..
jkids, I heard coconut water is cooling, but the flesh is heaty.. so maybe it's ok if u take both together? alot of conflicting stories leh.. think better play safe & not take?
yes, i heard must take both together so it wun be a problem, not cool nor heaty
i have been taking since my 1st pregnancy, its ok one.
but others who feel uneasy should juz avoid it.
my swelling down there is not gone even though i bought the pile cream. but there's no pain nor bleed. is this normal or i should be concerned?
morning mommies
its ok bah...mine is also still there...i guess if ur bowels is ok, no bleeding no itch, no pain it is fine. Created by bb's heavy height....hope it will be gone after giving birth bah.

as wat alot of ple told me, there are alot of things out there as good as the placenta too. but of cos cleaner...no point eating something we dont know how the ple process the placenta :p
jkids, try cold compress.. it helps for me.. i also starting to feel the effects liao - heavy, clumsy, tired, achy, etc etc.. can't wait for bb to come out quickly..
any1 going for Mt A maternity tour? juz booked the 2dec (fri) slot.. wanted to book a sat slot, but the next available date will be 24dec liao.. din noe it's so popular.. -.-"
Jac..he didnt mention anything about sugar cane..i didnt ask also.. =p but i got drink lah..once in a while
Regarding bathing during confinment..i didnt ask ley..so i dont know...at most bath with herbs lor..better than not being able to bath at all
My mum listens to FM97.2 very often. Every Thurs, there is a talk by gynae (think is Dr Christopher something). She mentioned that there was once when the DJ commented that it's good to drink coconut water in the last tri because the baby will be cleaner when he/she is born, less mucous surrounding baby and less blood... something like tat. But it's only the green coconut, not the small Thai ones. Green ones are so hard to find! I cant find it near my house, maybe have to go to East Coast Park or wet market or something...so I have not managed to take any. I took the Thai coconut a few days ago though.

I find it so difficult to sleep now.. even when lying on my side.. somehow v difficult to breath and stomach feels uncomfortable. sigh.. I tried sitting up & lying back, like 75degrees, yesterday... felt so much better, hahah.

My tummy is quite big.. everyone thought that Im going to deliver in early Dec...

And I got the flu again! sigh.. this is my 3rd time catching flu in this pregnancy. Why liddat..
I only dare to take half a flu tablet. dun dare to take too much.. ;p
lush: the last time i took the small thai coconut..wah the green one is quite big leh..alot of juice to drink from it..
lush - i think both me and u gg through the same...everyone is thinking i will pop in dec...well tats for us 1st week of jan mommies

same here i am having probs, sitting, standing and sleeping
when sitting - seems really tight and sometimes tinggling sensation at the bottom
standing - legs will get achy
sleeping - its tough to get the best possible position..seems like all position is bad -.-

have u pack ur maternity bag yet?
Lush, i feels the same too.. Had difficulty getting to sleep due to short of breath. Ya, somehow, sitting up helps, but not that comfortable to sleep.

I had bad runny nose last week too, from monday night to fri, think third time during pregnancy too... and taking the medicine makes me super drowsy. I visited my gynae last week, and told him about it. I feel like baby is having less movement due to the medicine too. Gynae suggest that i take the medicine at night and rest well. Was given MC for today, but cant take due to audit. So blue today....
jingles, yalor! different colleagues kept exclaiming "har! i thought u going to deliver soon already!" almost every week... -_-

oops.. I havent packed yet. heheee.. kinda lazy and kept procrastinating.. I thought I'll pack in the 1st week of Dec. heeee...

mknwt, oh no, why cannot take leave.. but u're on MC + u're preggy... they should give you priority... maybe u cough a bit more, they will ask u to go home.. more cos they dont want u to pass the germs to them? heheee ;p

Im wondering if we should start queuing up for pre-nursery already...

I was looking at Nanyang Kindergarten's website, their pre-nursery starts at age 3. So maybe if we start queuing next Jan when kid is born, we will have a bit of chance? ;p
wahhhhhhhh queuing up for prenursery now!
errr....is it too early?

hmm better pack bag now..if nt last min sure v kan chiong!
Lush..if you are talking about nanyang kindergarten..then maybe u need to Q NOW..haa not after baby is born =p that is the hotest kindergarten in sg ley..
lush: like poseidon gal say, u need to start Q-ing now for Nanyang kindergarten..if u google for it..should hv some articles on the Q for nanyang.

Jingles: if got time, better start packing the bag now..dun wan later last min, kan cheong..then forget alot of things
i also havent pack bag ley.. i havent buy button front PJs ley...seriously need button front PJs har..i never wear PJs before ley..always wear t-shirt and shorts to bed.. =p
thinking of getting button front t-shirt instead..anyone know where to get them?
button front PJs easier to breast feed lo...and most of the time during confinement time wont be gg out...so wearing PJs is more comfy at home. Alternatively u can get guy's shirt with buttons infront.
Jingles, do agree wif u abt the placenta thingy.

Am just starting to pack too and ahhh, thinking of buying a front button pj too. Easy to feed.
yah..i am also getting some new shorts (cos all my old ones i cant fit in anymore
) think first few days may stain so....if i am wearing those night dresses front down, gg to wear pants at the bottom too.
morning mummies..

just had my 30th week check yesterday and bb is at 1.5kg haha....doc said it's slightly above average..

i always buy my shorts from watson's..those that costs only $2, so that when stained and can't wash off i just throw keke..

i bought front button pjs from tpy central, and it's much cheaper than buying from dept stores..but provided you are not that particular about the prints on it haha..
shorts from watson??
so far i yet to see any lei....
ermm i wonder i can fit into their sizes or not..

hmm ya...prints from TPY can be quite orbit...with funny looking bears and words..think the PJs cost me abt $18
jingles, it's always in those promo bins..then it's actually boxer shorts haha..but some of the designs don't come with buttons in front, so i always get those to wear at home..now preggie i just get bigger size

the sizes range from S to XL, it's wrapped in plastic packaging but I always take out to see keke

hahaha since wear at home one i not so particular about the prints as long as the material's still alright..i bought 2 for $16 ah, but orbit hello kitty lor haha
Medory n Jingles - u2 stay at Bishan/Tpy area too? I also got those $2 boxer fr Watson! They r meant for men cos of the front button but since wear home ok lor
need to get the front button pjs too. Will check out when I go Tpy

Medory - went Dr Lee at wk 28 2 wks ago bb almost 1kg. Only going next wk at 31 wk wonder how's bb.. How often u visit him now?
2 for $16!!!!
ahhh tat means i kana chop liao... -.-
hmm think i must go and see the boxers from watson le.....$2 is quite cheap i jst hope that they will not run color in the washing machine

no la i stay in punggol area....but will hang ard in TP too :p
hkbaby, my mum stays at TPY and anyway i stayed in TPY all my life till i gotten married haha..the shop at TPY that i bought my pjs from also sells some bb stuff which i think is quite cheap also

My visits now would be once every 2 weeks
then he mentioned my EDD could be slightly earlier at end Jan now..hopefully won't clash with CNY period haha
jingles, maybe the pjs u bought were nicer than my orbit hello kitty ones

so far i think those boxer shorts of mine don't run colour but maybe just be careful during the first wash bah..

haha, actually i think those old neighbourhoods are good for finding cheap stuff sometimes
ya...i like TP....nice place with good finds.
Though i think most of the shops may close down soon due to rising rentals.
i love to eat the ban mian at 177. v v yummy!
jingles, i'm taking birdnest once a week.. my current supply shld be able to last me till 37W.. not gonna continue after tat..

i'm getting really nervous &amp; worried abt the labour process as the date draws closer.. >.<
taking birdnest once a wk..been doing that since the 6th month..
Toa Payoh got sell cheap PJs har..central area?? hmm i will go and take a look this sunday..hee i also used to stay at near TPY central..hee
i still wearing my old fbt shorts..haa now become super low cut shorts liao..
you are not the only one bah...
guess i am also not the only one when the whole class turn green when talking abt labour process..haiz...jst hope tat it will be fast and smooth.......every now and then this jitters will come.....

yes...its ard blk 177 area lo...there got alot of lelong clothes...i cant wear any of my pants liao..super envious u can still fit in.
